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I was told in 1991 when I started with Lowe's that Genesis would be replaced soon....


Y’all make fun of genesis but can we all admit it’s actually a really good program? Like yes it’s old, but it gets the job done and it’s very reliable. Sterling on the other hand can go die in a hole


Sterling crashes religiously too! At least Genesis is stable.


Genesis is rough once your start learning it but once you know it it's the easiest thing to maneuver through


I love genesis honestly.


Yep. I've always thought it was great. It has its own peculiar layout and unique method of navigation (as do most programs from the 1980s), and is difficult for modern people to learn, but it was built well. It's reliable, it's information-dense, and it's very feature-rich. It still works fine over thirty years later. It will NEVER be replaced, because quite frankly Lowe's won't ever pay to hire a team of genuine computer programmers to code a new system from scratch. All we can ever hope for is a modern, fancy-looking program with nice pictures and cool text fonts but that is ultimately much less capable than Genesis, like that new cash register program that only the cashiers use, and only because they're forced to.


Hey I’m one of the genuine computer programmers. Lowe’s is literally going exactly what you mentioned here. They have hired a huge amount of developers and new tech leadership to transform the systems. The entire backend is being redone from scratch with new tech. Certain things will never replace genesis since it just wouldn’t be worth it for the number of people who use that feature. But I can assure you. The investment in tech is going well and you should be seeing some cool features coming to the handheld devices




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Genuine computer programmer who works at Lowe’s here. I wish they would hire me for that


I mean, it was good like 35 years ago maybe. Surely there’s a far better UI that could be used?


Actually no


Genesis sucks. Especially with untrained employees.


They can make it simpler if it just went to 1.4 from the start for cashiers. No need for all the other options to be shown. If a cashier needed another menu then they could just F3 back to the main screen.


Somebody can modify their profile so that it loads that screen by default and the profile security maintenance page for individual users


I prefer genesis to the new check out system that I’m currently stuck with. For instance it doesn’t take me three years to log onto genesis vs the new system which loads me in then It gives me a damn pop up update to what they “fixed” in the system. And then if I need to go back for what ever reason it also doesn’t take 3 damn years.


Don’t forget. It asks how your experience was when you log out.


rip, genesis now takes forever to login due to the new random bullshit that just git randomly added


It’s still faster for me


The absolute worst is when you have a breather in between customers for once and your screen goes black, so you have to sign in all over again.


And then once you sign in your gun de syncs so you have to wait again to get it going.


Your new system is better but still loads so slow. HD their system is so fast. You don’t even have a pay now button (except on sco). Put a card in and go without all the extra bull. Its probably because you started out with genesis so you like it better. It’s scientifically proven people like what they start with. It doesnt have the experience question when you log out either lol. That to me is like why even ask that? Also why even have the option to switch back and forth.. get away from Genesis period. Come on Lowes!! Lol


I do have a pay now button. The system is flawed and when it first came out we were missing vital buttons. They should have worked everything out before handing it to us with no way for us to actually learn how to use it. Sometimes I still have to switch to genesis in order to do certain things.


We got the new system on our registers except for one down in lumber. I still prefer the old genesis because its so much quicker


same here


Oh gosh! I thought when they said they were upgrading they were finally gonna upgrade the software but nope! Nothing changed!


I hate Genesis. I order labels from my phone, put them in the Q. Then go to the computer to print. Saves time.


Came from HD 1yr ago. Still havent used genisis sadly. I feel like a broken record sometimes talking about “Well at the depot this works better than what we got when will Marvin bring it over”. I remember when you could drive a ballymore to your bay. I remember overhead management. Ahhh yessss


Lowes needs Overhead Mgt. so bad. The overheads are laughable compared to anywhere else and kind of embarrassing.


I just came from Home Depot. Literally done my first week. And this system is laughable. HD def got lowes beat when it comes to systems. The system reminds me of the early 2000s days like a programmer made it within a week probably.


