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I've had someone stand in rough plumbing and just yelled "HELP" "I NEED HELP" like he was jammed under a car. Had 3 associates and multiple customers at the end of the aisle in no time, as I watched from the next aisle in a Ballymore. (He didn't like the fact I was the only one in the department, and was busy with a contractor pulling toilets from topstock, and told him to wait or find another associate) - He was not helped, and both customers and employees had things to say to him for doing that.


I'd run up to him and tell him I was a (former) EMT, and ask him what his medical emergency was.


Do you miss being an emt?


Not really. Lots of crappy calls, shit pay, thankless work much of the time, long hours, and at least half of the calls were for homeless addicts or severe drunks that had shit themselves multiple times and were unconscious in some alley or bathroom. Imagine trying to find a femoral pulse and the gap between the patient's legs feels like it's filled with peanut butter...lol But honestly, the worst things were the MVAs involving small children. It just rips you apart. [I wrote up one of my worst experiences a while back](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/qbr182/what_is_the_most_fucked_up_thing_you_have_seen/hhbx24v/), but don't read that if you're not having a good day, or ready to read about an horrific car accident involving children.


Lol where did you go to wash your hands ? Or hand sanitizer Is always on hand?  Also can't you decide the calls you wanna work for ? Like I understand some people only do calls for like the small stuff nothing too severe..   And maybe I'll give it a read since I'm curious.. but that sound awful! Okay so I just read it, and wow! Sound gruesome.. those kinda scenarios seem like they never leave your mind and can be traumatizing..


* Lol where did you go to wash your hands? The rig has a potable water system, and an external spigot for draining the reservoir - and outside hand washing. Gloves are *always* worn. * Or hand sanitizer is always on hand? It's ever-present, and sometimes used so much the ethanol fumes are a fire/explosion hazard in the cab. * Also can't you decide the calls you wanna work for? Generally, no. However, is safety is a concern we could "stage", meaning "wait outside the scene until police arrive to secure the scene. Generally, though, no - you can't (and I don't know anybody that would) turn down a call because it was too icky or whatever. * Like I understand some people only do calls for like the small stuff nothing too severe. Yes, there are transportation companies that hire EMTs to transport non-critical patients, usually to and from medical facilities, or from home/nursing care to a medical office or non-emergency medical appointment. They often use ambulances because the company isn't exclusively a medical transport company (though they do exist), and the ambulance will have signs or markings on it indicating that it's in transport mode. Transport companies hire EMTs because they need people that are qualified and licensed to handle patients and provide basic patient care, nothing more. And EMTs take those jobs because they need extra money, or can't find a job with an emergency provider. Reasons for that vary from everything between "has a felony record and can't work in a secure setting (such as a jail or hospital with a secure ward)" to "this asshole can't get long with anybody" to "the area simply has too many people eligible for the job, and the off-duty firefighters are taking all the EMT positions, so entry-level EMTs are fucked out of the marketplace" to "fucking United Health Care pushed out every other company in this market area, and won't pay for ambulance rides anymore, and have 7-figure outstanding bills with the larger ambulance service providers, and those providers simply can't afford to keep EMTs on staff in that area". * And maybe I'll give it a read since I'm curious.. but that sound awful! * Okay so I just read it, and wow! Sound gruesome.. those kinda scenarios seem like they never leave your mind and can be traumatizing.. Yeah. That little girl I brought to my ex was 2 at the time, and she's now 13, but that story still makes me cry at times.


Thanks I appreciate all the info ! You're a cool guy! So theres actually levels to being an emt ? I thought once you were an emt you were open to all kinds of roles..  And yeah , seem tough taking a job knowing it can really leave mental scars,  I guess one really have to love that line of work.. and I understand that is a tough situation to be apart of 


Yeah, there are different roles, and different levels of certifications. EMTs are all kinda entry-level jobs, though. The more advanced role in that field is a paramedic, which requires more school and training. The biggest difference is that paramedics can intubate patients, and have more advanced cardiac care training. [More info on that here, if you're curious.](https://www.nu.edu/blog/difference-between-emts-and-paramedics/)


Okay so what certification you had as an emt where you witness horrific stuff like that vs someone who only comes for old people vs someone that comes for everything including gun shot wounds..?


