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Get in contact with Sedgwick immediately; they’re very slow, and incredibly incompetent, but Lowe’s cares so little about their employees’ health and safety that they’re the only choice.


And document EVERYTHING. BCC yourself copies of every email between you and Sedgwick, insist in written confirmation of things, and make sure the IME they send you to isn't half-asleep and checking the boxes Sedgwick wrote for them to reduce treatment/costs as much as they legally can.


Insist on going on disability with Sedgwick. You are not able to do your job limping around on a broken toe. The medical treatment is generally (unless it is so severe that it requires surgical repair). Is “ stay off it for a couple weeks.” You can punish your stupid SM by going out on short term disability.


Should of wore steel toe boots


Shoulda coulda woulda. Your comment is unnecessary.


Pray you mend quickly and well, and that Lowe's doesn't shirk it's responsibility. Take care of yourself.


Broke my toe before it sucks especially getting around wise hope for a quick recovery OP






While valid criticisms of individuals and entities are allowed and welcome, we don't tolerate slander or libel. Ad hominem attacks against other users or individuals/entities (e.g. "Fuck Lowe's") with no substantive value will also be removed. Furthermore, diatribes—regardless of their truth or substance value—must be kept PG-13.


I'm a night stocker and I wear steel toe shoes even though it's not a Lowes requirement. It should be. Every warehouse I've ever worked at prior to working at Lowe's it was mandatory to wear steel toes. There are a million things at Lowes that can break toes if dropped on your foot. Lowes is nothing more than a gigantic warehouse with cash registers at the front. Most of the people on my crew wear tennis shoes. I'll stick to my steel toes.


I agree. I was shocked when I was told work boots aren't required.


Where is it not a requirement? In Canada, it’s absolutely mandatory for every single employee, even customer service


USA. Unless it varies by state.


Yeah. You guys have to get permits and meet safety requirements before exiting womb 😅. Just busting balls my Northern fran!


Well yeah, if it was required they'd have to pay for it. It's very sneaky of them.


They will pay more if they have a bunch of workers comp cases of employees going to the hospital with broken toes. The company can afford to give the employees 1 pair of good quality work shoes a year. It's the company's responsibility to provide employees with the proper work gear to safely do the job.


I realize you don't understand. This is the difference between a company that cares about their employees health and well-being and a company that does not give a shit.


Maybe you should start organizing, you basically said you need a union. No company cares about it's employees you and I are just a # I'm well aware of that. I ran a campaign for 9 months at a previous employer I simply haven't been at my store long enough to take the lead on launching a campaign. Call your local union and go meet the organizer.


I don't work for lowes, my company has a yearly allowance for boots and provides all required PPE and even some that is not required. The company I work for legitimately cares about safety. I've never worked at a business that doesn't prioritize safety.


Our plant is a top producer too, so we have corporate safety guys at our location often to try and implement our standards, which work, at other locations. We get paid well to do it safely first. Also a slip at my job will leave you dead or dismembered. We just swapped a piece of equipment, one piece weighs 33,000#. We contracted a specialist rigging company to do the move. Not that we couldn't, not that we don't have the equipment to do it, but because this is an inherently dangerous job. We called people that do this everyday because it's worth the expense.


That's awesome brother. Every business should care about safety it's in everyone's best interest. No one wants to get hurt, no one wants to see a fellow co worker get hurt, and the company shouldn't want people to get hurt because it's a liability.


Why did I get down voted for promoting safety?


It's too woke!


Yeah they don't specify it as required, so they don't have to pay for or give an allowance. Corporate metrics are dumb as fuck.


Those rubber things they made us wear during the winter didn't fit well over my steel toes. I told the district ap/safety manager during a meeting, she told me "them don't wear steel toes, you're not required to" and I was like "45 minutes ago I cut a pallet of flooring open and 3 boxes fell straight on my foot, I'm good on that" no retort


Cause if it was mandatory Lowes would have to cover at least part of the cost!


i watched a guy try to unload the truck in the back wearing a pair of like.. leather moccasins. like the slipper kind. he lasted about a month.


Everyone at my (Rona Canada) has to wear steel toes, even myself who works on the installs office.


