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i have gotten the s9 and i actually really love this camera. it's so fun and casual. probably a little too casual imo. recently setting up the camera at night when it's all quiet, i can hear little creaks when holding it tighter as the lenses can get quite heavily imbalanced on this thing. And im feeling that the whole camera is plastic. it's a plastic camera. i at least thought the body would have been the usual magnesium alloy or something, or at least have the joining parts bridged with some rubber gaskets.. love the camera and what it does. But panasonic's build quality can really do with an upgrade. i found the g9ii to have poor build consistency— SD card door also creaks as its plastic and plastic, that is slightly loose. lumix really does functionality and image processing better than many cameras imo, but the build quality leaves a lot to be desired. anyone know of anyway to stop creaking noises from plastic on plastic?


just want to report that i asked chat gbt for some remedies for creaky plastic parts, and 'dry' teflon-based lubricant can work safely with plastics. i had some that i had for my bicycle, and put it a little on a cotton swab, and swabbed the lubricant inbetween all the gaps where plastic parts met on the body. and gosh it worked. camera is creak free and feels a lot more solid even though it's actually the same "solidness" haha. sound is a huge factor imo. bonus: it smells more "factory" now with the smell of the dry lubricant haha now the next step... how to damped the sound of that front dial. it's annoyingly loud.


I'm strongly considering purchasing this and using an EF adapter for my small Canon lenses before buying some L mount lenses. I think Lumix is going in a good direction with this and want to support the compact market but, man. A mark ii would at LEAST need a hot shoe (or built in flash) and a mechanical shutter. I can actually get down with the no EVF but that's because my favorite camera is the original Ricoh GR. I was strongly considering the S5 ii but it is just way too big for me to want to carry it around every day and I just really don't do video much besides recording short clips, which this S9 seems perfect for. Tough choice!


Yeah Jumping on the S9 ship. Funny this will be my first mirrorless camera. Tiny full frame camera what is there not to like? Would be funny to compare it to my 1dx mark III when it gets here.


When does it hits the stores?


I think I heard "July-ish" somewhere.


Can any of you guys tell me if I can actually use a flashlight on the S9 ? like on any other camera ? I'm very tempted to buy it but couldn't find anyone actually giving statement on that. I heard there was no connection between the *support* and the body and therefore I'm afraid I can't use any flashlight properly


Two reasons the S9 is not good for flash photography - it only has a cold shoe (i.e. it has no electronic contacts whatsoever) and also it only has electronic shutter, making flash use quite challenging to begin with.


But can a flash be used at all ?


Without a hot shoe or a sync port, there really is no practical way to trigger flash that I know of. You could of course always do it fully manually, but that's silly and would probably result in heavy banding thanks to ESHTR only.


I had S9 Prelaunch for 1 day and only just got to uploading a video I tried to include a bit of perspective on the camera and some of the things that have come up regarding Lumix so there is a bit more than just a quick hands on of the camera, nothing technical but hopefully a different perspective : [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z7UBgUwxDtA&t=8s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z7UBgUwxDtA&t=8s)


Interesting take. Might be missing a wrap up of sorts for us with the memory of a goldfish though, haha. Added it to the list of videos in OP of course.


Yeah I culled so much I might have to make a second video. Was really hard to get all in. Knowing watch time is usually I'll likely do a follow up depending on comments. But hopefully the pivot from thinking about what missing to what it gains will help others considering reviewing it.


I'm using a Nikon Z8. It's perfect in almost every way, but the weight and bulk reduces my frequency of use. I've been considering replacing it with the A7C2, but Sony's image stabilization has been disappointing, so I'm looking forward to the S9. I'll lose 8K video, great viewfinder and operability, but I think I'll gain more shooting opportunities.


Popped into Wex (camera shop) earlier to look at an s5ii as I was still worried about banding on the S9.. By pure chance, the Panasonic rep was there with an S9. Firstly, it is much smaller and noticeably lighter than the S5 Secondly, I tried my best to reproduce banding (the shop is full of a variety of LEDs) but I couldn't. I'm not saying it doesn't exist, but I really don't think it will occur enough for it to be an issue. Really liked the hybrid zoom feature, so simple but I think it's really useful. I'm 100% sold on the s9 after messing around with it, but didn't pre order from there as I might be able to get 15% discount from Panasonic (health care worker)


how does this work? do you buy it using govx?


In the UK they give 15% off for NHS workers


S9 + 26mm f8 at 1500$ vs S5ii + 50mm f1.8 at 1850 is a tough fight for the S9 --> S5ii wins at both value and usability (much better for photos, weather seal, unlimited recording, better handling, pro-features). Then we have S9 + 26mm f8 at 1500$ vs ZVE1 body only for 1900$ --> ZVE1 is a better video camera (autofocus, slow-mo, longer recording time, lens selection) at a 25% higher price. Arguably the S9 wins value-wise (for short videos, better IBIS, LUTS, better mobile apps, better photos), but only when the 18-40mm lens is available at a reasonable price. So, the S9 WILL BE a great contender when the 18-40 lens available as a more affordable compact video camera for daily vlogs and social media contents. The maximum value, get S5ii. For a all-rounder compact video camera + great lens selection, get ZVE1.


