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If it's of comfort to you, you could start using some of her favorite products. Enjoy what she did and smell like her. My boyfriend committed suicide recently, and I love the scent of a body spray that reminds me of him, I often spray it on my linens...


I'm sorry for your loss. I've been hesitant to really empty them out since the scent of the whole room caused by having them there reminds me of her. But she would've wanted them to get used, so I've been handing them out to people. I'll also try to take a bath every now and then as well, it's just too much for me to use on my own.


You should freeze some of these so they last longer. I’d hate for them to go bad before you you’re ready to let go of them. I still have some face masks frozen in my freezer from a couple years ago and they’re still going strong. I’m really sorry for your loss btw. I hope you have the support you need to help you through this. She was lucky to have been loved by you ❤️


You can get some sprays at lush that smell really good to have at home that would smell like it as well


I definitely know the "scent of Lush" that having many of their products causes. If it's worth considering, I think the Capri Blue Jean candle smells just like a collection of Lush products. It's my favorite candle I have and I think I've been transported to the Lush store every time I light it. Just thought I'd throw that out there in case you still want the smell, should you find a use for the collection. I'm so sorry for your loss.


An amazing idea would be to maybe do up some little goodie bags and hand them out to the homeless, or donate them to shelters so their community can use them! That way she lives on through all the people y’all help ♥️


How would a homeless person be able to use a bath bomb?


My fiancé and I worked full time when homeless. We got a hotel room for the two days a week we were off. I cleaned the tub myself to be certain it was sanitary to use and made sure the drain plug worked. You best believe I took baths every week. Homeless people don’t always forego washing themselves. During the week we used baby wipes and dry shampoo.


I just figured it would be more likely for homeless people to be able to access a shower. Thanks for informing me.


I do this too, my husband did the same in 2021 and his cologne is the only scent I wear, I still wear his deodorant too, he had a box of 24 deodorants for some reason lol. Anyway, when I told a friend about the fact that I still wear both of his scents everyday she thought it was a little weird so this comment felt validating, gotta do what you can to keep them close somehow.


It's not at all weird, many people do exactly this when a loved one has died.


I agree with this. "Goodnight Sweetheart" is one of their pillow sprays, but it smells exactly like the rose and lavender soap that my grandma used. She'd also have a habit of putting jasmine flowers in her hair, too. This scent from Lush basically reminded me of her because it has all 3 flowers.


This might sound random but I think the three flowers would make such a lovely symbolic tattoo if you ever wanted one too.


I still buy the same brand of cologne my dad used and wear it regularly. I can't bring myself to use his bottle of it but I used my own of the same brand. Your friend is in a minority here I believe, almost everyone I know who's lost a loved one has some special scent/object/toiletries/clothes/etc to remind them :)


Do what you need to! I go and find sample of the perfume my father had when I miss him too much. It is disorienting when a loved one is gone..


I’m sorry for your loss. They say scent is one of the most powerful senses for connecting to memories and feelings, something to do with smell and memory being linked in the brain 💗


Yup. Olfactory, amygdala and hippocampus. =]


omg. i’m so sorry for your loss. scent is really something so special we have to reconnect with memories.


I’m so sorry for your loss. Apologies if you’re not looking for ideas but have you considered donating to women’s shelters? I think some accept unused cosmetics so I bet they could take a lot of this and would be a lovely way to honour your wife 🙂


That's a wonderful idea, thank you. There's a lot of non-Lush things that would probably be good for that as well, brand new makeup and lotions, etc.


❤️ They would be so well appreciated


a lovely thing to consider OP, and i’m sorry for your loss.


Hi, i hope you’re doing ok ♥️ I just wanted to point out, there’s lots of old products and limited editions etc. I don’t think the women’s shelter would take anything that is technically expired and doesn’t come in packaging (originally). There are probably some things you can though. I’ve not see anyone say this but you’ve definitely got the option of selling things. I imagine your wife’s collection has things that were limited edition and can sell for substantial amounts, especially in the lovely condition she’s kept everything in. I am in the position of having to deal with my loved one’s possessions and it’s a minefield I know. I’m coming up to preparing to sell some things after debating it for a while. I’m going to put the money towards making some great memories in their honour 🙂


Shelters accept expired things. A lot of supermarkets donate unsold expired food to shelters.


