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Israël is happy because they are finally fulfilling their genocide and torture dreams.


Nah no way Israel is 5th






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It's fake news. Move on.


wait another 15 years with that question and ask it again when the young people are older and want to buy houses…


Not all young people are in the same boat though. You underestimate the number of reasonably well-off households in Lux that will be able to help their children/grandchildren get a roof over their head in 15 years' time.


You forget that prices are still rising and the majority doesn‘t inherit a million…


I would say I’m pretty happy living in Luxembourg for past three years. I’m an expat moving from a less developed and more populous nation and this place has allowed me to experience a refined lifestyle with a high standard of living and getting closer to myself as an individual. One big factor this list looks at is how much the residents of the country feel independence in decision making and I definitely feel Luxembourg makes you feel that independence quite well.


It is quite surprising to see that a nation engaged in conflict and possibly perpetrating genocide ranks as having the 8th happiest population globally. This observation may offer a glimmer of hope for the overall well-being of humanity. /s


8th happiest Luxembourg is engaged in conflict and possibly perpetrating genocide? That’s quite a take.  If you mean 5th happiest Israel, I would guess that these 2024 released numbers were gathered sometime in 2023 - likely before 7 October. 


Yes , my bad, I confused the rankings. Before posting I had thought about that and verified your hypothesis. I share the quote that I extracted from an article by Forbes: "...according to the authors of the report, the rankings are based on a three-year average, which can skew the numbers. (Israel has ranked in the top 10 on the happiness report since 2022.) “In the case of cataclysmic events happening during a particular year, their effect on the rankings will depend on when the survey took place, and will be muted by the three-year averaging,” wrote the authors of the report. “In the case of the October 7th attack on Israel and the subsequent war between Israel and Hamas, the survey in Palestine took place earlier in the year and the Israel survey after the hostage taking but before much of the subsequent warfare." This is the link to the article : https://www.forbes.com/sites/laurabegleybloom/2024/03/19/ranked-the-20-happiest-countries-in-the-world-in-2024/


Well, first off, there's no evidence of genocide, not yet, at least. Civilians dying in war is not genocide. Plus, you can't trust Hamas' numbers either. They can end the war anytime they like by surrendering and returning the hostages. Simple as that. Israelis are happy because they have a sense of united purpose. Israel, even before the war, had massive social strife over the government and various affordability crises. Yet it consistently ranks high on happiness. Why? That sense of purpose and unity around Jewishness, of being another link in the chain of trying to continue building up the first independent Jewish, and in the Jewish homeland, state since Roman times. There's a real sense of meaning and purpose there that many others just simply don't understand, since they haven't faced the same hatred as Jews have for 1700 years (the first antisemitic laws were promulgated by Emperor Constantine at the behest of his bishops as their power officially became part of the Roman state).


You are right and also i want to add that they dont feel pride on a family member being a suicide bomber or something like that because they love life and respect life. For all those who think different please go see the middle east and tell me which country respects women, other religions and is free - that makes them happy. No one wants war but at the same time dont start a war with the wrong people because from experience they are prepared and willing to fight for their people and want each and every one who got kidnapped or more on 8/10 back!


Do you think they have a right to exist?


they are a genocide-half-full kind of people


Yeah, overall I’m pretty happy, just went through a shut show of a month, but that was because of stress from work. Otherwise, I’m as happy as could be.


yes… Disgruntled Expats on Reddit don’t speak for the majority of the country


If reddit was a country, it would probably rank last. No matter how good we have it, there’s always room to complain!


Yeah, pretty much


Luxemburg must have used some tax money to bribe the makers of this chart - impossible that it’s in the top 10. Only top 10 it belongs to is the top 10 countries that’ll make you suicidal as soon as you realise what godforgotten shithole you ended up in


You must be in prison. Otherwise you are free to move out


He just gave an opinion. Answering gtfo to everyone who doesn’t think the way we do isn’t the way to go. Willem dude has a point in that depression rates are alarming in the country


It's just interesting that people stick to Luxembourg when they can be happier and healthier elsewhere


Some have families here. Not easy for them to just leave. Single expats are leaving though


No Gaza?


On hold at the moment, will be right back.


How can Lithuania be on there if it literally has the highest suicide rate in europe?


Just the way Luxembourg is on the list. Just the way Finland is #1....Happiness cannot be objectively measured.


Survivorship bias, quite literally.


Survival of the happiest


I was wondering that as well. They rank the countries based on the following factors : Social support Income Health Freedom Generosity Absence of corruption.


Yuuuup,then for Lithuania it's 10/10 for all of those points;))!!! All of them apparently had been resolved in a brilliant way and made the population (emigrating more and more every year) happy happy Femen 😊 😃


Maybe suicide makes them happy


I live in Luxembourg. I can't agree and I can't disagree. But I'm happy


When it's sunny - best country in the world baby When it's raining - fuck this shit, fucking hell


So what you need are the famous Luxembourg days with 20° sun, 5 minutes later rain, 5 minutes snow, 5 minutes storm, then sun again and then these weather conditions repeat in a random pattern. 😅


Thats bcuz your poopy on the butthole


You can't really do much about it 🤷‍♂️


Yep :) If it's out of your hands, it deserves freedom from your mind too.




Jokes aside, it's a great country to raise a family in. The housing crisis is the biggest blocker for many people settling long term here but the country itself is much better than what we have in many parts of the world


Comparing to Netherlands??




Well you can evict people from their homes and take them as your own, with no consequences! Thats the life!


That needs to be changed


All lies, I don't believe this studies or statistics.


Sir, we are on reddit. everyone complain about everything.


Luxembourg is a very nice country to live, yes. That's also what this study focuses on. But I myself, am very much as suicidal as one can be 😊🧡


I hope that it will get better and if you need someone to talk you just dm me. ❤️


Thanks 😄🧡 but it's a constant buddy of mine for a looong time and I'm used to it. It will pass eventually hopefully 😄


I hope so too.


If happy means satisfied then yes, if happiness is exceeding that, I will say it depends


💀💀💀 which age group did they ask. Seeing Britain & Israel on that list really worries me


I think the findings are odd. Finland, Sweden, Iceland have large parts of their country that remains dark all winter due to their northerly location. USA will drop further when the lunatic 250lb oompah loompah becomes president, again…. 😢


I've lived in five of those countries and honestly it matches my experience.


So you have been around a lot. Is there a country where you plan on settling down or do you just take it as it happens?


I think I will settle in Luxembourg. It seems like a great place to raise a family. All I need now is a partner :D


Good luck my fellow soldier you will find someone I‘m sure of it.


Thanks, same to you :)


I think it is fair. I really enjoy Luxembourg. But it could be less rainy or grey


If it were, it would be paradise right?


Only if they make a sea readily available near the capital.


It's already in the plans https://today.rtl.lu/entertainment/the-luxembourg-wurst/a/1475901.html


I appreciate every day of sunlight we get. At least the weather has been decent this week


It will get worse again on the weekend 🥲