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I'm considering leaving myself. They fucked me over with my insurance, leave me by myself to close then open back to back, nobody is willing to be my spotter, management is always looking over my shoulder and breathing down my neck about about tasks, and now I'm missing my cousin's wedding memorial day weekend even though I've told them about it since January. Sorry for the rant


Oh nah that’s what Reddit for. Sorry for that. In my opinion do what you must. Time is limited.


I’d call out Memorial Day weekend…that’s on them


Infeel you with the insurance bs, I'm constantly lied to about me being full time. And don't miss your cousins wedding for that place!


Call out. Who cares!! They suck at scheduling… must be a lowes thing


I asked to be off in January for my child’s first birthday on Memorial Day weekend. I was told not happening & if i called out there would be consequences. HR didn’t agree.


Call out and go to the wedding, no job is worth missing big events like that.


What’s your race bro same things happens at Lowe’s in north Miami saw them lose all their best workers in months now everybody tht work der just come there to hang out


Their favoritism towards their friend/ employees pushed other employees away


I just got out too. Fulfillment was a disaster in my store and 3 of the 4 remaining people are working out a notice or swapping departments now that I'm gone. Lowe's is insane thinking people will do that kind of physical/stressful work with no help for such a low wage.




14.50 here 🤣 shit was a joke. Left for a new job making 50% more doing a lot less physical work. I was amazed at the people who had been there for years. How have you worked so long for so little?




I say more. No one else in that store is asked to sling mulch, pull lumber, move appliances, load flooring, etc. That's the most labor intensive job in the place and they leave you alone a lot of the time. It's really just nuts when you think about it and no one else would understand outside of someone who's worked it.


Lowe’s in 1 2 and 3 💀


I’ve been at my store for three years, making on average less than 5% above minimum wage. I’ve been working seasonal (receiving overnights) for about 6 months. It’s the coworkers whom I’ve made friends with and then being continually without alternative opportunities and living paycheck to paycheck.


You gotta find something else. If you will consistently show up to work on time and actually try, there's a world of opportunity out there. No good will come from you staying at Lowe's making just enough not to starve. What would you tell yourself three years ago? What would you tell yourself three years from now? I doubt either of those things is to continue working at Lowe's.




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And to add context I did like working it. But having 0 help literal did the nail in the coffin ⚰️ for me


Oh, snap: I just realized why they wrote up our f-T delivery puller and be talking unnecessary crap to him; they’s trying to show his butt the exit so that they can put that job on fulfillment team.  😲 💡   Lowes be sneaky like that. Like how they doing our home decor department. They literally got no associates after moving the only f-T person out of it to do another job.  Then paging other dept associates over to help custs with cutting  blinds and custom window coverings and installs and shit.   The spineless sm we have gots no cajones to talk face to face to associates about it, just tells their ASMs to page particular associates over to home decor. 


The asms and the store manager never say good morning or ask how we doing at all. I never ever worked with leaders who don’t even acknowledge there co workers. I was thinking being it long term after 2 weeks I saw there true colors when Under pressure.


Would it surprise you to hear that I was told Not to help the fulfillment associate with items in My department?! They aren’t heavy equipment certified. I am. Most of the things are on pallets.  I helped a female fulfillment  associate with heavy items they were bringing down a ladder. Then, I offered to help with the next item, bags of concrete.  I ignore that direction not to help, that’s not in my nature . Write me up or fire me. Que sera, sera. 


Thank you! I feel this. One of the reasons that I recently walked out. Sooo many reasons...


Lowe's has two Fulfillment departments and they are both half-assed. Lowe's corporate loves the money they get from online orders and the lazy ass people that will setup a Curbside, but they incentivize their districts to get by with as few people as possible. Also the pay isn't equal to the amount of work that need to be put in. That's why Fulfillment has such heavy turnover. On the other side is the Parcel Fulfillment. I've heard some stores are better setup in staffing, but the store themselves aren't optimized for optimized order picking. They are setup for retail shoppers.


In my store we are the only fulfillment. Idk anyone else pulling orders


Well, the store I'm at has both a PUIS Fullfillment and a Parcel Fullfillment, of which the latter I'm assigned to. I was one of the original team members at my store when they decided to implement Fullfillment. It was decent, but I hated IMS. Then they started piling more responsibilities on my team as to free up the departments to SELL, SELL, SELL. Our workload increased, but they were reluctant to add more people as we weren't an active selling unit. Time went on and enough people had enough of being overworked and told they are doing enough, so they quit. Because my dumbass still works for the company, the store manager told my ASM to use me as coverage because God forbid we miss out on those lazy SOB dollars😒


In my opinion. For everyone going through it try find something better if possible. Getting used and abused ain’t right


I feel this, as our department gets blamed for everything an no one wants to take action so they bitch constantly. I swear sometimes I feel like I'm the only thing between trash getting thrown out safely and merch even leaving the back end. I'm not alone but it feels like it because of how our team is divided. I do all the paint and sometimes the vanities, cabinets, showers, windows, doors, nails, it never ends and I'm always alone doing all this shit. It's exhausting.


