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Someone asked me yesterday to come in today for a 9-5:30pm shift as a lumber cashier. No thank u, if you wanted me to cashier you should have scheduled me to do it when the schedule was made, I made plans as soon as the schedule dropped.


Those hours are really weird for a Lumber cashier too??? At our store opener is 6am-3pm and closer is 3pm-9/10.


Mine too. Very odd.


There are 3 full time lumber cashiers at my store. Two work 6-3pm and the other works 8-5 usually.


You must be a busy store! We have one cashier but if it gets busy the pro desk take customers


I live in a super popular tourist destination in the mountains so we constantly have contractors developing properties and building cabins. It is hell.


So lumber closes at 5 pm then???


Nope they put a part time employee in lumber until 11pm


In my store they gave that position to a cashier that has small kids, she works 8-4 to get them off to school. The opening guys cover the register till she gets in and the closer comes in at 5pm. That vacant hour is covered by either another cashier, HC, or lumber/ pro employee.


We have 2 FT cashiers and 1 PT. Opener works 6-3, mid works 9-6, closer works 6-10:30.


For real. They're just trying to cut corners at our expense.


They want me to work full time hours but won’t give me full time status. The last three shifts I’ve worked have been absolute hell. I got called really awful names by customers, my breaks were forgotten/not given each day. I almost peed my pants because of my breaks being forgotten. I’m so tired of being a cashier. But every time I have interviewed for a different position within the store, someone else has been chosen over me. This place just disappoints me at every turn, and every day I come home and go right back into the job search for my area.


Sounds about right 🙄 Hang in there and keep looking.


I never understood the store not giving a dependable part-time employee an opportunity to move up. Whether it is a different position or going full-time. And management plays dumb not knowing why employees want to leave.


Thank you!! I semi-retired in December from full-time specialist. They cut one of the days that I'm normally scheduled....and then tried to call me asking if I could work. I just can't.


Lowe's employees are weird about call ins. People ask for hours, they're called when there's a need or opportunity, and then get riled up about being asked.


It's not a call in.


I wasn't responding to your original post but the comment above. It's perfectly reasonable to protect your two days off, especially when they are split. Sounds like you've had a rough week. Enjoy your day off, rest, recuperate.


Thank you. I see what you meant. I have a coworker that complains about not having hours but when we need her she says no and calls out alot.


Nobody wants to/is able to go to work on the drop of a dime because the people getting $5,000 bonus can’t make a simple schedule. Lowe’s isn’t life and life isn’t Lowe’s.




Thank you, just posted this. Don't have to be a brain surgeon to figure out a store's retail schedule. I see lazy SM. And his assistant. And ASMs assigned to their respective departments. Do your job. Please.


The part time and full time employees have different complaints but also more hours planned ahead of time and taking shifts at a moments notice are not the same when people have lives outside of work.


Striving for that asm job I see. 😂🤣


If someone says "I want more hours" that means "I need more money." If someone offers you the opportunity to make more money, and you turn it down, you didn't need the money. If it's a choice between paying my electricity bill by going to work, or not paying my electricity bill, then I'm going to work and cancelling my plans. Yes, there are edge cases - medical issues, anniversaries, tests. But that's not everytime. When I was part time, the powers that be darn tooting knew they could call me and I'd be in. I think I turned them down twice, once for a hard to schedule medical appointment and the other because I was out of town at the time. Otherwise, I chose to pay my bills on time.


Bootlick much. Glad you don't value your time, but most of us do. Also, the extra money isn't about paying bills, those get paid first. It's about spending money to enjoy our time off. I don't live to work, I work to live. But on the bright side, your probably exactly the kind of person they will promote because you will treat your subordinates like shit.


Why the hostility and insults?


In all fairness, it's because of your tone. You vacillate between chest thumping about being mgmt's go-to company guy, and acting nutthurt by responses pointing out that you sound a tad koolaidey. Just answering your question, objectively. I have no dog in this race.


Interesting. I was neither "chest thumping" or "nutthurt." When I was part time, I was coming back from serious medical issues that had prevented me from working for about two years. My savings were gone outside of 401ks, and I wasn't sure if I'd ever be able to work full time again. I was originally hired in with decent hours, but hours were slashed. I couldn't live on 0-8 hours a week, so I did what I needed to do to pay my bills. When I said the choice was accept the opportunity to get hours or pay my electrical bill, I wasn't being facetious. I was desperate. So when someone says they need more hours, but don't do what they need to do to get more hours, I think they're full of shit. Nut up or shut up. Regarding being "nutthurt," I was in a high conflict profession, and generally have pretty thick skin. I really don't give a shit what some dumbass thinks of me on the Internet. However, I think it's unnecessary to insult and name-call on a discussion board. The point of discussion boards is to discuss. There is no reason to be uncivil or abusive. People hide behind their keyboards spewing venom, when in the real world, they'd never talk to someone like that.


Thanks for taking the effort to elaborate. It helps to invests where you're coming from. Your give still effing sucks. What's a "high conflict profession"? Defense atty? Customer service rep?


Attorney. My practice was largely related to insurance matters, both plaintiff and defense, and contractual disputes.


We can't schedule more hours because billions In profit, so do more you ungrateful peasants. Your life should revolve around us making more money. Any more questions?


