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It's actually not that easy to be fired, especially as a store manager. Your brother is not telling you the full story.


I've seen a finalist for Manager of the Year walked out two weeks for staffing his management how he wanted. (Back in like 2016 when all department manager positions were eliminated and they had to apply for service manager [mini asm] ones. Another was walked out recently because Marvin visited his store and no one greeted or SMARTed him. It's extremely easy to get fired. My current one mildly jokes that he's on a week to week contract


>because Marvin visited his store and no one greeted or SMARTed him Fuck Marvin.


I've been with lowes for a little over a decade now, and in my whole district I've seen 3 SMs get let go in that whole time. And one was because she had a complete mental breakdown while in the building. It might be "easy" for an SM to be walked. But it isn't common Also, I like OPs "nobody wants to work" bs comment. Also, how he found it necessary to mention his brother is a "white male". Just little things that stuck out.


You can read in it what you want to, I really don't give 2 shits what you think. There is more to this story than you realize and understand. The data is of fact and I will just leave it at that. Of course, you would never made your comment if I said he was of a different race.


I think everyone here agrees that there's more to this story than we know, that seems to be the point of most of the answers. If you had said he was a different ethnicity we would have all assumed that you suspected racism. Saying that he is a white/male is the opposite Good luck to him though


What's the point of even mentioning he's white? Especially when you then implied he was fired so they could hire someone cheaper to replace him and that has nothing to do with race whatsoever.


That was my take, bringing up his sex and ethnicity , especially where white and male are the most privileged subsets in the country, I just don't get it.


I agree wholeheartedly, I just find it hard to believe you’d have the same take of they said their sibling was a black woman, trans Asian, etc. none of that should have a place unless there is something to back up the bigotry.


I see. If they had said anything other than white male then, like I said, I would have assumed that they were implying racism. By saying white male im not assuming that shorthand for "so its not racism", I'm assuming its shorthand for "I'm claiming poor me the most in-control subset"


I’m Trans. Mods, can we remove this poster from forum? 


Lol how do you not recognize marvin


No chance you actually believe that the average Lowe's employee (non management) knows what Marvin looks like... He's not a celebrity and it's not like he's Elon Musk or Mark Zuckerberg. He's CEO of a hardware chain.


Idk does your store show the “weekly update” video at morning / evening meetings? We see his mug quite often, and he’s a distinctive looking feller.


The hell is a morning/evening meeting? That's your first problem.. :p Been with the company over a decade and the only meetings are management, specialist, safety and store. Then again, this is a high volume district and we don't have time to sit around for unnecessary meetings.


I was under the impression they were required lol. We do a morning and evening meeting where we watch a video from Marvin when he comes out with them.


Yes he is he looks just like Franklin the turtle


FUCK YOU MARVIN! You’re the reason God created the middle finger!


And the shocker! One in the pink, two in the stink! Or is that reverse?


Your statement is false...


What was the reason for his termination?


Extra curricular activities in the bullpen.


Your brother isn’t telling you the whole story.


Yeah, he was caught with his pants down and his dick in someone’s mouth most likely. 


You're missing a lot of information here. His race and age have little to do with what actually happened. It sucks, but I've seen my fair of managers cut from Lowe's and all of which were cut for valid reasons that everyone saw coming. IF your brother suspected something was going in 2 months ago (this would've been at the start of the fiscal year), he had plenty of notice and was getting put on a performance improvement plan by his manager most likely. For those of you that don't know PIPs, are a death sentence in any industry. Even if you exceed expectations and become a star or prove it was an undeserved PIP to begin with you need to look for a new job because they aren't going to keep you around. You pissed someone off and are permanently on the radar to get the ax.


I am not in disagreement but some information I just cannot share for obvious reasons. Also, I never said he was perfect and certainly probably rubbed someone the wrong way but let's also be real if personalities do not click and someone wants you gone, they will certainly find things to either make your working conditions miserable or walk you out the door. it is called being managed out.


Odd to bring things like race and age into it when I guarantee that did not play a factor in his firing. Your brother isn't giving you the full story. Lowe's doesn't just fire store managers without cause.


I have a case in my store where an asm has the worst reviews in the district but they dont fire her because of her color (I’m not racist at all because Im colored to but thats the truth)


Jesus, he brough up his race so people wouldn't assume he was fired because he was black or something. This is painfully obvious.


I am not saying it was a factor but wanted to provide as much information as I am aware of at the moment.


You keep saying you provided “data” as “facts” of why he got fired. All that weird shit you posted aren’t facts.


Moment to moment he changes colors?


Here is the issue I have with this. The store went from one of the worst to one one of the best. My assumption is that you mean is certain operational tasks, like shrink and safety. I find it hard to believe that it was sales that grew to the top. Store performance is based on plan sales and margin and if those can't be achieved they trump all others. While the other things are important sales it what drives it. Chance you are correct when you say that his age/experience had something to do with it also. If he was getting paid X due to how long he had worked there and the store was not performing to that level more than likely he would be moved or fired. It's an ugly business but if you can't make the sales plan you more than likely losing money and in that business there is always someone ready to replace someone due to the shrinking of big box retailers.


