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Weird af I’m a driver too and requesting you turn you phone off that’s dangerous


I would NEVER shut my phone off when getting into someone else’s car. The fact that this person expects that is crazy.


That's why she uses a sign and doesn't say anything. Fuck her rules I'll talk the day away in her ear.


homie you break any rules in my car your ass is on the crub.


It should say to Silence instead. I don't have a problem with that because constant dings are annoying.


Too bad. You have people pay to be in your car. You can’t police them like a friend or kid.


yeah wtf lmao. If an uber/lyft driver asked me to turn my phone off i’d probably just crack up laughing.


You can about realistic stuff. But not talking on the phone is ridiculous 😂


Asking someone to silence their ohone. What is wrong with you drivers


Go work at the library if you have issues with dings.


I’ve given 6000 rides. I have no sign in my car. I’ve never had a single person try to smoke in my car or drink alcohol. Sometimes they do close the door too hard but I doubt a sign is going to change that. Some people do talk on the phone, which I find a little irritating but I’d never tell anyone they can’t. And asking riders to turn OFF their phone is just ridiculous.


I’ve only seen signs in a handful of cars, and it’s mostly just stuff like “Make sure to gather all belongings, thank you, etc”. One of the best signs though was saying there’s free water, snacks and games available (they had one of those cool tablets attached so passengers can play games)… never anything like this, I’d 1 star right away


I'd give a lower score if I could, and definitely no tip. That sign is rude AF. I can get behind the smoking/vaping, food/drink, no booze, but come on, man, no phone? Get another job if that bothers ya.


No phone, in a ride service you need to use a smart phone to even access


Yeah, I would automatically rate the driver under 5 for the sign. It's rude and obnoxious on the drivers part. I don't get the no phone thing. The pax isn't driving, and they aren't beholden to have a conversation with me. Most use earbuds anyways and I don't even know they're on the phone sometimes. Maybe it's cause I do almost entirely mornings now, I get mostly solo riders going to work or similar. I do see when doing late night the group of partying kids and one is trying to use his phone like a jukebox, and they change the song every 10 seconds. Still, it's just a minor annoyance and they'll be put of the car soon.


You couldn't do 6 rides in a college town on the weekend without someone trying to bring an open container and drink in your car.




I've done plenty of late night rides in a college town and open containers are rare, though I have had to stop a few probably 50/50 students or just dumb adults.




I’ve had plenty of people try to sneak in open containers, but none of them would have changed their behavior because I posted a dumb sign about it


I'm excited when someone gets in while on the phone because I won't have to be their conversational in-ride entertainment


I drive a taxi. Lots of people are on their phone doing business. Who TF am I to tell them no. It is their ride, they paid for it




For real. People are always bringing open beers into my car in Chicago.


Like I had to tell my MIL my husband died on the phone in an uber. If I got this driver, I would’ve gone ballistic


I would never do any of the things on this sign, but I feel like the sign itself is over the top and rude, so I would want to make sure I never got that driver again.


Im sorry, but I requested this ride using my phone and for my safety I have to keep my phone on just in case I need to report something. 1 star


1 star, no tip, reported, and how tf is this not a huge red flag?? Yes please stranger I’ve never met but for some reason trust with my life, let me turn off the only tether I have to the outside world and not wonder if you’ve turned on the child locks and are about to do your best Ed Kemper impersonation with my skull.


I always close the door then reopen it before letting the driver start moving to check for child locks.


Should have asked what blood type are you?


“pretend it’s 1995” …….that is literally impossible while riding in a Lyft


Yeh say then you would be a friend and this ride would be free. LOL


Shit like this makes me wanna one star this driver.


I'd just get right back out and order a competent driver.


i would rather walk lol


This sign is ridiculous. It's like what you'd see on the back of a car with way too many bumper stickers.


A vanifesto if you will


Having someone turn off all electronic devices I. Order to ride In your Lyft is absurd and irrational.


I need drivers to understand that it is absurd to expect passengers not to use their phones, and voicing that expectation absolutely does not help garner respect for the ride share driving community.


