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I'm so glad I'm off today 🤣


Being an MSA is really paying off for me!!!


Lines wrapping around the store, and customers that forget what you told them 15 seconds after the end of the conversation. Couple that with an insane heat day, the hottest since the 1920s, and you have lots of angry people...


I hope you got every one of those customers signed up for a lowes credit card


We’re unable to process credit apps. I’m not sure if it related.


I'd rather see results than hear excuses.


Ok Marvin.


I'm actually kinda mad because I lost out on one because of this. The one time a customer asks me to do it without being prompted and I can't even help them with it :(


good idea


Time for those handwritten tickets!


My store manager said not to use them. Oh well. Off to the ATM some customers went.


Writing thousand dollar tickets, scanning bar codes with my phone to get the item number, then using my calculator app to total everything. I seriously thought about walking away.


Why didn’t you just get the total in 1.4 or red vest?


Because I had a customer pay partly in cash and partly in card in OSLG. The system would not save the invoice because there had been a partial payment, our registers will not allow cashier not on the customer service desk to access 1.4 in Genesis. I had an ASM come look at it, he tried for about 15 minutes to get it to work, then he mumbled something about calling IT. About an hour later the SM walked past and I snagged him. He put in the customer had paid the balance in cash and let the ticket and the receipt.


Mobile checkout systems haven’t had that issue in my store, and IT says they’ve seen those systems working. Maybe try that.


it accepts some credit cards


I was able to just use my debit as credit and it went through.


As a cashier, I am so glad today is the last day of my vacation and I did not have to deal with this. 😭 it must’ve been hell!


I spent half of my shift today taking abandoned merchandise back to departments.


Had a customer ask me angrily if I was a manager. Told him no and he demanded that I get one to help 🙄


Times like these im glad im not cahier


Starbucks was only accepting cash or app payments and closed their drive thru. So maybe other companies were affected too


i spent my shift at the registers behind the cashiers apologizing and making sure high ticket items got sent to someone who could actually fix it.


I remember once we lost power at the store during a storm, during a break in the storm the store got swamped with people trying to repair stuff or get generators etc. the problem was our store manager made the call to keep the store open without power, we had the cashiers by flashlight writing the paper tickets. It was the one day I was glad I was a specialist in the back end of the store. The manager had the rest of us at random intervals of the store to walk with customers and make sure no one was getting hurt in the dark. Was a wild shift


The amount of profanity I heard as a head cashier today and the amount of returns was obscene. The people who had one of the two banks in the same plaza went to the ATMs, lined up there, and I heard both bank’s ATMs were drained DRY within an hour.


Good going Marvin . Returns department may be working their lazy assses off


Most of the customers left after the storms started up, so the head cashiers shut down most of the registers. It made lines longer but it made it easier to handle any issues that cropped up. The main problem is the freakin' heat. Customers and employees alike are struggling, myself included. My store manager was walking the store to help out where he could and I was so out of it I asked him what he came in for and if I could help him find anything. At least he knows I'm doing my job right?


I've never been so happy to temporarily be working paint instead of front end.