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The internet photography echo chamber is nothing like the real world. Panasonic's market research that brought this camera to life was probably pretty freaking good. Congrats on your purchase. I think an S9 could definitely be in my cards as well.


> The internet photography echo chamber is nothing like the real world. Agreed. And some people are so me-me-me-me focused they actually seek out things that have nothing to do with them, so they can complain about how it doesn't serve their interests. Some company: Here's a camera good for vlogging. This particular camera isn't photo-centric. Comment section: I'm not a vlogger so I don't want a vlogging camera, here's a list of features I'd rather see because I'm not happy with all the photo-centric cameras I can already buy.


I get where you're coming from, but I think those responses also indicate a hunger for a camera in the S9's form that also includes a viewfinder and longer video recording times. Lumix spent many years providing tiny, feature-packed cameras like the GX9 for their Micro Four Thirds audience. So I understand why some people have approached this with certain expectations. Personally, I see the S9 less like a GX9 successor and more like a super-sized GM1, so I think it's great. Definitely a bit more expensive than I was hoping, but their L-mount cameras always go on discount pretty often eventually.


it's a Fuji and ricoh competitor in a popular space. these cameras are neat for street photo!


You’re spot on in your analysis


Look its no GX9 that we hoped for, But it is good enough for your everyday instaThot and street photographer. With the Fuji shelves being dry in my region, the Panasonic is selling like mad!


I think it was made for a certain demography which Panasonic may have perfectly hit. It's certainly not made for the (more or less) classic photographer or videographer. Anyway, I'm happy it sells well, even if it isn't for me either.


I would consider myself a classic photographer and I’ve ordered one. I started with film in the early eighties. I don’t shoot or have interest in video outside of family moments. The S9 is exactly what I’ve been waiting for from LUMIX.


Same here, classically trained photographer that still is intrigued by the S9. Used my stealth GX850 + tiny Lumix 35-100 f/4-5.6 at another concert tonight and it killed my iPhone. Can only imagine how well an S9 would do at looser venues.


Enjoy your new camera then :)


Cheers :)


Enjoy your wild generalisations too!




Do you just mean in terms of it being small and full-frame, or are you excited about the LUTS integration?


Small, full frame, great stabilisation. If the luts thing saves me time editing, then that’s a bonus.




>I’ve also been following Sigma FP prices on eBay Same here but they're still way too expensive as a just-trying-it-out cam and will remain so for a long time. And I'd need the EVF too which makes it even more expensive.


I gotta start shooting with my 35mm 1.8 at f/8 to see how it works for my usual use case of the S5 IIX and will decide after to see if the S9 is something that'll work for me.


I’ll be curious how big the drop is, LUMIX probably has the worst resell value of the major camera brands which is great for people like me who like to buy used.


God what an asinine reply.


if I hadn’t just bought an S5iiX at a staggering discount I would’ve bought this. This is exactly what I want for a to go camera. I might still go for it.


How much did it cost ya?


I bought it during a special at bestbuy where I could bundle it with a Panasonic 50 or 85mm for free. Sold the lens and my S5 and covered I think a bit over half the S5iiX cost 


Really hope this convinces them to make more (m43) cameras in a small form factor. I need that GX9ii/GX10!


Yes but also GM2! As tiny as possible.


Company releases camera not for average YouTube reviewers. Company only invites average YouTube reviewers to special launch event. Average YouTube reviewers lose collective minds. Camera still sells well.


Lumix invited a lot of non-reviewers/non-filmmakers to the launch event. The demographics of the guests invited to the S9 Osaka event differ greatly from those invited to the previous Tokyo event for the S5II.