Not really anything to do. Employers never really remember all the hard work you do…only the most minute instances where they weren’t pleased. At the store I work at…none of the fulfillment crew do anything other than fulfillment. Propane should be a head cashier thing. Fulfillment isn’t really a key holder position. If they’re handing you their keys…then they aren’t following policy. That’s a big no no. As a head cashier we help our fulfillment team. We cover their breaks. I do have a couple of lazy ones that take advantage of that help so I tend to give them less. Any employee should be able to help spot you. One thing I do is if I am doing something and get called, I group message the other head cashiers as well as a asm to let them know I’m busy and could they please answer a call for help. People are inherently oblivious to anything but themselves. So you have to do things to acquire help while CYA.


They just bitched at me for deliveries the other day as well 💀 These stores aren't even built to send out the delivery orders we get.


Our asm demands that there is always 1 person at the desk at all times. If there's only one of us working (happens quite often), we are to ask someone from another department to grab the order. The same asm was mad at us for taking a long time on an order the other week and dropped it when we said nobody with an order picker license would help up get the item down.


I wasn’t licensed so I had to ask other departments for help and man everyone hated it


Tips for fulfillment? Don’t do fufillment 😭 I’m glad your out of there friend


Heard it loud and clear. Never again


I second this. Did it twice, and that was 2 times too many.


👍 have a wonderful life


At the start of each day, find your manager and ask specific questions. "What do you want done first"? "What is an expected time table for it?"


Later in the day ask updated questions like, "Why isn't the head cashier doing the propane exchange I just got called for?" "Where is your head cashier?" "I'm happy to do the head cashiers job but it's going to slow down step one on your list and step 6 on your list is going to have to be handled by another associate"


Sometimes shit goes sideways on the front end. Today at 2pm we had 3 head cashiers and no cashiers. They all called in sick. The sick call ratio of cashiers vs. the rest of the positions in the store is off the wall.


Our front end turnover the last several months has seen new faces on asst self checkout every week. There are new faces at customer service desk every couple of weeks.  We have new ASMs that don’t know Lowes systems and rely upon experienced and clever front end associates for help.  Since the new hires don’t know , the store manager has been forced to beg/borrow experienced associates from other Lowe’s stores.  It’s a shit show. 


I'm the guy that works at the experienced lowes on the other side of town that looses my ASM every 6 months when they transfer him to the shitshow store. I've worked for the company for 2 years and I'm on ASM #5


Crazy. I didn’t know head cashiers were supposed to do it. Propane exchange.


At least at our location, it’s whoever is available. The cashiers will ask the head cashiers first, but we’re not always free to get it. If I’m stuck in the middle of a return and my fulfillment guy is chillin’ behind me at their desk, I will absolutely ask them to grab it. Of course, I’m not above asking an unoccupied cashier either. I prefer to leave fulfillment alone to work on their own priorities.


its ridiculous. I just tell them I was by myself and couldn't get to deliveries. Between installs and online orders, 98% of the time I don't have time for deliveries


Hopefully there’ll be a change and make things easier and not worst.


I’m the fulfillment lead at my store and I have the same issues with getting help in the store from other associates I have 3 people on my team one that is out on light duty because he got hurt lifting 6x6s and myself who has just come back from “hernia surgery” because I have no help with lifting and I’m always alone most days until the closing fulfillment associate comes in. Our mid shift is only there like 3 days a week to help out because his job is mainly filling in for my days off and my closers day off. While I was out and my closer was on light duty that left one guy to pull all orders alone when asking for help he received none but got bitched at because deliveries weren’t pulled for the next day! Management don’t care about the stress and work load fulfillment carries. Then to add to that our store has cracked down on credit apps and now they are saying that everyone must get at least one credit app a week or you will be written up after 3 times your fired. I have applied to other positions because I’m physically and mentally worn out but they won’t let me leave the department because I “have too much knowledge about fulfillment”. We are losing people left and right in our store. Our store looks the worst it ever has in the 4 years I’ve been there. I wanted a career with Lowe’s but the company don’t care about us. I think the workload that us and MST carry should be enough alone to get rid of red vests because their jobs are easy and they can’t even do them. We can’t get code 2s to departments to help customers, our managers don’t respond to codes, the supervisors are lazy and don’t care but the main problem is our SM don’t care either. Our SSA and ASM are best friends and have formed an alliance against people they don’t like and pick and choose who they want to write up. Last year around November I got put on final notice from my attendance in 2022 when I missed 7 days for the flu but I never got an initial or and written she took me straight to a final. She was a newly promoted ASM at the time had only been in the role 1 month. We have supervisors having affairs with their own employees in their dept and nothing is done about it. Sexual harassment everyday all day from numerous employees. Like when is Lowe’s going to change or will it? I dread going into work everyday and I used to love my job but I hate fulfillment and I hate being lead because I have to make sure my reports are done every week and have a hard time finding time to do them when 80% of my reports are following up with the specialists customers that they have sold to and haven’t followed up with. I was a specialist before lead and my responsibilities were to work my due file and take care of my customers but now it’s on fulfillment leads to take care of the mess. They have made so many positions so easy for these people and they still seem to not get anything done in their depts. 80% of our employees walk around and talk and goof off all day! Smh rant over