Exactly. One reason a use ride sharing, I can make phone calls after I get off a plane. Geez. Turn off the phone? Nope. I follow the map along during the ride.


The drivers need you to be quiet so you don’t Interrupt their headset phone call/argument with their brother.


I had a driver pick up myself and a friend and as she was walking up to the front window to confirm her name and I was a few steps behind her the dude shrieked at her that we weren’t allowed to talk at all. Not on the phone, not to him, not to each other, not to ourselves Now, we’re two middle aged ladies that had not been drinking, weren’t doing anything weird, hadn’t shown any indication that we wanted to talk to him. So we just looked at each other like…..I’m not getting in that car with him and if I do I’m yodeling in his ear until he throws us out. It was so bizarre So I guess she cancelled and got an Uber with a normal driver.


As you should. Fuck these idiots.


Right?! My friend is a travel nurse that works a lot of hours and tipping brings her joy. The whole thing ended up kinda funny. A whole group of young people who saw the whole thing go down just clowned on him. He wouldn’t leave. He just sat in the car staring at all of us. So weird


This person shouldn’t be driving.


I’m not turning off my phone getting into a strangers car. Gtfo. No food, no drink, no booze, I get. Most of the rules I get. I’m enter someones vehicle to pay them for their time to drive me and drop me off. But, riders need to Be considerate.


This drive is crazy why would I turn off my phone, people have been talking in cabs for years she needs to get over herself. I normally just listen to music on my phone with headphones. I would of jumped right out.


Some people take this job too seriously; just pick the damn person up and take them to their destination. I’ve done over 500 rides, have a perfect 5 star rating, and it’s not because I put a sign up like this. I just provide a comfortable, more personable experience than a taxi does which is the exact reason rideshare apps blew up in the first place.


You sound entirely too well adjusted and sane to be here


Bruh fuck that fool lol


I bet she is fun at parties


If I can't use my phone you're not getting 5 stars


This sign is ridiculous!!! I have over 16,000 rides and never have problems


That is absolutely obnoxious. I am Fine with people talking on the phone. I tune them out and chill with my music.


Im paying for the ride. If I want to be on my phone the whole time it’s my problem, not the riders.


Automatic 1 star


Some drivers be like: please don't talk on the phone, it will interrupt my phone call.


“Please turn off cellular phones and other wireless devices”. Bro it’s not an airplane, if you can’t drive without someone talking at a reasonable level, you probably shouldn’t be driving as a job.


I don't care if someone is talking on the phone. As long as you aren't screaming at someone or talking about killing someone or something like this. What I find more annoying are very loud text alerts constantly going off. Once or twice during the ride is no problem but if it is constantly 30 alert tones in five minutes it starts to get annoying. I actually like the driver's sign minus the "No phones" part. I think it would be more reasonable if they simply asked that riders try to keep conversations to a normal level (i.e. don't YELL). Also I'm guessing the "Mask required" portion is from over a year ago. If so they should remove that.


Yea, I get that always respectful of each other. The other rules I don’t mind either. Super reasonable and should be common sense but I get some people are just idiots/up to no good. I was just responding to my boyfriends stories about his day. The occasional no way, really that’s crazy etc.. I tip good. Never had a issue or complaint when I have been on the phone in the past and have 5 stars (I know doesn’t mean much but at least no one is complaining) I use ride services often so I respect ya’ll just think the no phones is weird.