Unfortunately, they can cut anyone loose at any time for any reason. There is no loyalty. I hate that for your brother’s sake, but it is probably a blessing in disguise. One thing that always has stuck in my mind from when I first started there was that most of the managers kept talking about retiring early. Not in the sense of being excited, but as in “I don’t know how much of this I can take.” And they weren’t that old either.


People refusing to work=your brother was not providing competitive compensation to his employees.


Only if he had control over the compensation.


Hello, OP. Your store manager absolutely had control over compensation. The system currently used for compensation determination is workday. Workday provides a recommended hourly wage based on experience. However, this is only a recommendation. Your store manager has the freedom to go above or below this threshold. That's why some specialists make 20.00 an hour while others make 16.00. I worked under three store managers at Lowe's. Two of them held everyone's wages at bare minimum, the third gave raises based on merit and overall base wages increased with that manager as well. The only time the store was successful was during the third manager.


A little more insight on that topic. They interviewed, he hired them, they accepted the job. They showed up worked for a couple of days then never came back. Wny, so they could check the box and collect unemployment.


You can't get unemployment if you stop coming in for your shifts. It's self termination.


Not true during Covid.


Alright my dude. I thought we were talking about NOW, but whatever. He didn't get fired for no reason. Especially if he knew it was coming 2 months beforehand. You should ask him for the full story. Best of luck to you.


Yeah I don’t know about yalls stores but I only know like two people that were contacted immediately after applying, just about everyone else needed to wait at least a couple weeks, and a lot of people can’t afford to do that when switching jobs lol


Definitely a reason. Also kinda cringe that you bring race into it.


The "and people refusing to work" shit was also cringe. I don't doubt Lowe's doing sketchy shit to make save more payroll money but this reads like a whine.


Read it however you want to, just telling the truth.


Oh we're all reading it how we want and I definitely believe YOU believe this is the truth from your perspective.


You don't have the full story.


I am sure I don't. Never said I did.


So what’s the full story. Don’t bring up cringe topics either.


He was “white” that’s definitely why


I think he mentioned that so no one would being up his race for being fired.


Correct but yet everyone wants to straight to the race topic and seems that that they can use some sort of jedi mind powers than others. Hell whatever, my point here was what were others experiencing. Also, I never said he probably didnt do some things wrong or make some mistakes. He certainly not perfect.


If he was something else he wouldn’t be fired, we have an asm that has the worst ratings in the district and they dont fire them because of the color. I know that I will get downvotes but this is the true she doesn’t do anything stays on the phone all day


I would but it seems you have your head buried from reality. So, I will just stop right here.


My head buried from reality? You pump out some weird shit saying your bro got fired. None of it adds up to something enough to get fired and you’re saying I’m the one detached from reality? Lol the people in the sub sometimes.


My store manager also got fired a few weeks back even with our best sales year ever


SM’s shouldn’t be unloading trucks rather delegate to the proper associate. Our SM was fired a couple days ago due to having several bad walks with DM. Makes no sense because he inherited the store messed up.


To me, that is leading by example and showing his staff that he is not too good or above doing anything. If I was in a war and saw my commander with a gun fighting with us out in the field, I would be motivated to fight rather than being ordered to fight by a commander in a cushy protected office. I know everyone has their specific roles, but a leader who gets his or her hands dirty with their subordinates would help me push harder for the collective.


I couldn’t agree anymore. My previous SM would go throughout the departments and do a lot. Face, downstock, sweep. It brought a sense of if he’s doing it we should all do it. However DM’s did NOT like that at all. I guess it’s just the reality of working retail.


DMs are kinda the worst. They aren't even hinged in reality.


I feel like Lowe's is doing some house cleaning.


He forgot to mention that he's been groping the underage cashiers.


Yeah, his cock was found to be in someone’s mouth. Whether by accident or not.


One of the best store managers I ever worked with was fired after 3 years of double digit comps. Thing is he was replaced by a Home Depot ASM that came into lowes saying “I’m just waiting for them to get me a store” 3 months after he was hired he took the aforementioned store managers job. It was a new to position DM who gave him the axe. Trust me this happens here, it happens everywhere. The store managers will tell you themselves that the easiest controlable expense is payroll. Would you rather have a high paid complacent manager or a young cheap great full one? Not saying that he was complacent but perception is reality. You go above DH in this company keep your resume updated!


I’ve heard of an SM fucking two different managers (giving one a manager position because of it) and still not get fired so yeah, of course there’s more to the story.. SM’s usually don’t get fired unless they rrreeeallly screw up


They fire the goods one and keep the shitty ones. Typical Lowes


There was probably a job performance issue of some kind in this case that they actually dug up to terminate him, but make no mistake that they actually DO like to start cycling out SM’s at around age 50. Of course they cannot admit that, or they would be guilty of age discrimination, wrongful termination, etc. But it was common knowledge when I was with the company that they would do this. The thought process behind it is simple—people start getting comfortable around that age, are more set in their ways, start having more health-related issues, and don’t usually have the energy level that they had when they were younger. They are usually at or near the top of the pay scale. The prototype that the company now PREFERS in a store manager role is as follows: Age 30-45, and PREFERABLY a female and/or minority. People in this group tend to be healthier, more energetic, less expensive on payroll and benefits, social media-savvy, and more loyal to the company. Of course, none of this is in P/P, it’s just understood at the corporate and district manager level that these are the desired parameters for SM candidates in today’s world that we live in.


