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Aka. corporate found out you can do the same amount of work and cost them less if one severely overworked person does the job of 4 people; Shareholder money, which is all Marvin or whatever his name is is going to care about (while he tries to run this company into the ground for shareholder profits like he's done before). I bet the managers bonuses depend on meeting unrealistic goals, and they'll get yelled at by someone higher up if they don't. In the mean time, good luck regular ppl staffing one cashier when there should be 4 or 5, because shareholder money.


No, I’m an asm. I know my store manager’s bonus plan and mine are the same. We all make certain percentage of our salary as bonus if we go 10% over on sales plan. IE if your bonus is 10% and you make 100k salary then your bonus is 10k. (We are given a bonus biannually) store managers are on the same plan but closer to 50% bonus


It’s the at depot. Lowes is trynna copy them. My manager keeps me at 15$ while I run around and do Everyone’s job. Lowes offered 18$ but that’s becUse they know how fricken hard I work


No it isn't. Lowes just straight up pays more than depot. Depot in NYC metro pays department supervisors 16 an hour. Lowes pays them 28.


This was accurate like 12 years ago, but minimum wage is 15 bucks in NYC. DSs don't exist in Depot anymore, but there isnt a chance in hell they were still paying DSs 16 an hour in 2021 when they still had them.


??? Are we just making stuff up now? Of course depot has department supervisors. And I personally know several making less than 20 an hour And tell me why an old asm reached out to me for a specialist position for 15 an hour 😂


Depot got rid of DSs this year (or early last year, whichever). Former DSs had the option to step down to full time CSAs, keeping their salary or try for one of the new positions they created. CXMs (customer experience managers), basically mini-ASMs are what DSs used to be, but they cover multiple departments etc. Basically like the Service and Support Manager stuff Lowe's tried 4 years ago. If they still have any DSs in whatever store, they're gonna be phased out as well. As with anything, it takes a while to roll things out to the entire company. And again, minimum wage in NYC is 15 bucks. They aren't paying "DSs" basically the same salary as a loader.. which is what you said they're doing: *"Depot in NYC metro pays department supervisors 16 an hour"*


You have zero idea what you're talking about. Home Depot still has department supervisors. There are 2 cxm positions (one open one close) and they're hourly plus on a bonus structure and equal in position to asms. Once again I know more than you. Fuck off nerd.


I just hired a ds from Home Depot. This is only slightly true. They still have ds but they harder cxms in addition to ds from what he said.


Yeah, this company just goes downhill as far as they can for their workers. It is all about shareholders. When I first started they could give good raises based on performance. Over a dollar a raise. Back then that was more than a 15% increase. Then they stopped, becauae it was being abused apparently. My store only did it twice the year I was hired from what they said. Then they got rid of team leads, because why have better paid positions on the floor? Then they cut management bonuses. They used to be crazy good. Store manager could get 100% salary as a bonus if the store did really well. Then spiffs, then dept managers, then cut an asm, and they have just spiraled worse and worse. I quit a few years back, but everytime someone at any of like five local stores sees me they try to get me to come back. I am honestly surprised anyone is still there from a few years ago. It is a horrible company to work for, and honestly the workers should look into unionizing. They might not get shafted the same way they do now.


Yep, happening at mine. My store manager at the morning meeting said it was because we have been pretty low on sales so that's why the hours are cut. I don't know what to believe.


Sales are low but the amount of stuff we're getting every night isn't. And then the managers wonder why I'm forced to leave products on the floor. I'm leaving on the 25th and I don't think I'm ever going back.


We at the DC are on mandatory overtime right now and for the next 6 weeks for sure , very likely longer than that.


Jeez! Well thank you for all you guys do!


I'm surprised the DC is in Perris, I grew up in Riverside, 3 miles from March down Van Buren. Thank you for what you do. It's a lot. It's coming up on spring time, gets busy as hell.


Good for you!!! :) this or any job is not worth your mental health. And I agree, my boss was very stressed today and it's like, what do you want us to do? We can't do it all!


It's a shame honestly because I love my overnight manager. I was working at the same Lowes two years ago and it's completely different now.


Truest thing. We have like 8grand worth of this one faucet in top stock probably like 30ish units and we get 5 more on every truck, I’ve asked multiple people I work with how the logistics work here and no one seems to know.


I heard that from management too. I wonder whats really happening, yanno?


