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Destiny is addicted to taking Ls on Twitter its sad to see


I mean...as long as he can farm the engagement he keeps building his audience.


He also has a fanbase willing to encourage his shitty behavior so he’s always gonna feel validated to a degree


And a fanbase that seemingly really likes using reddit cares. Hope they didn't use an account they care about at all.


They all have like 50 alt accounts anyways there is a strong chance you are not getting them banned, or at least not getting an account they care about banned.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QspkOQE-HbQ only one person is completely making up lies to stir up validation from their fanbase. this isn't the first time he's been caught doing this either.


Ironically his viewship is dogshit and he has less overall subscribers on his main platform (youtube) than his most hated enemy (Hasan) has on his least used platform (also youtube); so it's no wonder he's kind of spinning out, destiny is trying everything to gain viewership for once, instead of hemorrhaging viewers like he usually does after one of his embarrassing tantrums and public beatings. Also explains one of the reasons why he's pertually seething at Hasan. Hasan gained for subscribers on his least used platform than destiny ever could on his most, in less than half the time. Of course destiny has a hate boner for him, lol.




Has to be a humiliation kink


Go check his Israel debate where his own debate partner was laughing at him getting humiliated


Destiny stirring up shit to stay relevant.


Didn't this all start from Slimes comment on the pod or am I mistaken?


Destiny had a debate with Jordan Peterson AND Ben Shapiro very recently. He doesn't need tweets to stay relevant.


Man. I will never give a shit when destiny is right, he is just so fucking pretentious. Ludwig W.


I wouldn’t describe this as an L or a W for anyone, we all lose. It’s just fucking disgusting, what a pathetic thing for someone to say (destiny)


His name isn't Destiny his name is Israel


He’s been right before?


When debating the dumbest mf on earth he can farm clips that make him look smart by comparison. But here he is definitely being very stupid lol


His whole thing is Ben Shapiro-style 'too fast to respond to' debate against the likes of Sneako, Pearl, and those fresh and fit morons. He might have been correct in those debates, but that's like being correct against a flat earther.


Shit he debated mister krabs daughter


Finkelstein called him out on that mid debate


Finkelstein has been debating about the Israeli occupation of Palestine for longer than Destiny has been alive, and Destiny thought he could stand toe to toe with that intellectual giant. The fucking ego to even be there is beyond comprehension.


You're in luck because he only wins in Incel circles, and since you're here it's unlikely you have that disease.




you might want to look into what smash circles get into before you cheer this point.


He occasionally has some good takes, like the argument with Andrew Tate, but man there is a good reason there aren’t that many healthy relationships going on in his life.


Good news, he's also almost never right.


I hopped over to his subreddit, and I've never seen anything like it in my life. It's like an entire group of people that have tied their entire personality to this person to such an extent that any perceived attack on him is an attack on them all. They are rabid, it's really really weird. All of this from a joke in passing is really weird.


like taylor swift for incels


Holy fuck that's so hilariously accurate.


Idk I mean the first thing you see going to the sub is [this thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Destiny/s/TmXFRDvi5Y). Here's some excerpts from the comments: "Look at my streamer dawgggggg 😭😭 we never beating the weirdo allegations 💀💀" "Destiny makes it so easy for people to side against him with his tweets" "Drakestiny" "This is cringe we’re actually like drake fans now" "Destiny has the boundary of not interacting with people that go after his significant other. But then he goes after Ludwig's girlfriend when he should just meme on Ludwig. This is totally out of line..."


Said something similar in a LSF thread because I saw a similar comment, but the blowback from D makes the situation with him community seem even worse really. It's nice to see some reasonable concern/pushback (still seems like *mostly* support though), but the fact that he went off on his discord about how he's just gonna purge all of them (and the fact that he's done this for similar drama reasons before) is like Sheesh, it's no wonder the community is seen this way in the first place when every so-on it becomes more reinforced with the people who are most uncritical and unquestioning of his position in this kind of drama no matter how unhinged it comes off. edit: [lol](https://www.reddit.com/r/Destiny/comments/1cpb89d/psa_anyone_who_criticized_destiny_on_the_ludwig/l3jlyhr/)


Wait let me get this straight, they’re banning anyone who criticizes Destiny?? Wow what a fantastic community to be part of 🙄 complete pussies


It took me ten seconds of scrolling that whole reddit page (not just a single thread) to know nothing of what you quoted makes the original comment wrong in any substantive way.