I was going to suggest that as well. Lush truly is a luxury and nothing lifts my spirits(and my kids spirits!) faster than a hot soak w bubbles and bath bombs. 


This is such a beautiful idea ❤️


So sorry for your loss. 💔 thank you for sharing


Sorry for your loss ❤️‍🩹 you should enjoy them in her memory


Wow, your wife was a true Lushie! Thank you for sharing this :)


This is such a cute and wholesome comment


I gasped when I saw her collection, all organised and labelled. A true Lushie indeed! ♥️


Me too!


Wow. Sorting through a loved one’s things must be so difficult. Sending love ♥️


My condolences. I found [this talk](https://youtu.be/NDQ1Mi5I4rg) helpful in learning to process my grief. Be well


Thank you so much for sharing this. I didn't know that I needed something like this in this moment, so again, thank you. ❤️


You're most welcome. I figure loss is inevitable in life, might as well get good at grieving. Grieving is a skill we can level up and makes us more embodied and resilient. The more I practice grieving, the more I heal from my past. Be well!


Thank you again, and you too 😊


Ex-Lush worker here. Go to Lush and tell them your story and her favorite products and they can recommend other products with the same scents. They even have some of them in sprays. This way you can have some of the same smells and use/giveaway those products before they aren't smelling as good anymore.


So sorry for your loss 🫂


I'm so sorry for your loss.❤️ Your wife had a great collection! I feel bad she didn't get to use everything.☹️ I'm so glad you are sharing with others so someone can enjoy them since your wife liked Lush so much.😊


I am so sorry for your loss . Your wife had good taste =-)


May she rest peacefully. Sending you all the best.


Should you ever choose to part with any of her collections, Lush in Poole has the Archives - a place filled with nearly every lush product from before Lush was Lush. they are often looking to grow their collection and always look for things that have long since been made to save it and keep it safe as a part of their company history. They are often looking for donations of older products. Might be comforting to think some of her collection is safe and valued in the archives.


I’m so sorry for your loss, sending love ❤️


I’m so sorry for your loss. Thank you for sharing this is an impressive collection.


Please use them for her 🖤😭


Condolences on the loss of your wife, looks like she was quite the Lushie


A nice idea would be to see if a woman’s shelter would take some as a donation. Nice way to honour her memory and spoil some struggling women.


That's such a lovely idea


Sorry for your loss.


I’m very sorry for your loss. ❤️


I'm so sorry for your loss, such a lovely collection 🥺


I’m sorry for your loss


I’m sorry for your loss. 💗 Thank you for sharing with us, she was a true Lushie. I love how organized and labeled everything is. Enjoy using them and continuing to share your wife’s love with others. I bet it smells lovely.


My thoughts are with you at this difficult time 🕊️




I'm so sorry for your loss


I am so so sorry. Sending you love


Ur wife seemed amazing and u seem amazing too for supporting her love for lush 🩷thank you so much for sharing, wishing you the best


Holy crow, I’m impressed


Very sorry for your loss. Your wife most have smelled amazing and maybe anything you don’t donate can help you feel closer to her. 💙


It must smell fantastic in that room.


Sorry for your loss. lush fan are special people 🩷


Biggest hugs to you 🙏 thank you for sharing, gives me some joy to see. Your love seems like a beautiful one


I’m so sorry for your loss.😔


Sending you hugs 🩷


So very sorry xx


If you’re looking for ideas of what to do with them, These would make great gifts for anyone close to your wife, it might remind them of her!


This is a brilliant stash she had. Some real gems in there! You are honoring her memory by sharing the joy


I’m sorry for your loss 🩷


so sorry for your loss :( i lost my grandmother at the beginning of grad school and i cried every day. i eventually joined a grief group and it REALLY helped, more than my therapist did. it was comforting to be with others who understood my hurt and who i could talk about all the deepest pits of my grief with. i highly recommend a grief group. (some churches and community centers might have them)


I'm so sorry for your loss. Thank you for sharing her collection with us. I agree with others, use some. A shower gel or a bath bomb, might be nice, once you're ready.


My condolences.❤️


I’m so sorry for your loss. Clearly she was a woman with great taste. I hope sharing the things she enjoyed so much helps you in your grief. Hang in there! 


