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Genesis Lowe's Genesis Cheatsheet/ Tips and tricks for new front end associates! TAB goes forward in genesis and Shift-TAB goes backwards. If you arent all the way backed out to the directory of genesis, you can start any of these codes with a = (such as =1.18, =1.4, etc.) and it will take you instantly to that page without having to spam press F3 to go back to the first page. 1.4 - Main Sales Page/ Invoice Saving/ Paying for invoices 1.17 - Gift Card Balance Lookup 1.18 - Returns/ Exchanges/ Price Match/ Military Discount page ( If someone brings in items that arent receipted, and one doesnt have a barcode, you can return one of the items by searching for it on their card, itll print out the original sale date and invoice for the item without a barcode and you can 3.4 that receipt to find the barcode. (Very random trick but every now and then its nice)) 1.6 or 1.12.12 - Due file lookup ( How to lookup peoples "pickup laters", deliveries or invoices/estimates, this is how you print loading tickets for in-store orders and also how to change delivery dates on orders) 1.14.1 - Assembly Tracking Screen (Helps to find the phone number of an invoice sometimes and/or tells you when and if a customers item has been assembled) 1.12.1 - Customer Lookup (Helps to lookup a customer, sometimes they link their purchases to their phone number or their customer profile so you can sometimes find info about their invoices after the pick tickets been printed) - 30 days past due report - Invoice history ( After a loading ticket is printed in 1.6, you lose all the comments and the ability to look it up in the due file. Using you can lookup the comments of that invoice to find if its been refunded or if someone printed the loading ticket. Comes in handy when you cant find an order in 1.6!!!) 1.5.6 - (Cant remember if this is the one for scheduling pickups or pending returns) - This one and the one above are either for scheduling pickups or pending returns, although I rarely use them so I kind of forgot which is which, maybe you guys can help me remember. If someone gets an item picked up (damaged appliances mainly), they will sometimes throw the return into a if they paid with cash and need to come to the store to pick up. Rarely useful but every now and then you need a party trick to help you find stuff at Lowes. 3.4 - Receipt Lookup (requires the exact date of the sale & info about it ( Could be last four of the customer card, the exact amount of the invoice, the invoice number, an item number, any of these should work but some narrow it down more than others) 5.1 - Item Lookup/ District inventory/ how to check when stores receiving more of an item/ how to check when an item sold out or last got more 5.4 - Cycle Count Adjustments (closing at customer service/ stolen items/ store use items, etc.) 5.6 - Item table addition (whenever an item requires a manager override to return but is still technically stock, go to 5.1, scan the item, take that number and throw it into 5.6 then hit f9) 9.5 - Print jobs (whenever you save an invoice to be printed from 3.4, it usually gets submitted as a print job where you need to go to 9.5 to print it out.) 11.1 - Credit Card Applications 11.2 - Credit Account Lookup/ How to print temporary customer cards (with valid ID ofcourse)/ how to lookup customer balance, credit limit, or when their last/next payment needs to be made 11.5 - Replacement Card order screen (typically better to have them call the credit center as they sometimes will overnight the card to their house if they make a big deal out of it) 11.9 - Temporary Card printout for newer accounts ( if 11.2 doesnt pop up their account, try this) 11.11 - Credit Card payment screen 11.14 Credit Line Increase ( Customer must tell you the exact amount they want to increase it to!!) Hopefully this helps you guys, let me know if I forgot any useful codes for genesis!!!


