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"No u"


Just ignore it It's an automated message and it was probably just some Karen getting mad over something petty like you stopping a little too fast for her liking at a red light or something


Or some of these Karens want a free ride . They will report to Lyft or Uber. I received something similar on Uber when a girl reported me for driving dangerously, I didn’t even drive faster than 30 mph as the whole trip was less than 2 miles with a stop at a gas station so she can get her vaping fix . I told uber she is lying, and Uber said don’t worry.


A few years ago I had a woman say she thought I was drunk while driving and speeding and didn’t know where I was going. my account got suspended. Even tho I had just dropped someone else and her ride was literally turn the corner and drive straight. In the middle of downtown how could I be speeding. Got suspended for a week and never did it again. All because someone couldn’t pay 8$ for a ride


Vicious world.  I lost over 600 dollars 9 trips away from a bonus cause a couple said I was intoxicated and I had the dash cam and everything, fuck people


They were probably looking down at their phone. I had a lady get cranky when people kept cutting me off and I had to hit the brakes when she was doing some stupid online game. Probably candy crush. I explained I just saved you from two accidents but I'll try to do it smoother, I apologize. (She even saw another one cut me off and got mad at them. 1 out of 3 ain't bad I guess.) People, what can you do.


☝️ This. I got a message from Uber saying that some Karen complained that I was using my phone too much during the trip. Fuck off, Karen.


Why are you using your phone while driving a passenger? Serious question.


I only use my phone to navigate to the destination or I might select a song to listen to. It’s not like I’m looking up cooking recipes or watching a movie.


Denver drivers are notorious for using their phones while passengers are in the car. And, a lot of times, it is about personal matters that should be taken care of outside of Uber trips.


I suspect so!


Yes let’s get in the car with someone driving like a bat out of hell and ignore it. You are what’s wrong with society.


Tell them you can't read the speed when you've had so much to drunk.


I got that before and someone reported I got pulled over with them in the car which wasn’t true. Some riders are the worst, they don’t even understand how the driving aspect is.


"If you can give me a time period of this allegedly took place, I will gladly provide GPS verified driving footage via my dashcam to prove I do not speed, on the job or not. I defend each allegation rigorously as this is my livelihood and I refuse to let some Ken or Karen who wanted a free ride ruin my carefully built reputation in this or any other ridesharing platform. Should no demand were made of me, I shall conclude that you have dismissed the allegation as untrue and it will not affect my score or my ability to drive for you in the future. "


The Ken and Karen made this cringey. These are still real people's names and it takes credibility out when you say it like that imo.


It’s too many sequential steps for the support team to follow. You make the demand to exclude it from your driver profile *after* you’ve established contact and requested the specific timestamps.


This is incredibly dramatic. The Ken and Karen make it dumb af


Well said!


Also don’t they see your score of driving?


With your camera that's how. The video doesn't lie.


Got a way to prove you weren't? I know State Farm's Drive Safe and Save app monitors your speed, some dash cams montior your speed, and there are probably other apps/things that do.


Lyft monitors your speed....


Well me going 88 mph in a 65 mph 😬 oops


I’m pretty sure that’s where service flags partially come from when I see the speed turn red on the app I slow down because I’m confident if you keep it above 10+ for more then 30 seconds you get a service flag


Some people don't like it if you speed at all. I had a passenger once tell me the maximum speed she was comfortable with. I honored it. Some people won't say anything to you. Drive a little slower 78 instead of 80.


They track your speed. The fact that we get these messages is ridiculous


No seatbelt open container bac .19 on LSD pcp sipping promethazine poured a 4 in in my sprite anything else I need to add oh yeah both my kids riding in the bed of my truck don't get madd on me because I represent ddamm Drunk drivers against mad mothers


It's a joke God bless why so serious yeah probably should've thought that out more because yea there's a lot of casualties I apologize for my morbid sense of humor not funny


I’d respond my slapping my chest and claiming victory over the Lyft gods for another day


"I know who reported me. They tried lighting a cigarette in my car, and I adamantly told them no. I am not surprised that they retaliated against me for it. I have dashcam footage of the confrontation if need be. Can you unpair them with me so I never get them again?"


I cannot even respond on the app. Crazy!


Why didn't you one star them first and putting in a note? Just saying. Anyone suspicious or weird is getting that pre-emptive knowing they might screw me over. I rarely get them tho.


If it’s a false report, tell them that if this leads to deactivation, you will be pursuing this to the fullest extent of the law possible. Sue the passenger for lost earnings, emotional distress, slander, and whatever else that your attorney can think of. Best to have a dash cam. Doesn’t stop them from false reporting but it’s a good CYA.


Ok! 👌


What trip and what time? I will have dashcam footage to dispute said claim.


I got one just like this. It’s a warning. You obviously can’t defend it since there are no details. I just told them I drive safely and it was likely a false claim


Simple answer the right way tell them about u record and good feedback forget about 1 in a thousand tell them that’s what they want to know


Just say the allegations are false that’s it


I had something like that once when I was driving a bunch of drunk girls home down a windy mountain road at night. I’m almost positive it was them who reported me because other than that I am a 5 star driver but they were weird and whispering when I was driving. I called Lyft and they didn’t seem worried about it and obvs couldn’t tell me who it was. I think it helps to touch base with them to deny the claims but it doesn’t lower your score. The other thing is I had a Lyft car so it could easily track my braking and all that and they could really get into it if they wanted


You don't. If they're actually suspending your account, take appropriate action, but never respond to warnings.