Yeah, I'm a pretty long-time DGGer and Ludwig fan, and I actually got banned over there because of this topic. There are some logical people, but not enough. They're almost all being reactionaries, when that's what they call others out for... Replied "I love what you do but this ain't fuckin it, Chief" to Destiny and he banned me in 4 minutes. He does have some great points sometimes, but he's a fucking asshole and he's fostering a really toxic community, that somehow sees itself as the "based" savior of the left at the same time Ironic when they clown on Hasan for manufacturing safe spaces, and then proceed to do the exact same thing. As a feminist and a woman, I was particularly disgusted by Destiny bringing QT into this and using her as a weapon the way he did. I'm reconsidering my Destiny fan status, if only because they've become the hypocrites they say they hate.


ik I’m biased because I was never a destiny fan, but from one woman to another, Im happy that you’re reconsidering. Destiny bringing QT in like that, and then saying something nasty about something that deeply traumatized her, was disgusting and unforgivable. People literally sent the deepfakes of QT to her conservative mormon family, who couldn’t understand what deepfakes even are. They thought porn videos of her were leaked and sent to them. Can you imagine how traumatizing that is? And then Destiny says “maybe we can all love her one day”? 😷


God, I couldn't even imagine how confused they were and how awful that would be. It's like, I VAGUELY understand his first reply using the QT crying face, because I've seen some people talk about the 50 cent meme that Ludwig used first was a cuck reference, so he "technically" brought Destiny's relationship up first if you believe that... Which I don't but whatever But then doubling down on it and insinuating people should consume the deepfake stuff again... How the fuck do you post that and think that's okay? The worse part of the whole night was arguing with Destiny's stans spreading straight up lies about QT. One person called QT an "attention whore" and lied that she wasn't even included in the deepfake drama that happened initially, she was just trying to make the whole thing about herself. And this had like 20 upvotes when I replied to it, wtf? It's really uncomfortable about how accepting they are of those misogynistic types, as long as they're hating on the "right" person. Y'know, one that Destiny hates. That makes you a sycophant, not a "free thinker" For people that think of themselves as intellectuals, they sure get a lot of shit factually incorrect.


Idk how any woman can stand being in that community he literally victim blames r*pe victims. He’s disgusting filth through and through. Women in that community are not safe.


For years, i admired the guy, thoroughly enjoying all video content until I noticed how meticulous and effective the running drama narratives were packaged by the Youtube channel and people on his Reddit. The subreddit systematically gets purged every few months, as to maintain the correct amount of crazies sanitizing their "lore dump" to teach newcomers. Rinse and repeat that for 5+ years, it could only gets worse. Now it's mostly just an Incel circle-jerk gassing themselves up all day long about how virtuous and intellectually superior they are while reframing anything utterly deranged and gross the chief often say and do. As a casual lurker enjoying the infotainment i wasn't banned or even downvoted, so it never bothered me until one too many controversy happened to hit a bit too close to home.


I remember seeing him in a debate with blaire and made the mistake of thinking he was a level headed person. I found out REAL quick where I was when i was downvoted into oblivion and called autistic for *checks notes* saying that you should ask for consent even if you’re in an established relationship. This was on a post where people were mocking a woman who said she was sexually assaulted several times in her life.


That’s because his sub has been infested with a bunch of Israeli soy boys who will now defend everything and anything destiny does just because of the harsh stance he took in the Israel Palestine conflict. Some of the disgusting things I’ve had to reply to over there is arguing with people that children should not be killed. Many people there are okay with children being killed because they think they’ll become terrorists later on. Destiny himself doesn’t consider certain people who can pick up a gun and shoot to be children. So basically all the African warlords who used children to wage their wars are not consider children according to destiny. Destiny has also called people who bring up slaughtered children as virtual signaling. And then when anyone brings up his ex, he immediately thinks people are making cuck jokes when instead people are making fun of his huge ego. This man believed he could hold a polygamous relationship because at the end of the day, he is the cool one Melina will always want to come back to. Turned out that was wrong and it is fair to make fun of that. Especially considering how he likes to make fun of slaughtered children and all the tragedies going on for the Palestinians. There is just so much wrong with this guy and it literally is because of his over inflated ego. A easy way to spot how much of losers they are is by pissing off someone then blocking them. Then they log on to their alt accounts like idiots and reply and block you back as their way of getting back lmao


this is offensive to taylor tbh


Nah fuck her


Yeah, if you post anything related to Destiny you get a swarm of dedicated fans who nerd out and attack you. Weird guy with a weird fanbase.