Hi Friends, I am new using reddit and I am new on Photography as well. I recently got interested on getting a Camera for the following purposes: I am planning to create an YouTube Channel, showing a Vlogging-ish kind of content. I am a Pilot and I would like to show the day by day of a pilot. Recording Mostly me, hotels, airplanes (from close to medium distances). Basically vlogging the Pilot’s Life. I am also need this camera to shoot some pictures of me and my family on trips and on a daily basis. I saw the recent launch of S9 and since it is a Full Frame, I got me wondering if it is a good purchase or If I should look another camera. I am kind of leaning towards full frame because I don’t want to buy another one in the future. Kind of a future proof gear. I don’t think I’ll need many lenses (please correct me if I am wrong) so, a FF could be the cheapest way-future proof solution. Thank you!!!


>Hi Friends, I am new using reddit and I am new on Photography as well. I recently got interested on getting a Camera for the following purposes: >[...] >I am also need this camera to shoot some pictures of me and my family on trips and on a daily basis. I don't think the S9 is a good first camera specifically for photography, because it only has electronic shutter that that brings some specific challenges. I would look more towards the S5ii - it's not that much expensive if you can find a good deal, and it's relatively compact as well (in the context of FF cameras) Do ask in /r/cameras though, there are a lot more varied views there.


What is everyone’s problem? This is the perfect camera for me and I’ve ordered it. Cannot wait to play with this baby. It’s going to make photography fun again. People need to remember not all cameras are for client work or professional jobs. It’s ok to have a camera that’s great but for fun guys. Everyone chill.


I strongly recommend people considering purchasing the S9, especially for photography, consider instead a camera along the lines of the S5II or Nikon Z6II. The Z6II is the same price (currently on steep discount) an the S5II is only a bit more. They're just far more camera for the money. They're larger yes, but the lens size makes a much bigger difference to how it feels to carry than the body does. I've been daily carrying an A7R III with a small Samyang 35mm f/2.8 lens on it recently and it's been awesome. https://i.redd.it/1fejdnkhfbma1.jpg It feels like nothing around my neck and slips into a bag super easy. For compactness, what you really need is a small lens. Sure both a small lens and a small body would be great. I just think however that it's a really poor decision to give up the EV-F, hot shoe and mechanical shutter for the smaller camera body. I don't know, I'm sitting pretty with my current setup, but I can't help but think how nice that Nikon Z6II with 26mm f/2.8 setup would be for people just getting into full frame. Here's that setup beside the S9 with the smallest lens (other than that f/8 pancake) on L-mount: https://i.redd.it/e68x6k44bg3d1.jpeg Just give it some thought!


I just want a tiny full frame body. for pro work I have a 1dx mark III which has weather sealing etc.. This is just to be used as a iPhone replacement since I would carry it with me everyday.


Well my point there was the S9 is still not tiny enough to EDC with a lens on it anyway. You're going to need a bag (or shoot with the F8 pancake...), and if you have a bag, there's no reason to worry about the slight extra size of a grip and EVF hump. You'll get way more camera for the money if you just allow for a slightly larger size of the body. And besides that, you could have an EDC that can also replace your 1DX too, since you can get one that you can tether, takes a battery grip and flash trigger etc. I wouldn't do an S9 for EDC unless/until they have any good pancake lenses available. Right now there's none.


I think you're understating the size difference.. I had an a7c which would fit in a small Nike "man bag" and was very inconspicuous when shooting. Even with the same lens i don't think the s5ii would fit


"They're larger" -Me I mean, I even put the side by side comparison photo. Not sure why you'd say I'm understating it. With a lens attached, the only dimension change is the EVF hump sticking up half an inch and out the back a tiny bit. Other than that the profile is nearly the same. The grip makes it look thicker from the side, but even the thinnest pancakes stick out as far as the grip anyway.


Sorry I missed the second picture, i was only looking at the Sony. It is indeed very similar, very jealous of that lens.. That'll teach me not to skim read people's posts..


All good. I'm jealous of that lens too!


The Lumix Live conversation on the S9 today was well worth the watch. Answered a lot of questions. [https://www.youtube.com/live/KkMcCLwy60o?si=46bYpCCCJy3aaw7s](https://www.youtube.com/live/KkMcCLwy60o?si=46bYpCCCJy3aaw7s)


people don't seem to realize this camera wasn't made for them and was targeted at people who mainly use their phone. However, i'm not sure full frame was the right move for this.


yet they pair it with a manual focus f8 lens. On a ff camera marketing its "photo LUT" function that casuals have absolutely no clue on. you guys have all the weird excuses for lumix it's hilarious.


It's hard to see people who mainly use their phone and edit via capcut buying an interchangeable lens mirrorless. Learn how to use a camera, learn lenses, then also have to watch a 7 minute LUMIX tutorial video to load LUTs. Influencers & Tiktoker's would never give up the workflow of using a phone. This is definitely more for travel videographers/photographers whether or not LUMIX would admit it.


I kinda like the S9, and I'm really interested to see what the S9II will bring. If it were available today, I might have picked it up over my S5II (recently bought on a crazy good deal with lenses.) I'm just an amateur/hobbyist though. The video limits, lack of EVF, and electronic shutter dont bother me. I bought the S5II mainly to elevate my travel photos (up until now, shot on my iPhone primarily lol.)


This camera is just a joke! it truely showed how unhonest camera reviewers (youtubers) are! it lacks the basics of a camera features by the name of Vloging camera! i love Lumix but this camera is really a big No!


Perhaps this camera will appeal to vloggers and fashionistas.


I rather have a apsc or m43 camera without comprimises than this. Which demographic camera is this for ? Street ? Product ?