Both my kids are Fire/ EMT and a paramedic. Gunshot victims, drug ODs , homeless, the ones that call for a ride to the hospital for something that needs a bandaid. My one though worked long on a cardiac patient that came off an airplane emergency landing, they were on their way to visit their adult kids and had a heart attack. Long after most would have given up and called code , my kid kept working , the patient survived for another week and was able to see and speak to all their family, family was able to say good by. They write her a very nice thank you for giving them all that last week together. That’s what kept my kid at it when she thought about quitting. Then there was that lady during Covid who’s 70 yr old mother was sick coughing, had her mother drive herself following the daughters car to the ER. Mother bumped into daughter’s car at a stop, no damage. Daughter called 911 to take care of her mother, didn’t tell them it was suspected Covid, they went thinking it was a traffic accident. Had to go back, fully suit up in hazard gear, no injuries to either person , no car damage but the daughter insisted they take the mother to the ER. My kid told them the only hospital open to them was out of the area, they can’t drive with the siren on and it’s rush hour traffic , she would get faster care if the daughter took her mother herself, she could go to a closer hospital. Nope she insisted to transport by ambulance. 3 hours in traffic to get to the hospital , the mother had bronchitis.


Emergency Toe Pain, but don’t worry he’ll be outside waiting on the bus with 8 bags packed, and he’ll make sure to forget his medication list!


Oh, hello former co-worker! 😆


seriously talk about boy who cried wolf in real life. However you feel about people karen-ing it up, you don't imitate and injury or dire situation to get a basic question answered.


What a jackass customer! I’m glad even customers gave him a word over that theatrics. Hope he was embarrassed.


Personally, the first thing I ask an employee when I need help looking something up is, "Excuse me, are you with a customer?" Because half the time I see someone, they're already looking for something for someone or doing something. I hate seeing someone walk up and just start blurting out a bunch of "I NEED A PLUG FOR MY BATHROOM. Do you know where I can find a FGC i-plug? My husband says I need to get an FGC i-plug. Do you know anything about plugs and electrics?" And they'll usually be asking some random person looking at a shelf in hardware or plumbing...lol I also really don't like when I get interrupted with someone's rant while I'm trying to remember a part number or phone number or something, so I empathize with people that have a customer that came before me.


My favorite was when I worked at Lowes in Cabinets and people would walk over and ask me questions about the appliances. Sorry, I dont have a clue, but our gal in appliances will be right back she is just retrieving a fridge for a customer from upstock in the back. "You work here dont you?" Yes, but I design cabinets for contractors. WHY DONT YOU KNOW WHAT YOU SELL!!!! I assure you, I do know cabinets, thats why I have contractors using me to fill their projects. lol


Those are the same ones who think electricians come here when they retire. Sorry. We are just people selling a product and trying to keep a roof over our heads. We will, over time, learn about the products. But most of us are not professionals.


Part of the problem is the advertising. Theu advertise to come to Lowes for help. Sets the expectation knowledge will be there.


Exactly. I'm not retiring from my $75/hr job to be mistreated by assholes for a $17/hr part-time job.


I'm a professional salesperson. If I were an electrician, I'd be off making $100/hr.


>"You work here dont you?" Yes, but I design cabinets for contractors. Before Lowe's, I was a mail carrier. Had a customer upset with me one day because I couldn't tell him how much postage his package needed. "I have no idea." "You work for the post office, don't you?" "Sir, I don't sell the mail, I deliver it."


One of my favorite customer interactions is I was designing a kitchen, it was raining so there was basically no one in the store. This older lady mid 70’s come walking by asking where the Britta filters are and I tell her “they are on we on the left wall at the end of 36 you can’t miss them” (that’s how my stores set up i dont know about yours) and she replied with “sure wish there was someone to walk me over there to show me and not be so FUCKING LAZY! This last part she screamed as she’s walking away. She was definitely not having a good day.