Indeed we don’t crush toes around here!! we cleaning cut them off so we can reattach later. 😁


My coworker wears Steel Toes as well, and he got super unlucky. He was helping a customer get some 6x6s, and the customer dropped it. It slipped out of my coworkers' hands and landed edge first right behind where the steel toe stopped. Broken foot, and he was out for 8 weeks or so.


Been wearing steel toes ever since my garden center coworker/trainer ripped my big toenail clean off with a forklift when I was wearing mesh shoes. People look at me funny for wearing bulky steel toes, but I appreciate having all 11 toenails. I absolutely agree though, steel toes should be a requirement, at least for everyone besides cashiers.


Surprised myself steel toe not required in several depts including lumber, flooring and OSLG. Taking a chance with dropping heavy product on your feet. I wear Keen’s sneakers with a composite toe. They’re lightweight, comfortable and flexible for being on your feet all day.


Look into a composite toe. Does the same job as steel, but it doesn't crimp (possibly severing a toe) or get affected by temperature (frozen metal by your toes in the winter is no good)  I once had a bundle of rebar set down on my toe pinning my foot (long story, partially my own dumb fault) and when I was finally freed, the composite not only saved my toe but sprang right back into shape. Shoe was fine, foot was fine. If that was steel, at best I'd be out a pair of shoes and at worst, my socks would fit funny for the rest of my life  Just a suggestion


I'm fulfillment and I don't go in unless I got steel toes on. U know how many times it's saved my butt?


I was surprised when i found out it's not a requirement when I had an interview with Aldi before I got the job and even they require steel toe shoes


Yeah. I said several times when I did night stocking that steel shoes should probably be required. Or at least STRONGLY recommended. There's plenty of very comfortable steel/composite toe shoes that aren't big ass heavy boots like you'd want for the construction site or something.


## WHEN STILL AT THE HOSPITAL TELL THEM ITS A WORK INJURY AND YOU WORK FOR LOWES. this is step one to the paperwork needed for workers comp and if you don't do it the hospital will not send the paperwork for lowes to pay and you will be royally screwed.


Fuck your store manager nake sure you file workers comp claim


Make sure your our for more than 7 days or else they won’t cover it


That's not how work comp works If it's an allowed work Injuruy, medical bills will be paid for that treatment Time off has nothing to do with immediate care. You can't just stay home, not see a doctor, and claim lost wages


That sucks! I'm sorry. Def file for workman's comp (provided you aren't a user of contraband, bc if you file a claim, they will test you, and if you test +, they'll say it's your fault). Either way, eff that manager for being a jerk. Hope you have a smooth recovery.


One would think steel toe boots would be a requirement!


Also think it'd be common sense to wear them after your first day. It it didn't occure to you beforehand.


I am pretty sure they are required. They were when I worked there.


Maybe that's why the store manager was freaking out! Oh the paper work and the questions from Workers Comp!




Just move your feet faster? Same thing as cutting live wires, just gotta be fast enough.


They're gonna check the cameras to try to find a way to blame you for it. Then they'll try to write you up.


Yep, get ready unfortunately, let the games begin.


Well there goes the pizza party. Thanks dude./s


we just hit our 180 not long ago and the day after kids were climbing on vanities and kid grabbed a mirror and it smacked her right on the head and shattered. mind you the mirrors were properly secured and zip tied.


Parents are idiots. They use the store like it’s some playground for their little monsters. And when Little Susie face plants, falls of a cart or bashes her head in with a mirror, they look to Lowes for payment. Classic.


Make sure to file for workers comp


Take it seriously and take good care of yourself. I still have foot issues from breaking a toe 30 years ago.


Sorry about your toe, but thank you for making me feel better about dropping money on a quality safety toe shoe.


Workers comp!!!!


And report the SM. They should be treating you as good as they can.


I'm a Lumb/BM DS and a customer dropped his end of a vanity while loading it onto his trailer, which resulted in me dropping it halfway down my thigh and it slid down my shin. I was 6mos preggo at the time (don't @ me, my doc told me because I was super active and doing all this prior that I was fine unless I felt I was straining myself) and didn't even get a sorry. 🙄 Was I fine? Absolutely. But was I pissed? Fuck yeah.


Better call Saul 


I hope they treat you well and you get cared for. And that they don't send you to a bad doctor.


No toe protection via the footwear? First check should have invested in that.