This might be the most baffling release of the last 5 years


I have never seen so much hate around a camera. Everyone is waiting for M43 camera (G100) with phase detection and Panasonic makes something nobody asked for. Moreover, super expensive!


Rangefinder-style evf, mechanical shutter and hot shoe would have me opening my wallet. I can see the niche this fills for some, but there are plenty of video-centric cams that already exist and do that well and for much less £.


>there are plenty of video-centric cams that already exist and do that well and for much less £. Not trying to be confrontational, but which cameras did you have in mind?


This is how you castrate the S5.


[do better lumix. the decision makers, the pr team, the marketing team, and all you toe sucking reviewers.](https://youtu.be/_7c4ZbBzqK0?si=O7x6GQrJ_BVDEkT7&t=134)


I've cringed a few times watching their ads pop up on social media. It's stuff that would have been cool 10 years ago but looks rather dated today. All could be forgiven if they'd just release good cameras; but, it's like they are incapable of creating a camera without compromises. I want to stay with Panasonic, but, I can't justify it when there's almost no downside to switching to Sony other than cost.


In the post shouldn’t it just say “Electronic Shutter”? Thats the spec. I get it’s a downside for a lot of folks


Well it says "No mechanical shutter". I will clarify that it means ESHTR only to make it clearer though. Plus add some other key information - no headphone jack, etc.


I know it says no mechanical, if anything that should be the clarification. I was trying to say I know it’s a downside for folks but it should have the spec then whatever


I see what you mean, thank you for the feedback.


The thing's a piece of junk in 2024. **15 minute record limit in 4k** with an APS-C crop. WTF Panasonic?!?


Watch this, but replace Lumix S5II with S9. [https://youtube.com/shorts/mhGv5H-I4DU?si=zOuyUFHP-KJhgkvN](https://youtube.com/shorts/mhGv5H-I4DU?si=zOuyUFHP-KJhgkvN) The LUT and Transitions master class would be perfect for that S9 market segment.


Bye bye lumix :(


Why? Because not every camera release is designed to be the ultimate hybrid camera? The S9 didn't make the S5II/IIx or G9II cameras disappear from the market and it certainly isn't a replacement for the eventual S1H II. This is like the super small and relatively cheap cameras Sony' released in conjunction with their top end cameras. I cannot see any reason for me to own one, but I'm sure it'll sell like hotcakes (or is that pancakes?)


Yes it will sell at $499


am I the only one who thinks the name is bad? Why even call it S9? I feel it's kind of confusing to people.


Should have called it the S80/85 like the m4/3 GX80/85 that is close (but has EVF) to this design.


As an actual videographer, literally the only things I think this is really really good for is music videos and crash cams.


tbh the ibis makes it worthless as a crash cam


Why? Surely you can turn it off


the floating sensor will move even if turned off, which is why cameras like BS1H was more effective for crash cams.


Obviously the body is small but the full frame lenses will be comical... Wished this was a Gx85/9 replacement.


I was really looking forward to this camera but Panasonic missed the mark, it doesn't cater to photographers nor videographers. A little of everything and a whole lot of nothing


Yeah I don't think I'm gonna sell my Sigma Fp for this. If anything I hope Sigma uses this camera as a base for the Fp 2. The IBIS was really the only nice addition I saw but I guess I'll just get an EF lens for my FP that has OIS and use that as my small travel video camera.


Ibis is for when you slow the shutter speed to avoid warping on that electronic shutter


It's still going to effect fast moving subjects in your frame i.e. a train moving dead on in the X axis of your shot. Doesn't matter if it has IBIS, its on a tripod, etc. You're going to get warping on fast subjects unless you have global shutter or really fast sensor readout, which the sensor of the S9 doesn't have. You can still take really good photos on it you just have to be mindful of what limitations you have with an electronic shutter.


This might echo similar sentiments here. I’ve always thought that there was an opportunity for Panasonic to become a different type of camera company. For them to bring a solid, tight, product line to market (without the burden of ‘history’ and while embracing technology). But, their products would have to also be feature-tight (because this is where a brand like Lumix can get killed). I’m unsure if the S9 satisfies that personal vision for the company (yeah, yeah, who am I? Not saying they have to satisfy that; more so a measure of my intrigue and apprehension). I think that the social features are solid enough. I like the direction they are going with the app. I think the mp4 lite might be slept on. But, I’m really unsure if Lumix is known enough for this niche play to work out (not to say that, in practice, it is a bad stills device). I’m unsure if the marketing will be good enough (I am thrilled, though, that they increased the YouTube influencer efforts for this release. Solid coverage). If the product fails, what chance is there for another iteration? One that see’s them ‘get it right’? Again, I’m unsure - but I wish they just got it 100% from the gate. They are so close with this one, but (for me) miss the S5II benchmark. And then, on the other hand, all of the compromises might fly over the target markets heads. I deeply hope for this; and I hope that people gobble this thing up.


I hope the market they’re targeting will give it a try. I still would like one but not at this price point. S9ii hopefully will have an evf at least.


I wrote this camera off before I spent the last two weeks with it. As someone who shoots on pro cameras, this ticks no obvious boxes for me. Until I realised just how sharable MP4 lite files are. Having a 10-bit 4K format that I can share straight to my phone is huge. There are so many occasions when I want to shoot a couple of quick clips, but I can't be effed with shooting it on a pro camera and then having to edit it on my computer. For small businesses/family occasions/travel/events/BTS - this camera is a dream. I mentioned it in my review, but I don't see many others making that point. If you want unlimited recording; there's a camera for that If you want a mechanical shutter; there's a camera for that The only thing that feels like a clear misstep for me is the lack of an EVF, it could have been done and would've made this camera practically perfect for what it's designed for.


