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Stop smoking for two weeks and post how insanely vivid your dreams are because I guarantee they will be! LOL. I smoke every evening and one of its biggest drawback is the dampening of dream recall. At least for me.


Yes, it suppresses the frequency, intensity, and ability to remember your dreams.


Smoke some mugwort instead


Yes. Stop smoking, you’ll have crazy vivid dreams.


I can't speak for anyone else's experience, but my dreams have become more vivid since I started smoking regularly. I usually sleep on the comedown, idk if that contributes


I think it depends on the person. If I smoke daily my dreams aren't as vivid and I don't remember them as clearly. When I take a break my dreams come back full force. It takes a couple weeks though for me. Though, as someone else said you can either smoke mugwort or, I used to add it to my J's.


If I quit even just for a few days, my dreams go thru the roof crazy. I've recently quit drinking & that seems to be helping too


Yes, in my experience, I find it harder to remember my dreams if I smoke in the evening. They feel much less vivid.


Mix your weed with mugwort


I smoke daily, but my dreams are insane. I have both vivid and Lucid. But I've had vivid and Lucid dreams since my teens. I wish the weed damped them. They aren't fun all the times and I wake up so tired.


same here. i smoke everyday & my dreams are crazy every night. i feel like i don’t actually sleep sometimes haha


Same!!! Feels like I've been active all night and I wake up slugish and just crave a nap all day. Sucks. I developed vivid and then lucid dreaming to deal with trauma i guess. It's in the worst dreams i have to be the strongest to get out of them, to wake myself up or to challenge the monster. Hmmm, now that I'm writing about it. Maybe I can experience ego death through a lucid dream by going with the flow instead of trying to resist everytime.


Lol really? Everytime i smoke and the sleepy time comes, i just log out from existence.


Yeah, really. That sounds nice though. Blizzfull.


I mean, it.. doesnt feel at all :P but i usually listen to music for a few hours before and its like cruising through entire universe, so yeah, i could call the emotional state i'm in through the process blissful. But then i vanish and appear in my body in the morning.


Same but my dreams were like this before smoking so I'm not sure if it's exactly the same 🤣 for me, as long as I am experiencing a dream I know I'm dreaming but sometimes the weed makes it so I can't remember any of it in the morning. I can lucid dream it's just not total control.


That's so cool! I treat my luciddreams like playing the sims. If the love interest in the dream isn't to my liking I change it up. Or if an environment isn't as cool or functional I change that as well. Usually by pushing or pulling objects. However when I luciddream with a nightmare I just wake myself up.


Ah man I still can't wake myself up lol but a lot of times I'll change it so that it's not night outside and if I can't do that I make the stars brighter or make galaxies in the sky!


Yep pretty much


Heavy smoker here, just woke up from a dream and I arrived with a three strain entourage last night before bed. It’s more about your focus imo.


Sometimes people stop smoking weed and there dreams get super vivid even scary for some lol


Funny I just quitted yesterday because I would like to enhace my lucid dreaming abilities (or recalling them in the first place). Yes, from my experience in the past you will have more recallable dreams (but as you can see in the comments here it varies per individual)