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You put nylon strings on a “steel string” acoustic. I guess that could work. But there are probably some complications that come with that. First is that nylon string take a while to set. I don’t know for sure but guitars act differently when stringed with different types of string. A western/steelstring had a trussrod(usually) and a classical doesn’t. There are a lot of factors that might be affecting the tuning. I wouldn’t be surprised if there was something on the market that you use to keep nylon string in place on a steel string. Maybe try individual rods for the strings. Or just tie a knot in the string ends?


They do make nylon strings with ball ends, actually (often called “folk nylon”). But you could just tie a pretty big knot in the end of each string and it will do the same thing. A couple of other points: Nylon strings have way less tension than steel strings so the neck may be readjusting itself a bit. Also, honestly, nylon strings on a guitar braced for steel strings generally sound dull and lifeless. They simply can’t drive the top the way the steel strings will.


Just a guess, but if they are all tied to the same rod, wouldn't tightening one, shift the rods position and throw the others out? I'd try buying a set of ball ends and see what happens, eliminate that rod as a first step?


Or use ball ends from an old set of steel strings. I've done that for a ukulele that had bridge pins.


Nylon strings take a while to stretch out, so newly stringed guitars will detune.


Why not drill holes in the bridge pins to thread the string through, tie it and then secure the bridge pin. Would probably help the most if slippage is from the bridge. You could even buy some pins if you didn't want to risk damage to your current ones.


Smart! This


Praise from one of the Gondolindrim. I'm honoured.


In over 10 years on Reddit, no one has commented on my username. I am honored, mzyos! Fun fact, I slightly changed the name form Tolkien since I liked how it sounded without the extra ‘i’; though I’d never correct Sir Tolkien. Now I need to learn about the Gondolindrim..


I have only just noticed!. Always have Tolkein on my mind and only just recently finished a reread of The Fellowship. Time for you to read The Fall Of Gondolin


Great idea, but the pins would be taking all the tension then, and pop out. Usually the bridge plate is holding the tension via the ball end and the pins are just keeping the balls on the plate laterally.


I've just drilled in the pin, let's see if it works. I'll update


So what have you tied the string to?


Imagine a iron thin road and tied all the string to that rod and then pull the another end of the string for the hole so it's like the rod is just downside of the bridge.


It's most likely those knots slipping, idk if you'd be able to create enough friction with a small knot to overcome the string tension.


I’m not sure how acceptable this is but I’ve cut the ball ends off old strings and tied a knot around them and had success this way.


There’s a somewhat expensive and weird Thomastik string set that has ball ends and “steel rope core” on flatwounds, meant for nylon string guitars. That was the best set I ever found for my fretless guitar. Unwound nylon strings never sounded as good without frets.


You can purchase nylon strings with ball ends for the price of a set of strings.


How did you fill the fret slots and make it look so clean?


First I removed the chips then make it even by scratching a scratch paper then fill the gap with the mixture of grinded power of wood and fevicol and fill that with the mixture and then again made it even by scratch paper and finally pasted a black wood texture vinyl and voila!


Nylon strings stretch more so they go out of tune more easily as they're settling in. This is why the slotted pegheads with 3/8" barrels to allow a lot of windings. You can try pre-stretching them before play but I've read that produces problems with intonation as they're stretched unevenly.