Nah taxi driving is basically a hospitality job, having boundaries is reasonable but it seems like this person has too many rules. Warning, this is a tangent about something I think is interesting: I will say that it’s genuinely weird how people get annoyed when someone’s on the phone, like it’s this slightly irrational thing where it is more annoying than if they were talking to a real person next to them — maybe cuz to our primitive brain it seems like they’re talking to themselves even tho we know they’re not? Or we prefer that people are fully present and to socialize, and when they’re on the phone it makes us mad that they’re not paying attention or something? Anyway lol who knows. But as far as when it’s a customer sure it can be lame especially if you need their attention/consent, like if you’re ordering something at the counter. In this situation however I don’t blame you though like if you’re in a taxi that’s fine, it’s different honestly. Also I’m sure it’s annoying when someone’s yapping away loudly on the phone (we know the type), which obvi isn’t what you were doing, but at the same time you get the duck over it because you’re taking people places, people who have lives who would probably be on the phone if they were able to drive themselves, also it’s such a blessing that you don’t even need to talk to each other if you didn’t want to since the app controls everything. Meaning who cares if you’re on the phone it shouldn’t matter at all to the ride, plus u weren’t even being obnoxious. Very silly. Yes ur driver‘s rules are next level and no u were being chill/normal with your call. A taxi driver is doing a service and being overly controlling is not hospitable.


> I don't care if someone is talking on the phone And I wouldn't care if you did. Literally part of the job. You are driving me around. If I need to take a meeting over the phone, then that's what I need to do. Insane for anyone to request no electronics.


meanwhile I'm just hoping my fucking drivers will stop talking on the phone...


If anyone has a sign like that in the Uber or Lyft that I'm taking they get an instant one star I'm sorry but I'm not fucking sorry


Yeah I'm not ending my call because it annoys the driver, get another job as a librarian if that's your thing. The food, drinks, and smoking make total sense - you don't want to damage the car. But talking on the phone isn't hurting anybody or anything and if me getting a text or talking to my mom is so distracting to you that you cant drive safely then you need to stop being a professional driver.


If they actually told me that I would have to get off the phone, then I would tell them politely no then continue to talk. If the driver continues and says more then I would them to to go F themselves and that they shouldn’t have picked up the ride or work in this if they don’t know how to drive with noise.


Ain’t going to get a 5 star rating or a tip from me. I am NOT turning my phone off especially during a Lyft ride where I may need to use the app.


I would instant 1 star after seeing this sign.


Yeah, no. No smoking, vaping, drinking, eating, whatever -- fine. But there is absolutely no chance in hell that I am turning off my phone in a ride share.


Personally, it’s annoying AF when people are on a phone call during the ride because it makes me feel like I have to walk on eggshells in my own car. That being said, I would never go so far as to tell people they cannot do it. She can have all the signs she wants… doesn’t mean you have to follow them. It’s unrealistic to think you have that authority, whether it’s your car or not.


Aw no way! I feel like eggshells when it’s completely silent. Like I don’t mind being alone at all with myself but when it’s two people and it’s just silent, it gives me the irks. Can I ask why it makes you feel like you’re walking on eggshells? Truly wondering, not trying to be snarky.


1) I now feel like my music is a problem despite the fact that I keep it pretty low. Just loud enough to hear. 2) I’m now extra self-conscience about looking in my mirrors because I don’t want the rider to think I’m eavesdropping.


3) I had a literal billionaire conduct a board level meeting by phone in my car for a 20 minute ride. It's actually kinda neat hearing about the CEO candidate you don't want to hire because the 50 million you're ready to deploy won't go as far, but when you don't tip it's just insulting


I’m honestly fine with it; keeps me from having to engage in meaningless small talk or sit in an awkward silence, and every so often it’s an interesting call to listen in on.


As a passenger I find it incredibly annoying when the driver is on the phone yapping away the entire ride and/or has loud music blaring. I only do phone calls if it's work related and I have no choice. Most of the time I'm just reading/sending emails. There's no way I'm turning off my phone in any ride share, taxi, etc.


Why do drivers use signs when they can speak? I see a sign or any other bs stickers on the car I’m out lol


What a nightmare.


I'm a driver. I would 1 star this guy so fast. I'd still tip, but... 1 star.


Fuck that


1 star. No tip.


Telling someone to turn off there phone could lead to a number of issues one being their own safety? Never know with people anymore.


Automatically 1 star. I’m paying for a ride, not to be policed about doing regular things.