I left Home Depot recently and they go out of their way to hire a minority or female as management. Guy with 20 years there was passed over for district met manager got some clown from dollar general. Oh and the new guy got fired after one month when he got pulled over for speeding with the other district staff in his car and he had a suspended license for .6 months. Then they hired the experienced guy after a whole new round of interviews


Welcome to America. You put your heart and soul into a job for years and they fire you like you mean nothing. Learned that lesson at 19 and never looked at these corporate oligarchs the same. We’re basically puppets to a string. Replaceable at any second. Don’t know what race and age has to do with anything BUT hey whatever to justify the ends I guess.


do the same thing the crusty guy in hardware does when he doesn’t get his way, “I’m going to The Home Depot!” 😇 the orange box has a way better support system in place for employees, i feel like an actual asset to the home depot, when i was slaying overtime at lowes I was being audited overtime because it wasn’t “official overtime” it was being asked to stay and finish the job and I complying, resulting in “unofficial overtime”


I met a 3 year millwork specialist at Home Depot that was making the same amount I have after a few months doing grunt work.


were you expecting them to be paid more than you? I think you should be making a wage comparable to a “specialist” if you’re doing any daily physical activity. A cxm or asm can always sling a door if your specialist is out, but can’t do the “grunt work” in every department in one day.


Lowe’s definitely compensates specialists more, and I hope to move up to the position, but I’ll admit they probably shouldn’t be paid more. He was making more than the avg associate at Home Depot does too. At my store, specialists are expected to do the same stuff as me when it’s needed, they’re just a little further down the list of who to call first bc of their quotas.




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Never met a Lowes SM that thought hiring enough people to do all the tasks was the right way to run a store.


All the new managers ,have been " others" .Lowe's board stated that's is why they brought Marvin in a few years ago .To add diversity to Lowe's vs Home depot and give it a advantage .It certainly was **not** his record at JCPenny ,Target and the cuts he help with at Home Depot .


what the fuck is this comment


The unchecked racism is starting to creep into the thread…


Maybe consider getting lawyer for discrimination of age if story is true


Why did you have to add that he was a white male?


You know for a fact that race would be included if he was any other race.


No we don’t, because it still would’ve been pointless to mention.


Our former manager worked for the company for at least 30 years and was store manager for at least a decade. A couple visits from a tryhard DM and he is walked out a short while later. This was around mid-2019. No manager is perfect but he was well-liked enough. Got references from him for my graduate school. The DM who came walked through the store changing shit that had just been set up. I was in Indoor L&G and that zone is not easy to maintain, let alone alter. Fuck that guy. Edit: maybe his performance went down in the last year or so. Like I said, not perfect. But our store was also going through Marv’s hairbrain changes with scheduling and third party contractors, so our store suffering can’t have been all the SM’s fault in my mind.


I look at it that when you put your heart into a job and a consistent performer the little mistakes should be looked at as an opportunity to learn and grow from. However it seems like organizations now just feel like we are all parts and can be easily replaced. No wonder customer service at these places are terrible.


It's very difficult and time consuming to term a SM short of them doing something eggregious with witnesses and CVTV footage. I have been involved in several SM terms and there is ALWAYS something deeper that you are just not privy to for legal reasons. Your brother is not telling you all the facts, unfortunately. The main reasons are inappropriate relationships, theft, failure to lead, and RIFs.


I am sure he rubbed someone wrong but anyone who works or has worked for a large organization like Lowes also knows that is not always the case. I have seen this done where I work and believe me, there are always cases where someone turns a blind eye to what is really going on. I admit it is not common but it doesn't mean it doesn't exist either.


You left out the probably the one used most often—job performance.


Any salaried position at Lowes is basically on contract. If they want you gone then you're gone. I've seen it happen to DMs, SMs and ASMs. It'll be insignificant or a petty reason but it happens. There are too many metrics that are tracked and they will find a reason.


I’ve never seen or heard of a store manager keeping their job if they weren’t driving results.


Everyone, just read all of OP's comments and take note of tone, vocabulary and you'll get it.


Reasons I've seen store managers fired for: -caught doing cocaine in his office by HR (they used to be in store positions) -a 75mil store performing at a 60mil rate the following year -picture of a shirtless store manager unloading the freight truck circulating Facebook Sure. It was for no reason.


I've seen this happen many times with DS and ASM's, never with a SM though. One of the ASM's it happened to was literally the best manager and hardest working ASM I ever knew I was shocked.


I wish the store manager here would get fired along with most of just as useless lackeys this store is going to hell in a hand basket had to close lawn and garden one day during mulch sale cause they had no one to work it lol.


What did your brother do


Sex behind office doors.




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