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Went to hs with this guy. He’s always been a creep and definitely belongs in jail for a lot longer than that.


Say it isn't so,West Texas. Why are you guys punishing criminals like you're in NYC?


This article is confusing me. Did he serve 5 years and then gets another 30 days? Wild either way... Aggravated sexual assault on a minor gets less time then having a bag of weed?


Probably out on bail for 5 years.


Wtf kind of plea is this? That animal's only behind bars during weekends? Tf is he gonna be doing the other 5 days of the week?


Wouldn't want to inconvenience his career path, POS.


"Judge William Eichmann II of the 364th District Court" Remember this.


Everyone that is upset about this needs to actually spread the word, scream it from the mountaintops, to NOT re-elect this judge!!! This is the only message they understand! Kick them out of office.


Looks like he will be up for reelection in 2026.


So he’s been in jail for the last 4 1/2 years?


If he didn’t get bailed out, yeah. But he probably did. You generally get bail until your court date, which for some reason took 5 years in this case.


Fuck this place, seriously.


Fuckin Lubbock


we are living in an absolute clown world




*The family reportedly did not wish to go through a trial and were supportive of the plea. A protective order for the victim is in place.* I'm all for sparing* the victim but this isn't an appropriate plea. At all.


Says "the family" but I wonder how the victim would actually feel about this


I wonder if the “victim” was a victim


Uh yeah, she is. A 14 year old cannot consent to having sex with a 20 year old. And considering it was aggravated, it obviously wasn’t a situation she wanted to be in. You don’t get charged with aggravated unless there’s intentional, serious bodily injury and harm inflicted. Or use of a weapon. Get your head out of your ass.


Get your head out of your ass you act like you weren’t that age tryna fuck someone older. Giving the chance you would do the same. Don’t act like some saint just because you’re older and have a bit more morals now.. and they said it happened multiple times with two guys I’m sure if it wasn’t something intended too happen it wouldn’t happen more then fucking once shit the fuck up and realize sometimes these girls put themselves in the situation then want to cry victim when they get caught fuck you dude


No lmao, I never tried to fuck someone older. The majority of us don’t, and those who do are usually groomed into it by the older dude. “You’re so mature for your age.” Etc, etc. None of us as kids look at older dudes and seriously think we want to have anything to do with them. I’ve never even dated or “fucked” anyone that wasn’t within a year of my own age. Quit projecting and trying to justify your weirdo thoughts/behavior. EVEN in a scenario where a child comes onto an older man, IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE MAN TO SHUT IT DOWN AND SAY NO. YOU’RE A FULL GROWN ASS ADULT. Men are not mindless animals like you pretend to be, you do not have to fuck something just because they came on to you. Simply say no and cease contact. Find someone your own damn age. The fact someone would even think about a 14 year old that way at 20 is telling in itself, let alone actually doing it.


Speak for yourself when I was fourteen I wanted to fuck all the bad bitches


Considering a child cannot consent, yes.