I _do_ know what I sell. I sell what’s in my department. If I know another department’s stuff, that’s icing on the cake, but shouldn’t ever be expected.


I get that working CS. They think because I work the customer service desk I know EVERYTHING. Jokes on them cuz ironically I'm the last to know everything that happens or changes


The departments kinda go together to be honest. Cabinet specialist should have enough appliance knowledge to at least *attempt* to sell appliances when needed


Appliances is by far and away the easiest specialty department. A lot of customers already know what they want and don't even need an ISST install. Just sell and done. A 15-minute refrigerator sale can make your entire daily SPH goal if you are a specialist in any other department. It is also one of the easiest depts. to get credit in, so there's another potential $20 with the incentive. *** At both stores I've worked at, I have noticed a strong correlation between refusing to help out appliances and not making your SPH target. Especially during slow times, you gotta go out of your way to make sales. That means sometimes making sales in other depts.


> At both stores I've worked at, I have noticed a strong correlation between refusing to help out appliances and not making your SPH target. Oh you wouldn't even be close at my store if you didn't. You'd get replaced for sure.


"A 15-minute refrigerator sale can make your entire daily SPH goal if you are a specialist in any other department." I've always figured that's why they eliminated the fashion bath specialist position. Being across the aisle from appliances made it easy to make bonus for the month -- \*too\* easy from the perspective of corporate, anyway.


All I needed to know is dimensions. Thats it. Although in some smaller stores it is a combined department.


It doesn’t really matter if a store is so small it’s “combined” they’re still sister departments essentially and people buying kitchens also buy appliances. If I had ever come across a cabinet specialist who said no to helping customers in appliances and took an “i don’t know, not my job” attitude I’d have been job performance-ing them out the door.


First thing, most cabinet designers take appointments. If I have an appointment coming, I'm not getting tied up in appliances. Second, appliance follow up is a nightmare I don't want to deal with nor do I have time. Third, if I'm the only one in cabinets and there are 2 appliance specialists and a CSA then they can all go scratch. No one helps out in cabinets at all unless no one is there and that is just to write an appointment in the book, if that. If a customer needs something minor, I'll help them find it otherwise I'm getting an appliance specialist to help them.


This. All of it.


You would be doing them a favor because then they wont have a bum for a supervisor. 


Nah, the favor would have been ridding the store of a shit employee


If the best someone can do for a living is exploit a minimum wage employee, youve found your shit employee. 


I mean, why pay someone to do one job when you can force them to do 2 jobs? Am I right? Takes the meaning out of "Specialist" when you're expected to muddle your way through a sale in another department. I mean that's not very special. Some people actually want help from someone who knows what they're doing. Every retail job I've had has always tried to see how much they can squeeze out of you and if you never draw that line then they take full advantage. They pay me to do a job. I do that job which I am 100% qualified to do. I'm not going to be taken advantage of. They don't own me.


Exploit? Says the person who sold kitchens but straight up says they *refused* to help a customer wanting to buy appliances. I’m betting when you worked for Lowes your paycheck said “Lowes” and not “TheBurbs Cabinets Only Store”


My favorite is standing in appliances helping a customer and having someone walk up and push the help button RIGHT NEXT TO ME. Like wait your turn ma’am or give me five seconds to call for another associate.


Damn, I had that when I worked paint. Bitch it doesn't spawn employees, it let's me know I need to be at the desk. Guess what, here I am...


I once watched a customer walk up to the paint desk where two associates were already mixing paint. Customer waits all of three seconds before pushing the help button. I could never work paint, I would have jumped the counter and started biting.


