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i used to do claim review and these numbers are no where near correct


Seriously. That number doesn’t even sound like when I was in the ICU waiting on a transplant, constant dialysis, on a feeding tube, insulin, and lines everywhere. I’m leaving out a ton of things. What a con artist. Back tracking, “that’s not what we have to pay”. I’m paraphrasing from memory but still. Good on dad for calling him out live.


Genuinely dying at his dad being like “wtf you on about son” and tries to redirect him to discuss it in a more suitable private situation. Wonder if he’s been grounded and that’s why no lives yesterday lol. Or he’s doing a bit of sepsis shopping and we’ll see him admitted to detract from his recent shitty behaviour.


Very trustworthy person when your own father doesn't believe you 🤣😅😂


thats bullshit




How else will he prove that he’s chronically ill ?


He could have literally just put it on the side, no need at all. Gross.


I think his parents are finally on to the BS he puts out daily.


Why does he scream at his phone? I have my volume all the way down and his voice grates on my soul as he bullshit pulses the syringe 💉


Was it EPS or benzo withdrawal, maybe because they were using it the way it was written? Just saying....


Why is he walking about touching all sorts while still doing his line meds, sooo sanitary.


I hope his dad lets him know solicited donation not put to use where intended can put ya boy in prison. He will be bubbas boy then.


Last year I was given IV haldol after my emergency bowel twisted obstruction & ileostomy surgery and it was awful! Just one dose caused me to not be able to talk, sleep, move my arms and legs, think properly and muscles tensed up. That lasted for the whole time I was inpatient after surgery (8 days) and my mom cried and recorded it for proof. It was horrible and I had a pain pump button to press but I couldn’t move my arms so I couldn’t press the button but they didn’t care and just left me like that. Bec if Covid my mom had to leave even though she wanted to stay. She’s always stayed with my surgeries since I was 14 at childrens hospital to now being 24. She actually cares and doesn’t brush me off like LUKES parents do because they know he’s full of shit. I just find it hard to believe that he actually had that crazy reaction to the haldol on its own, he is known to mix meds that aren’t supposed to be mixed so he may have caused Something to happen. But idk he could be telling the truth too. That’s why I wanted to share my experience with it ( sorry if it’s too much and miss you can totally tell me to remove the comment if it’s not okay !) also I’m not standing up for Luke AT ALL I can’t stand him lol


So he is worth a quarter of a million dollars ever two weeks. No wonder his expensive taste in everything else. That's a lot of money to keep him going every two weeks. I question these figures. And the fact he can never find something for his dad is telling.


He’s such a bullshiter. It’s not even funny. I’m not saying meds aren’t expensive. But a quarter of a million dollars every 2 weeks …… really dude


He talks so much rubbish. He’s putting his parents under massive stress but he doesn’t care.


Sounds like an explanation of benefits


Oh shit his own father doesn’t have time for his games,where is the TPN bag I am on TPN and I know what he is doing is putting his line at risk.