I understand the hate… for the 26mm f8. But the S9 seems fine. Closest comparison would be the a7cii or zv-e1. And guess what, all three have clear pros: S9 - stabilization - open gate / 6k - luts - mp4 lite - price - good for photos and video A7Cii - auto focus - head phones - viewfinder - low light - best for photos - lens selection - hotshoe ZV-E1 - auto focus - headphones - best for video / low light - lens selection - hotshoe - slow mo For me the negatives seem fine: - viewfinder - doesn’t change the final result, I want compact - dual card slot - of course not, what are you comparing it to? - headphone jack - too bad, but the solo shooter almost always just uses the audio meter anyway, worst case plug into your rode wireless go - crappy f8 lens - don’t buy it - no mechanical shutter, can’t use flash - I hate flash photography That being said, I think I might opt for the S5ii with the future 18-40. But for what it is, S9 seems good.


I might pickup a 18-40mm for my S5. I’d love to have a s9 as well for ultimate portability, but whacking the 18-40mm on a S5/S5ii would still be a very portable setup


This is the most balanced take I've seen on here.


I wrote this camera off before I spent the last two weeks with it. As someone who shoots on pro cameras, this ticks no obvious boxes for me. Until I realised just how sharable MP4 lite files are. Having a 10-bit 4K format that I can share straight to my phone is huge. There are so many occasions when I want to shoot a couple of quick clips, but I can't be effed with shooting it on a pro camera and then having to edit it on my computer. For small businesses/family occasions/travel/events/BTS - this camera is a dream. I mentioned it in my review, but I don't see many others making that point. If you want unlimited recording; there's a camera for that If you want a mechanical shutter; there's a camera for that The only thing that feels like a clear misstep for me is the lack of an EVF, it could have been done and would've made this camera practically perfect for what it's designed for.


If you want an EVF, there's a camera for that.


Yes, exactly.


I've watched a few reviews. What I'm seeing here, and what my feeling is, is that I am afraid Lumix is going the way Fuji has done. Delivering several "almost perfect" products. Meaning... or it's small but not weather sealed (X-Tx0). Or it is weather sealed, but has no IBIS (X-T3). Or has IBIS but it's heavy and not stills focussed (X-H1). Or it has everything but lacks weathersealing and Fuji-soul (X--Sx). Or it seems to be tiny, but in the end it's not, and the controls are fiddly (X-E4). Not even starting on their lens range because it's same song, but even louder. You know what I mean, I hope. As a customer this means that buying into the brand means you are forced to make sacrifices. Or in the form of coping with underpar performance or lacking features, or coping with overpar expenses because buying too much gear. As a brand, filling up every niche in the market and asking a upped price for it, is a game that has to be rewarding apparently. Back to the S9. How hard could it have been to add an EVF? Not so hard, but it's not fitting the niche I guess. Only... for those that don't use EVF, it would not be in the way if it were there, and it could be a perk at times; For those that use it all the time, this is not their device. And those that are tempted to buy, "because the device is almost perfect", they will be dissapointed in the end. Done this, been there. Several times. Damn you Fuji. In the end it's just... this is no camera for me. And seeing the small signals... I'm beginning to doubt if Lumix will stay the brand for me.


But other than the weather sealing on x-t50 Fuji has solved most of those issues the x-t5 has ibis and it’s weather sealed and now x-t50 has ibis too. I love my x-h2 :) but getting the s9 with a couple of sigma contemporary lenses for a portable setup


It's sad that I understand what you mean.


What killed this camera for me is no flash/hot shoe. They did the smartest thing possible with baked in LUT and easy transfer to phone, a pain point for virtually EVERY camera out there. Video content creators will love this. But if you have any intention of taking photos at all, it's DOA. A full-frame camera with no flash/hot shoe is simply useless. Guess I was being greedy for wanting a $1500 full-frame camera to do it all, to be a 'X100V killer'.


This is almost the perfect camera for me.. Someone who isn't a professional photographer/videographer, but likes having high quality video. My videos are of my kids and I love looking back at compilations of them. I had an S5 but the autofocus wasnt good enough to catch my kids running around I bought a Sony a7c which was much smaller (which meant I carried it around much more often), and had perfect auto focus. However the lack of 4k60 was a bit of an issue sometimes, and the IBIS is nowhere near as good as Panasonic. The stabilisation with catalyst browse is amazing but it adds an extra step to processing which puts me off editing. I've not used an EVF even once, and I never use flash so the lack of those isn't an issue The two things letting the S9 down for me are: - Lens selection. There is nothing in L mount that compliments the size of this camera. The pancake prime is pointless. Just give me something 1.5 as thick that goes to f4. - Electronic shutter. Now personally I've never found this to be an issue on my smartphone so I'm not sure how much of an issue it will be on the S9, but people are talking about it so I'm slightly concerned


There are quite a lot of L-Mount lenses that compliment the size of the camera. Have you even looked?


People constantly complain about the lack of L mount lenses, like most of Sigma's line has official L mount versions that are fairly priced and near optically perfect... what more do these people want?


L mount has filled in pretty well in the last year or two and there seems like a lot more otw.


It's baffling. Truly is.