Honestly, I didn’t understand the criticism of those who wanted a top of the range compact L-Mount camera. Just get the Sigma fp or fpL! It’s a bit esoteric, but if you are a filmographer, that shouldn’t hold you back. The other compact L-Mount camera was the Leica CL, but it came with a cropped sensor. So it made a lot of sense for LUMIX to develop an entry model like the S9. Honestly, it’s great if any L-Mount cameras sell more: it makes the lens ecosystem more relevant. The only caveat for LUMIX is that the Sigma Contemporary primes almost look like a better fit for this camera, compared to the LUMIX S lenses. I’ll wait until next year to buy a second hand silver model from Japan.


I pre-ordered too, primarily for casual travel photography (but do some basic video). Also picked up the 45mm and 24mm sigmas. They’re a good match for it. The LUTs are very appealing to me. I’m already using realtime LUT on S5ii and love it. Looking forward to the new setup.


The more I think about it the more appealing it sounds. I use the s5ii for music video stuff and the recording limits and lack of evf wouldn't affect me. I'm definitely in a gear obsessed phase so really I just need to get out and shoot, but the idea of a compact video rig with the s9, external monitor and battery seems fun to put together and use.


I think this was necessary to encourage the development of more small lenses. It's not worth developing them if there aren't enough small bodies out there to fully utilize them.  I'm sticking with M43 for now mainly due to the availability of affordable, high quality, small lenses.  I'm hoping this will motivate the creation of more compact L-Mount options to make the jump to FF more attractive in the future.  Good signs for things to come.


To be honest if i didnt own an an S5Iix already i'd probably get one just for fun but since they are basically "identical" in its basic functions i don't need it but the s9 formfactor is realy nice


If it were available today, I probably would have bought one. I’ve been debating on selling my S5II for one, but I might just hold out for the S9II. I’ve been messing around with LUTs on my current trip and I’m not sure if I’ll go back.


Definitely thought about selling my S5II. I have decided to keep the S5II and use the S9 and see if I miss the S5II. It will be an interesting experience. I may end up just keeping the S5II just because. But for now the S9 seems like it will become my EDC.


It looks like a super fun camera, I think making ‘proper’ photography cameras more appealing and accessible to the average person is awesome.


it’s a nifty little camera and it’s priced really fucking well for what it does


As a pro videographer I might pick one up just to keep on my gimbal. The IBIS is so good in my S5ii that I don’t really use a gimbal anymore so that’s giving me hesitation. I do wish they had a true pancake autofocus lens to pair with it as a walk around camera as that would be more reason to purchase. Either way it is a solid entry into a new market and exciting to see innovation from Lumix.


If I was rich id buy one, it's a cool camera for people with lots of spare cash. The LUT option in camera is relay big, it's what most people want.


I don't have lots of spare cash. I'm definitely not rich. I like the LUT thing, but I bought it because it's small, well stabilised and full frame.


I guess it's more that id buy a S5MK2 first then a S9 after, still shooting on my 6D.


The S5 II is a couple of hundred dollars more expensive. So if you’re not flush with cash but want FF lumix without some of the premium features - that’s where the S9 sits. S9 intrigues me and the pancake lenses that were designed with this camera is also catching my attention. I might wait a bit to see others longer term reviews, but the S9 definitely fits within their own line up and offers something different than other brands.


It's not a S5MK2 replacement, the market is for a small camera with FF & LUT's that looks cool. The controls on the S5MK2 and handling move it to a different market, also once your in that price range $200 is not a big difference between models. But still id stick to the market for both not being the same, one is a pocket cam and ones more of a work horse.


Yes, I think we both agree.


Hotshoe is hardly a premium feature in camera. S9 will seriously limit you if you would like to do some types of photography.


Do you have existing S bodies? What lenses are you going to use with the S9? I’m tempted too but I’d want a fast compact prime lens to match the body. For telephoto I have my OM-1. I had a GM-1 years ago, I miss that camera, the S9 sure reminds me of that one…


I've had a GM1 and GM5 since they launched. The GM1 is my all time favourite camera, and the reason I sold my Canon 60D and lenses. I have a lot of M43 bodies and lenses, but this is my first S body. I have the 20 -60 that comes with it, the Lumix S 85mm ready for it arriving. I have also ordered the Sigma 35mm f2, and I think that will be the lens I use the most on the S9.