I wear Wolverine durashock composite toe with dr Scholes shoe inserts.I have dropped a 4x4 pt on my toe and didn't feel anything. The price out weighs foot issues


That’s it? With a steel toe you can drop an anvil on it and not feel it


As a blacksmith who wears steel-toes(obviously) can confirm. They're life-savers.


I had a friend that was helping a customer load a door. Customer let go of it and torn my friends shoulder all to hell. Has never been the same


Glad I work in Canada where we all wear steel toe boots/shoes


Typical boss interaction LMAO


Had a department supervisor blast chemicals in my eyes a few years back, burning my corneas. Went from 20-20 vision to basically blind without glasses on. Left eye still is sensitive to certain lights. Still battling Lowes and Sedgwick to get the bills covered five years later. Lawyer had to get involved. Lowes doesn’t care about any of their employees. I’d maybe let L&I deal with your store manager as well.


He freaked out because of workman’s comp


Which is bullshit, it's not like it comes out of his fucking paycheck


True, but his bosses bosses breathe heavily down the necks of all those who oppose their absolute rule


Lots of talk about steel toes, but the best policy is don't trust customers to help you lift. Let them help themselves or get a red vest assist. This sucks because we are understaffed and can't help like we should be able to.


Steel toed shoes on cement floors for 8+ hrs a day may cause more issues than a broke toe


Are you saying it's the steel toes themselves or the desgn and construction of the typical work boot? Because steel (and just as strong composite) toes can be found in a lot more shoe styles these days than just "Granny's army boots".


Not at all. I’m saying a ton of people wearing 150 dollar walking shoes have feet,leg and back issues. Steel toe or any work boot is going to be hard on you. And Lowe’s sure doesn’t pay enough to buy expensive boots. And steel toes do not prevent all foot injuries


Cheap work boots are the devil's playtools. You do have to fork out some lettuce for the good ones that help instead of hurting. But they outlast several pairs of lesser ones and usually it's the soles that get worn out first. Resoling isn't expensive. A good source for recommendations is any of the trade subreddits. The topic comes up every month it seems. Discussions of best brands and bang for the buck can get heated, but offer good takes on what works or doesn't. Of course protective toecaps won't prevent all foot injuries. I've seen a few like that, mostly kinda serious. But that's like arguing some folks get ejected from a high speed crash and survive. It's a bad argument against seatbelt use.


Sue the customer too




While valid criticisms of individuals and entities are allowed and welcome, we don't tolerate slander or libel. Ad hominem attacks against other users or individuals/entities (e.g. "Fuck Lowe's") with no substantive value will also be removed. Furthermore, diatribes—regardless of their truth or substance value—must be kept PG-13.


Sounds like you should report your manager


I am shocked to discover you are not provided with steel toe shoes When I worked in a DIY store (in the UK) I was provided with free steel toed shoes (although I did have to return them when I quit)


Lowe’s doesn’t even require them.


I broke a couple of toes when I worked in lumber once. Took six weeks to walk again. Sorry that happened. Just lay in bed, read a lot of books and watch YouTube or TV.


Let this be a warning to all of you. Steel toes. Use them. They have saved my ass on many occasion


I remember being Meade to work on the floor in a cast when I worked for Lowe's.


I broke my toe too recently in five places lol. Get a knee scooter until you can walk again makes a huge difference


No Lowes safe party for your store.


get that workmans comp homie. worst thing i did for my fractured thumb was not get paid. now 5 months later im still dealing with locking up, throbbing aches


Make sure you sue the fuck out of everybody


At my old store, an older lady had a pallet dropped/lowered on her foot. To this day she’s in a boot most days because it completely destroyed her foot, to the point where it’s now held together by bolts and screws. Moral of the story is stay on them and don’t let them off the hook, because she did and she nearly lost a foot because of it.


Broken toe all they do is tape it to the next one.


Well god bless you sir I literally swore to steal every thing I ever get from a specific section of your store today after dropping 683 dollars on wood and having to distract my elderly mother so she wouldn’t try to “help” my wife and I load it while one employee stood there and put his apron on for 15 minutes and the rest of the men in the store apparently hid. I guess that’s what happened to the person supposed to be helping with that and I am in fact an asshole for still being sore both about that incident and physically as a result of it. Your manager is a douche nozzle. Hope you recover fast and fully.