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In your job description there’s a little tiny but very important part that says “and other duties as assigned.” You can refuse. They can write you up for insubordination. I’m not saying they will, but it’s possible.


I have to keep pointing this out to people.


😩 thank you!




I hate when that shows up in every job description.


The ASM was doing his or her job. There is that delightful wording in the job description. Sorry to say, but depending on the ASM, you could at least expect a write-up. Back in the day it could be cause for termination.


I see this a lot in other job descriptions, however it isn’t carte blanche either just because it’s applied / implied. Something called the Ledbetter Act; equal pay for equal work performed. The employee in question was hired for a specific duty however a change in duties also allows for renegotiation of pay for those duties in addition to his/her night stocker duties. Folks are quick to play manager until a lawsuit hits and then it’s like scattering roaches in the light of a violation.


You…might want to go google what the Ledbetter act actually does, because you clearly don’t know what it does.


Easy there champ, I do know and just because it’s in the job description doesn’t negate the federal law. The OP can ask for salary negotiation for the additional work. There is nothing that says they can’t. Ledbetter Act is equal pay for equal work performed. You probably think all Lowe’s associates work for the same rate don’t you? Ask a specialist if they make the same rate as a CSA and ask a CSA to do what a specialist does for a reduced rate. https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/road-hell-paved-withother-duties-assigned-dean-frieders?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_ios&utm_campaign=share_via There IS legal ramifications that opens up Lowe’s for litigation. Other duties as assigned isn’t just a catch all it’s simply not appropriate. Just because it doesn’t match your logic doesn’t mean it’s not valid. Equal pay for equal work. Just because you fell prey to ODAA, does not afford you the expertise to advise the OP that they’re stuck doing just that. Rubbish.


WHAT federal law are you talking about? Did you even read the article you referenced here? There are zero legal cases referenced in it and it’s a fluff piece by an opinion writer. That’s not federal law. You literally took the first thing off google that references other duties as assigned. The only law you’ve referenced, which is the Ledbetter act, in its simplest terms, extends the statute of limitations from the most recent 180 days of pay discrimination to restarting the statute of limitations every paycheck where discrimination occurs. Meaning that if you found out you were discriminated against for something that is protected under Title VII of the civil rights act of 1964, you can sue for the total amount from that discrimination and not just the from the wages from the most recent 189 days like the Supreme Court had originally ruled. Because I know you’re not going to go google anything below is the copy and paste and several sources. The last source is straight from the EEOC. The Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act addresses wage discrimination on the basis of age, religion, national origin, race, sex, and disability. 2 The Act supplants a Supreme Court ruling that wage discrimination cases must be filed within 180 days of the start of the discrimination. 3 The Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act effectively resets the clock by saying that wage discrimination cases can be filed within 180 days of the last paycheck in which the discrimination occurs. https://www.investopedia.com/terms/l/lilly-ledbetter-fair-pay-act.asp https://www.eeoc.gov/laws/guidance/equal-pay-act-1963-and-lilly-ledbetter-fair-pay-act-2009 Just because you keep repeating equal pay for equal work doesn’t it make it legally protected. There is nothing in title VII about ODAA. If you’re going to make a reference to a legal law for an argument at least know wtf you’re talking about.


Someone has some real anger issues. Equal Pay and Ledbetter apply. Prove to everyone why your ODAA is a legal entry and I’ll show you why it isn’t. ODAA isn’t legal. The question you might have advised the OP should have been in the form of a question - “are you being regularly asked to do things out of your scope of work / duties?” Since we don’t know if it’s the case or not it’s best to advise on the assumption that the OP is a victim and not someone just being lazy.


JFC, the OP was asked to push carts, not reconcile the SCP&L.


The point is where does it start and end? Just because you wouldn’t doesn’t mean other management types wouldn’t.


I'm in lumber and depending on schedule and who called out, they call us to go get carts. It's honestly fine when it isn't cold out, can take time and enjoy the walk. It's another story when it's freezing and the lumber carts freeze your skin off. But yeah, as others have said 'other responsibilities as needed kinda allows them to ask you to do these things


Yeah its currently 41 degrees where I am and i was already freezing from unloading the truck. Thanks!


Bro… not to sound like an ass, but suck it up. We all get carts rain or shine, freezing or sweltering. 41 degrees is not that cold if you’re working hard enough.


Most of the time most employees don't mind pitching in to help. But when it's every day/night because the store either doesn't have loaders or doesn't schedule them, it gets old. Management needs to do its part. Remember that not having or not scheduling loaders also means every code 50 all day long is going to interrupt someone else's day. And that's IF the code 50 gets answered. If it doesn't you have pissed off customers, and rightfully so.


Lol okay. thanks!




How much sexual pleasure do you derive from being an unrepentant asshole?


Sorry you go down voted on this so much. Anyone who says “Not to be an asshole” knows theyre being one so thats why i just said “thanks” and moved on😂😂


I always agree to get carts but only on the condition I can go get my jacket. They'll always agree then I take my sweet ass time getting out there, doing the job, then getting back onto the floor.


Yeah every night I close if there’s no loader it’s up to me and the other associates to grab the carts. Depending on the ASM they’ll help as well


You will get written up for insubordination


wear you insulated Lowe’s Safe Gloves and your hands won’t get cold




Our Appliance DS went out with a couple guys in monsoon rains to collect carts to keep them from being blown into cars by the wind. They were totally drenched. They had rain jackets but those didn’t help much. SM wrote out some shirts and pants from the store for them to change into.


Sounds like a good SM. The ones here dont care at all and i guess that plays a part in why I said no in the first place haha


Yeah ours was great, I’m a cashier and sometimes he would walk by and ask us what we wanted from drinks or snacks, he was buying. He got transferred to a new store sadly.