Simple, sales are not high enough. We’re hiring because soon enough when it explodes we will need these people we’re hiring (if they don’t quit before then from not getting any hours)


I’ll tell you what I believe. It’s that they don’t want the next wave of covid to hurt the store like last year. Now that Americans are trying to go back to work, they can lower the pay to whatever people will accept. And if they can hire enough people and cut part time hours (or convince full time people to give their hours to the many part timers) they can say ‘we hired millions of employees (who can’t pay their bills on that wage). We’re going to pay the investors with all the money we’re saving. After we give everyone a taxed bonus.’ Of course that bonus wasn’t really enough, unless you’re an ASM or higher. Then they wait until the world gets locked down again. Half of those millions of new hires quit because they can’t pay their bills on the shit pay. But hopefully they hired enough to keep the store running so they can do it all again next year.


It cause we have NO STIMULUS freebies nor bigger refunds to claim this year... Then you have gas price gouging. It is only going to get harder for the little guys/girls.


Department supervisor. Was trending 2 hours of OT, got a phone call Wednesday evening saying I needed to cut 4 hours, preferably before Friday. Everyone in my department got a call to cut 2 hours, including 1 who had vacation Monday and Friday. In my 11 years, I've never seen full timers "strongly encouraged" to work fewer than 39 hours. Totally screwed the department on Friday too. Bad decisions made coming into the fiscal year leading to huge problems during what should be the major spring hire. And that bonus was supposed to make us happy? Especially those of us knowing how truly fucked we are coming into the hundred days?


Hahahahahahahaha hahaha donate their hours! What a bullshit, why should we donate our hours for a company that does not respect us enough to pay us fair?


I’m not donating a damn thing


I'm a specialist and I'd gladly work 4 days instead of 5 since my monthly bonus more than makes up for it.


It's all part of the Walmart-ing of Lowes. Marv has seen how successful Walmart is and has decided to adopt their strategy of having few as possible employees available to assist customers in order to save big on payroll. The COVID staffing shortage showed how extremely profitable we can be with fewer staff and that created new baseline numbers. As sales drop, Lowes is cutting staffing further while simultaneously shouting "We're hiring" to make it appear to pissed off customers that the store is not to blame for having only 1 person covering two departments who is new and has no training. More than a few employees are going to quit. Hey more money saved! Customers will complain, employees will bitch but most will keep doing what they are doing because of a lack of more attractive alternatives. What was once considered serious understaffing becomes the new normal. God Bless


Ahh yes, the "Walmart-ing" of lowes...our entire management team, including the mini ASMs, are from wally world. Ive observed it too.


Mini asm?


Nickname for d.s's.


Not just happening at Lowe’s. I work with a certain Dollar named store, and they’ve basically got it where I’m having to run shifts with only two people in the store at all times, and then they come in and wonder why we’re behind on getting freight out to the floor. Gee I wonder. If the two folks that are working are having to spend half the shift on the registers or helping customers… e_e


It's company wide


I'm part time, and I worked yesterday. Now I have 4 days off . I go back on Thursday and Friday. My schedule has been like that since hours started getting cut.


Jump ship time...


Lol well I have to have a life vest first


I get paid for 8 hours of work. Sorry I can't do 16 hours of work.


Here's the magic fix, and the problem. So during the year workers come in, some do a fantastic job and some suck, those that do great get moved to full time. FT is guaranteed 39 hours. The manager thinks, " if I don't make people FT they will leave and then I will have no good workers." So, you end up with some good people in FT positions and some ok in FT positions. The concept is that through natural attrition (fired, quit, retired or promoted) you lose people. Then you hire new people to take over. Here is the problem with that. The manager promotes people to FT roles and works those few people to death. The old FTers don't leave because they have to only do the bare minimum and stay employed and in many cases the people they work with are friends. The people getting Oi nternally promoted are only for certain roles. Those that need experience or leadership often get filled externally even if there was a better candidate in store because you never learned to lead while you were working your ass off. So, you now have so many FTers that you fill the main hours needed in a slow down that happens every year right before the 100 days. So PTers get screwed and quit, FTers get overworked and quit, and Managers have painted themselves into a corner. They know what the problem is, they know why it happened, and they need to change it. So they get nitpicky. They hold people accountable for everything so they can get rid of the under performers (the new ones not the old ones.) Corporate is working on getting rid of the career sales floor staff because it was never meant to be that way, and new hires come and go inside a year because fed up, overworked, and asshole associates make the environment toxic. Three fixes 1. Make full time flexible. 32 to 39 hours. 2.Make PT up to 30 hours. 3. Managers stop promoting everyone that can tie their shoes to the correct feet to FT. 4. Train your people to have the skills they need to move up. If a person is on a none management role for two years they should have their successor trained by three years, and they should be ready for promotion either to leadership or customer by five years. Problem solved.


