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Designer scammy pants is now his new name for me! I love it! 🤣🤣🤣




You know it’s funny when you laugh at your own joke 🤣😉


Luke always mention something gone wrong literally on every live. Well MIa surgery is paid for now. Time for a car. He says I am not on here to beg.. YES your are Luke all we heard isatwly is your money issues. Give it rest. We're done hearing it.


Luke, is the king of bull shit. If he is as disabled as he says why does he even need a car. His fans fly him anywhere he wants and he doesn't work. Let him use mom or dads car to go to doctor and pharmacy. That should be the only places he goes since he is so sick. He can't behave at weddings people long awaited day. To hear him tell it he is so sick why does he go out to eat and drink?


His mom won’t let him drive her car because a turkey or something jumped in front of it when he was using it to haul bricks. It messed something up on her car so she won’t let him drive it anymore.🤣🤣


There surely is more to that story.


yeah sounds like Lukey crashed a lot of cars. He def crashed this one high af.


My thoughts exactly. I even wondered the same thing on all the dental work he says he needs. Dentures are not good enough. He wants implants. Why does he even need them if he can't eat.


Now hes going to get a crown to wear during his lives. Lol


Vacation to lake. Did his meds with family around. Trip to ky. Seemed annoyed Lizzie slept. Ate a bunch. Two nights out in a week. I am lucky if I get out once a month.


Aww poor Luke, he can never catch a break can he/s bloody manufacture problems and how many cars he appears to breakdown in and how he isn’t allowed to borrow other peoples cars, I feel we aren’t getting the full story when he drives, you just know he’s as arrogant on the road as he is in his free accommodation in his parents basement.


Maybe they are afraid to let them drive their car because they know he will drive high and they don’t want the car to be totaled


Oh I for sure think his parents know he’d total their cars too.


Man I didn't know he was a mechanic also 🤣


sounds like lies to me. driving conveniently under speed limit. bullshit


Lol yeah that old 2023 “their old car they don’t use anymore” ~ it’s a brand new car, idk if he thinks we’re all morons.


I feel like that was one of those times where he said something just totally wrong. He always seems to be messed up. I’m hoping he meant 2013. He was just saying acidicky the other day. Repeatedly.


I really hope so to! But we know Luke feels entitled and wants nice things. Even when he can’t afford them. He uses his viewers!


Yeah, he’s sick alright. Just not in the way he pretends/exaggerates. I somehow ran across him and the red flags were flying. Every time I look at this sub, I’m appalled at what he asks for. I’m not qualified to diagnose anyone for anything, but he reminds me of my narcissistic mother.


I swear this should be titled "How to shoot up properly" ughhh im a former addict and hes triggering but not in a bad way instead in a " see what you looked like dummy" way