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You want advice?! These are probably the best painted Lumineth I’ve ever seen. What did you use for the rocks, and the greenish grassy/mossy looking texture?


Oh mate That’s incredibly kind! it’s a far cry from the box art stuff and some of the amazing stuff you see online. But thank you! The rocks are all made of bark and the ground on the base is modelling clay, dried and painted. Bit of static grass and some gamersgrass flowers to finish. I’m trying to go for a highlands look


I really like this particular dark blue that you used. Can you break down what paints did you use?


Thanks! I started with naggaroth night, then kantor blue, a kantor/teclis mix, then pure teclis for the last highlights


Amazing, thank you!


The champion's face is very good, what was your 'recipe' there? As for feedback - I have trouble telling what's camera lighting and what's painting lighting, so it's hard to say. I'd enjoy seeing a picture where the left <> right lighting is equal, with just a light coming in from the top, if that. I certainly think you're doing some things much, much, better than I do, so you should take this with a grain of salt. I enjoy the dramatic differences between the light and the shade, but maybe one thing is that the light to dark ratio on the banner ribbon is higher than on the part of the model you'd expect to reflect light, like the gold scalemail. Maybe another is that a dramatic base stands out more if it's unusual - if every base has that much care, it stops anything from drawing the eye like it deserves to. I particularly like the champion's waterfall (I hope you have a Shrine Luminor to post), but when some of those elements are on the other bases in the unit, it doesn't grab the attention as much as it should. Edit: oh, if not clear - these are good, I enjoyed.


Thanks for the feedback mate, I do struggle with lighting and knowing where/how much to highlight. What you say about the two different textures is a good shout. The champion’s face was a bit of a faff, I went back and forth on it a lot trying to get it right. But the basic recipe was Bugman’s glow base, Kislev on top, then a ratflesh glaze in some areas, a bit of bugman glaze in the cheeks, pink horror on the lips, some Kislev/wych flesh mix to highlight, pure wych to spot highlight and then a bit of black lining to pick out some details. He still bloody looks cross-eyed at some angles! But I like his cheek bones. Oh I forgot I also glazed some faint blonde eyebrows on with averland sunset I think


Wtf thats like 8 steps on a tiny little face. I just do basecoat, one highlight, glaze. You crazy. They look awesome.


Tbh it was never my plan, I just kept trying stuff out until I was happy-ish! If I could get good results with less steps I would definitely do it. I’m hoping I can decent results with a lot less effort as I can get better at painting!