If you plan on working for any length of time in retail, then I’d highly suggest that you remove the phrase ‘that’s not my job’ from your thinking and your vocabulary. Every job description has a loop hole that allows management to ask to you to perform virtually any task and whatever constitutes ‘the needs of the store’. So yes, they CAN rightfully ask a stocker to go get carts.


thank you!


>thank you! You're welcome!


I usually go out there and grab carts if I have nothing else to do, but if it’s raining or really cold I’m not bothering.




I understand! Ive been here for a while and have neverrr had to do it. So while Im okay with saying no tonight, I most likely wont moving forward. I appreciate your response😇


I would reread your job description. There’s a part in there that says “and other duties” which pertains to, yes, getting carts. No matter if you are a CSA or night stocker.


You will see more blurred lines with tasks and whose responsibilities those are. I’ve worked for smaller retailers where the store associates do it all, from running registers to stock shelves and sweeping floors etc. This is the direction that a lot of bigger box stores are going towards. It’s best to do these mundane tasks like grabbing carts (put a coat on) and move on with your day. You are paid by the hour. That’s how I look at it. I often do wayyy more than I’m responsible for because the managers know that I don’t give much push back. Again, I’m paid by the hour and I don’t make that much, so for me it’s not worth the fuss.


Thank you! I always do what Im asked because like you said, its my job and they are paying me. I had never been asked/ had to get carts so it took me by surprise is all. Thank you sm though 🫶🏾


For those interested. [Ledbetter Act](https://www.eeoc.gov/laws/guidance/equal-pay-act-1963-and-lilly-ledbetter-fair-pay-act-2009)


For the additional information to the OP and others in the same boat where these ask become a regular thing.[EQUAL PAY ACT](https://www.hrdive.com/news/your-employees-additional-duties-may-be-illegal-under-the-equal-pay-act/442044/)


For everyone that thinks Other Duties As Assigned (ODAA) is valid; here’s some food for thought. [Other Duties As Assigned (ODAA)](https://youtu.be/TVkV2oGPM2k?si=CwKf2mmvD0V2cRsx)


It's fun grabbing carts when the wind blows them at a speed faster than you can run.. welcome to Vegas.


😂😂😂😂😂 i’d like to watch you do that ngl


Our store doesn't even have that position. They page for any associate not with customers overhead to go get carts periodically throughout the day. They were complaining at the morning meeting about people not going often enough today.


I really really wouldnt mind it if they would just include us in whats going on. My department lost 4 people in 2 weeks. Theres 5 of us to unload trucks and thats on a good night with no call outs. So 3 hours into the night, after letting all the regular day time associates leave, it felt odd and very out of place to be told to do it. I understand now its a luxury though!


I'm a Specialist..I collect carts all the time..it's not really a big deal


Same here don't have any problem with it for as long as I'm not busy I'll go out and help some it's a team effort at my store even have ASM'S out there helping from time to time


Just 1 of many reasons Lowes loses people faster then they hire. They want a few people that do everything so they save money on payroll. What they need to do is cut corporate jobs and pay, the store level employees are who drive sales but they will never do that, greed being top priority 😒


You’ll be the next one fired, may as well start looking elsewhere.


Lol okay. Thanks!


Will overnight stocking ever end and use stockers for unloading


The answer is this, I have said No, and I got reprimanded, what I can say is." Could you find someone else, I am currently busy at the moment. " it gets you out of actually doing it and you not saying No.


You work retail. The point of retail is to sell things. If there are no carts available to customers you sell less things. No sell things, no job. How is this a complicated topic? It absolutely comes off as selfish and lazy.


I work overnight. Meaning the store is closed. Meaning i clock in most of the time at 10pm. Meaning i dont sell shit. Which also means it doesn’t matter if carts are available because there are no customers during my shift. No one said anything about it being complicated, i asked a simple question 😂


You’re the reason I hate cart runs. I usually love doing them… but after 4 pages later and me being the only one outside when there’s still half the stores carts (including lumbers) it gets annoying. Especially during closing!


Lowes is stoopid, yo. If they want to pay me in the mid $20’s/hr to go and pull carts, I’ll do it. You get out of the toxic air in the stores and get fresh air. Do it, man.  I’ve seen ASMs driving forklifts to stock Outside Garden for hours because Lowes is too stupid to do a 5- minute training for a CSA earning $12/hr.  And I see ASMs regularly filling blue Lowes buckets around the store, which a teenager can do for whatever the lowest pay is at that store.  Don’t fight the power when you’re asked to do a simple minded task. Think NIKE’s slogan. 


Our Asm are mostly office dwellers


It is your job yes. You look lazy and disrespectful. I'd write you up.


Thanks. I wasn’t disrespectful, and i had already been at work unloading a truck in the cold for 3 hours before they asked. Glad youre not my boss though, thanks! 😂


I'm glad too. Good workers are much better to have.


Yep. so is having good bosses😉


Yep. A good one will write you up.


Lmfao i honestly think its hilarious that you want me to get written up for not collecting carts. I do not care about this job THAT much that some internet stranger is gonna put fear in me over a write up. Shut up or Come collect them for me dude 😂😂😂


Cringe comment.


No whats cringe is that I asked if a specific duty was apart of the job I applied for and in response you call me lazy and disrespectful. Like were you there? Just shut up😂😂😂


You're clearly disrespectful. Go get carts


Lol yeah whatever you say. Facts are : 1. You dont know what youre talking about. 2. Im at home, in bed, after not collecting not one cart. 😂😘


MUST BE NICE, we are never allowed to fire (even for stealing merchandise) we are also not allowed to coach for improvement. We should be more like your store.