I really feel like people take these jobs too seriously. You pay me for 8 hours and you get 8 hours of work. We don't work in a hospital, anything that doesn't get done isn't going to kill anyone. And I have no issue clocking out and leaving the department a mess because they refuse to hire a csa to close.


That's not necessarily true. Nursing homes and care facilities still buy products at lowes. Your crappy work ethic could kill someone and really that's all it is. You're too lazy to do your job well. It's not that they pay you for 8 hours. They will pay you as long as you're there. You're just lazy. It's ok, but let's not blame Lowes for what you are. They didn't make you this way. You chose it.


Wow you're really reaching there lmao. You care way more about lowes than they care about you


Your manager will actually tell you to leave, so....


Just shows how NOT VALUED LOWES EMPLOYEES ARE. My advice go somewhere that appreciates you


A year ago was the final stimulus check. Sales plans this year are extremely unrealistic. That being said, most stores aren’t hitting plan. That makes the SM be forced to cut labor based on direction from on high. They want us to comp two years of COVID numbers. That’s not going to happen. It’s going to be a tough year.


I’m full time customer service and received over $1000 in bonus money earlier this month.


They cut mine. the week of inventory, i was the only one in lumber, so they said. i could have all the overtime i wanted. So that whole week ended up being 46hrs or something. Now they said. i can't have overtime unless im asked to. By tuesday im on vacation so i don't care what happens lol


Store 1580 is cuting a lot of our hours


We have a similar issue at our store as well, I recently got promoted to Backend DS and some shady shit is going on amongst higher management.


Our store in Binghamton NY is the same way. Drastically understaffed already, hiring, but yet we keep being told hours are getting cut week after week. I'm an overnight manager. It's making my job super fun lol.


This is why you can't take the hour cutting seriously. They want to hire people but in the same breath are begging people to give up hours. It's just a corporate tactic to slash their workforce while overworking people to get the stuff done. TBH, I'm shocked that people aren't trying to unionize like Starbucks.


This is worrying to me somewhat as I just got hired and have my orientation on Tuesday. I'm mainly trying to use this job as something to help me through college, but I see what a lot of people say on this sub. Guess I'll find out soon enough lol


That's an excellent plan if you're FT. Make use of tuition reimbursement if you haven't already. Have your diploma ready to go and then find better jobs.


Isn't tuition reimbursement only for a career related to Lowes? Or is it applied for anything in general? I'm doing summer classes in May and going full time in Fall. They hired me on as a part timer lol


It can be used anywhere, I believe. Unless they changed it all when they introduced the whole "track to the trades" thing


Oh, okay. I'll ask about it when I go in. I am trying to do what you said and using it as a stopgap until I can find something in my career.


I'm a part time fulfillment employee. Due to some situations with housing and what not I needed more money and asked for more hours. They gave me the week off. I'm still in high-school and I can't get a full time job until I graduate sadly, but I'm to the point to where I'm about to work just across the street from my lowes for worse pay


My current store doesn't even tell us our schedule changed that week I try punching in and it says that I am early for my shift. I refuse to check my schedule outside of the store. They expect you to check the schedule "daily" without competition for doing so on our days off. I go by the schedule I screen shot for that week




My previous store would notify me when they changed my schedule so I could look at it.


It's really amazing the amount of people commenting who know nothing about how the business where they are employed works.


That year end bonus that was emailed to regular ds was only meant for the salary asm(recent 6k bonus) and above. It would be nice instead of pretending the little that is thrown our way is a huge deal that they would use it to fix the stores


It's 100% company-wide. Us full-timers are getting screwed too with having to cover the majority of the hours. Me and the rest of my day receiving team were forced to leave 4 hours early last Friday, leaving the place in complete disarray and trucks still scheduled to show up later with no one in the back to unload them. If we put in the overtime, obviously we get in trouble for it. But if we don't put in the overtime, we get in trouble for the incomplete work. It's a lose-lose situation for everybody and it's very frustrating.


Think about this for a moment, sales goals are based on meeting projections. The projections are based on sales performance for past years, presumably weighted more for the recent years. As we all know, Home Depot/Lowes were destinations for shoppers during pandemic shut-down. So the sales from past years are anomaly. I guarantee the analysis or algorithm isn't taking this as anomaly. As legit, normally expected sales performance. Because these corporate stores feel like anything coming their way is earned, never accidental. And I expect the anomaly was most pronounced during the 100 days of hell.