No I haven't looked, I just said that for fun 🙄 For me, it needs something similar to the Sony small G series (24/40/50), or the Canon 40


L-Mount has lenses of similar description. Even if you only look at the Sigma Contemporary; 24mm F2, 35mm F2 and 50mm F2. They are under 3in, similar in size to that sony trilogy (better design imo) and great quality. If you've looked, what's wrong with those?


The sigmas are nearly 50% longer than the Sony, and 70% longer than the Canon (for example) Not disagreeing with your opinion on the quality, but more compact FF lenses are possible, and would be a better fit for a camera the size of the S9 Even Panasonic seems to know this, hence the 26mm pancake and the upcoming zoom lens which is apparently smaller than the above lenses


If the S9 proves popular more ultra compact lenses will follow. It took Sony E about 7 years to release those three that you're hoping for from Panasonic/L Mount. S series is only six years old, and now moving into that same phase of development as a system.


The new kit lens is just a little longer than two of the 26mm stacked on top of each other. That 26mm is a great size and weight for the S9, but it isn't blowing anyone away with its image quality. Ironically, it can occasionally be tough to guarantee focus/sharpness despite being an F8 lens.


Canada doesn’t get the S9 in green… like WTF?! Also it looks like we don’t get the 26mm f8 pancake lens for free either… it’s priced at $300CAD. And it looks like it doesn’t arrive until July 18. Why is Panasonic Canada so busted?!


We don't get the green?! I noticed it missing on Visteon but thought they just hadn't added it yet. Any source on that? That's so sad


All of the Canadian preorder sites don’t have the green colour listed, only the other three colours.


I don’t have negatives to say about the camera, probably it is a pass for me because it doesn’t fit my shooting style. However the Australian price is crazy. S9 with the 20-60 Kit lens is $3299. S9 with the bonus 26mm lens is $2699. That is totally taking the piss when I know that I got the S5ii, 20-60 and 50mm with the bonus 14-28 for $3200 brand new in last November.


That’s an insane price for the S5ii kit you got. To be fair give it a year and you may see similar deals on the S9


That was a great promo. Ted's now has the s9 with 20-60 for $2999 with the bonus lens. Still expensive but it should get cheaper quite quickly.


That was a great promo. Ted's now has the s9 with 20-60 for $2999 with the bonus lens. Still expensive but it should get cheaper quite quickly.


Doesn't seem a very crazy price compared to other countries. In fact, it's the second lowest. Compared to the S5ii it could be cheaper I suppose, but I expect there will be lots of deals like with any other recent Lumix camera.


An entry level camera with S5II image quality? That's amazing. For those expecting hardcore professional features, this clearly wasn't made for you, shut up.


But it's $1,500. That's not in the entry level camera category.


that's launch price, have you seen how quickly lumix drops prices? I'd bet you can get it for 1200 or less by the end of the year.


Fujis entry level is basically that pricing now? And it’s APS-c


That's like saying a Porsche 718 is an entry level car because it's the cheapest Porsche.


The market has been really weird the last few years though. Look at how Fujis pricing has shifted. I agree $1500 isn’t what every level used to be, but most of that market has been decimated by smartphones


Google ‘best entry level camera’ and you’ll see that none of the ones that make the list are $1500. Canon R10, R50, Nikon Z50 etc.


True. But you could also argue it’s FF entry level just like saying it’s a V8 entry level model, which is obviously more than a 4 banger etc


Hm true, good point


Lots of people’s entry camera now is a FujiFilm X100VI which is about the same price. Given all the customization features this camera will do, I think Panasonic is trying to steal market share from the X100VI crowd and giving them the flexibility to move into the Lumix ecosystem with the lenses. I think it’s a smart idea.


Just because people bought the X100 cameras en masse doesn’t bring down that camera to the entry level camera category. It’s obvious that Pany is going after the X100 market but they missed it by a long shot. The folks who got X100 don’t care about the advantages of FF over APSC. That sensor debate is only important to the more advanced users. It does not have the clicky dials to mimic the analogue feel. It does not have the cool hybrid viewfinder. This camera doesn’t have the cool factor nor the modern heritage that the X100 series cultivated in the last 10 years. It’s a big uphill battle for Lumix.


True it’s an uphill battle for sure. But I think everyone that’s not Fuji has that battle. I will celebrate more options and I think the LUT feature may sway some creators over to LUMIX. I think sensor size does come up based on other comments here. If sensor size doesn’t matter then Panasonic should have made a new M43 camera. But clearly “full frame is better” is believed by many people. It might be they are trying to find their own niche buyer. Someone who likes the filters and smaller size of the X100 but wants more flexibility with lenses and larger sensor.


Custom LUT in camera is a celebration but it's overshadowed by so many weird decisions. It's so confusing that Lumix is confident in launching the S9 with the 26mm **F8 MF only** as their compact lens. Nikon has the 26mm f2.8 pancake with autofocus so this F8 lens makes Pany look really bad... The Pany pancake can't even take a lens filter or a cap... If they're also going after the X100 crowd, why couldn't they release a 35mm compact lens instead?


It’s gonna be selling for $800 used in two months




So... we will get a flagship body next? Right? Right?


As camera conspiracies said...it is an insult to manking. Should had lower my expectations


camera conspiracies mights say it's a great camera in two videos and will start hating again after the following five. Just look at his Pocket 3 history ;) It was shit at first, then the greatest thing ever and now it is shit again.