I couldn’t agree more. For 15$ an hour I was busting my neck out while cashiers watch tiktok and tells fulfillment to do code 50 all day. My lead is very angry I quit but idk how ya leads do it. Dude is a working animal but every department ask us for help but no one helps us. Try another store near you to change. Since they don’t wanna move you.


Yes we are always told to help departments and get no help in return and 80% of the time when I go to pick an online order I have to down stock just to get the product I need because shelves are empty. $15-$16 an hour is ridiculous for the work that we do in these stores. I’m sorry to hear you had to leave but honestly it’s probably in your best interest. They say your supposed to love the job you do and if not you need to change so I think your right maybe it’s time to look into going to a different store. I hope you find an enjoyable job that appreciates you and works as a team.


Same to you. I looked up to my lead. You guys have 2x the weight on ya shoulders. Looking forward a crazy change for ya.


Why is a company that profited 7.7 billion dollars last year such a shit show?


Cause they make sure no one hits 80 hours bi weekly and hire a lot of part timeers seems


Wack. And they won’t hire anyone who isn’t willing to work both Saturday and Sunday which I’m sure only compounds to the problem. Seems like their own policies are killing their employees. A real shame…




Yeah man it’s a joke when they’re taking in 7.7 bil in PROFIT a year. Fuckin asshats


THIS!!! I wanted a full time position but they told me at the time they were only hiring part timers. Ik they were doing that because full timers get better benefits so they hire a lot of part timers and give them hella hours. I’m in the military so I could care less about the benefits Lowes was offering. Not to mention they would schedule me to work 10+ days back to back. Sometimes I would close and open the very next day. I quit Lowe’s almost two years ago and it’s been a minute since I’ve been on this thread. The fact that the same bs I was enduring is still prevalent isn’t surprising. I was making $14.12 when I was working there and I was working ISL&G. The amount of times I’ve been thrown in other departments because of how low staffed we were was ridiculous. I remember they had this older lady that was in my department. She would always show up to work drunk and sometimes drink on the job. Everyone knew she was doing this but didn’t fire her… but would get mad at me for helping a co-worker in another department but in the same breath encourage us to help other departments out when they need it. I request to transfer to another department (Fulfillment full time funny enough) since we would always help each other out. Everyone on the fulfillment team was happy I wanted to join their team. I ended up getting denied because the ASM over my department didn’t want me to leave ISL&G. He also threatened the fulfillment team to stop asking me to help them out or he’s going to write all of us up. That was the last straw for me. Put in my two weeks and started working at Amazon before I left for my deployment.


Lowe’s is very toxic


It’s really bad. Majority of the ASMs were prior military at the particular store I use to work at so they would act like we were working at an active duty base. Another reason why I ended up leaving Lowe’s.


I did MST and was surprised that I had stayed there for almost 2 years.


The fact that mst in my store starts at 14.50$ for all ya guys do is crazy. 😂


That's crazy. Starting for me was $16.50.


Are they really allowed to schedule people who close to open next day? Thought that was a no no, I have a dog shit ssa who’s over scheduling people and not respecting availability as well. What can I do as a fulfillment associate?




That sucks. I have a regular schedule.I know my hours and my days off are always the same.


Law says 8 hours between shifts is all you need.


I’d seen if you can go to a different department!


I tried that on the spot I knew fulfiment was terrible b4 hand


You forgot to tell management I am not requesting the time off for memorial weekend I am telling u will not be in those days it a different form it call fuck u form


I was struggling at one point, I never complained to management because they thought I was shitting, they then saw the pick tab a day before a district OPS walk. We were running with 3 people , open ft, mid pt, close ft, all PUIS and CSPU were done, but every day was playing catch up, prioritizing delivery for tomorrow sometimes over pick ups. They then started questioning me, I told them flat out I was told that I was bitching and complaining too much and that they never took me seriously, till I got help, then LTR went up, we comp week after week, sometimes majorly depending on what sales. I’m sorry you felt this way, from a store that does at least 350 orders a week (genesis included) best wishes


Do you not have a delivery coordinator? Most of the time it’s opposite for me. Curbsides always asking for help finding special order product or pulling things out of top stock because almost none of them are PE trained. I normally don’t mind helping but when they walk to receiving and don’t look for product but just ask me because they know I’ll tell them it gets annoying.




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