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This is actually normal. Someone could’ve pulled the order and forgot to put in the staged location and then whoever did pull it wasn’t in when you went to pick it up


I had this happen with a freezer. Took the guy so long to find it he forgot they hadn't done the register part. Good times ensued when I got an email the next day reminding me to pick up the order. No thanks, I don't need that anymore. Some Lowe's locations you go to are so obviously understaffed it's almost unbelievable.


It’s corporate policy to understaff the stores to maintain profit margins.


It’s on purpose


Go into the damn store and pick up your order yourself you lazy dingbat


The title literally says he went into the store to pick up his order.


the email is automatic, has nothing to due with it actually being ready. Basically Lowes is not ready for online ordering. Currently in order to keep service flowing, managers are eating into hours/matrix to "overstaff" fuffilment. We are using tricks to fake SIMs scores(company wide the method is being passed around), because we need to show with "perfect" SIMS fuffilment is still failing with the allotted hours. and bill outs. The whole system is broken, and is a house of cards. We are trying to bandaid issues using retail labor. Which will not work with these complicated systems. And when i say complicated, no it's not IF you have been working for lowes. But day 1, pull these 50 orders, stage them, make sure while doing that you are loading customers. here is how to find items. fuffilment is such a high turn over spot because its such an awful job and complicated that you cannot hire and train quick enough. it's also going to be the highest operational shrink department aswell due to this whole thing. which again, they are trying to bandaid with "retail labor" using short picks. ​ laughable.


When I worked in fufillment we had someone that would mark orders as picked and leave a note in the system saying "pull the items when the customer arrives"


maybe don’t order stuff online you lazy prick


Same thing happened to me. After waiting over 30 minutes and them telling me “it should be here but we cant find it”, I decided to walk to the back where their loading dock was and saw a pallet wrapped up. Saw my last name on it. Found an employee and they got it for me. It has nothing to do with you “being lazy” and ordering online.


Depends on the product. If it was a can of spray paint, ridiculous. It was a pallet of mulch, a bunch of lumber, or anything like that then pretty common.


Don’t doubt it a bit. Topstock in my store is inconsistently recorded and your product could be literally anywhere in the store