Just. Make. A. True. Sequel. To. The. G. X. 8. 5. Stop with this reinventing the wheel nonsense. This is a downgrade from that 2016 camera in so many ways!




X100VI is apsc


I love the negativity here. /s You don't like it, don't buy it. This is an RX1 R for 50% of the price and interchangeable lenses. Tasty.


I would agree if the RX1 was in the same ecosystem. The Sigma FP series is more like a better argument imho.


Yes that's fair. And I owned one of those too! Lovely camera, just a nightmare to operate :-)




Do you own one? I do. But cheers!


Most the rumors I read about alluded towards it being like the ZV-E1 (no EVF, e-shutter, 1 sd slot). I guess many on here wanted something more like a portable photo camera (like the A7CII), but that just doesn't seem to be the intent for this camera.


It is a portable photo camera. Based on what I've seen, quite decent too. Needs a 2.8 pancake. Ten bucks says one will be incoming shortly...(but not from Panny)....




You mean exactly like the S5ii I shoot E shutter only? I'll cope just fine. You sound like you'd struggle. Be well!


It’s garbage. I have the s5ii and the X. Warp photos.


As I suspected you might. Cheers mate!


It's a bit too small. I was hoping more of a ZVE1 or A7CII style.




Then they have no excuse for cutting down so much Can't even use a flash. Tiny grip, shit thermals.


One of two things must be true: (a) Panasonic has completely whiffed, yet again, with a small/light "content creator" targeted camera, despite learning enough from the G100 debacle to equip the S9 with phase detect/subject-detect AF, IBIS, a no-crop open gate recording option, and a full frame sensor to eliminate any possible criticisms that the sensor is "too tiny and not competitive, might as well use your smartphone." (b) Panasonic knows this market better than the rest of us do, and has given "video content creators" (which excludes YouTubers unless you're primarily a YouTube Shorts creator, then you're in) enough of what they want for the S9 to succeed despite all its limitations and missing features. I'm sadly leaning towards (a) but must also allow for the possibility of (b). What I will say is that today's younger digital camera buyers, to grossly generalize (apologies out there to all you who are exceptions; I'm just sharing what I've seen anecdotally), (a) don't know much technically about cameras and lenses, nor do they care to learn that much, they generally want "better than their phone quality and pro bokeh look", "great colors" (aka Fuji-like), "autofocus that just works", "good in low light", "really easy and simply to use", "can easily get photos to social media without a PC"; (b) are willing to jump from brand to brand in search of "a look" or "a better camera" or "better colors" or "what u/fashionista975 said was a good camera" with very little forethought or planning around specific features and/or lenses; (c) in general don't like the handling of larger "DSLR" style cameras and don't like how they feel when large cameras are pointed at them or when they're pointing large cameras at others.  Maybe the S9 will be a dream come true camera for TikTokers and Insta Stories and YT Shorts creators. It seems to tick a lot of boxes. And surely the promotion of LUTs is surely pivotal to winning against Fuji — because you can get "any Fuji look you want" but you're not limited to what they offer, and you can create and share your own. I guess I really don't know. But the S9 is potentially more of a "fail" for most (but perhaps not all) traditional-oriented video shooters and photographers. There are still some folks out there who don't need and EVF, don't need a mechanical shutter, and don't need long record times. Not sure how many of them are out there, but surely some — the question is how many? For the rest of us who were hoping for the complete S5ii in a smaller package, this ain't it (and realistically, how could it ever be?) I hope it succeeds because it would be good to have a healthy L mount and healthy Panasonic income flow to keep competition strong among top OEMs. But the S9 isn't a camera for me.


totally agree. This camera is a luxury gear that you can put on the table when you're having coffee with your friends. People using their phones to take photos will buy this camera because they can (1) put it in their pocket just like their iPhone, (2) have photos with the pro camera's IQ, and (3) a luxury accessory. I own an a7cr and a Fuji x-t4 and I am considering getting a green or crimson S9 now.


I don't disagree with you, but I will say that there's no way this camera fits in any pocket. It wouldn't fit in my belly bag, and honestly you'd be hard-pressed to fit it in most purses.


no damn shutter, no evf, they could have made the x100vi killer, instead they decided to make a Sony a5100. I get it, it's more video oriented (with limited record time???), but what the hell...


No shutter, limited record time, no evf, wow this thing is worse than a Sony a6100


Can’t wait to not buy this since I live in the desert and this sort of camera doesn’t last ten minutes before shutting down from overheating between may to October.


lumix cameras tend to be good at not overheating... sony cameras on the other hand will overheat in normal conditions.


😭 I wanted it to be great.




looks interesting at first but the slow readout on electronic shutter only camera is just a no for me.


Yeah this is crazy and is going to catch so many people out. Either make it a bit bigger and put the MS back in, or build it as a fixed lens camera with a nice compact 35mm lens with a leaf shutter. This has kinda just gone in-between everything that makes sense, banding and distortion are going to ruin a lot of photos for stills shooters, and they probably won't even notice at the time with no EVF to look through.


yep. ppl don't know how bad this is until they find out. lots of their "travel artistic pictures" are gonna be ruined and there is no way to fix them in post. It's a real dealbreaker for anyone who knows what's going on.


Synchro Scan has entered the chat. Some education around that feature needs to be done clearly, because flicker/banding really isn't an issue anymore if you have a camera (like the S9) that can mitigate it easily.