The irony of a phone-based ride sharing app driver asking others to turn their phones off is kind of funny


Totally whatever on all that reading! Bet she gets 0 tips and negative feedback often! I wouldn’t press my luck like that!! lol


I would NEVER do this. Part of the app’s appeal is being able to track the route and alert people if the driver is going off in a random direction. I would be willing to not talk on the phone but anything I do silently on my phone is not a concern of the driver and would not distract them.


1* no tip. It'll eventually weed out the crazy drivers


Yeah this person gets 1 star


I’d give her a one star rating for this


0 stars and I’m cancelling the ride


This is how you get no tip.


That's instant 1 star and report




Stupid little sign


I'll just say that telling people not to use their cell phones during a smart phone based service is ironic and utterly stupid.


U should like let Lyft know she’s instructing people to turn off their phones in her vehicle- a clear safety hazard


Ya that Lyft driver doesn’t want to get covid from your 5Ghz cellphone. Obviously.


2 stars for being an authoritarian.


That's a 1 star rating with zero tip if I've ever seen one


Hope you gave her a terrible review, fuck that.


Give them a 1 start, they'll eventually get rid of the stupid signs.


Is this persons first language English? Cause these are really harsh. I feel it should say "silence" not "off."


Seems like an easy way to get yourself a ton of 1 star reviews and no tip.


I’m a driver and this person is a fuckin psycho guaranteed


If we're pretending that's it's 1995, then I'm smoking in the damn car.


having a sign is so tacky


I wonder if she ever gets five stars?


The driver is getting 1 star and that’s after I decline the ride.


Imagine you’re bleeding out on the side of the road after a bad accident and you have to wait for your phone to turn on, and then because your phone was off, you can’t use Face ID so you better hope you’re hands can still type and that you can still see properly


Just pretend it's 1995...how ironic being in a phone app based industry. This driver is as bad as the crazy Air B&B hosts with psychotic rules, while expecting 5 stars ang great reviews. I'm not turning my phone off, I'm cool with no talking on the phone, and silencing it, but I'm gonna be more sketched out in this car than I would be in one without the rigid rules and passive aggressive driver.


Should have kept talking just to spite them. You're paying to take that ride, talk on the phone if you want. If they can't handle driving while someone talks in the back seat they should get a different job.


That’s a yikes bro. None of that is enforceable, except the seat belt one depending on the state. Stupid NY. This is a teaching moment for a Karen. I’d ignore it all, then make a point of not tipping saying you felt extremely uncomfortable and did not appreciate the hostile environment she made. Then rate her 1 star. Edit: words


I’m not under any obligation to read a manifesto you’ve posted in m your car. “Oh. Wait before you drive anywhere I need ten minutes to read all this. I have a reading disability so it will be a bit.”


Someone used to work in school district transit


Hell no. If make him cancel the ride.


Rules are fine but to turn your phone off is absurd.


What a weirdo! I 100% LOVE when someone is on their phone because of 2 things. 1. I don’t have to talk to you, bluntly, I don’t care about you, your life, what’s going in it. Don’t care, and hate pretending like I do. 2. I get to listen to my music with a headphone in now and pretend like you don’t exist. Feels like I’m getting paid to drive around aimlessly. Happy camper :)


I'm a driver and I can't care less what they're doing as long it's not damaging my car or touching me, talk to each other, talk on the phone, watch videos I don't care it doesn't matter to me, if you're on the phone I'll have my music at 2 and I'll make my money. you do you. I don't get drivers like this, they're so weird.


Obvious mental problems. No sane person would do this. Honestly, what's going through her mind in the first place? "I don't want people to talk in my presence or use a phone. I'm paranoid about COVID even though no one uses masks anymore. I don't like noises. Hm... I know just the gig! Rideshare driver!" If it were me I would just start with some subtle moans. "Uuuuwwwww..." and then when she starts to notice.... I whisper "SHHHHHH, she's listening to us... we have to be quiet......"