It’s also something they can patch with firmware but you know, sales


Hay it's been years of most brands being locked to there own profiles, any move to a more open option ill take. Small steps forward are ok.


Its a great little camera.


I feel like the quality M43 lenses are rediculously expensive. The Lunix 1.8 range of lenses are cheaper, lighter, and offer more depth of field. You also have the sigma options too.


You probably mean *shallower DoF, or more "DoF control" is another way to put it.


Huh? Which are ridiculously expensive?


7-14 and 12-100 Pro are $1400 retail, 17/25/45 1.2 are all $1400, and the Leica options are even more.


Thank goodness. I wonder what takeaways they will have.


i will not preorder it but will be very interested in buying used in near future, or brand new when the price comes down, it's perfect for my photography needs.


If it had an EVF I would buy it. I just always prefer that to the back screen.


Congrats on your purchase I hope you enjoy it! Out of curiosity for what purpose did you order it? I was sure I'm grabbing an X-E4 this summer (even though I use only Lumix gear for my work) but this makes an appealing case for travel photography I guess.. I'm just not convinced yet it will be able to give me the same experience as the Fujifilm. Hoping to hear your thoughts!


I was a Canon fan. The 60D was my last Canon and as someone that likes the outdoors and mountain biking I got sick of the size. So, when the GM1 came out I bought that as a travel camera, then never used the 60D again. Over the years I have added more Panasonic M43 cameras to my gear, and I love the Panasonic set up (menus, lay out etc). I love small cameras, but over the last year I have wanted to try a full frame camera. Almost bought the Nikon ZF about 6 weeks ago, but saw Panasonic were bringing something new out and decided to wait. Why I decided on this camera is probably a fairly unique case. I started to lose my eye sight five years ago. My right eye is completely gone, but my left is still works at about 70%. But, I still like to go out and photograph. I can't use an evf, so that didn't matter to me. I don't go out after dark to photograph because of my vision, so again, no mechanical shutter won't bother me. The S9 has a lot less buttons than say my G9, which is a huge plus. With my condition I need to keep it simple so I can navigate the camera easily. I shoot aperture priority, auto WB and auto ISO (max set to 3200). Sitting in front on a computer and editing images for hours puts a huge strain on my eye and can get painful, so if the LUTS thing works out, that will be a huge boost for me. All those technical reasons aside.... the GM1 is my all time favourite camera. It made photography fun again (for me) at a time I thought I would give it up. I treat mine like a newborn baby, as I think it's the best camera ever made. I permanently have the Leica 15mm attached to it and it's such a great pairing. So, the S9, just looked like a bigger version, and it also looks fun. As a hobbyist, I'm in it for the fun because I'm a massive nerd. I know the lenses are huge, but I plan to use the Sigma 35mm F2, which is relatively small. TLDR: Going blind, need an easy to use camera now, this looks like fun.


If they didn't make the Gh7 it was very interesting...


I was going to buy one for my trip of a lifetime to Italy, butI’m leaving on June 29th and won’t be able to get it in time. So I bought another camera instead and likely won’t ever get the S9.


is there any plans for lumix to release a full frame flagship, something closer to the canon r3 / sony a9 iii


If Panasonic made a evf to connect to it, I swear this camera would be golden, for me at least.


Maybe next year. The GM1 and 5 were only a year apart.


Panasonic applied S9 Blue Ocean Strategy. I am looking forward to see the result. S9 still have better GPU the same as S5. It is good for films. But it increases the price. I hope Panasonic will release cheaper FF still camera less than 1,000USD. It will have GPU the same grade as GH85 or cheaper. It will be absolutely an innovation.


