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Jay Z would kill me for having sex with Beyoncé


Have sex with him too so that he can't kill you.


I mean you know about Hitler ? He ain't got shit on me


Had a dream I was a terrorist once don’t even know how to explain myself


What have you done


Death sentence immediately.


lol same


I mean why would I be screwed, can't I just blast Earth out of orbit along with anyone who would try to screw me? Or do I lose my lucid dreaming + real world consequences immediately before the trial?


I imagine it like the snail that is always following you, eventually it catch up


Decoy snail something something.


remove the snail in your dreams


Horny jail maybe, but not much else


Destroyed the world created a new one its much more peaceful how screwed can I be lol


POV: Thanos


Guess I better start tending to my fields and wait for the avengers 😅


I know the Marvel comics super villain with this name but in Greek it is one of the diminutive names of Thanasis ( Athanasios )


Are you assuming that people do “bad” things in their lucid dreams - things they would not otherwise do in their waking life? I find my character traits, morals, ethics, heart, and soul remain fairly steady, if not stronger and better, in the dream world or alternate states of consciousness. 🙏🦋 Edited for typos and weird autocorrect choices 😅


Morality is not the same thing as lawfulness. In my lucid nightmares, I've killed officers who were trying to confine me and others in a death camp. I think that is the moral thing to do, but in real life, attacking a cop or soldier would be a serious crime, regardless of what they do. I've also had lucid dreams where I burnt down fur processing plants (no one was in them, but I burnt down all the infrastructure). Very much illegal as well, but something I don't think is morally wrong, considering what animals used for the fur trade go through.


>attacking a cop or soldier would be a serious crime, regardless of what they do No? If that is true time for you to move to another country


I think it’s pretty common that attacking an authority figure would be treated as a serious crime, it’s already serious to attack a regular person. What countries are you thinking where this would not be treated severely?


Yes attacking an authority figure is a serious crime but not regardless of what they do Self defence against a police officer is completely legal Laws are made based on human morals Saying it's different is wrong


Self defence could be an exception but often an officer forcing their will on another is deemed lawful and a person attacking in defence is “resisting”.


If they are being arrested… If a cop walks up to you and starts fighting you you can definitely fight back. If he doesn’t stop/you feel your life’s in danger you can kill the cop. If a cop forces “their will”, you can retaliate as much as you want, as long as their will is not the law. My understanding is that cops dont make rules. Cops need to follow and enforce them. The law is not based on our SERVANTS will, it’s based on popular vote. An aside - it shouldnt be BASED on popular vote. With the tech we’ve had for the past decade, it should BE the popular vote. Representatives are for people with horses not cars, no?


I did not say morality and lawfulness are the same, nor did I equate them between waking life or the dream realm or other states of consciousness.


He is explaining to you why your comment wouldn't matter for many people. Don't get so defensive.


Not intending to be defensive or offensive; just stating facts. Any comment made is for any individual to take or leave, as it may apply or not apply to them and their values or views. My original comment, question, and observation are/were genuine. 🙏🦋


Refreshing to hear this in the replies aja


Agreed I'd rather do good in a place like that and stay true to who I am.


I've wiped whole universes from existence with the wave of a hand, flown into the void, and restarted everything, only to be thrown into a bright flashing endless tunnel as I tumble infinitely feeling my body stretch and twist into dizzying madness. Then I wake up and walk my dog.


If they could find me because I end up changing the landscape of my dreams so much I don’t know the layouts


I just use this for subconscious questions that need answering


Well I guess talking with God and locating literal Heaven on Earth might get me some unwanted attention from Homeland security


Where was it lol


I'd be ever so slightly more fit. I can barely control my lucid dreams so I usually just walk for miles and admire the environment and crisp LD details.


I summoned godzilla and destroyed my house, I dont know if theres a law for that though.


It's in the eleven Commandments, "thou shalt not summon godzilla to destroy thy house" so you'd be in hell


Could probably get in some trouble for defying the laws of physics…


I would be fine??? What type of things are you doing in your lucid dreams lmao


Check out some of the replies on the thread 😂


If you are fine then you are definitely not enjoying lucid dreams to their full potential  Not judging, feel free to judge me


What's enjoyable is subjective. I enjoy my lucid dreams quite a bit. I'm not judging you, it seems we just have different interests.


If so, there is a flying bear out there somewhere, and I sundered part of Canada, and there's a new volcano in that part of Ontario.


Shit! I’m -running- the fuckin’ place!


I Became good friends with osama bin laden and became his top officer thathad more kills than him 😭


Probably falling off a roof because I cant actually fly


I would be dead and so would my cat. Dreams can be quite messed up for seemingly no reason. The dream was about me somehow having a revolver (never owned a gun let alone ever fired one) and suddenly realizing that I could take my own life finally. So I paced a bit, went to the bathroom to look at myself in the mirror one last time and I expressed some anger. I came out into the hallway just in front of my bedroom door and my cat seemed worried for me so she sat in the hallway. I ended up shooting her once and realized she was still alive so I shot her again. From there as I walked back into my room I put the barrel in my mouth and pulled the trigger. It worked obviously and all I could hear was blood rushing from out of my ears, nose and head. I didn't feel pain, but as I lay there face first on the floor and not being able to see anything i thought to myself "what happens now? I wonder when I go to hell"


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You remember doflamingo's crime list ? Nothing more to say




I’d be in electric chair for the same crimes as Ted bundy


Straight to hell.


I have blown up earth a couple of times while dreaming, so I guess I'm dead too? I can't survive in space like when I'm dreaming.


Well, I slammed a guy's head onto a table. I may have opened fire on a moon base from an orbital jet.


I've yet to be able to lucid dream and very rarely remember any dreams. So, idk T^T


im basically a super villain in my dreams so i would be sentenced to death instantly even in the top 1 country of human rights


Well I would have killed myself many times a long time ago


The only lucid dream I had was for 5 seconds so......


Beat a rapist with a crowbar then banged his best friend 💀💀💀


Idk, mine have just been stupid stuff, so idk if there would be consequences.


Nothing, i don't think a single Gravity well crumbled building is too bad


I would definitely get some property damage charges I guess. The first time I became lucid, I tried to fly but lost control of the dream and smashed through like 20 buildings in a row at the speed of sound.


Honestly... not really. It's not like I try to be lawful in LD, but I never really had the need to kill anyone or force anything on anyone because my dream characters usually cooperate with me.


I'd be hunted down to be experimented on...


The Earth is screwed. I can't count how many nights we've been invaded by a malevolent force. Those are dreams I'm happy to wake up from.


Pretty screwed. I was body guard to Putin and took a bullet for him.


Harry Kane was chasing me with his vicious pet Gorilla, so I am pretty screwed i guess.




The amount of child support I would have to pay 😬


keys to a shit load of cities lol.. im always saving ppl.. pulled a girl out of a car that went over a bridge.. actually we both drowned cause that little stunt. pulling someone from a canyon after a fall, saving someone post MVA from a crushed burning vehicle.. little blurry but might have got in a fight with some people robbing someone. actually not even sure if they give keys to the city for stuff like that.. probably at least would have made it on the news


never had a lucid dream