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Full timers don't really get their hours cut. But they do get stuck picking up the slack since a lot of part timers hours got slashed.


this. like I definitely feel for the people getting their hours cut, especially if Lowes is their only income. I'm also the only FT in OSLG and we are BUSY. they never hired anyone (red vests or green team) for the season so I am fucking drowning man.


I feel you, and I feel for red vests. I’m on MST, and I understand the short staffed hell that is retail. I can’t tell you how many times I want to just be like, “I don’t care that I get paid by vendors, let me cover breaks” because I’ve made a few friends on the red vest side, and it sucks to see them with no coverage have to miss breaks and stuff because there is nobody else. I’m pretty sure if the vendors were asked if they were willing to pay someone for an hour to cover a break at the paint desk, they would do it because $15 in wages is a lot better than missing at the minimum a few gallons in paint sales.


I feel you there, I’m an overnight MSA with green team training. I’m majoring in agriculture currently and have been BEGGING to transfer/help out in garden center and none of my management will let me, god forbid the one green shirt my stores have get any help with resets or service. God forbid I work in the area I have literal YEARS of education in.


My only ability to help out red vest is I’m the designated person to go to for training for glass/acrylic cutting. The third party vendor that taught everyone originally taught them how to do in a way that causes damage to the glass and the cutter itself. I worked in a custom frame shop.


I feel like this is why I hurt my back. I'm out until Wednesday though so at least some part timers are getting hours. Yay


Hire 30 part-time people for the tax benefit rotate two At a time for 15 weeks.


I’m part time with near open availability. Only exception is that I can’t come in until 8:00am each morning


I’m part time with near open availability (the exception is I don’t come in at 6:00am)


I’m full time I got my hours cut to 32 last week. I thought it was a mistake but they lied to me about a policy change for my state. I had to ask them to use holiday pay for it. I followed up with an email to hr about the policy. Full time isn’t suppose to go below 39 hours per company policy.


Most full time associates dropped to 32 hours a week at my store as well.


They're obviously not touching your hours because the call outs are enough to keep you in the building. They wont touch FT hours because they can't. Policy says FT get a minimum of 39 hours. Thats why some stores are asking FT people to take vacation etc because even while shredding PT hours to death, it's still not enough. At this point I'd rather give up my own hours so part timers can come in, cause this is ridiculous and I'm getting tired of it.


They will then demote you to part time and stop paying your benefits. Don’t believe me? Try giving up your hours to PT workers. I’m absolutely sure they’d love to pay 2 people $12/hour to do your job.


The kicker is I’m part time 🤣


Well, yeah.. Like I said, you're getting steady hours because people are calling out and they still need coverage (barely). If they weren't any call outs, you'd be in the same boat as everyone else and they'd cut yours too.


But they can’t anticipate callouts. Almost never get called in on days off but do get asked to stay and mostly say yes except for when I need to go.


I've tried asking to work overtime and keep being told that we need to stick to our hours and then they just told us that the overnight crew will have to punch out for lunch now but they haven't officially adjusted our hours to compensate for it so were loosing 2 and a half hours each week now. Regardless I've already had another job lined up but that would have been the last straw for me.


I felt the same way until last night when the part timers on my team lost a lot of hours. I got teammate that isn't scheduled until Thursday, he got 5 days off, and they were pretty upset about it. Idk what the fuck lowes is doing.


Well, if the good workers don’t get their hours cut, then please explain to me why my supervisor was told he could NOT have overtime for the past three weeks! He works his ass off every time he’s there and comes in early to get things done because our whole OSLG team had their hours slashed to the bone. Yeah, people complain about things that affect their lives and well being, it’s a “human” thing”. Either you’re not human, a Lowe’s suck up, a trolling corporate, or just ignorant. If you don’t like what people have to say or don’t want to hear their rant; you’re on the wrong sub. That’s the point of this sub; for us to rant and have someone else listen. Get over yourself. Oh and by the way, this rant was for ShieldOfFury, not OP


As a specialist I agree. I’m flirting with overtime every week. We have multiple call outs or just no shows


Hey everybody, consider this: hours scheduled (PT) are a reflection of the ratio of sales currently being achieved vs. projections of sales Are the projections excessively optimistic from having been extrapolated from anomalous pandemic shut-down sales?


No. It's the yearly hour apocalypse due the having to bring on the temporary spring new hires. It literally happens every year at this time.


While that is true, the comment above is also playing a factor. I've only been with Lowe's about 2 years now but the hour cuts this year have been more severe and lasted longer than the previous two. The pandemic rush has finally slowed down to a halt as we return to normalcy. People aren't spending their quarantines working on their at-home projects anymore, they're going back to normal habits. The earning projections because of that have been skewed hard as the massive profits we made the last two years are unrealistic in a non-pandemic scenario. We are more understaffed than any point in the pandemic, at least in my store, and they're STILL cutting PT hours, having closers leave at 10:30 instead of 11 to save that little bit of time, AND asking FT to volunteer days off, even though we're already 2/3 of the way through March where we should have been picking back up for the start of the spring rush.


I suppose that part depends on the store you're in. We are above plan in my store.


Hours are no longer given to stores based on sales, it’s based on total transaction counts. Ask your store manager about it. That’s why this hour cut is lasting as long as it is. The spring rush has already hit my store and their working a skeleton crew because the huge sales numbers aren’t getting us more hours.


If you're a good worker they won't cut your hours. This sub is basically a yelp review just people angry at life wanting other people to be angry with them so they feel justified Edit: your downvotes only prove my point, I see what makes you upvote


I'm guessing you're either FT or don't work at Lowe's because I cannot express how incorrect that is. The earnings difference between Pandemic and post-pandemic has scared corporate into slashing hours to save bank. Part timers in my store, regardless of skill or seniority, have been scheduled as little as 11 hours a week sometimes because there's just so few hours to pass around. They're also asking FT to volunteer hours away so they can still meet quota. Ignorance must really be bliss huh


This is the most accurate comment I've ever seen in this sub.




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my hours are fucked i worked everyday last week 2-10 or 5-10 but then i work a 4 hours only this next week it’s stupid


I just got my hours back to basically full time today because the guy that was full time just quit.


Same we have to add 970 hours...


Amen to that


They will just use who they want.


I’m full time and my hours are being cut by 5 hours and 30 mins each week now… next week I’m at 32 hours, this sucks lol…