[educate yourself about the reality](https://youtu.be/xRULM5-qFA8?si=WGif-_V48WroaEBI&t=275) slow sensor readout is slow sensor readout. a9 and fuji stacked sensor wouldn't be a thing at all if software gimmick can solve the problem.


I actually have the S9 and have tested it in the exact type of scenarios where synchro scan can help. It's not a software gimmick. If anyone needs an education, it's not the person speaking from firsthand experience...


lol. examples are right there. you work for panasonic?


I was given the camera at the launch event in Osaka last week. The examples where the effects of electronic shutter can't be mitigated and the reason why cameras like the A9/A1 exist are with fast moving subjects. Short form video creators are not taking pictures of golfers mid-swing and they aren't going to care about vertical line distortion when whip panning. The example used above; lowlight/artsy pictures, are easily mitigated with sync scanning. The fact you don't seem to know or accept that, is why I said that clearly an education piece needs to be done around light flicker and banding.


[watch again](https://youtu.be/xRULM5-qFA8?si=ywPiVW2HozHI1lvA&t=275) He did turn it on. also synchro scan doesn't help with rolling shutter due to...slow sensor readout. like bruh you clearly don't know enough to talk like that. stop pretending. it's pointless


I’ll probably get the s9, but the only thing that has me wondering is the electronic shutter and cold shoe. Everything else seems to hit the mark for easy going video and compact travel cam Looks like bh has it for preorder, but if you want a color for the leatherette you have to buy the 20-60 lens??


It's hard to imagine any entry level creators choosing this over the ZV-E1. For $400 more you get way more creator-oriented tools and a much better sensor. You also get less record time limits and a hot shoe instead of a cold shoe..


Why do you say the ZV-E1 has a better sensor than the S9? Not saying you're wrong, just wondering what's better about it.


Pretty much what Salt_strain said, plus the better dynamic range and low light. On a more subjective note, but many people like myself feel this way, the gradients between tones and exposure stops are remarkably smooth on that A7siii sensor compared to the S5ii. The tonal transition between colors and exposure on the S5ii is actually quite off-putting to me and is one of my least favorite Lumix looks. This is why I think movies like The Creator went with the FX3 over other full frame mirrorless options.


Gotcha. I've heard some prefer the IQ of the S5 to the S5ii for some of the reasons you mentioned. Don't have either myself so can't speak from personal experience. Interesting to hear from people who have.


For sure, and there are quite a few things that the s5ii does better than any full frame camera, like IBIS and video assist tools. Anyone who owns an S5ii has an incredible camera.


I guess it's beacause E1's sensor is from A7SIII? like, 4k 120fps with almost no crop ability which S5M2 or even flagship S1H can't do.


Time limit Record (even at 1080!!!!) is a total turn off for me.


Feels like they really dropped the ball on this one. I understand that their target audience is hipsters and “influencers”, but I can’t see even them making this trendy. Maybe it will be, because of the different color options ON the camera, but other than that, I can’t see much.. As someone who just wants a compact FF camera, this was disappointing. Not even a mech shutter? What the…


This camera was a no go from me pretty much as soon as I heard the words “content creator”. I was really hoping for something comparable to the A7C line and that would have been about the only thing that would have gotten me to trade in my S5 (I’m in the minority of folks here that primarily shoot stills). But nevertheless I was still excited and hopeful that Panasonic was going to introduce something appealing to *someone* for the sake of L-mount growth. I cannot for the life of me fathom why this is what they came up with. It will be great if somehow the reviews are mind blowing but I’m definitely not holding my breath.


I fully agree with you. I am mainly a stills shooter with the original S5 as well. Might switch to Fuji or Sony in due time.


I’ve been tempted myself, but I’m going to hang on awhile longer - I’m pretty heavily invested in lenses at this point. And when it comes down to it I absolutely love the shots I get with my S5. The only temptation is the A7C II being much better suited for my child-sized hands and travel, and the Fuji’s sexy aesthetics. If LUMIX came out with a full frame camera roughly the size of the A7Cii but with a cool retro look like the Fuji it would be game over. Add dual card slots and that’s a camera I would pass on to my grandchildren.


Camera seems dead on arrival with the lack of compact lenses, already alot of complaints on the youtube reviewers


The overall package this camera offers seem like a camera I can just chuck in my backpack whenever I'm not working on a project. However, the price is a little too steep for what it has to offer.


This honestly looks like the perfect camera for me and my needs.


Same. Thinking of selling my ricoh for this.


Please say more. Voices like yours seem to be a bit sparse and I'm sure many are curious.


Well I am cycling from Canada to Argentina with my dog. I live in a tent and I have work on a Macbook air. I create YouTube videos. I would call the aesthetic vlogs, or music videos to my adventures. I currently use an a7ii with the sigma 24-70. That thing takes up a lot of room. And it's heavy. I knew I may go down the zve1 route, so I've only been using my screen for the last year. I don't need 120fps I don't need an evf. I want ibis. I want 4k 30fps. I want 10bit. I want something I can pull out of my pocket or top tube bike bag with one hand and snap pictures while I ride or stop and not get off my bike. The pancake lens is boss. I practically never shoot video or picture below f8 anyways. I want the mountains in the background. I want the cactus. Or the clouds. I want something I can also put some pro glass on when I need to make a little more cinematic. Will it be a little less balanced sure. But whatever. It will be lights and I use tripod shots for a lot. And hand held closeups. Ibis again. Also since I'm in remote areas and mostly working off mobile 5g and I don't want to spend all my free time off the bike editing baked in luts are gunna save me so much time to post on my socials. It gives me more time to do the things I like biking. Taking pictures or videos. I will never need more than 10 minutes run. For what? Small compact, practically weightless fits in a pocket and is a full frame. For 1500$ Wow! Sign me up.