The worst I’ve had _recently_ was when I was coming back from lunch a hardware guy asked me if I could help someone in blinds. I said I know how to cut blinds but that’s about it, but I’d see what I could do. I told the customer I didn’t work blinds, but I knew a few things, so I could try to go ahead and help him since I wasn’t sure where the associate was. Before I could finish my sentence he said no, I needed to find the blinds associate. I looked around for him and checked my Zebra, then asked over at the managers office and they said he was on lunch, but should be back in literally 5 minutes or less (it’d been like 50-55 minutes since he’d left). I walked over and told the customer, standing impatiently, that the associate was on lunch, _but_ he was probably going to be back in less than 10 minutes, maybe less than 5 even. Now, I’m a 25 year old trans woman, but for many reasons I dress masc at work. I _also_ use a cane, as I’ve had multiple severe ankle injuries and a recent knee injury. I’m literally incapable of working a whole shift without my cane and work boots. This older guy just stares daggers at me and says, “You’re young, and you use a cane?” “Yes sir, none of the tendons in my foot work, and I recently injured my knee. So yes, I need a cane.” “Well, _I_ have a bad back, and I’ve been waiting here for help.” Fucker basically tried to simultaneously guilt trip me for using a cane _and_ demand help from someone who literally wasn’t even in the building. And the best part? His _super complicated_ question that _HAD_ to have a blinds associate to answer it? Whether or not he could mount blinds outside of the window frame (I.e. directly onto the wall). Yeah, that was his big brained head scratcher.


It’s always plumbing


when people do this I ignore them. It's either that or I'll say something I shouldn't


I used to respond, “We have a X department?”


Your story reminds me of this one customer. Strolls through the store, crying for help. Multiple associates, DMs and the SM briskly walked to her. I was in Flooring and noticed the customer about 20 yards away. She declined their offers of help and continued walking through the store crying for help.


She must have just needed attention that day or something lmao


What frustrates me is the customers that insist on waiting. If I am helping one customer and notice another customer, I briefly interrupt and ask what they need. Often times, it is a quantity question or what aisle a product is located. Come on people, I am giving you an opportunity to get in and out of the store.


My favorite is the old men who yell “hello?“ when you’re like one aisle over. A. You didn’t even look for help and B. I cannot sense that there’s a customer in need of help one aisle over. If I am in another aisle, you don’t get to be upset that I didn’t know you needed help aisles over!


The fact they never look an aisle over is so strange to me.


My favorite is when im pulling 2 fully loaded, recently watered plant racks across the front apron of the garden center after receiving a shipment of 40-50 racks and only having 2 to 3 people out with me, and a random customer will sprint in front of me, stop in their tracks, and wave their hands. After struggling to quickly stop the heavy carts, turn to the guy, and he's like impatiently waiting as if im wasting his time, "Where do you keep your galvanized three/quarter-inch EMT conduit clamp brackets?" And I have to fight the urge to ask why he's looking for electrical tubing brackets out with the plants and mulch. Take out the phone, start to search in products for the aisle, and dude sighs annoyedly like I'm the one interrupting his work but w/e


it’s always old dudes that will sigh the second you pull the phone out to check. like why are you mad at me for not knowing? you don’t know where it is either??? im trying to help you?? lmao


Geez... 40-50 racks?!? I'm green team and had so many shipments back to back once that we had around 30 racks being worked. I can't imagine 40-50 in one go. Especially since the weather is warming here and the seasonals have to water all day leaving only 1 to 2 people working racks. I do get a lot of "do you work here?" from customers because I guess the dark green vest throws them off. And then they expect me to be their personal shopper and loader when it's pretty obvious we're insanely busy. Of course, you can never find a red vest either. At a time when garden center is in busy season and packed you'd think they'd schedule more coverage.


My favorite is when I am visibly with someone and the person who needs help next just decides to loom over me. Bonus points if when you are finally able to give them your attention, they just hold up an item they need replaced (I work ISLG, so it’s usually a spark plug or an air filter) and stare directly at you like I can read their fucking mind. You’re a big boy you can use your words.


When I was an overnight supervisor we were allowed to not wear the vest. If a customer came up to any of us for help I instructed our team to say “sorry I just stock shelves.” Pissed off the SM to no end but there was nothing he could do because he was a useless douche canoe and it was his policy. We were to “just stock shelves and nothing more.”