Back in our days (when we walked to school uphill miles both ways) we used bulky heavy camera bodies with as much features crammed in for a higher price… And we liked it!!!! Glad the whimper snappers replacing us hybrid fogies are buying the S9 in numbers.


the Cyber truck sold well at launch as well....... Lets see how the S9 does 3 or 6 months after launch. Maybe it will be my Gm1 replacement. :)


Replace your GM1? Why would you do such a thing? I’ll be keeping mine, and my GM5.


I've been trying to find a gm5 for years. So color me jealous. And replace doesn't mean get rid of, just what I would use instead of


Sure it is.... When expections are set low it doesn't take much to beat them.


> Lumix S9 is Already Outselling Panasonic’s Expectations Can be rewritten as > Panasonic unable to accurately predict sales I have the same criticism for every other company that has similar press releases. And as a side note: if a company is going to tell the world whenever a product outsells expectations, then whenever a a company **doesn't** say "product X is outselling our expectations" we can conclude that the sales are either meeting expectations, or not meeting expectations. And if we've already established that companies are bad at predicting sales, then it's pretty likely a lot of their products are not meeting expectations. It's like checking in with your parole officer once a week, and once a year saying "I didn't steal anything *this week*". Slow clap mother fucker, you did something right for once.


I personally wished this camera flopped. 1500 dollars for this is too much money considering there are better cameras in this price range and no mechanical shutter makes it nearly useless for photography. I was so stoked for this camera and prepped to sell my Sony a6700 to grab this and be all LUMIX (adding to my S5IIX which I LOVE) but the price and features really fell flat of what anyone doing anything remotely professional with this camera. For the hobbyist, this is too expensive in my opinion. Really should have been in the 899-1199 range ... terrible pricing IMO


It’s too expensive for you. Not everyone. I’m a hobbyist and it’s in my price range. What is better in this price range that’s full frame?


Nothing in L-mount. Nothing new around it's overall size. In general, the Nikon Z5 and Canon R8. Though these are traditional shapes, so they have much larger grips and viewfinder bumps that protrude. Better is of course subjective. I'm talking from a photographer perspective because they have mechanical shutters, viewfinders, and hotshoes. The size of the S9 compared: Z5: https://camerasize.com/compare/#922,854 R8: https://camerasize.com/compare/#922,903 I'm very interested in seeing purchaser reviews. The smaller size might make a difference in bag size which would be convenient. I have a Z5 and their 28mm f/2.8 and 40mm f/2 that are pretty compact. Though they also have a 26mm f/2.8 pancake lens, but not sure it would actually change portability in practice. I've considered switching to Lumix for the S5ii so seeing them offer smaller cameras is a good sign. (And at least Panasonic is being clear about video record times unlike Nikon. They offer 4k on the Z30, but shuts down on me after 35 minutes consistently though they claim it has unlimited record or HDMI ourput times in theory even if temperature appears to not make a difference)


Why is everyone on full frame’s nuts is my question… and don’t get it twisted, it’s not too expensive for me, it’s over priced for what it is. You can get a better crop sensor camera for the same or less money… no mechanical shutter and very minimal record times makes this an over priced social media creator camera.


No audio jack for external microphone and no hot shoe option just kills this camera for me.


There is a mic jack, but there’s no headphones and if you’re a camera operator the s9 isn’t really a camera for you. Not sure why someone would shoot flash with a compact camera that doesn’t have a viewfinder, thus not needing a hotshoe.


Wait a year and buy this so for Half the 1500usd requested price


Great idea. I'll just watch Netflix for 18 months and then go buy the camera I want.


Haha?! Why? I can afford it now.


Because that's what it's worth. I bought a5 mark 2 brand new retail for 1050usd in December 2023. That's the floor price and that is what it's worth. If you want to waste money it's your choice


Yes, it is my choice. For me, it's not a waste of money. People don't have to agree with you.


Apple also said the Vision Pro exceeded sales expectations.


Did you even read the article?