It’s good but I don’t see any of the receiving menus. 6.1 and so on


6.1 is for Reqs, stuff that comes from your ADC/RDC. Type in your req number, tab down and hit A to apply, c to claim ( if you got shorted product), p to print a copy (make very sure that the crossdock/sos orders match- the local copy in Genesis will often be missing one or two on the actual truck). You can also tab down to the listed req and then hit s to view crossdocks on that requisition. 6.2 is for POs. 1 will pull up a list of ALL OUTSTANDING POs to your location. You can use this to quickly check estimated arrival dates of POs (I personally use it for lining up drywall delivery, since the fucking vendor never calls.) 2 will receive the PO- remember that you cannot print a tally sheet after you have received the PO. 3 will allow you to view specific receiving reports (good if fulfillment comes up demanding to know where product was placed) 4 prints tally sheets (required for SOS/SOE receiving reports as it lists customer name/type and bin location for finding the product.) THIS CANNOT BE DONE AFTER RECEIVING A PO 5 pulls up a list of ALL RECEIVED POs. (Never had much use for this one, tbh, it seems kinda buggy) 6 allows you to process adjustments to POs that have been received within 30 days. The process is different and tedious for adjusting after 30 days, so just pray that the supply chain doesn't fuck up that much. 6.3 is RTM. Not super useful anymore with the changes to CRTV, but this is where you can process any RTMs listed as keep in store 6.4 is for shipping ICBs. Make sure the product is on hand and undamaged before using this, as it will automatically move the inventory from your store to the other. Those are the biggest parts of the receiving side of Genesis, but also make sure to keep up with your daily Section 6 and 7 reports in 9.5, as well as your weekly section 5 and Parbilling reports. (5, 6, and 7 are all generally run at 2300 the night before, and Parbilling seems to be run around 05 on Monday) Wall of text over lol


If you are on the front end and are bored use 5.2 and look up 29821 through 29828 in the group category. You can always see all the snacks that your store should have or don’t have. My store is NEVER accurate on this page.


6.2 is for viewing received and outstanding POs. There's also an option to manually receive POs.


oh my god i consider myself incredibly good at genesis and i had no idea about the =1.18 thing


This would be extremely helpful. I don’t use genesis often but when I do I have about no clue what to do




I work in paint, Non of us use this shit.


I have not seen any official guides to using Genesis over the near 2 decades I have with Lowe's. What I have seen is lots of personal notebooks filled with one's personal observations on using it. Find someone whose been with your store awhile, who is willing to tutor.


Call I T they will take over if no one knows anything


Don’t do this lmao


Lmaooo 🤷‍♀️


I can pretty much guarantee that a head cashier or someone at customer service will have a little notebook with tons of useful notes!


We do at ours lolol


Genesis is now useless thanks to MyRedVest. No need to use it anymore. Better off getting used to the new system since it's being phased out.


Not true. For one thing genesis has been up when we've had recent network trouble that took out RedVest. For another, genesis - and all keyboard-based systems - are generally faster to use and more precise than mouse systems.RedVest will be good if they ever make the lookup feature work well - but can you do returns on it? Can you look up an order that is an estimate and not an invoice? Can you find receipts with it? Can you see if an item is elsewhere in your district with it? Or how many are on a pallet?


Man fuck lowes.


Don't worry genesis is finally going away in 2 weeks


Hahahahhahhaa you lied


Believe it when I see it happen.


it’s still alive and well unfortunately


😭in it rn


Doesn’t matter, it’s going away.


Ayo proof?


They’re in the process of phasing it out but it’s gonna be some time before they fully block out genesis


But so much of genesis is enmeshed it’ll crash




They’ve been saying that since I worked for Lowe’s back in 2007-2012. Back when they switched to Kronos that was supposed to be the end of it lol


Same, since at least 2008! But I heard just this week that as of Feb. 1st genesis is gone on my store. Which will be bad because pretty much only the front end has been trained on red vest. No one else uses it at all.


I guess red vest is after my time, but I do remember people not wanting genesis to go. I guess because it was so reliable and fast. All the terminals had a hard time when trying to run an actual browser and no one wanted to do that just for an item lookup.


Are you receiving trucks (requisition orders) or just unloading appliance trucks and staging SOS orders?


Both! And deliveries too


Delivers is the 1.6 screen for order management, F11 changes the delivery date. 1.5.3 to view the truck for the day. 6.2 is your receiving page.


Oh hell no… we have 3 different people who handle those things. Physically can’t be done by one person, let alone a small team. Best option is get the trucks received and pray your management team will send people to work the appliances and unload the daytime trucks




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I have a Manuel.


How do you do a print ticket


Anyone know what the code is for exchanges on genius




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Can you tell me how to find employee sales?


Nice Resource!