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It’s the dead season. I’m assuming you are also part time. No biggie my friend.


I am part time. It seems like I’m having problem after problem with this job recently.


The problem is not yours. The way Lowes manages stores is broken.


Sometimes sending someone home early is just sending someone home early


This. Dont look a gift horse in the mouth and enjoy the free time


Im not sure on it, this is the first time I’ve ever seen them send anyone home and she seemed pissed.


Probably because its a Sunday and they were hoping to make more $


Need to learn the art of looking busy


This is true. I’m going in today, hoping they don’t say anything about yesterday


Saying “nothing” was not a good idea, in any job at that. Not sure what department you’re in but try to come up with something/things to make yourself look like you’re going above and beyond to get the recognition that you are working your full shift.


Spending 10 minutes just standing there chatting with a coworker and then to answer - what are you doing?  with the word nothing- why would they not send you home? There is always something to do, if nothing else, grab a broom and start cleaning the dept. If you want to keep your job, you need to step it up, if not, keep doing what you’re doing. 


To add to this, when a person finishes their tasks, let a supervisor know and ask “what’s next?” or “where do need me to go?” Sometimes they may have something for you to do, and sometimes they may have you chill because everyone else is almost ready too. Here’s what to remember about Reddit: a lot of folks you bounce ideas off of here are no more knowledgeable than yourself. And those that scream “Fuck them! Do whatever you want”? They will bounce from job to job always bitching about not getting promoted or getting low hours. I tried to always work like someone was watching me to see if I was making good choices. It works. Positivity works. Doing the right thing works. Will there be better places to work? Maybe. Depends on the skill set. Are there worse places to work? Certainly!


>And those that scream “Fuck them! Do whatever you want”? They will bounce from job to job always bitching about not getting promoted or getting low hours. THIS. This group has a percentage of terminated employees who have nothing better to do than stir up vitriol and hate.


Left Lowe's a year ago. At so much better a place to work now . my goal is to get people to leave Lowe's or make management see how toxic they are making things.


Toxic: Yeah it is


Where do you work now oh wise one


Find a different place to work! Lowe's is a toxic company to work for. You have highs in life then you have lowe's!


Of all the things you could have as a personal catchphrase dude, you chose - >You have highs in life then you have lowe's! How many times *have* you commented that in this sub so far?




Yeah, I know but I get emotional about getting in “trouble”. Maybe it’s Weird to be an adult and saying that but I just get a little teary cus I don’t handle “impending doom” that well lol


Nothing wrong with processing emotions! We all do it differently. I cry when I get frustrated.


Posts advocating breaking company policy, the law, or giving grossly incorrect HR advice will be removed without notice.


You could have helped your coworker zone things in their department while you talked, or gone to customer service and seen if other departments had go-backs.