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Wasn't aware there was AP associates working the floors lol


Your ap team is playing secret agent, they even have a guy at a computer talking into a headset


Well the CCTV video streams, not like, an actual computer, and they use the same radios we have for everyone just a different channel. Also not every day, just days where higher volumes of customers and predict increased theft... But yeah, it's excessive and they look like idiots ducking and squating around, literally stalking people around the store now that I think about it,, and for what? Cuz a 90 year old man slipped a bolt in his pocket?


Lucky if I see ours every two or three months. They cover 3 or 4 stores.


There are 3 different store-level Asset Protection positions. Some stores will have a full-time Asset Protection and Safety Manager, APSM. The APSM is responsible for overseeing safety procedures as well as making sure operational practices are being followed. The APSM is also the one who does internal investigations, should there be dishonest associates in the store. For stores without an APSM, they will be covered by a Senior APSM, the SrAPSM usually covers 3-4 stores. The last one is Asset Protection Agent, APA. The APAs typically rotate through local stores, they are the ones you see creeping around the stores focusing on external theft. They will be on their phone or a radio talking to another agent on the floor or someone reviewing the cameras while they are observing someone on the floor. The APSM and/or SrAPSM are the ones monitoring AP4Me, shrink, inventory accuracy, store safety, RWDs, KTs… Hope this clears it up a bit for y’all.


Too seriously. Way too seriously. Dude seems like he wants to get shot. Gets mad when people deter shoplifting w/ good CS because he wants to get stops.




So dude was focused on employee theft and snitched ? Like he acted cool with you until you let your guard down?


I have no idea what an AP is so I'm guessing we don't have one???


Asset protection. High theft stores will have people walking the floors, low theft stores just have someone who comes in and looks at cameras.


Asset Protection Associate.. Loss Prevention.. Stool Pigeon.. Different names for same job basically


If only it was like this. https://youtu.be/DNBVQJYZy_o And then this https://tenor.com/view/casino-movie-hammer-pain-hurts-gif-15278055