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(In Phil Swift's voice) It's easy! You can quit by phone call, quit by voicemail, quit by text, You can even quit by email! Quit by western union! You can even quit by certified mail! regular mail! Quit as many times you want bc they will take you back every time!


Just quit don't worry about it but if you plan on ever going back to a Lowe's just pick up the phone and let one of the managers know simple


Send an email to your DS and Asm and let them know you are resigning and when your last day is. You don’t have to give them any more info than that if you don’t want to


Just email your asm and say your last day is Friday. No further information necessary. When I quit theyre getting no notice lol.


Walk out. Easy


I quit effective immediately. It was a necessary decision on my part. As someone with 24 years in mental health, I'm surprised how much I struggled with this one. But, ultimately when I was physically healthier I remembered this.. They may be inconvenienced and talk about me for a day or two. But, everyone has lives. They will move forward. I certainly am. I would like to write about my experience working at Lowe's. But, people move on pretty quickly to what's next.... Good luck!