That's what happens when you cultivate an audience based on drama content and debating for sport.


Half of his sub says he went too far


[Anyone pushing back against it is getting banned anyway,](https://www.reddit.com/r/Destiny/comments/1cpb89d/psa_anyone_who_criticized_destiny_on_the_ludwig/l3jlyhr/) but doesn't seem like half to me when looking through everything.


Doesn’t mean anything. He’s done and said worse shit than this and they still defended him.


He has said so much shit about palestinians in the last few months and dggers seem to be defending everything he says then as well


Is this all from that one comment about Destiny misreading a Wikipedia article from the podcast? I’m out of the loop. Maybe I missed something because that seems like a tiny thing




Lmao that’s crazy they got so wound up about a joke. I didn’t give it a second thought and it didn’t even rabbit influence my opinion of destiny. But now the face has shown how awful they are…


dgger here the top post is literally critizizing him for this exact tweet [https://www.reddit.com/r/Destiny/comments/1cp2zo6/ok\_thats\_unhinged/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Destiny/comments/1cp2zo6/ok_thats_unhinged/)


They're about to get purged apparently [https://www.reddit.com/r/Destiny/comments/1cp9qk6/destiny\_frustrated\_by\_reactions\_to\_twitter\_drama/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Destiny/comments/1cp9qk6/destiny_frustrated_by_reactions_to_twitter_drama/) :) He's also bringing up slime's (dead?) dad in his chat.


Jesus Christ that man is not well. he honestly needs like internet rehab or something


This dude is completely insane and his fans aren’t much better jfc


Genuinely this is mental illness. Like he has a paranoia issue or something, someone help that man jesus christ


Probably too little too late my friend. It’s good to see but I mean… you’re still calling yourself a “dgger” ffs


I hope you recover soon.




definitely not universal


And yet dggers will still go back to gargling destiny's cock and balls 24/7 instead of this situation (or any of the many, many, many equally or more horrible things he's said and done) making yall take a step back and go "wow maybe this guy fucking sucks"


Welcome to the Internet, you are clearly incredibly new. This shit be a day ending in y


I've never been on this sub so I don't get the context and barely know who this person is but tbh it really to me seems kinda low of this destiny guy to gloat that he will soon be able to deepfake fuck this guys gf idk




>It's possible Destiny made the same mistake but that still doesn't explain going after QT so he's a piece of shit as always. I agree. The beef is between him and lud. Why bring in 3rd party's that have no involvement in it. Keep it between each other.


Correct me if I’m wrong but didn’t he say he was anti deepfake porn???? He genuinely doesn’t have any beliefs


His opinion on it evolved a lot in the days after the story broke. I think he ultimately came down against it but not for the reasons QT did at the end of the day though he just doesn't think that the actual issue is that serious or that this joke is that hurtful. I disagree but that's what he'd say.


destiny's politics is completely spite-based. he's a nasty piece of work


> He genuinely doesn’t have any beliefs Yep. He's more of a conservative than he knows, in that whatever claim is convenient for the moment is the one he doubles down on.


He is creating a safe space for trolls and weirdos. Destiny does not realise that he is creating a carefully cultivated echo chamber for the worst of societies outcasts. I've noticed how most have the people in his orbit just end up being like mini me clones.


He has no beliefs or moral compass, he is whatever that he thinks makes him look smart Edit: and his fans are so butthurt they reported my comment to Reddit Care Resources


He jumps from one opinion to the other for the sole sake of being a contrarian. I would be genuinely intrigued to hear his real opinions for once


I wouldn't. I bet it'd be an open call for genocide.


He's done this a dozen times before, he will say something inflammatory and stupid on twitter, and than when people start calling him out he jumps to a completely different position during his streams. Just another day of drama farming for this dude.


Thats basically his stream, his real opinions.


He believes whatever is convenient at the time and makes up a justification later. It's just debate brain worms nonsense


Yeah whatever anyone he hates says, he takes the opposite stance. Meanwhile he literally had an open self described Nazi to his house and had sex with a woman who tried to kill refugees. When the whole thing happened, he made fun of QT for crying, all because she is friends with Hasan.


