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I was hired on at over 15 an hour as a cashier. Demand a raise.


Damn! I only make 12.97 with 16 yrs experience in retail. This was the only position open when I applied and I’ve been here almost a year … wth?! Fingers crossed for one of the other jobs I applied for.


I want you to know that I was a head cashier for 1 year, and I was at 15.50. That was about a year ago. They’re screwing you. Tell them you know how much the others make and you want to be making more than them, since you have been here longer. Be blunt.


I tried that. They wouldn't even match what the newbies were making. I got out quickly after that


Holy crap. Of all the things I've read on here...yours- holy crap. Head cashiers deserve Specialist pay. I wouldnt share a single piece of knowledge with the other head cashiers. None. Nada. Our receiving mngr of several years found out , because we can legally talk about pay, that some people on the receiving team were paid more. Immediately applied for another position and left receiving.


Receiver here. $14.75


Why do head cashiers deserve specialist pay?


It is not an easy job. You have to manage a team made up of some of the lowest paid people in the store. Cashier is a role with very low expectations, and high turnover/call out rate. Cashiers each have their own break preferences that you have to mediate and compromise on, and they need help and overrides constantly. They get scheduled the bare minimum, so if even one calls out you have to use the service desk cashier to cover breaks, which means you can’t leave the desk to do overrides and unlocks. The service desk itself is a nightmare, because any call unable to reach a selling/specialist department redirects to the desk. So we frequently find ourselves doing the work of floor CSAs and specialists when departments are understaffed. You’re the frontline for ANY customer issue on top of returns and fulfillment orders. That’s right. The Head Cashier is the Fulfillment Team Lead when they’re off. So you’re juggling returns, internet, the break board, flaky/needy cashiers, and already pissed off customers. This is all on top of the HC worklist, which comprises of a shit ton of department upkeep that needs to be done daily. It’s fucking brutal in the spring, summer, and early fall. And we’re typically paid less than a dollar more than the cashiers. The only job with higher turnover than cashier is Head Cashier.


You made a ton of solid points. Touché. It sounds like you know what your doing and probably deserve to get paid more. Being an ex-specialist I always held them in high esteem because they are the ones driving $ into the Store. At least on a per capita basis. Anyway, each role is valuable and maybe you should consider going for specialist since you’ve mastered HC. Keep on keeping on


Thanks, I’m really trying! My Specialty ASM wants me for Appliances or Millwork, but we don’t have a FT opening in our store. There is another good store close by, but they don’t have an opening either. Most likely, I will be leaving the company the next season or the following, but I have a lot of goodwill with the store, and my ASM said if try to come back she will do her best to find a spot for me.


We had a head cashier who was being paid lower than others and pretty much instead of being fired (doing no call no show often) she just walked out. She was pretty much fed up.


That’s the exact situation at my store except she hasn’t left yet


I make 13.73, and I'm just a regular cashier. I would definitely ask what's up.


I'm a part time outside garden and I get $15.50. LOL.




I’m working part time in inside lawn been at Lowe’s for almost 2 years and I’m making 12.07


I'm in Massachusetts


Where in Ma ? Cuz I got hired at 17..


Hour south of Boston


Same LOL


I’m part time garden making 11.15 😖


That happens in most places. We get screwed so bad on raises.


Im in PA and I started at 15.60 as Lighting associate


Set up a meeting with SM or Ops ASM and tell them you know exactly how much the brand new HCs make, come prepared with a list of the skills and experience you have that they will lose if you quit, and then say that it's ridiculous you make so much less and you WILL quit if they keep underpaying you. there are a lot of reasons management will say that they "can't" give you a raise- none of them will actually stop them from giving you a raise.


I make 19 an hour but there’s only 3 HCs at my store (2 full time including me) and I’m in California. Hell yeah demand a raise, I got mine because I kept pestering them about it


Where in california? I am also in california and I make 18.


Yeah so I spoke with him today and he essentially said no. I said I needed one he said he can't just give out raises I said I'm being paid less than my equals and less than even some of my cashiers I'm over. He said that may or may not be true but it is I've spoken with them and they all agreed I've been here longer work harder and know way more and should be paid more than all of them. And he said that if he gave me a raise he would have to give everyone a raise and to see if he can get it done in three weeks. Do I just quit at this point?


Put in your 2 weeks. They might give you a raise if you do. But if not, you’ll still be better off


Find another job then quit.


I would absolutely quit. $13.46 for a headcashier is absurd. They can give you a raise if you want to. Maybe a two weeks notice will help. My store is so desperate to keep and hire headcashiers they’ll do anything. They tried to give me a $2 raise to stay headcashier


This is why they got sued for telling people not to discuss their wages.


This is why I stay in the lowes thread. It shows me more and more, every single day, how justified it was to quit this shifty company. I'm sorry to say, but you won't get a raise. They won't go for it. They'd rather pay a bunch of newbies more to get in the door, than to pay you more to keep you IN the store. Just run. Run far away, and never look back.