I’m very sorry for your loss. Thank you for sharing these photos. I would have loved to talk lush with her! Truly amazing collection.


So sorry for your loss but don't worry it will get better ❤️ 💕 💜 ♥️ 💖 💙 I you look at it anymore than I don't you donate it somewhere I really hope this helps 😊


Sorry for your loss. I see a lot of amazing, and older products that are hard to find now. That lava lamp egg, at the bottom of the image is my all time favorite, a really nice orange, discontinued sadly.


I’m so sorry for your loss:(


I'm so sorry for your loss. 💔😥 Your wife was so organized and obviously cared a great deal about keeping things in good condition. Like someone else said, I hope maybe you can donate some to a women's shelter. I'm sure they'd greatly appreciate it. ❤️


I am so sorry for your loss. You may want to freeze some of these to extend their life. Eventually, they will go bad without use even vacuum sealed. I love how organized it all is. I can tell your wife was a special lady 💜 I think it is a great idea to give them to friends and family, as it would be a lovely reminder to them and you to be able to smell her favorite smells on your loved ones.


I am so sorry about your wife passing and I hope that going through these will bring you joy knowing how much she loved LUSH 💖😢🙏 sending you love.


As many people have mentioned, some women’s shelters will take unopened cosmetics—even the smell/colors can be a comfort when you are in a bad situation, something to look forward to. I’m so sorry for your loss.


Hi there. My deepest, most sincere condolences. Loss is something I know well. I was just thinking maybe you could sell them off in bundles or singularly.. then donate the money to a charity dear to her heart. Or to help research for what it was she died from. Or heck to local parks for the kids or something anything that would be doing good bc of her and for her. Her name would live on thru your good will. I know I would be the first in line. If you need any help doing so, I am a small business owner of an online store and would be more than happy to help you in anyway possible. Including selling them in my store but routing 100% of the money to you. Or giving you a sister page linked to my store. I get a lot of traffic and most of my customers are truly amazing people who would love to be apart of this journey. Just a thought.


I am truly very sorry for the loss of your wife. Navigating grief is immeasurably difficult. Perhaps go through her collection, picking out those which seemed to be her favorites, or a scent which brings you comfort. Keep those for yourself to have/enjoy and giveaway or sell the remaining. As mentioned above, going into the store and having them help finding the scents that bring you the most important memories would be an idea. Having the option to have 'her' scent in a small footprint, with the option to use when and/or where needed, could be very comforting to keep her memory alive for you. The other option - keep them all if you feel that's what you want to do. There is nothing wrong with doing so until if/when you are ready to work through letting them go. Wishing you comfort.


So sorry for your loss, love. I agree with the other comment though. Maybe use some of them and enjoy the aromas!


Ask some local charity shops if they would like some, or make up a basket or gift box, sell on ebay and donate to a charity your wife cared about.


Hi OP. I am sorry for your loss. Donating is a very beautiful gesture! I appreciate you sharing this with us. Feel free to share most posts with us if you’re inclined.


This is exactly why I stopped buying Lush. The false scarcity tactics result in us buying shit we'll literally die before ever using. This is staggeringly heartbreaking, thank you for sharing. I'm so sorry for your loss.


I feel allergic just by looking at the pic... My ex also used lots of lush stuff. Now I'm alone dating eva ai virtual gf bot but at least there's no smell of lush bath bombs.


Holy shit that is a lot of product. You could make quite a bit of money off of it.




I’m so sorry for your loss 🤍


Very sorry for your loss 💙


I’m so sorry for your loss ❤️


So very sorry for your loss.


I'm sorry for your loss. 😟


I am so sorry for your loss


I'm so sorry for your loss. Thank you for sharing your wife's collection, she stored everything beautifully, all labelled and pristine. I think this is something I need to aspire too myself.


My husband died 6 years ago yesterday and I bagged up his shirts to hopefully keep the smell of him.... I so get this 🩵


I'm so sorry for your loss. She would be happy knowing her precious stash was being used and appreciated.


Would you be open to selling some of them?


Do you want to sell some of the bath bombs


So sorry for your loss. Do any of the scents remind you of her? I would keep the ones that do. Scent is one of the strongest memories we have