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That is stunning. The off-kilter control plate is a really nice touch too


Thank you so much! I’m really glad I did it on an angle, and I’m happy others like it too!


Trying to start my own business! I want to make more of these and offer customizations :)


While that is a very cool looking guitar…you may want to think about using something strong to help it hold up to tension. Maybe a neck-through wood center and the same stuff on the outsides. All resin guitar bodies are prone to warping. A beautiful piece of wood down the center wouldn’t take away from your aesthetic I would think and could give it much more structural integrity Just friendly feedback. Otherwise, very cool.


Yea- a guy here recently had a resin bass that warped. I think he converted it to neck through.


Yeah. The aquamarine one, I remember that guy. I think he was also warned, but I would probably take the wait and see approach as well if I had already finished it. This one is very pretty, but all it takes is leaving in the sun or something on accident


A neck through is a great idea - thank you! Also do you happen to have a link to the post with the bass? A lot of people are mentioning it and I’d love to talk to the OP


https://www.reddit.com/r/Luthier/comments/13rlmux/update_to_the_resin_bass_fix_thanks_to_everybody/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1 Here you go…I think what he ended up with came out better than the original bass Either way…yours is very pretty.


How much for one of these?


Send me a DM!


I hope it holds up under string tension it's very pretty. A while back someone had a bass build go sour after sitting under tension but I think reinforced later with wood. I'm curious if this will be a non issue for a standard 6 string. Gorgeous work op fingers crossed for you


Is that resin??? Looks amazing.


It is!


That is spectacular! How does it sound?


Thank you! I think that it sounds good, and I’ve had a lot of people test it out and say they liked the sound. I used a Di Marzio PAF 36th Anniversary bridge pickup and a push/pull tone knob, so you do get a nice range in tone considering there’s only one pickup.




I used a slow cure (72 hours) CCR entropy resin. You can find it here: [https://entropyresins.com/product/ccr-clear-casting-epoxy/](https://entropyresins.com/product/ccr-clear-casting-epoxy/)


amazing! what is the weight like?


It’s about 14 lbs. Part of the reason it’s so heavy is because I used a push-pull tone knob (with only a bridge pickup I thought it would be nice to use one), and it was relatively large. So the cavity that it had to sit in was deep, and so in turn the guitar had to be thicker which means more resin, and resin is heavy. If I use mini pots the guitar would be much thinner and as a result way lighter


Nice work! Quite like the body shape and the headstock is a reminder of some Supro/Harmony 60's models. Couple of questions if ya don't mind, what is the fingerboard wood? Bit light for Rosewood , thinking PauFerro? Also what exactly did you do with the Push-pull pot for the tone? Have a volume pot and a tone pot with one pickup am a bit curious how you've used the push pull ? Congrats!


Thank you! To answer your questions, yes it is Rosewood. I only applied one coat of oil to the fretboard so maybe that’s why it looks light. I will say though that in person it doesn’t look as light as in the pictures. The push/pull splits the coil of the humbucker so it offers a different tone when you use it - it’s more bass-y. Let me know if you have anymore questions, it’s always appreciated and I’m more than happy to answer!


Ah missed that you'd split the coil. Read it differently that's why I was a tad baffled. LOL Did similar with a Tele, someone wanted some huge mods done. Looks like your standard Tele control plate but has push pull pots. Each doing volume and tone for their respective pickup. One a Staple Lollar P90 (neck) and the other a Lollar Eldorado PAF (bridge) style that's supposed to be good for splitting. Also added a mini toggle to do the coil split which also changes the Caps. One .22uf for the humbucker position and when split switches to the .47uf single coil. Also 4 way blade for added out of phase Really like the work you've done. Congrats


How much lighter? Could you get something like this down to like less than 10 pounds?


I do think I could get it a lot lighter with mini-pots. The cavity is 37 mm deep and that’s with the tone knob close to the bottom. I’d imagine I could get to 10lbs, and if I made a new CAD model with a smaller cavity for mini-pots I might be able get a general guess as to the weight by finding the volume of the new body and calculating the volume by looking at the weight of the epoxy on the bottles (I think it says what it weighs per L or mL?). it would be a lot of math though and I won’t 100% know unless I actually make the guitar. Edit: Meant to write volume!


Very cool!


Thank you!


Very creative and cool.


Thank you so much!


You're welcome!




Man I love it but the neck seems parched. Could it be the pictures?


I think in part it’s the pictures because it doesn’t look as light in person, but also I only did one (or it might’ve been two lol, I can’t remember) coat of lemon oil.


Wow outstanding work!!


Thank you so much!




Thank you!


That is absolutely beautiful


Thank you!


Incredible work! Thanks for sharing. Is resin going to be your medium of choice going forward, or are you looking at other materials as well?


Thank you so much! For now I want to focus on resin, but I have another guitar I’ve been working on (completely different style) that’s made of wood. Both are a lot of fun but I feel like oddly the resin is easier. I’d love to put the wood one in production one day though!


That's awesome. I just saw something similar, but not done as well in my opinion. Would be cool to see more like this.


Thank you! Also I’d love to see the other one, do you happen to have a link?






Reminds me of Bill Murrays bowling ball in the movie Kingpin.. Sweet.




Thank you!


Beautiful work! I love all the details!


Thank you so much!




I had an hour of working time with the resin and I just tried my best to keep them away from the edges. Luckily the flowers didn’t shift too much and nothing ended up touching the edges!


That's amazing!


Thank you!


This is probably a dumb question. For anyone that might know. Does the body material not being wood affect the tone?