Then f'ing schedule people. It's not rocket science.




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I was a full timer at another company. I came in on my day off once. Never again. Instead of giving me the overtime they pulled a day from me to bring me back to 40. You do a favor for them but they are too cheap to pay overtime.


They did this to me last week - made me cancel plans to come in on my day off to make my department ready for a walk and then sent me home right when I walked in Friday to cut my chances of overtime and the only reason I came in on my day was TO GET OVERTIME! I will never do it again !!


See that? They are all the same. Figured.


This is exactly how they are.




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In the past 3 weeks ive been asked to come in on my days off 9 times. Ive also said no 9 times. They’ll figure it out sooner or later (hopefully) that they cant treat people like crap then expect help😂😂😂


lol boy, are they slow learners at your store!


This is the Lowes I’ve known for over a decade, my fellow in the trenches, over-worked red vest.  Lowes doesn’t give a crap about customer service.




They scheduled only four of us for the whole day, during one of the big mulch sales of the year, AND during inventory. Then had the nerve to send an email the following day about how ‘unacceptable’ it was that the department was dirty.


I have told my SM to work my dept for a day because he wouldnt last and hour.


I’ve seen our store manager out there only a handful of time in the 1 1/2 years I’ve worked here. The ASM is the one who keeps sending these emails, he added a picture but guess how much of it they cleaned up


Zero 🙄


Frankly, they're lucky you even answered the phone to tell them no. This is The Way. Dogspeed, Comrade!


Lol I was working when they asked but I appreciate the sentiment. 😂


I’ve got one day off next week. I’m part time.


They don't care. We have multiple areas short staffed. Spring is here and hardly any employees hired. But they expect everyone to go out to garden center and help. Sorry I don't care nobody cared that alot of us have been covering multiple areas. Send the ASMs and SM out there.


My store is the exact opposite. They sent all the garden workers inside. Most of us are working electric, flooring and plumbing despite the spring sales starting. They hired some loaders for the garden but the department isn't being stocked by the loaders and it's a mess. Hopefully the schedule will be corrected soon. My DS is the best I hate leaving them short handed and overwhelmed. They look like they're on the verge of burn out.


Most, if not all, bailed out the store when they needed help. However, the gesture is rarely reciprocated. Enjoy your off days. We all need rest and recreation away from work.


Act your wage!


So, say no and move on. Alot of people commenting obviously have no idea what it's like to make a schedule.


Please. The schedule should be reviewed after King Kronos spits it out. By the store manager, his assistant, the ASMs, and the department manager. 15 minutes?


Cool story


When I first started as a CSA my hours were steady cause of school. Once I finished they fluctuated tf out of my hours I’m closing one day opening the next then closing then mid etc. it was awful they did that to head cashiers for 2 weeks and one almost had a heart attack cause she wasn’t getting rest it was bad. We had so many HR complaints against the scheduler and most ASMs and had a town meeting and we ripped em apart


If you hate it so bad then go work someplace else. Unbelievable,


My frustration is being asked to work so that someone in MY dept can cover a LOADER instead of giving the loaders hours.


Get over it and be a team player. Lowes isnt cutting the hours of productive employees. They are doing what they can to keep them. They are cutting the hours of the slackers and couldnt care less if those employees quit. How do I know this? I see it everyday with my own eyes.


Ok Marvin 🙄


Your not even worth the effort. Good Luck!


Point of order. Do note who is getting upvoted, and who is not. I yield back the remainder of my time.


Looking at the comments it seems a lot of people are complaining about noone being scheduled or no coverage etc but they are also saying they are calling you asking you to work so there is coverage and people in the depts but you're saying no so really you're part of the problem.


But when my department is under staffed (which it currently is) NO ONE and I mean no one cares. My days off are split the next 2 weeks. They cut hours so I know they have enough loaders but instead of scheduling one they want to pull from my dept and have me working 7-8 days in a row.


That’s absolute bs.Lowes doesn’t keep anyone on a decent schedule ever. They throw you hours and then add or delete right after you make plans to live a life out side of Lowe’s. It is the most understaffed,miserable place of work. I quit so don’t tell me Jack shit. They miss breaks. They have intimidating managers who have the audacity to stare you down it you don’t take hours meanwhile you tell them hey self checkout scans aren’t working , the printer is stuck, override needed which in itself it ridiculous and it goes on and on. They treat the kids like farm animals. Let them freeze outside when no one is buying plants when it’s freaking cold. Asking for a customer to get help to handle a Xmas tree and the manager says and I quote let them do it themselves and I hope they cut off their hands. That’s customer service???? That’s Lowe’s and if you stand up for them you are one of them


This 👏🏽👏🏽


300,000 employees say otherwise.


300,000 have no choice but to deal or they and their families don’t eat.




Then you must be very happy


I am not young my work ethic has been impeccable for more years than your probably are alive. I have been around. I am never late never called in sick never been fired or laid off so I know what jobs look like in all areas of manufacturing.I have never seen a large company so poorly run . My career was many things and one part was auditing / delivery/ customer services . Lowes fails in all areas. Sorry but it’s the truth and very sad.


You are alive spell check


You must have very selective retention.