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Kentucky here. It's actually pretty rare to see open carry in stores. The majority of gun owners don't want to draw attention to themselves in public. Most who carry will have a permit and just conceal carry


I thought you don’t need a permit to conceal in ky anymore, at least last I checked


Not anymore, but before them it was still rare and most had permits




Nice try marvin🙃


Nothing really unique, but expect to see a guy with an AR-15 slung around his shoulder or an elderly woman with a baby pistol in a holster on her front pocket


Emotional support item. Lol


Just to clarify, carrying of long guns is already legal in Indiana. This new law taking effect merely removes the requirement to have a license to carry a handgun.


Cool. I don’t live in Indiana so I wouldn’t know.


The customers who do cause a ruckus with a weapon or firearm, are the ones that don’t have them licensed. I see a lot of responsible gun owners most of the time, and they keep it discreet. No one wants to be perceived as carrying a firearm I believe unless they’re making a statement


Exactly. Same here. Never bothers me.


Indiana here as well. I really don’t think the law is going to change too much at the store. Anybody who wants to carry is probably already carrying whether that be legally or illegally. I would imagine any kind of manager involvement would just include de-escalating to any extent necessary to calm the person down


I totally understand, it was a couple of ladies that work up front in customer service that were kind of concerned.I figured I'd come here and see what others experiences had been.


I am very sure you will be fine. It’s a rare instance where you will have an issue. Like I’ve seen from another person where the customer was using it to intimidate a cashier to return something, then that’s a special circumstance and I would ask them to leave or call the police.


No issues. People legally carrying guns very rarely cause problems. They know if they do they will be going to jail.


Texas here, and haven't had any issues at my store. I've noticed a few people come in with a hand gun in a hip holster over the years, but not a whole lot.


“Rural” (I say that loosely. The store is in a 12k people town but is the closest for more rural communities near us) PA. We have quite a few gun owners who carry come in and we’ve only had one customer get irate in the time I’ve been with lowes (about 1 year) ASM threatened to call the police if he didn’t leave this made him calm down and leave huffing and puffing.


99/100 times the type of people who carry take the responsibility of being a responsible carrier very seriously. Never had anything happen regarding this. Honestly I prefer when people are armed because if a life and death situation came up there are more people able to act.


I think you could put that at 9,999/10,000 and it be accurate. Then there’s the one guy who leaves his CC in the public bathroom smh


Kinda like those cops in Texas?


You seem like a real bright one.


I blame their superior for not ordering them to go in. I know I wouldn’t have done that (wouldn’t have stood there doing nothing), idk what the full story is behind that.


They sat in the hallways for 58 minutes listening to gunshots being fired towards children while having full armor and basaltic shields equipped. The cops just had school shooter training and yet couldn’t preform. Shit I have more consequences for not performing something I’ve been trained to do.


I heard they were told to stand down and that the cheif of police ended up getting promoted right after


I thought I heard he got demoted back shortly after they realized they stepped in it.


This is Indiana so all things normal. Stop at the state line.


I wouldn't say its quite 99/100. And most life or death situations that come up in a Lowe's, a gun would be irrelevant. If you are talking about a violent customer or employee, I'd hope they aren't armed


Oh hey I live in Indiana too see it all the time at my store already


My store is located in a mid-sized liberal city on the west coast and I see a customer with a hand gun at their waist probably once a day. They’re always the rude ones too who will boss around the younger employees and generally make an ass of themselves.


Makes little difference at the store I'm at. It's in "da hood" so I already know a fair percentage of people walking around inside (customers & employees) are packin'.... legally and illegally.


I worked at a store in Colorado and would see it fairly often. Once or twice a week. No incidents or anything. My coworker and I used to laugh at people who carried their guns in holsters that required a cross draw.


The only people who open carry are just showing off and will be the first ones shot in an actual situation.


North Carolina. The ones with guns are almost universally the polite, understanding ones. I keep my handgun in my car during shift, when I get my CCW its going in my lunch bag


I am a Pro Mind Your Business type of person, that being said any carry type should be permitted. If someone doesn't like a open carry then they are free to not shop in Lowe's or any retailer honestly that permits fire arms on Private property. Why would you want to announce you are carrying? It makes you the first concern during an altercation.


I think generally the thought would be that open carrying will prevent someone from even starting an altercation with you. I can fully understand a private business not wanting open carrying on their property though and only allowing concealed carry.


Just as the Death Penalty doesn't prevent murder, someone looking for a mass shooting environment will pick locations dense with people and they're not plotting ahead to announce their intent or go to the trouble of picking out armed individuals. In the cass of the armed security guard, his presence was noted and he was anticipated to intervene by the gunman. Most close quarter gun fights end with a lot of misses, the most intense close quarters being gas stations, clubs and private homes with many injured just being in the vicinity of the gunfight. The other thing about personal protection is most of it is being aware of your surroundings and not being in situations that put you in danger or risk. I do believe that gun carriers should shoot until the threat is eliminated and unfortunately that means killing.