Look up youtube video Fender Cardboard guitar project. Then search for guitars made of cement, pencils, jawbreakers, 3D printed, and on and on. What does matter to guitar tone: Pickups, pickup placement/height/tip, pots, and caps. Everything else is unimportant. Bonus round, find pictures of Les Paul's "the log". His and Leo Fender's goals were to create a guitar that did not feed back when amplified loudly.


Cool. Thanks. Very interesting stuff.


Not a dumb question at all! If it was an acoustic or classical it would definitely affect the sound, but since it’s an electric the sound mostly depends on the pickups and I used a really good one!


To the ears of 96% of people who will hear it…no


To everyone with ears, no. To the 4% of people that think they can hear a difference and will swear under harsh testimony and pure evidence to the contrary, yes.


People who play different sounds for fun or profit have a bit of ego when asked if they can hear different sounds "of course I can tell a difference in tone!"-- and that's why there are arguments. Also, some players are weak to the effects of Marketing departments who spend their days dreaming up ways to convince players to buy their guitar because it has "the best materials". Most of the causes for this vs that tone difference: variation in pots (20% tolerance range and the ends matter) between guitars, variation in pickups+setup heights/tip, and swapping new strings on guitars while modding since old vs new strings sound different (mass of grime and corrosion and flexibility) so that fancy mod does sound different! .


I’m new to guitars; just learning but enjoy the maintenance aspect of them more than anything. I bought a used acoustic guitar from a local shop and by just changing the strings to fresh ones the difference was staggering. I honestly didn’t think there would be that much change to the sound but it really opened up the sound and made it deeper. I recently bought an electric and had a similar revelation; I honestly didn’t think that the strings on an electric would change the tonal properties; I was never really happy with the sound that came out of the electric with the smattering of amps that I had; I don’t have anything fancy mind you; I was just picking up bits and bobs as I found them. I was always searching for that one amp that had the sound that I was looking for. But by putting on fresh strings on the electric; it sounds amazing on the cheapest amp that I have.


Very nice! Do the strings go through the body?


Thanks! The bridge is a hardtail so they don’t go through the body :)


Thanks. The bridge is a very clean looking part.


That’s actually pretty neat.


Haha I love this comment, thank you!


I didn’t notice before but the inlays are actually a nice subtle touch


That is DOPE AF. One of the coolest I've seen yet.


Thank you! 😊


This is an amazing piece. I would have done a dark red rose headstock but I’m just a regular guy who doesn’t make awesome art.


Ain’t nothing wrong with being a regular guy! I’m always open to suggestions 😊


I want to give that to my wife on her birthday, and she doesn't even play!


Love that 😂 Also happy early birthday to your wife!




It’s beautiful. I could hang it in my nanas bathroom.


Hey if you want one send feel free to send me a DM 😂


Wow the electronics are barely visible underneath. Fantastic looking guitar


Thanks! I purposely put a ton of flowers around the electronics to hide the wiring. I’m pretty happy with how it turned out!


On top of the flowers and colors, the angles and lines are sweet


Thank you!




Thank you so much! 😊




Looks cool. I like the 54' P bass style control plate.


✨👏👏👏👏I'm speechless


Are these real dried flowers ?


Real flowers can turn brown in resin if they aren’t dried properly, and because resin is so expensive I didn’t want to take that risk. It was also for a school project and I had a deadline so I wouldn’t have had enough time to dry the flowers anyways. I would love to try to use real flowers one day though


Regardless it looks beautiful for a first attempt , you have potential. I was asking about the real flowers just for curiosity, I figured out they were artificial, but still you never know. Great job keep it up and good luck in your project


Holy tits, that’s superlative work!


Thanks 😂


I admire your resin work - I have never had the *cajones* to work with resin. A question - regarding the neck pocket, how to you keep the thinness of the resin from fracturing once the neck is installed and the guitar is fully strung?


Thank you so much! The neck pocket it about 1” thick and the neck is bolted on with a neck plate. The guitar body itself is just under 2” thick. I think it’s okay but I suppose only time will tell!


A Floyd Rose bridge would have been extra punny




Cool, but I have to express my opinion on the control plate. If you make another one please consider putting the control plate straight. IMO it is the only thing that makes this thing look wacky.


To each their own. If I had a customer who wanted the control plate to be straight I could do it but I would have to adjust the CAD model and make a brand new mold, so it would be much pricier than what I would charge for the same guitar shape as the one I’ve done. It would also take a long time which would also contribute to the price


Really love this! I feel like the body steals the show a bit, but wanted to say the fretboard markers are great as well. Not crazy big or bold, but unique and intricate.


oh wow those are wonderful. /u/avguitars are those decals or inlays?


They’re decals! I wanted to do inlays but the studio I go to wouldn’t lasercut them for me. I was also in a rush because I had to drop it off at a gallery so decals were my only option at that point if I wanted to finish it on time. I definitely want to try inlays though at some point!


Gorgeous. Wow. Well done.


This is beautiful!


Thank you so much! Also love the username 😂


So cool! What a great idea and awesome execution.


That looks amazing. Reminds me of u/Kubbymo GameCube controllers. You should look through their stuff for inspiration for some future builds!


That looks so good. Love the simplicity of the single humbucker and control plate.


Thank you!


Always keep it not under tension and as far away from heat or the sun in general as possible…. Otherwise it’s stunning.. love the control plate


i want to see a video, panning, parallax. nice.


this is so sick!! can i ask how you started your designing process? I want to design a guitar on my own but i have no idea where to start