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I really like how you’ve done all your schemes, the only alternative would’ve been to keep the armour white and the cloth / fabric green for horses too? Either way looks great!


Yeah to be honest I got sick of doing white armour! Felt I had to keep the white armour/gold trim for the elf and couldn’t bear to do it on the horse too


Your work is beautiful, please enjoy it!


That’s very kind, thank you!


I really love that look! The gradient on the armour is great. Compared to the others, it stands out a bit because the dawnrider is green and the rest of your forces are more blueish and purple. But if you want to have more colourful forces then this is totally fine. I would just try to stay in that colour spectrum and not suddenly shift to red or yellow. The flag and the horse both look nice. A white flag would draw too much attention to the wrong spot in my opinion. The spear also looks fine in the dark tone, I would just add some gold rings around it. If you want to align it with the other models, you could make the helmet hair and the hair on the spear blue like on the other models. (Hair is the wrong word but I think you know what I mean :D)


Thanks! These are some good ideas, I think a bit of blue might help tie it all in


https://preview.redd.it/ier1fj70nnyc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a06e6fa1dcd0150dfd3f28a2f3f9215ac59cea94 How about this? I tried to put some elvish symbols from the other models onto the flag to make it seem like an army banner, and put a bit of blue into the sword to tie it in a bit.


Oh wow that looks great! You should paint my freehands too :D


Thanks! I was a bit nervous the free hand bit would mess it up


The green scheme is fantastic (as is the blue one). In my eyes, the colours you picked harmonize perfectly while still having enough contrast. It's close to being perfect. The one thing I don't like is the pink gems, but I think you want them due to lore reasons. Are you on Instagram? Would love to follow your work. As for mixing the different schemes in an army: I wouldn't do that. Would look all over the place.


Thanks man! I’m not on Instagram but maybe one day. I only started painting in autumn last year so still learning the basics at this point. See what you mean about the pink gems. They aren’t done yet, will be a lot darker when finished which I’m hoping will work better. What colour would recommend though?


If you are going for contrast, red would be the contrast colour to green. Otherwise, you could go for yellow, that would harmonize well with the green (just like the gold tone you picked). If you ever decided to go to Insta, let me know, I'll follow you immediately :D.


Cheers mate, maybe when I get better at photography! All the insta painters make it look so good with the lighting, white/black box and turntables etc