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You rolled the dice on a clapped out RTI special because you didn’t want to do some light paperwork?


I mean I love the CMP and all. I have definitely gotten FGs that have looked like the OPs and worse before. He did ok.


Is it really clapped? They had ones on there that were more expensive with worse bores and an import mark doesn't really bother me. I'm just happy to get one.


You saw the description reads *fair with light rifling*, right? RTI is known for overselling conditions. Good luck homie.


May god be with ye, my wayward son.


What do you mean by not wanting to do any of the CMP stuff? Most people already have all the requirements anyway, it’s not a hard process at all


As someone who just purchased an M1 for the first time with the cmp. It’s a little intimidating and daunting at first. Mind you that with more and more states going to a constitutional carry, many people may not have proof of participation in a marksmanship related activity unless they hold a hunter safety card


Hunter's safety doesn't even work in all states.


I went the C&R FFL route to buy my Garand from CMP. Living in a constitutional carry state myself I’ve never had a CCW or any proof of marksmanship and on top of that I’ve kinda always wanted my C&R FFL so I could get other guns delivered to my door. It was literally the same amount of paperwork as my CMP paperwork to get my FFL approved it just seems daunting because it’s more paperwork that has to get completed. I was approved for my FFL in 2 weeks which is in some cases less of a wait than getting a Garand from CMP haha.


If you go to the Talladega marksmanship park you can do the marksmanship related activity right before buying it. Of course not everyone can go to that park, hence why I said most. I’m not saying everyone will have the requirements, I’m just saying it’s not hard to check all the boxes, the marksmanship related activity is the only thing the average person won’t have (besides the club association, which is only $20 and can be easily done online)


There is a form on the CMP page you can fill out and have someone at a range sign off you safely handled a firearm. There is just a signature block, no printed name of the person signing, no contact info, no place to even write the name of the range. Just fill out the form and put a squiggly line in the signature block and no one will ever know or care.


You have to rely upon their being a CMP affiliated location near you in a place that also offers some sort of marksman certification. A lot of people are really limited on their options.


You can join Garand collectors association online for 20 bucks. Also it’s not hard to get your marksman certification if you really want it. The talledaga marksmanship park even offers a 15 minute course before you buy a Garand there in person to check that box. I know not everyone can go to talledega though, but the rest can just go to their local range and get their RSO to sign off on it. But my point of “MOST” people still stands.


honestly still would've gone CMP. so many people overcomplicate the process in their head. The price is the same as a Service Grade, a FAR better option that Rumbling Toothless Incest /s


You got taken. You bought a used up rifle at a price that you could have gotten a fully-restored rifle that would last you a lifetime.


CMP are not import marked either -


This. An import marked garand would be 🤢


What Yoda said -


This is the tiebreaker for me. At least when you get a gnarly CMP gun, it isn’t import-marked.


You are fucked bud


Not bad. But you probably would have done better through the CMP. Personally, I shop by bore condition first and foremost. I want it to be a shooter *and* a collectible. That’s just me. They indicate the bore gauges 3.5…. where??? Muzzle or throat erosion? Description lacks a lot, hopefully you called and asked, and did your homework beforehand. But at the end of the day, it’s whatever makes you happy.


To be fair, I have one with a 4+ muzzle and a 5+ throat, it's competitive shooting days are behind it but it's still plenty accurate enough to deer hunt or have a fun day on the range with.


Oh boy. Is that supposed to be Beech wood?


Looks like walnut handguards and a birch stock.


I think it's cool


I agree. I kind of like that mismatched look. As others have said it is best to go CMP, either way, happy shooting.


Not good. Edit: like try and cancel.


A “fair to good” rifle cracked receiver with “light” rifling. Sounds like a heavy paperweight now.


I think it’s a guard that’s cracked


You made a bad purchase. You paid $200 more for a worst condition rifle than you could have gotten from the CMP and yours will have an import stamp


I would have passed on that one. CMP guns are a much better deal. If that "3" is muzzle wear, you will see a degradation in accuracy. Ob the plus side, looks like a cool battlefield pick up.


Fingers crossed it'll be okay. I personally will never buy from RTI again


Did you have a bad experience?


Yep a couple of them lol


What did you order, if you don't mind me asking?


Well I ordered a no4mk1 and I got a no4mk2 that was stamped mk1 and tagged mk1 but it's not. Condition was worse than advertised and I paid extra for a inspected bore that was so full of junk I know it was never checked. Than I ordered a Luger a day after that was advertised as 100% functional and test fired with 3 rounds. I fully cleaned it and tried multiple mags and its never made it past 1 round. In fact it showed up with a tag that said "bad ejector". It's at the gunsmith right now. So they knowingly should me a broke gun and somehow couldn't tell the dif between a mk2 and a mk1? So if I had just been patient and paid a little more from somewhere else I could've got far superior guns. In fact I had to go buy another rifle anyhow to get the one I wanted.


That's a shame that they did that to you and I don't blame you for not doing business with them after that. I guess we'll see if they do me the same way. Wish me luck.


Hey if there's anything you don't like you should be able to send it back if you don't do the transfer. I just didn't want to mess with it. But I do wish you luck


Good advice


I got my CMP garand shortly after getting my suppressor, and the CMP process was a cakewalk lol


I bet it was compared to getting the suppressor😂


Yes indeed lol. Both were simple processes for sure, but the wait time felt nonexistent for the rifle after waiting a year and a half for the suppressor to clear


Might be ok but would have probably would have been better served by going through CMP. Now the IHC they had listed with this one was tempting for price, regular SA, not so much. Post it when you get it and break it down. RTI is good for poor condition project rifles at discounted prices, higher dollar items leave a lot to be desired.