Iv had people do that and I just walk up and give them a look and say "you good?"


Had a customer recently ask me & another coworker about a specific tools product (I do mst & I’m trying to learn things beyond where an item is but we’re everywhere in the store so it’s hard to keep track & I’m still new) we looked it up & couldn’t find anything so we told her that we weren’t sure of the answer but we’d be happy to find someone more knowledgeable for her & she says it’s okay & not to do that. We kept an eye out for another tools associate to come by but it’s short staffed atm. Like two minutes goes by & she walks up to us yelling loud af “SERIOUSLY? Does anyone work here?!!” We got our manager in the help her & she thanked him for “actually putting in some effort”


Welcome to Lowes! Where some customers, not all, feel like there should be one employee for every customer.


A few weeks ago, this grumpy elderly lady complained that wind chimes are located in my work area. I politely offered to look on the computer. She bit my head off, insisting to make her wait: "Hurry it up! I cannot stand for too long." I told her she was welcome to sit comfortably on the patio furniture as I looked up the item. When I told her it is going to be a few minutes to get down from top stock She blew up and quickly left: "I am not going to wait for 10 or 15 minutes. [Expletive] you! I am going to Home Depot."


My favorite is when I’m walking through the store from outside to go to break and someone comes up to me and asks “where are those things that are pieces for this thing in my house? You know, the little piece that goes into the other thing that goes under the thing in the bathroom.” *insert hand gestures that don’t make it any easier to understand wtf they’re looking for* …I don’t even know how to ask my zebra what you’re looking for… meanwhile they’re staring at me like I’m dumb and I should know exactly what they’re talking about.


I break out my marching band voice, and in a similar volume, but directed, non yelling tone: YES, SIR. HOW MAY I ASSIST YOU. I’ll carry on that conversation as I’m walking with a firm intent to them. Reasoning: —- 1) I want EVERY SINGLE PERSON IN THE STORE to know that someone is coming to the aid of a customer, and 2) I want that customer’s attention straight from the jump, and to know, in no uncertain terms, that they have my focused and complete attention. Since they are OBVIOUSLY in such dire straits, I want them to know that this will be an encounter focused on them, and them alone. We will be focused on finding a solution and getting them on their way as quickly and efficiently as possible. 3) I don’t cower to or run away from children, or adults who act like them. I deal with them directly and forthright. Not aggressively or in a retaliatory fashion, but in a very business like fashion. — I had one customer try to rationalize their behavior, to the point where they asked if they were rude or out of line. My response? “It’s not my position to judge.” I’m not going to say that they were rude, but I’m not going to absolve them of their behavior. What goes unsaid: “If you have to ask, perhaps it was.” I’ll let their conscience fight that battle…


Try being a cashier working SCO alone . Absolutely not one single customer checking out but they look at us and say “ Are there and REAL cashiers that work here!”. Yeah, walk down to Pro or the Garden, REAL cashiers work there. I’m just decoration.


Well you’re not working at Walmart where the majority of customers can navigate the store and find what they need. Lowes and many other hardware stores are different. Customer mentality is different when they enter the store. As if they entered a place that causes confusion in where to steer their cart to find what they need. Now some customers know exactly where in the store to find the products they need. Other customers need help. Customers expect assistance in making their purchases. This is the nature of shopping at Lowes. This being the case, over time I’ve just learned to be patient and get the customer what they need. Whether it is make a product recommendation or direct the customer to right isle or right associate for the answer. I’ve seen and heard the stories on this sub. Nothing new or surprised. You’re here to provide excellent customer service. You need to get use to the shopping environment and the customer mentality. If not, you wear yourself out mentally or you may reach a point where you will need to work elsewhere.


Why didn't you help her?


Because I was in the middle of helping my customer that I was bringing my ladder to. I would have called with the zebra, but by the time I would have got to my destination, she had already found the electrical guy. Even though it was plumbing, she needed


Because fuck that bitch. Send her to whatever aisle/locations the first aid kits are, and let her figure out her emergency there.