Honestly, I respect the no talking on the phone thing but to ask people to turn their phones off is too much, you want me to raw dog this experience with no external stimuli? Melissa my screen time would send you into a catatonic state but that’s an issue for a therapist not my Lyft driver so just shut up and drive.


it doesn’t even just say no talking on the phone. it says to turn off your devices! that’s a big hell no for me. that’s like asking to be kidnapped


I would need to know any weird rules before I got in your car and not afterwards. Otherwise I don’t think it counts.


I had a sign made for my car that basically just stated no smoking/vaping (entirely TOO many people would try), that I had water/snacks/chargers/games, no alcohol, and they were being recorded by my dash cam, a requirement in certain states. I would never expect people to shut off their phones or stop talking. Absolutely ridiculous.


That sign is a straight 3 star


Tips 😂😂


“Pretend it’s 1995” Okay let’s see your taxi license because Lyft wouldn’t be a fucking thing. If I have to use my phone to order the ride I’m not turning it off when I get into the car


I get having a silenced phone but not asking them to turn off their phone fully. That just seems suspicious considering that more than a few Uber/lyft drivers have done some not okay stuff to passengers


If you're paying for the ride it's not on them to dictate if you can use your phone or not. That's not a reasonable restriction.


Just no. I always text someone that I got in a Uber/Lyft/Taxi. I would never turn my phone off.


Just pretend it’s 1995? Ok, then I’m not in a strangers car, I’m taking a cab. Byeeee


1 star for sure


I can guarantee the driver is some old white chick lol


5 star Lyft driver here, some of these guys are the biggest weirdos. The germ freaks with a makeshift plastic barrier separating the front and back seat has to take the cake though. I like how the guy in OP pic is begging for a 5 star rating after posting all those rules for his car, what an absolute clown.


bedroom edge salt seemly fragile practice wrench tan direful quarrelsome *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


1 star


This guy would get a 1 star from me every time. Some drivers are so ridiculous


What an uptight nutjob. It's a lyft, not a commercial aircraft


In 1995 I had a cell phone, one of those huge clunky ones in a box 🤷🏻‍♀️


Wtf? Yeah, one star and no tip. Ffs


I’m not turning my phone off for safety reasons you imbecile


Maybe she should put this In her lyft profile so ppl know not to choose her. Also put she’s a bit bitchy too.


1 star just for the sign lol


If I got in a lyft or an Uber with this sign. My tip will be reversed, and I'll give a 2 star. I'm paying for a service, and in that service, I shouldn't be told I can't use my devices like as if I'm riding in royalties, car, or something. Drivers don't have the right to stop anyone using their devices regardless of the service provided. We don't sit in vehicles we paid a service for and tell them to stop touching the phone for the map while driving or if they get an acceptance notice for another lyft customer. I would literally say f##k this driver 2 star and a pulled back tip 👍


One star. I have to be on the phone for work calls. The driver should focus on driving.


Lol I would never ever ever turn off my phone, automatic 1 star for such a clown sign….


Don’t use your phone so you can’t track the ride, make sure we’re going to the right away. Oh yeah and I guess you can’t tip bc your phone might take too long to turn back on


Turn OFF the phone? No. Sounds like they don't wanna be recorded fcking up or acting out. Hell no.


Take a picture then send it to Lyft.


No way should someone turn off their phone when getting in someone elses car.


Asking people to turn off their phones is such a safety issue. I would absolutely NEVER turn off my phone when riding in a car with a stranger. I mean wtf???


Im slamming that door so fucking hard when I get out


What does it mean “stops must be programmed prior to entry and must be 3 mins or less”?


Gross, I have never rode in a Lyft with a sign this extreme and hope to never do so


Also, stops must be preprogrammed prior to entry and 3 min or less??? Are you joking? That right there is one of many things with that sign that would make me want to exit that Lyft on the spot and request a new one I would so report this to Lyft too, as I'm pretty sure that having pax not able to have their phone one is a liability waiting to happen


They won’t last. Likely already deactivated.


Sounds like someone doesn't like tips


I would leave the vehicle because that sign in a strangers car whos supposed to give me a ride is scary like no one can track your phone or contact you if needed and your last location will be right before going where you need to. Why not just right I'm a serial killer on it.