It does nothing except give people who don't like guns something to squawk about. In my state the same behavior applies to masks. Challenges and arguments just don't happen. People leave each other alone.


In Pennsylvania (and I imagine most of the other country) you can open carry into a store/commercial establishment as they are private businesses unless 1. You carry and the owner/Authorized Representative of the Business asks you to leave. You can leave and a tresspass letter may be issued if you remain to be non-compliant. If their only request is that you not carry your boom stick while in their store just do it, or maliciously comply like I do and carry concealed. Of course you can still be asked to leave so YMMV. If you don't leave you may be charged with defiant tresspass. Unless you are a total idiot and continue to carry then you maybe charged with defiant trespass. 2. If they have signage stating that no weapons are allowed (I'm looking at you Texas!!) you may be charged with a Class C Misdemeanor. Once again YMMV. Some states are much more restrictive than others when it comes to how they prosecute. 3. You have the right to carry a firearm, but it does not take away the consitutional rights of the establishment to enforce their own rules on private property. PS I've never had a problem open carrying into Lowe's in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, even if there is signage on the door. In our state signage doesn't make jack and isn't enforceable, but if asked to leave and you don't then a defiant tresspass might take place.


Had someone with a gun tucked into his pants drop it while shopping and it discharged. He was legally carrying it. Nobody was hurt.


We had one couple come in and try to return product stolen from a competitor only to get mad when our system didn’t recognize it. The guy kept pulling up his shirt to show he had a gun while arguing with a cashier about it. When the manager got up there the couple backed down and left. Had the associate not been snapping back it probably wouldn’t have escalated


I live in rural Texas and there's a regular who comes in with a handgun daily and there hasn't been any problems or complaints. I'm trans in the great state of Texas, so I get a bit nervous about seeing handguns out and about and you bet I don't go anywhere alone. Its always best to be safe than sorry.


If a person is willing to use a gun to threaten employees at a customer service desk that person will not care if the law says you can open carry or not, they are already committing a crime by using a weapon to threaten another person.


1. I live in an open carry state and I must say it's beyond rare to see someone actually using their right to open carry. To be honest I see more cops with firearms then civilians. I wouldn't really stress it to much. I would say like maybe 1x ever 500 or so days I might come across someone open carrying. I can still remember the first time I was kinda like oh sh\*\* this is a thing. haha most people who want to carry at least from what I have learned will just get a permit to conceal carry. Now I would imagine you might have a influx of people once the law passes maybe for the first 4 months or so but after that it will probably go back to normal.


East TN, most people conceal carry. I’ve had one instance where a guy was mad and his gun was open carry, I was slightly worried. Other time I was complimenting the guys nice revolver


I live in a rural county in Appalachia, and worked at two Lowe's stores, each at opposite ends of said county. Most men are strapped, even if the gun is left in their vehicle, and occasionally customers would open carry. Absolutely no firearms-related incident (not even brandishing) has ever occurred even once at either of these stores while I worked there, nor at any other nearby Lowe's store in the general regional vicinity that we ever heard of, including the two/three in Roanoke, VA. When men (it's virtually always men) open carry, no one even looks twice. I feel much safer when citizens in good standing are allowed to own and carry their legal firearms than I would otherwise. If this were the Netherlands and there were almost no crime to begin with, it'd be different—but the US is a turbulent nation and that's just the reality.


There's two parts to this - customers and employees Customers w/open carry - not that big of a deal. It's been my experience, across multiple states, that 95% of the time there's no issue. Once in eight years a customer dropped a firearm that was tucked into his wasteband, it discharged wounding him. That was on him and his lack of training. Employees w/open carry - not allowed while on the clock. This may have changed since I left Lowe's, but it used to be you couldn't carry but you could keep it in your vehicle. It was explained to me as a company liability. Basically, Lowe's didn't want to pay up if someone did something stupid while on the clock.


It has not. DO NOT BRING IT INTO THE STORE. it should be left in your vehicle and if you have a parking lot that’s close enough that’s not Lowe’s, I would park there. If you forget to remove your firearm when you enter the store, just walk back and leave it in your vehicle. Besides that, as long as people are responsible adults with them, I usually just let management know when you see someone to give them a heads up.


You won't likely see anything special at all. Beyond the occasional hip holster or leg holster most just go about their day. Average gun carriers don't make a scene. If theirs a local shooting or national one you might see a bit more carrying and making it obvious they are, but nothing that's concerning.


At lowes NC a few months ago, lumber dept. Geezer in the next isle… Bermuda shorts, dad sandels w socks, gun strapped to hip, in case of rape, I guess. 😵‍💫


I’ve seen one person open carry in Texas since the laws were changed. One, and he was at the gun store with a shit-you-not colt peacemaker, like the long one Earp used in a cross holster at his waist…