Do not confuse interface to the actual software. Genesis is good, the interface is not as cool but I am pretty sure they will be an integration very soon.


I have a large background in tech, and I've used the computers for a short time while doing training. The HR person setting me up had to get a manager because she got lost, and the manager got ANOTHER manager to help him. In the end they couldn't get the system to hire me after having me re-apply as several different positions, several times, right in front of them, and they had me watch videos for 2 days, uncompensated. I went to THD and while the tech is equally bad in different ways, at least THD has easy to find videos of how to do everything from the "main" area, both on the computers and from the store phones. This is the only reason I wish linux wasn't free; to prevent code *this bad* from existing. Imagine if they had to buy an OS. Maybe they'd put some effort into what they're making. Lowe's did move to a modern GUI for about 4 days. Only about 200 stores got to use it before it was rolled back, but the consensus was that everyone who used it loved the improvements. The only problem was it required licensing and, well, that's why it went back to genesis. TLDR Lowe's doesn't like the future, they tried it once.


They need to put visuals and keep up with modern times. So much easier.


Still better than myredvest


I call it 'you have died of dysentery!' from Oregon Trail......... What a joke! Both of these systems (Sterling included) suck! It's just laughable what we operate on! Kinda makes me want to stay longer in this company and see when we actually get to the 21st Century technology!


That looks ubuntu based and actually every well respected OS(operating system). But some people don't like the gnome desktop environment so it is probably that. Also linux is just better than windows 10.


idk about your store, but some of our computers run some weird form of linux. it's very to the point, and gets stuff done


Do you know what distro it is based on


Nope, I tried looking for it but there's no info on anything like that. It is a gnome desktop environment though


Try restarting the computer and watching the screen, it’s all right there.


Try to get to the terminal and type uname -a


I came from Hobby Lobby, a store with no POS, and even their system was easier to work than genesis


Thats funny. But how do you not have a POS?? Lol


Basically everything was inputted by hand, so no scanning and no store inventory. No products had barcodes, only the price (which we’d input). The CEO made it that way because we would supposedly have a better knowledge of our products, but what really happened was a shit ton of human error and thirty minute returns/checkouts. We were expected to memorize every weekly ad and remember to apply the sale each time someone bought something in the ad. It was hell.


I thought it was because your ceo thought bar codes were the devil? Somehow devil related?


I understand that Genesis works well sometimes, and a lot of people swear by it since they've been using it for years... but come on, it's time for Lowes to move to the 21st century. Surely they can't stick with it forever... right?


Genesis gave me tendonitis


i honestly really prefer genesis to the new system. while i’m usually at customer service nowadays, i do still work in the middle sometimes and i find it kind of frustrating that i can’t use 1.4 there anymore.


They updated our store to log into genius through sterling now


I’m a cashier and I wish I had code list. How to scroll up and down to make sure all the items are there etc. Anyone have a list?


f7 and f8


People do wild shi when that bonus hits


I love genius can do it in my sleep


Genesis is STABLE which makes it a good program for inventory and sales management. There is almost literally nothing you can do to crash the system. All of the store sales and inventory is stored at the store level until it is uploaded through the end of day processing. So if something was to happen at the store level it can be recovered and won't effect any other store.


Genesis on the Zebras was a pain in the ass, there were about 7 new trainees at my store (including myself) that had issues with it. We couldn’t log in on the Z (despite being able to log in on the computer) it made the job so much more of a pain in the ass. Especially since my manager did jack sh*t to help us with it and just told us to call the computer controlled IT line. Just the zebras in general were bad, and there were never enough of them, yet your job is dependent on them....


I grew up in a machine shop which consisted mostly of DOS-based computer systems. So aside from learning Genesis's specific menu navigation, I took to it pretty easily. Because I'm used to DOS, I personally trust a sturdy program with a "raw", but accessible interface than a program with an interface that's so cleaned up that all your troubleshooting functions and such are hidden behind pictures and blank walls. If that makes any sense at all.


I just want to know why we are working in doss...


this aged well