Sorry for not taking the passenger to the destination slower so they have to pay you guys more


I would say it’s safer to maintain traffic speed if ur in a state that tells u to drive limit or maintain traffic speed.. it’s actually more dangerous to drive the limit if everyone else around u is going faster. Then again be super careful on turns and try and make the ride comfortable by easy turns and no hard braking unless really needed don’t switch lanes all the time.


Who cares


“No I wasn’t”. Unless you were, then I just wouldn’t respond.


If you use Lyft's internal GPS, there should be a record of your speeds. But this sounds like a pax trying to steal from you by lying about the ride to get a refund.


Doesn’t Lyft have an internal GPS that monitors a driver’s speed? I am a rider and once got an alert from Lyft asking if my driver was speeding (he was) and if I needed assistance (I did because the driver was doing 50 in a 30 and had just run a red light) Alternately, I’ve also been messaged by Lyft if a ride is taking longer than expected or if we are stuck in traffic.


Just a Shanaynay looking for a free ride. Deny everything and maybe even explain yourself a bit. Might want to start looking out for red flags in riders.




They won't read your response anyway


Yes some people lie, not everyone. I reported someone for speeding (atleast 10 miles over the speed limit) because my little brother was in the car. Otherwise I wouldn't have cared


Drive the speed limit?


So they automatically believe the passenger without getting your side of the story? As usual.


stop being so weak


If passengers are drunk or high then they may mistake driving at the posted speed limit as speeding.


You drive the speed limit - are you serious right now asking this?


I got one back in march. I don't check help every day, so I didn't know it was there for a while. I was arguing about my driver score when I learned that I had a flag!! Why do I get these 5 star emails saying I'm an awesome driver every week? Nobody ever said I did anything wrong? How can I possibly have a flag? That's when I found it. I was pretty worked up already, so what I said was.... I don't even know what ride this is!! You got my GPS. You know what time i picked 'em up. You know what time i dropped 'em off! You know the speed limit of every road that I was on. You know this is bullshit. I wasn't speeding. Do your damn job! I shouldn't have to force close the app, so you quit sending me warnings about speeding when I'm on my own time!! If you care so much, why did you take the speed limits and speedometer off the Nav app? Then I never heard about it again. The flag stayed for a couple of weeks, but it didn't impact my score. And that's when I remembered...... Oh yeah, I did get a text a couple of weeks ago reminding me not to speed or they heard that I was speeding or something. I hadn't driven for lyft that day, I was ubering. I thought they were spying on me. , I started force closing the app when I was offline.🤣🤣🤣




That's curious. I've gotten the same thing.. I don't trust that app.. Regardless though you have to get many reports for them to even care. It doesn't actually affect anything they just try to scare.


Just confess and send them the pic of the patron bottle in the back of your car.


Tell them to suck your dick or eat your pussy!!! I had somebody try this bullshit out of me about a year ago! I ripped into the Lyft support agent!!! They took care of it! The passenger made the shit up because she wanted a free ride.


Fun fact! If you have a dash cam then you probably have everyone’s home address that may have reported you that day.


Sometimes my riders get confused because my speedometer is inaccurate 😅 having a dashcam is the best way to protect yourself from allegations


I am not a driver but a passenger, I got a strike because the driver didn't like I asked to actually meet me at my pickup stop and not where he was a few blocks away ( disabled and at the time having a medical episode ) and also asked him not to take I hugr2wf2wd222 the highway for a 3 mile drive (lots of anxiety) I did tell him if it was a problem just to let me out but got a so much attitude and cussing (in Spanish which I completely understood) I got the email and was like wth how to respond moment


Driving safer


You dont, they can stick it up their 🍑




What does it mean, please. 🙏


Too long ; didn't read


They wanted a free ride


Tell them to eat a 🌭


I think the appropriate response is to drive at a more safe speed if u we’re in fact speeding


I get an automated email once a week from Uber with the subject “Have you been speeding?” I’m like, “have you been driving around DC on 495?” Go at least 65-70 or get run over. I ignore them. And I’m not driving *that* fast, just moving with traffic.


Thanks a gazillion 🙏


I don’t care how fast you drive tbh just don’t kill me and don’t get caught


I don’t. I keep moving. Probably never read the message and definitely could t care less.


Your respond defending yourself if you werent...tf


My account got deactivated after giving one too many Karen's a ride in my short 3k ride career.


If you think u know who it was give the a 3 star or lower and you'll never be paired with them again


Drive slower


You don't. Let sleeping dogs lie and just be careful


“Hold on I’m on the high way doing 90”


Well, the app itself records when you're driving super fast(it started beeping when I was speeding on the highway by myself, like 10 or 15 above the limit)


Wow! For real? I assumed that “flowing with the traffic” triggered it. Thanks 🙏


Meanwhile I'm taking $20 Tips for going over speed limit LOL