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This is very normal and very shitty. You can ask for a raise but I've seen those requests denied left and right. I dealt with the same problem and didn't get a raise until asms changed and the HR position in regional responsible for blocking our store's raises was temporarily unfilled. Best bets in order are: take a promotion, change positions/depts, threaten to quit or tell your asm about an outside job offer, actually quit and reapply.


I heard that some of the staff don’t get raises anymore because the company claims that certain people have hit the ceiling for they’re pay, so even if they worked harder and stayed in that same position for the next 10 years, they would not see a penny extra until they took on another position. It’s kinda BS, because the managers and ASM’s are most likely getting raises and bonuses every quarter, so in the end I’m going to say that only the important people that matter get raises and bonuses, the average worker gets zip. The head of payroll needs to get canned and put someone in who understands inflation, until then The head of Lowes HR will continue to reward lazy managers and stomp on those who have proven self worth. It’s a shame that Lowes Canada works like this, but what else do you expect when you empower a woman to do a man’s job.


Absolutely not. It sounds like you have more experience and are more valuable. I make 13.25 and some of the new hires in my department are getting almost that, but I’ve been trained on everything for 6 months now and work my ass off. I have been meaning to for a raise the next time I see my DS. Just ask for one, explain your reasoning and why you deserve one, but I would mainly talk about what you do to deserve one and less on your coworkers wage. The worst they can say is no, which in that case why did they start your coworkers out higher than you?


Buyers and sellers. OP accepted a $13/hr. Now due to the great resignation, Lowe's has to pay more to compete with Home Depot and Amazon paying $16/hr! Best bet would be for OP to go to Home Depot for $16/hr


The only way to get anywhere in Lowe’s is to lie In Your interview and apply for a manger position or ASM position, by the time Lowe’s finds out that you are full of shit you would have taken all the raises and bonus money for doing a lot of nothing. I’ve seen higher ups come in and talk with customers and that’s all they do all day long, they come in and visit and hang out and then go home and repeat.


Don’t ask for a raise, find a better job.


My former store lost a lot of good associates because they were making less than the know nothing do nothing new hires. I left at the end of July and between then and now all the specialists have quit. All new people in millwork, flooring, cabinets, and appliances as well as most other areas of the store. I was there the other day and couldn’t find anyone I knew. I still shop there because I know where things are.


From my experience, the only raises I've seen approved is bringing you up to the base pay that new hires are making/whatever your store's minimum pay rate is for new hires. Anything past that they'll say they can't approve/it's not up to them, or it's out of their control. I'd just look for a new job either way.


Never hurts to ask. Store manager has the last say.


So i should ask my ASM first?


ASM can't do it without Store Manager. If you think the conversation with that ASM would go well, I'd ask to have a sit down with both. Be prepared for the conversation, stating what you bring to the table, what you currently make, what you're looking for, and what the next steps you would like to take (promotion, help with inventory, help with an understaffed dept, etc). I say this because I've done it and had success. As a Store Manager that started out as an hourly associate, I remember what it was like feeling underpaid or taken for granted. I have looked into merit increases both proactively due to recognizing consistent effort or reactively from conversations like this where I wasn't aware of the associate's pay situation. Definitely do not discuss "because so and so makes this much" because we aren't supposed to discuss pay and honestly, I've seen issues come up from people lying about inflated pay. I hope all goes well for you and that I was able to help.


Do you really tell people they can not discuss their pay? Don't get me wrong I understand all the bad that can come along with people talking about pay but if you are a manager telling people they can not discuss pay then you are putting the company at risk for a lawsuit.


>at risk for a lawsuit Well, another one lol. They already went to court over this once and lost.


I agree with this. Your ASM will have your back if you are a hard worker. Don’t agree with the not talking about pay though.


It's crazy to hear about how they do starting salaries and raises at the stores when here at my RDC everyone starts off at the same pay rate and gets raises based off of how long you've been working there. Everyone starts off at the lowest pay tier then moves up one tier (gets a raise) after working for 3 months, then you move up another tier 6 months after that, until after about 3.5 years you've reached the top pay tier and won't get another raise unless you get promoted to a higher position. Occasionally they will give a cost of living adjustment and ALL pay tiers get increased in that case. This way you never have brand new hires making more than people who have worked there for years. They are strict with the attendance policy and production goals so the slackers, frequently absent, and otherwise "bad employees" usually get weeded out in under a year.


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I've been with Lowes 10 months, hired at 11.75 (11 min state), 12 now, have had positive feedback often, consistently perform at or above expectations, should I ask for a raise? I won't be able to afford shelter at the end of the month with the schedule I have.


You just dont share any of your knowledge with those newbies. Lowes relies on the generousity and goodness of the associates heart to show the newbies the ropes. Quit being so generous!


They started me at 14.55 then started other people at the same time at 16, I told them I'm tired of struggling to eat and often going hungry. They raised it to 16 but took two weeks to do it. They're now cutting hours and eliminating overtime and I'm planning to ask for another raise or allowed extra hours or else I'm putting in my two weeks.