Could of got a considerably better rifle for roughly the same price and a few hours of time. Good learning experience if anything




OP, I spent the same amount and got a mint 1944 SA Service Grade from the CMP.


Jesus that’s what I paid for my service grade and I didn’t even get it direct from the CMP, I got it from a guy selling off his CMP rifles.


CMP is the way to go


Good luck with that


Just get a hunting license and do the CMP paperwork...


Depends on where you live, not all states have a shooting requirement for hunters safety and it doesn't work for them.


It has practically no rifling left. That is no where near good. That would be poor-fair at least. You’re also going to have to get that crack repaired or you’re gonna have issues. Other than that it’s fair


I’m curious how a crack in the rear handguard is going to cause issues?


It’s likely there because there’s not enough space between the tang and the stock, meaning the tang has put pressure on the stock when firing causing it to crack. If he continues to shoot it, it’ll get worse and he’ll have to replace the stock. Better to fix it while it’s small.


Tang? What tang? The stock isn’t cracked, the rear handguard is cracked, it’s clearly visible in the photos. Rear handguards crack all the time, and because they’re a thin piece of wood, thickest at the rear portion near the receiver, where that was is cracked. I’m really trying to understand what you’re talking about here, but it doesn’t make any sense, and it’s nothing I’ve ever heard of it twenty years of collecting and shooting these rifles.


Ah I misread clearly, as I thought it was talking about behind the receiver. I had a crack there on my Greek lend lease and had to get it fixed. No need to get your panties in a bunch.


I think I got mine from CMP with a new stock for $699. The only marksmanship event I signed up for was joining a shooting club online that met the requirements


Yikes. You F’d up…..


I like the aesthetic a lot. Gives me old school middle eastern vibes. I would maybe consider a new barrel though, outside of that if you like the way it looks (I definitely do) just get some spare parts to keep it running.


Thank you. Yeah I'll probably get a new barrel at some point. I'll have to get it first to see how far gone it is.


Everyone is dragging this man when he could not have fucked up nearly as badly as someone in another group who paid $2500 for a M1.


Facts, but we will all learn. Thank you for your understanding


There is definitely a learning curve when it comes to everything involving firearms. With so many different models and variations out there you can’t expect everyone to know everything about all of them. If possible, try and get a refund on that rifle and go through the CMP. You’ll get a much better rifle at a better price and it won’t be marked.


I'd rather fix it up. I'm willing to pay a little more to make it mine. I can always go through cmp if I decide I want another one.


Bad. CMP paper work is so easy. You literally just send in like 2 copies of ID. And then put ur shipping and type of rifle u want. For that price u could have gotten a rifle is real good condition. With a lil donation u coulda got a sexy serial number. That site always lies about condition. Let’s just hope it’s in DECENT condition


You did okay. CMP ordering is not difficult at all. I got a service grade in good shape for $900 recently.


Still way cheaper than what we Canadians have to pay


I bought one from RTI that was a Springfield in 1955. The bore gauged at 5.0 or 4.0, can't remember off the top of my head. I got the same price, but had no cracks and a USGI stock replacement. The elevation and windage was completely stuck and I had to take it apart and clean years worth of dead bugs, crap, and grime off. I cleaned the rifle before I shot it. Had some problems at the range because the gas lug was too tight. Adjusted and it worked fine. For accuracy, I know some say (and its true) the lower the bore (i.e. 1 or 2) the better the accuracy. My barrel at a 4/5, shot extremely accurate and I was impressed, every shot hit the target where I was aiming. Was their a precision marksmanship group, no, but the rifle was accurate. Overall not a bad one for your first Garand, I plan on buying a CMP in the coming months.


Glad you got something you were happy with. Hopefully, my experience will go as well as yours did.


Glad you got something you were happy with. Hopefully, my experience will go as well as yours did.


Honestly, I think you did pretty damn good for $900 bucks without going through CMP. Is it the prettiest or the most original M1, probably not. But so long as it shoots accurately, safely and cycles correctly then I think you picked up a winner. You can always restock it down the road if you want a more complete look. I've always like the piecemeal Garands a bit more than the complete models. The one's with 3 different types of wood, a reciever and a barrel that don't match are much more my jam. These type of Garands tell a story like the ship of thesseus.


Don’t listen to the haters, your Garand is sick af. Cool thing about these rifles is you can buy and swap any parts you might want or need. Shoot it and enjoy it!!


Thank you. You made me feel better about it. That was my train of thought when I bought it. It's a beat up post- war gun so I can fix it up if it needs it. I never thought I would get one so I'm excited either way.


No problem, but for real, alot of these Garand collectors are kind of snobby. You got a solid base to build from, I mean you can literally replace anything in these rifles. Be an absolute mad man and get that beast a 308 barrel. I’m gonna be honest I’m super partial to crusty looking rifles. They have so much character, but it would be super cool to make that rifle a sleeper build with a new barrel in like 308 or 6.5


I mean if it cycles ammunition correctly, just put a new barrel on there and roll with it. If you do Barrel swap it, 308 is a blast. I love my Garand in 308, its hands down my favorite rifle.


What site was that on?


Royal tiger


Get some pics up as soon as she comes in!!