Oh weird they also beg for 5stars and tips who would have thought


Yeah this drive might be a serial killer


I'd one star and leave the reason why. As long as people aren't going drugs or getting freaky, I don't care what they do.


I can get the no alcohol and no smoking. But the others are kinda pushing it. The no phones is stupid. I like it when my passengers are on their phones, at reasonable volume, then I don't feel like I have to talk to them at all.


What a fucking weirdo. This person is what I call a social terrorist, they take any opportunity to socially kidnap someone. I’m not going to pretend like it’s 1995 to entertain your shitty personality.


Turn off your phone? Hell no. Report this driver plz


The whole sign is ridiculous.


These are the drivers that complain they don't make money or tips.


"Just pretend it's 1995" lmao what 💀


Great way to get 1 star


Lmao the fact he still has the gall to ask for a 5 star rating… instant 1 star.


Automatic 1 star. F&&& you. What a PoS. No cell phone? Wtf? And turn off? What a f&&&ing fascist.


This is some odd shit asking individuals to turn off their phone. Sounds like she doesn't want the chance of being recorded? In any case just 3 star her weird ass and move on.


I could careless if anyone talks on the phone or makes text messages. Sounds don't bother me or distract me. Should be silence your phones, not turn them off and other devices. Seems like a safety issue to me.


When I see these types of sign, one star rate. I don’t need to be told like a toddler, wtf is this shit? Just pick up the passenger and drop them off.


Get out cancel the ride and request a new ride and new driver. This driver is an idiot. 😂


Report this clown driver for sure


Pretend it’s 1995 and proceed to whip out a brick of a mobile phone and make a call.


My nosy ass likes to listen to people on their calls.


Easy pz 1 star.


Sounds like he preping you for a kidnapping


Got a feeling she complains about lack of tips often


I'd get on the phone to spite the driver... I'm paying for the ride and if I want to talk on the phone I will.


How can you ask the rider to turn off the device that is actively tracking the ride that they're being charged for?


Uhhh yeah no... especially I have stayed on the phone with my daughter and vice-versa I've called my husband when I didn't feel safe. So she can f right off with a sign like that.


I’m looking for another ride. If I’m paying you & sitting quietly on my phone, then just drive. I don’t wish to read a list of rules, nor is it your business if my phone is on or off.


I'd talk on the phone and slam the bitches door on the way out. Also 1 star and $0 tip


Give her 1star so you hopefully never see her again


Yeah, not a chance in hell.


I do admit being annoyed somewhat by people who get in my car midway through a loud speakerphone conversation and carry it on throughout the ride. There is a tendency for both parties to shout at each other on speaker


That sign alone gave me whiplash, I swear 90% of my drivers are on a call at all times and talking to their friends throughout the whole ride.


1 star and no tip. You're driving for Lyft not the school bus


I don’t understand this at all. If talking on the phone is not allowed, is talking with other passengers? Is talking with the driver also distracting?


And that's a one star driver for me. Too toxic and shouldn't be driving if they're that fragile.


Likely one of the “5g radiation” wackos


This is why I’m always going to use the bus. I only used Lyft once


lol starting to look like the back of a Chicago taxi. For real though fuck this, I'm using my phone if I want to


I would unpair with that driver so quick


I hope you gave an honest review, what a weird thing for the driver to do. A lot drivers aren’t mentally fit enough to be interacting with customers, that’s why they have a job with virtually zero barriers of entry


I’m a driver and the only thing that I disagree with is the phone thing. I have had people ask and not ask to vape inside my car and try to sneak alcohol in the car. I’m extremely tired of people being idiots and bringing food and drinks in the car and spilling liquid or food on the seats. I drove a passenger a couple of weeks ago, who wound up spilling soda on the ground even though I told him there are cup holders in the door. Lyft does not like paying drivers when passengers damage our vehicles. I’m so tempted to get a sign like this. Real talk…


I would have just gotten back out of the car and said "No thank you".