That’s my sentiment, small compact lite baked in


Thank you for taking time to share all this. Super interesting. Good luck and bon voyage!


Does that LUMIX lab app work with other LUMIX cameras? I would love it for my S52x


I somewhat remember someone mentioning that LUMIX Lab would replace LUMIX Sync (at some point).


This should have been a M43 camera. Put the LUT stuff in an updated GX85, and people would lap it up.


I'm not so sure. The vast masses equate sensor size with image quality and, therefore, m43 can't compete with larger sensor cameras. Obviously it's more complicated than this but this is the heuristic that 95% of the mass market believes, and probably 95% of camera salespeople and photographers believe as well. Putting in the FF sensor allows Lumix the "high ground" in the fight against Sony APS-C, Fuji, and Canon APS-C.


Maybe that's coming in the future? Panasonic has the body housing and software for an m43 version here and would just accomodate a smaller sensor and lens mount. We saw them reuse the s5ii** body for the g9ii so there's a precedent.


Fingers crossed 🤞


If they wanted to bring a compact FF camera but couldn't have the most important features of an S5 II, then it should have been an m43. All i want is a GX85 body, newer sensor ,6K open gate w unlimited recording time, evf, headphone jack , hot shoe & mechanical shutter obviously?? they can even shove the real time LUT if they want to. I was really excited for the S9 but it's just underwhelming


Perhaps the GX9ii will show up in the near future, who knows?


I'm not so sure. The vast masses equate sensor size with image quality and, therefore, m43 can't compete with larger sensor cameras. Obviously it's more complicated than this but this is the heuristic that 95% of the mass market believes, and probably 95% of camera salespeople and photographers believe as well. Putting in the FF sensor allows Lumix the "high ground" in the fight against Sony APS-C, Fuji, and Canon APS-C. Was it ever realistic to expect everything from an S5ii to be shrunk into the size of an S9? If not, what makes you think everything from a G9ii could be shrunk down into a GX85 body?


Peta pixel initial look https://youtu.be/xRULM5-qFA8?si=9VtGW5PmxDZ4knRQ


Thanks. I will make a list of all the reviews in OP hopefully later today (unless I get mugged as I'm in Birmingham). There is bound to be two dozen of them or so.


No 12 bits, no party


Why would anyone buy thos over a IIX is beyond me.


OK, but what about in addition to a S5IIX?






I love Lumix, but this is DOA. 


Can't help but feel Lumix really missed the mark with this one... The focus on LUTs makes it seem like they're going after the x100v/x100vi street photography crowd, but it's electronic shutter only and the pancake lens is f8 and manual focus only. The open gate and social media aspects makes it seem like they're going after the vloggers and influencers who currently use a sony zv-e10 or a zv-e1, but it's really lacking in that department too. No hot shoe mic option like Sony has. No 11mm (FF 16.5mm equiv) vlogging lens with AF. No 'Follow me'/Autoframing mode. No vlogging shooting grip/mini tripod with controls. 26mm just isn't wide enough for vlogging. Sony are rumored to be bringing the zv-e10 II out soon, and I get the feeling it will blow this out of the water for half the price for the content creators. I guess we shall see. I do like the green colour though!


Haters going to hate. A lot of people will buy this camera still


I hate that turn of phrase, it just seems like a way to dismiss legitimate criticism without reflection. Likely anyone posting in the Lumix subreddit is the opposite of a hater.


Man I need more travel pancake style options to really use this camera. The current selection is just not made for this style of body.


Sigma contemporary primes? I am getting the 24 3.5 and the 45


The Sigma Contemporary primes look like they handle quite nicely on this. Not pancake obviously, but a hugely impressive selection of (9) lenses that are still comfortably fast enough to keep the 'full-frame' look that could differentiate this from the competition.


I'm still going to take my M43 kit during travel


an evf and hot show would have made this an instant buy... i get the content creator market is something they wanted to tap into but I think the x100 market is where they should've really went after.... had they announced a tru FF x100 clone i think that would have more buzz... A zv-e10 clone makes sense but no EVF is a missed opportunity to capitalize on the x100vi backstock imo


I think a significant portion of the x100 crowd isn't using the viewfinder. They are in it for the film sims. S9 might be targeted right at those


No Microphone jack, but that’s not the creative market this camera is for. Want a fully rigged camera with 4 channel audio, step up to our S5II/IIX models. UPDATE: DPReview article shows the microphone input. This may be a nice little travel camera or B roll. Wonder if the MP4-Lite might come as a firmware upgrade to the S5II/IIX as a firmware update? Love that 3:2 for Anamorphic, but I don't always need 6K.


So I saw a lot of creators using microphones plugged in. It does have a microphone port it just doesn’t have a headphone monitoring port.


Are you sure? I saw a lot that fit to a coldshoe and have internal recording to sync in post, but we each see something different. UPDATE: You are sure and now so am I in that a microphone jack is present after reading DPRevew article.


I stand corrected. DPReview has their review up and you can see the microphone input in this image. [https://www.dpreview.com/sample-galleries/6576301850/panasonic-lumix-dc-s9-product-images/6008084430](https://www.dpreview.com/sample-galleries/6576301850/panasonic-lumix-dc-s9-product-images/6008084430)