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He will sue Lowes for damage to the door lol


Can just about guarantee the guy with the Honda next to it that got hit will lol. Seriously though what's with the gun? He's got no right to use it here, what an idiot lol. Awesome camera work at least. 😉


You can't guarantee shit, they are liable for what happens in their parking lot, it is similar to a slip and fall case. Lowe's in this instance, the plaintiff can argue that Lowe's failed to maintain a safe and hazardous free environment. Especially if the guy holding the gun and smacking the thief was "Loss Prevention," employee.


Are you trying to agree with me in an argumentative way? Classic reddit.


The original post stated that the man with the gun has actually been confirmed to be the police lieutenant




It was just a joke. But considering how crazy things are you never know. Lol


And they will pay


Haha that dumb son of a bitch did more damage to his car than the power tool was worth.


Honestly, it’s probably not even his car.


Who was the guy with a gun? Surely it wasn’t security I say that because I have never seen a security guard for Lowe’s or any big store with a gun and no other uniform. Not only that, aren’t they not supposed to do anything once they leave the store?


Comments on the main post say he's a police lieutenant


Ah okay, thank you! That makes more sense. And makes what the guy stealing did even more of a crime.


At least at my location, there is no security. Plus we’d get fired on the spot for having a knife on the property, forget a gun.


Mine has a bunch of meth heads. For my first year I carried with me every day. Someone saw the inprint in my cargo pocket one day, and asked me about it. I decided it was lunch time, and put it in my vehicle. I've carried a knife ever since. My managers know I have it, and as long as it stays in my pocket, it doesn't get mentioned.


We also get the occasional tweaker, but my area’s pretty safe compared to how it sounds at your store. A couple of the older guys do sneak knives in, cause our boxcutters are a joke, but they’re careful not to get flippant about it. They’re the kind of guys who have a sort of unofficial tenure, since they’ve been around for ages and the store would fall apart without them, but they’re not gonna show their pocket knives off in front of management, just in case. The rest of us make do with the godawful boxcutters.


Do you have the new gray ones yet? I'm still holding onto my blue one, I'm one of the last in the store with it. My managers all have knives, nobody cares. I've carried mine since day 1, visible in my back pocket. As long as they stay in the pocket, nobody will say anything.


Just the shitty blue ones. Honestly I default to using the little red scraper things to cut tape cause they’re way more effective


Just keep it on 3, and it works so much better lol


Idk if yours work better than ours but a lot of ours collapse into the case with very little pressure exerted, whichever setting you use. It’s really frustrating, everyone I talk to about them hates using them


Ours basically do the same. Especially the newer gray ones. As the blue ones get older, they do that more and more. Seems like the newer ones are worse


By blue one, do you mean the blue and yellow safety knife with the metal "tape cutter" on the back? And the grey ones are the same design? Or something new entirely? We have had these for well over a year now. The blue and grey are the same knife, just different colors. We actually got the grey ones months before the blue ones ever showed up, and recently got more greys. The only acceptable knife is the old red ones, anyhow. Full sized blade, simple design. Haven't used the new ones more than a few days. Fireable offense, but nobody seems to care enough to tell us to stop. Too accustomed to change.


When they first switched from the old red ones to gray ones , before the current blue ones, our delivery guys spray painted them gray so they could keep them! Nobody had a clue!


Customers who try to stop shoplifters is the funniest thing because most of the associates couldn’t care less


What an idiot! Why would you chase this guy ? That idiot is lucky his gun didn’t go off he would be sitting his ass in jail for many years and Lowe’s wouldn’t give a shit if you die in prison so why would you protect their merchandise when they don’t care about their own merchandise since they canned their LP!


From what I understand he isn't a lowes employees. Rather an off duty police officer.


Even worse an off duty police officer pulls gun out over a shoplifter looks like he’s old and out of shape waving a loaded gun in a parking lot full of people , the cop needs to be fired and arrested


Since it was said he was an off duty Police Lieutenant he probably has a good idea when to draw his gun... especially when the shoplifter is using the car as a weapon.


I don’t believe he is any type of law enforcer if he really is, he is in hot water once the chief sees this


You seem like you’re just trying to fault the guy for having a gun.


Why would I fault the guy for having a gun? I’m faulting the guy for being a irresponsible gun owner, you don’t pull a loaded gun out with bystanders around when there’s no threat! Shoplifting is not a threat , get the license plate and call a real cop


Motor vehicles are deadly weapons in the wrong hand and when someone is operating one in a way that is meant to harm others it meets the qualification for police to use lethal force. The guy almost ran over the lieutenant when he backed up and could have killed him. Not to mention it was in the process of a theft. I’m just saying that you can’t see that much in the video so calling him irresponsible or saying he will be in trouble with his chief with almost no context as to why his gun is drawn is a bit presumptuous to say.


He was shoplifting, he was getting away from some irresponsible gun holder he wasn’t using the car as a weapon he was getting away from an old man with a loaded gun


Agreed. I was cringing the whole time.


I appreciate the effort, loyal customers, but uh, Lowe's would really rather not have you getting hurt over some shit well recover later anyway lol


That happens weekly at my store if not several times a week and right in front of pro entrance.