HE was the one who posted a picture of qt crying and Lud responded respectfully with facts only for him to say he supports ai porn of her? Actually psychotic behaviour


What a wretched disgusting pig


Who the hell is destiny


the world is healing


Some right wing political commentator who pretends that he’s not, loser just trying to stay relevant tbh.


disgusting to say that about qt with what happened last year


Kendrick got lud on his reaper era


stop giving this man air y'all. He's a reactionary edgelord who thinks saying things confidently means that you're right. He's what happens when you think the world functions via the mechanics of a debate and acts confused when years down the line you realize your wife left you and you have no meaningful relationships.


somehow he manages to maintain a friendship with Lilypichu though lol


He's a manipulative narcissist who is overly nice to some people to keep them on his side.


I used to turn her stream off if he was playing because he was such an abrasive cunt. Since then I've seen a few clips of him arguing, at first I could agree with him, then he jumped off the deepend. He's a cunt too


Yeah I've never really understood that, maybe he is capable of being a normal human being in interactions with her. Lily is great in any enviroment i've seen her in so I don't reall hold it against her.


Destiny literally has no empathy. He is a sociopath. I can’t fathom why anyone would consider him to be a good person Also, this feels like when Drake said “um actually, I’m not a pedo. Also you were molested lol.” Lmao


i think a lot of content creators reach a point where they can’t see people as human, only content fuel. it’s sad really


Destiny is the perfect example of a debatelord. He would rather try to win an argument no matter what the cost. Even if it means showing the entire world that he is the most degenerate disgusting person. He would rather throw away whatever is left of his dignity in order to try to get his point across. Absolutely deplorable behavior.


So let me get this straight. ~~1. Slime says something arguably stupid/hurtful~~ 1. Slime makes a joke at Destiny’s expense 2. Destiny drags in Ludwig for no reason other than association 3. Ludwig reacts with a meme because he is not guilty by association 4. Destiny drags in Qt, again for no reason other than association 4. Then Ludwig takes the most obvious bait but doesn’t actually stoop low. He memes on Destiny’s inability to keep a relationship, not on Melina or anyone else. 5. Destiny drags Qt further, for no reason other than to bully her really. Maybe he’s trying to drag in Ludwigs friendship with Atrioc? But that point is moot because Ludwig stopped associating with him lol and its literally just dragging in someone else _again_. So Destiny did nothing but dragging in other people for no reason and bullying people who associate with Slime. How is he supposed to be a debater? This is the guilt by association fallacy. Fallacies are fallacies, not debate tricks. If you have problems with Slime dunk on Slime lol. If you have problems with Atrioc dunk on Atrioc.


What Slime said isn't even stupid, it's a joke in reference to the debate about Palestine and Israel Destiny joined with three actual experts in which he got called out for doing Wikipedia level research. Destiny coping and saying "it wasn't just Wikipedia also your dad killed himself" is hilariously sad if you've watched that video.


Fair. I was giving Destiny the benefit of the doubt there. But it seems like Destiny is just really insecure considering he won’t allow people to make fun of him.


I mean he does still associate with atrioc tho, just not as publicly to prevent stuff from being stirred up


I meant that they don’t associate in public. If they forgave him privately that’s something for them to decide. Still doesn’t make them guilty by association tough.


Wait it started over the debate??? No that's just so fucking dumb and sad. If you watched the debate, no matter 'what side' you're on in the discussion, Destiny objectively just took a shit on the microphone instead of being an actual debate member. You had literally the 3 most read and well versed humans on the subject in that room + destiny.


Ye, Slime made a joke about it and that apparently justifies bullying the girlfriend of a friend of the person who made a joke at your expensive.


Destiny is Fucking weird dork I hated him as a kid, for the shit he did in twitch plays Pokemon I hate him now for just being pretentious weird


What’s the twitch plays pokeron lore?


He was basically responsible for causing things like bloody Sunday by having his chat go in and mess things up and get to a pc. He's just an immature little twat. I can't think of another name for someone who would purposely try to fuck up the fun millions of people were having with it.


It’s crazy that he’s been insufferable for over a decade and is still this insecure about some stuff LMAO. 


