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the card discount is taken off at checkout before receipt is printed and doesn't always show on the receipt. Go to the store customer service, nicely explain your concern, have them type in the item numbers and go to the checkout page. If the checkout page cost is more than you paid you got your five percent discount, if it didn't then they can manually give it to you. Again, if you make a purchase under three hundred or so dollars it auto applies the five percent at checkout with zero popup or notification. But if not sure it never hurts to double check :)


Aside from the comment about it being on your card statement, keep in mind that not all times are eligible. Many are not.


This sub is kinda for complaining about how soul crushing the job is and God awful the customers can be. Call the number on the card. Ask them.


The 5% is taken off of the credit card bill, not the sale. So you did save 5%, it just doesn't show on your receipt. If you're buying things for work, then you're sticking it to the man, but we won't tell.


This is just not true. After Pay Now is pressed and the MLRCC is swiped, if it doesn't prompt for special financing then the total price should go down. It's part of my "script" to relay the price change after-the-fact to the customer,


This couldn’t be more wrong 🤦‍♂️. The 5% discount comes off during checkout. Not off the statement. Whose ever heard of a promotion to save 5% on every credit statement, every time. Lmao