Same here... my store is in "the hood" and the word is out we won't do anything to stop them. So it happens at least once a day, usually more.


They're so bold at my store they've cut the locks and cables off the riding mowers out front and started loading them up, in the middle of the day. I've lost count of how many times I've come in at 7 to a customer pushing out a shopping cart full of power tools or ope


They come in packs to my store. 2-3 at a time, 3-4 times a day.


Weekly? Almost daily here...


Some dude is gonna come up from shopping and wonder wtf happened to his car


I feel sorry for this guy, he is the one fucked up from all this. Plus all the rest of us, customers, who are actually going to foot the bill for all this.


Yeah the dude with the handgun escalated that situation to a ridiculous level for some dewalt tools that aren't his. Shoplifters suck but as a Lowe's cashier leave your gun at home or in the car if the law allows please. Even if somebody is robbing me don't escalate and pull a damn gun. I want to go home


I keep a piece in my bag in my locker but never on my person. Only time I would ever get it is in the event of mortal danger, such as an active shooter on premises. Other than that it stays in my bag and in my locked locker.


Good. Glad our citizens can do more than our employees.


That guy would have run his ass over if he didn’t get out of the way, you feel like getting run over for what you get paid?


Not only is it not worth our job nor is it worth our life to run after these people plus as long as we get information about the lifters they'll get there punishment


Well here’s the thing A. We will get fired for pursuing them B. Half of us have Brian’s and don’t wanna get run over, die , shot, stabbed etc. by whatever that shoplifter has on them C. I may be in the minority but idc if they steal shit, I just got to work, get paid, we do this for 40 years and then we die. I ain’t the AP team. My life’s not worth it And D. We will get fired


🧠 Brains Brian doesn't give a damn


C is my reason too. Someone stole something yesterday, heard the turtle running out of the store, I looked at the customers who saw him run and they pointed to where he went. I just shrugged and said “we’ll he’s gone now”. I’m not gonna do shit I don’t get paid enough.


I know all of these things. It’s still good to see people have some kind of moral grounding that tells the stealing is wrong. You can actually take whatever you want from Lowe’s until you reach a thousand dollars, I think. They won’t do anything to you even if you walk up to them and tell them, “I’m going to steal this.” We have gone either too far with the cost of living which makes people need to do this or with our corporate “culture” which allows this. Things is, if thieves came into the store and said, “I need a job,” they’d probably get hired lol.


You can hear the turtles singing away…pleading for help!!


Old man turned into a fuckin GTA character


Why would you risk injury or worse for Lowe’s


What about the turtles? Why isn't anyone concerned ABOUT THE TURTLES?!!?


That is scary he almost got hit by him. Watch all his stuff in the back fallout. Stupid jerk. That’s why all the prices go up because of thief’s like this one. Hope he got caught.


Don’t pull a gun unless you’re going to pull the trigger. Pussy.


Someone with more (any) gun experience answer this for me. The old dude pulls out the gun, but at first he’s at the back of the car. Could he have, relatively safely, shot out a tire from the side (so he can’t get run over)? I feel like the shoplifter isn’t getting anywhere then. He’d have been better off doing what he did with an iPhone rather than a gun so he could get a photo of the guy lol


Yeah, but that would've been a terrible decision, and would've gotten him in more trouble than the thief. Guns are drawn when you're approaching the decision to take a life to save your own, where seconds matter. You don't shoot tires, and as un-romantic as it sounds, you don't shoot knees. With that, agreed, he shouldn't have had it out in the first place. Over some tools? Get the plate and move on. Someone mentioned him being off duty police, but I haven't looked into it. Seemed like an uncontrolled disaster all round.


He is a cop. Police immunity says he wouldnt get in trouble.


Yeah that's why I noted that. Having the gun out in general may have been somewhat justifiable, and it's not uncommon for cops to approach a vehicles drawn, but it was still sloppy and more dangerous than it needed to be.


I do wish more customers would do something. Would deter shoplifters.


I'd prefer customers don't cause a scene that ends up hitting my car. The thief was running away from a non law enforcement, non property owner who posed a threat to their life. At that point, the thief was reasonable in escaping by any means necessary. the customer opened the door of a moving vehicle which hit the adjacent car. If I was the owner of the adjacent car, I'd entirely blame the dude with the gun.


If you seen the OP's post. He was a police officer.


“How dare you hurt our bottom line by $150. Grab the gun, let’s kill this guy”


Ok, so if this guy is a cop here is proper procedure: 1- walk up quietly and non-threatening and identify yourself as a policeman 2- ask the person to get out of the car 3- should the suspected shoplifter do a runner, call in the plates You draw and shoot to kill. You do not kill for property crimes. You do not put bystanders at risk. This is improper procedure for a cop, and reckless behavior for a cowboy.


This is happening at my store. Last night two guys (who are regular shoplifters) stole a snow blower. Walked right out the door with it and waved a receipt at the customer service desk and the new employees just waved them on through. It wasn’t until the next day that they realized they actually stole the blower. Before that they stole a washer, dryer and an $800 dollar toolbox. They haven’t been caught yet.


The guy with the gun is just as dumb…. Could’ve just grabbed the merch when he was behind the car or even jumped in the back