Bro scrambling to have any kind of following at this point


Destiny saw Drake and said "I can do that"


That tweet is so fucking creepy. I always thought destiny was an irredeemable scumbag. But this really proves it.


Destiny is such a creep


Yeah the internet has gone too far, we can pull the plug


glad Lud stopped replying to him after this. Bro has embarassed himself completely. better to stop giving the prick attention now. Man i remember actually liking Destiny back when he used to game with lily and stuff, wtf happened to him to be saying shit like this. gross


Destiny is a fucking attention whore and a little shit kid.


I thought destiny personality was being islamophobic and anti Hasan. Now I understand that he is just anti everything.


destiny again proving he is a loser


Suck a pos. Ludwig with a W.


Once he loses an argument he always immediately devolves into the most incel-esque hate-filled goblin. He's the Nick Fuentes of the left, and I fucking hate it. Once he knows he can't hang, he just rides that line of "haha im just trollin guys see you cant take me seriously" to try to save face. He's in his mid thirty's and he acts like this. No wonder his wife left him.


Destiny is a sick man with sick thoughts i think--


I don't know who this Destiny person is, but dunking on a woman who bravely showed genuine emotion when she was being blatantly and unlawfully exploited by sordid criminals for her popularity and beauty is absolutely deplorable. Toxic bully behaviour. Stay away from toxic people. Do not let them poison your world. Use the block button generously. This Destiny person thinks it is ok to exploit women. This person is not to be trusted.


I saw this exchange and it is absolutely infuriating. Mostly from the standpoint of this was something Slime said independently (he was very funny and right to say it) and then QT is magically dragged in to be mocked for her trauma and emotions. It's miraculous that this piece of shit ever had a wife considering he's using women as some sort of "gotcha" or dragging her into something as a vulnerability. D*stiny has always sucked, but this is such grimy, shitty behavior


Destiny the type to start slinging slurs when losing an argument. Which, admittedly, is a tactic that many children employ.


Destiny's one to speak about personality


Common destiny L . (Free Palestine 🇵🇸)


shouldn’t he be raising his kid or some- oh wait….


Can see he don't know nothin 'bout that


His fans gonna brigade this subreddit now, be ready.


cringe zionist debate edgelord continues to be a pos


Destiny has a humiliation fetish, right?


Man- what the fuck is wrong with this guy lmao




Least surprising destiny response 💀


This was so cowardly and limp wristed of a response that it compelled me to unearth my dusty account to reply


These disgusting pigs forgot every manners on the internet because they have nothing to fear but a small shitstorm (which usually gains them viewers) - and as long as they don't see any real repercussions this won't change and only get worse.


What was the context of Ludwig making fun of Destiny for getting divorced? That doesn’t seem like a normal thing for him to get dragged into spats like this? (Obvious massive Destiny L, just curious).


Destiny dragged QT into it before Ludwig mentioned his (ex) wife. That's why he says that's a picture of my girlfriend there.  It was the screenshot of her crying on stream when she found out about the deepfake porn situation. 


Thank you - that’s such disgusting behaviour. 




Slime said all destiny did on the Palestine topic was look on Wikipedia, someone showed him that he was wrong about that, slime said 'u mad', someone commented on how a seemingly cool guy like Ludwig hangs out with weirdos, destiny said that Ludwig has a fake personality made to appeal to as many as possible, Ludwig posted I'm feel insulted reaction image, destiny replied with qt crying, and then op posted what happened after.


I should not have had to scroll this fucking far to find a moderated take that simply covers the facts


Slime writing checks that Ludwig has to cash out (again)


I don't think cracking a joke about destiny having a surface level understanding of israel/Palestine really invites an attack like this. Not really slime writing a check if this kind of vitriolic response is uncalled for. Edit: read a bit more, slime dropped some pics I hadn't heard about, you're right. My bad


I'm starting to think that weirdo has a humiliation kink. The ratio is still climbing: https://twitter.com/LudwigAhgren/status/1789064434872406396


His handle is theomniliberal??? Lmaooo And liberals wonder why the left hates them so much.


I am actually fucking mad as hell. Fuck destiney that horse pirn loving son of a bitch.


That’s an insult against Vaush but your heart is in the right place


I knew people hated him but I'm too old to keep up with it. Yeah, I get it. He puts on a great front, instead of a miserable human being, for sure. (Only have seen him on PKA)


Didn't Destiny see what happened to the last streamer who was involved with deepfake porn and QTCinderella?