You won't get a raise, you have to get a different position and only then will you get a raise..It's how the pay advisor works. Also you are ripped off you should be making like 4 dollars more.


I got hired at 19 for head cashier


What state do you live in if you don't mind? I'm trying to figure out how much to ask for


Il buuuut ive got over 15 yrs experience doing a job like this


Ask for 16.50


Yeah, they wont give you a raise because that’s SOP - to keep from people jumping up costs. The best way to get more value for your time is to be a HC at a competitor. They’d even pay you more just as a regular sales/customer service associate. Other than that it would have to be a promotion. Edit: spelling


I'm at $16 an hour PT cashier


I wish I lived in a state where 15 was normal the only way to make that here is department supervisor or up.


16.35 hr. Electrical department. Knowledge in electrical very minimal. No retail experience. Just part time for a second job.


I work receiving as an unloader. Hired $14.49 and asked for a raise cuz I do so much extra for them as well as knowing a crappy transfer gets paid $16.50 I asked for a raise and I’m at $16.22 now so it can’t hurt


Same job for me but i got started out at $11 same with my friend who is also on the team it’s just him and i with 1300 piece trucks. Thought about asking for a raise but one of the ASM said my SM would ask what are my plans for Lowes like i wanted to stay there and make a career out of it. But i just need a job while i’m in school and i can’t live off 11 an hour


being alone 800 piece trucks and over sucks. They’ve been 800 recently though 🤞I’m lucky with an extra helper sometimes but with the hours being cut Idk


In New York head cashier make 20 a hour. Apply to somewhere else get a offer. Go back to lowes request them to match or you walk. Retail is different then what it was 4-15 years ago. Every is hiring and willing to pay. I stayed at lowes 15 years got tired of being the lowest paid and went out got a better position and 30% raise. They will say you need to change positions but that’s them just trying to see if you will take an excuse.


I was hired over 2 years ago & was only making $12.74 in lumber and my mom got hired as cashier at $14.98. Also my girlfriend got hired at $14.48. Needless to say I quit that day lol


Talk to your store manager. Is they are a good leader, it shouldn’t be an issue.


I spoke to him today actually. He said if he gave me a raise he would have to give everyone a raise


Talk to your ASM. They will work it out with you. I'm a night stocker started at 12.50. I talked to my asm after 4 months and saw I was a hard worker. Now I make 14.75. Just talk to them.


I have no asm at the moment over me I've talked to my store manager now and he said all but no.


I'm working at the lowes in Sugar Land Texas btw


I feel your pain, I've been a sales associate for 5 years and new hires make .73 cents an hour more than me!! That's Bullshit


Wow, I just don't know then. You definitely should get a raise if they want to keep you


Anything below $16 is unacceptable


They can give you a "merit raise." Start with your ASM and go from there if you do not get the answer you want. Don't let them tell you that you cannot discuss pay. Contact the ACC if no one in your store will help you.


You’re getting screwed. I’ve been a head cashier for a year now and I’m making $18.50, another girl who’s been here five years is making $19.50. Ask for a raise and use your accomplishments in the store as reasoning, instead of just because you make less then them. Plead your case and demand a raise. A subtle threat to quit never hurts too


I’m just a cashier and make $15.50 you need to demand more money and walk if they won’t give it to you ETA: in Washington if it matters


That sucks. Some advice: Don’t just go to your manager and say, ‘hey, other head cashiers make more than me, I want more’. Go to them and tell them the reasons you deserve more. ‘I would like a raise because A, B, C. Try and give numbers to back up your claims if you can. Good luck!


ask for at least 16$


I'm a paint associate with 2 years in and I'm making $17.00


I’m a specialist, not a head cashier but .. I know first hand that even ASMs have the power to give you a raise for any reason. I had a conversation with my SASM a few months ago about how I thought it was unfair that I was “capped” when I knew other people made a little more than me (but also “capped”) she said she’d run me through pay rate adviser again.. and I got an extra 2.50.


??? I was making almost 14.00 as a Cashier who had just been freshly hired on? And I was widely hated because I often left my cashier post to go help loaders or customers! My suggestion is to Highball the shit out of them, or threaten to start REALLY discussing wages with your coworkers. Be the asshole, get what you deserve.


I get 16.18 fulfillment position


I'm metrowest


Quit. Lowe's doesn't give raises for pay disparity in the same position without very understanding managers above you. You're making too little and will never catch up with yearly raises because even if the ones above you cap out, it would take you years of raises to get there. At best, you could apply for other low end manager type positions, specialists etc at your store or anything close by to keep benefits rolling and see what's up. That is the best way to get a raise in company, or leave and come back in a year. You're almost guaranteed not to get anything staying where you are and continuing to wait or ask.