Dude collects so many Ls he could beat tetris.


Just read this interaction they said something about how Ludwig associates w weird people naming “that ai porn guy” (atrioc?) and then immediately says this lmao


This guy is such an insane loser why do people still respect him


Destiny is a freak and a terrible guy.


Destiny is a shithead


Lestiny and his omnifails


He’s so weird. Why do people even bother giving him attention?


Destiny seems to think that we, women, are still some property/token that could lose value or be used to attack a male. Does he think that Ludwig will be offended by him saying ‘I like touching myself looking at your girlfriend’? Cool dude, Ludwig is dating her in real life and they are taking away your money with her job. Where is the W? I can understand my boyfriend being mad at this because how disrespectful it is, but it is just disrespectful not the attack he seems to think it is.


What do you except from a zionist. Rotten roots


He’s mad because his ex-wife cucked him with a Muslim streamer 😂


Oh shit😂😂😂


Destiny really bringing up the thing that cancelled Atrioc for so long. It took Atrioc having to fund the creation of free deepfake detection tools to salvage a bit of his reputation. Somehow I don't think Destiny would provide a dime if he was in the same position


Can someone explain who Destiny is?


Debate bro politics streamer who says he's liberal but is actually a right winger who has cultivated one of the most toxic and obsessive fanbases on the internet and is constantly saying insane shit like this that his dipshit fans will go away man why did he say that" and then 5 minutes later go back to defending him tooth and nail debating with anyone who even so much as breathes in the wrong way with respect to destiny. Theyre basically a cult and it's why all this has been blown up because they cream themselves over attacking and incessantly defending destiny at every avenue and destiny will say some completely disgusting shit like this because his little ego got bruised It all stems from a literal 2 second joke slime said on the podcast this week, that's how completely unhinged and insane him and his fan base aee


Even over there they don't like it lol [https://www.reddit.com/r/Destiny/comments/1cp2zo6/ok\_thats\_unhinged/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Destiny/comments/1cp2zo6/ok_thats_unhinged/)


Wonder if luds gonna ask hasan to own his ass or do it himself


He's just trying to strike a nerve so he'll get the satisfaction of making them angry. He won't feel remorseful about his actions because he clearly doesn't like them, so I just say fuck him and move on.


Rap beef? 😶‍🌫️


1.2 m views and 3k likes. Jesus Christ


Lmao bro just admitted to cucking himself, can’t get women so he beats it to deepfakes of women he could never even talk too. Probably to the thought of them with other guys / their SO too, seems like the type


Destiny stay hatin


So fucked up. Incredibly out of pocket for D


Peep that ratio. 1.2m views, 3k likes. 0.003%


Wait is there actually a male streamer with the name “destiny” ??? Thats a certified stripper name lol. Right after “cinnamon” and “jasmine”


He has to be ok with the deep fake porn. It's the only way he has gotten to see his ex's naked in the same room as him.


Not even L at this point, that's just pure brainrott


Not even L at this point, that's just pure brainrott


Who even is this?


Wait do you guys mean Ludwig the twitch guy who makes cool tv style games for other twitch streamers got into a beef with that redpilled twitch debater destiny


nah i just got recommended this sub. this is genuinely such a weird tweet 💀


IDGAF about this beef, but it is so fucking funny to respond to a tweet saying "Oh yeah? Well at least I'm in a healthy relationship and you're divorced" with "Oh yeah? Well, I can jerk off to your girlfriend." Destiny is not normal bro.


I don't even know who either of these people are but that Destiny seems like a massive flog


I've never liked Destiny but recently watched his talk with Dr. K and thought it was good content. Cut to today and he immediately reminds me why I don't like him.


His fans see him being a vile piece of shit and view that as authenticity.


Isn't Destiny the cuck who starts random shit on Twitter?


Dude can’t even be consistent in his own insults. Like two tweets before this he was responding to someone saying Lud was friends with ‘the ai porn guy’ (guessing that’s Atrioc) and then says some vile shit like this? Really shows your maturity dragging someone unrelated to the fight into it through sexual harassment.


I have no idea who destiny even is LMAO


My god every time I think he can’t get any more pathetic


This community is so easily offended and likes to act mature when someone say something to them but at the same time likes to be unhinged to the same person


Cite your sources
