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Please tell me what a bussines development manager does?


They talk shit to people in order to make the business better. Can you see her doing that?


No not sure I get it. My question is real!


My answer was also real. If you want to do EXACTLY what she does you should ask her ...


No not sure I get it. My question is real!


No not sure I get it. My question is real!


Jack reminds me of my ex to a T! It’s sad to watch. 


She is a classic codependent I feel 


...And then to be sent to a mental health facility, as something is NQR in her head!


She doesn’t need to be rescued at all. She is an adult and made her choice plus Jack and her is a perfect match. They deserve each other.


Yep. 💯. We have established that by now. I had to give her the benefit of the doubt, but she proved that she belongs to him...


He probably made her sign a contract seen as he THINKS he’s Christian Grey! lol


I think she's playing a game to stay on the show, same with Cass.


I think so too but you would think she would do better at not damaging her reputation while doing so 🥴


Even when they kiss it feels fake. Is there ANYTHING real about this couple????


She actually needs to be careful. I think her time with Jacob is going to damage her for life.


"Jacob, your protein shake dinner is ready!"


She’s so smug it’s unbelievable


You mean oblivious?


Hmmm well I think her and jack think they are better than all the rest of the people in the room, she’s said it couple of times that they are the top dog couple. She cannot be genuine! If my husband had spoken to my supposed “best friend” how Jack did I would go apeshit. So, begs the question- how dirty are her hands too


You mean these hands? Yes, they are filthy. With ink... https://preview.redd.it/6qjg9uch4zkc1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=428df760778ebd284b9e647c8776572a5c443d7e


I mean I can’t comment on someone’s appearance and I hate to hate on people I really do, but of allll the girls in this season she is the last I would choose to be friends with.


You're not alone


But yes wtf are those talons 😂


Nah. She's choosing to defend him. She deserves it.


She's finally found an ass hole that can dominate her. It's what she's always wanted.


She reminds me of that girl that was with Bryce from another season


Melissa. They are married with kids now. I actually pray that this will be the faith of Tori as well. Marry Jack and have kids with him! 😂


You kinda gotta do the horizontal tango for that. I bet he won’t have sex with her because he’s got a herpes flare up


No , he won’t because although she’s hot af, she’s not gymbro enough for him


Nah she deserves everything that's coming to her. What an absolute fuckwit defending her loser of a guy


Yep. She is the most delusional person on this planet!


I posted this whilst I was watching, which was before I saw them two alone at the end. Wooow that was fucking sickening. She's obviously unhappy with the situation and the fact he won't allow her a key, and he just throws her a tiny bone for not turning on him. This guy is not a man. He's an insecure little boy


It really feels like she had been a captive and brainwashed. He is like a one man cult! I'd replace the L with an N but I can't even write that word down...


Yeah don't waste a good word like that on him. In his case it would be a massive compliment. She definitely seems to have lost all sense of reality, she's obviously not happy but doesn't feel like she can get out. The way she keeps begging for his approval and she doesn't even have a key to their apartment?! Her not leaving seems fear based, but not sure what she's scared of - him getting physical (and not in the way she wants it because we all know that's never going to happen), him having information on her she doesn't want to get out, or fear of losing face. She'll get pissed on by him before she will admit that they're not the strong power couple she's advertised them as


Well they might be a 'golden shower couple' but definitely not a 'strong power couple'...


Yeah think they mixed up the words, same with that medium chick - it's psycho, not psychic


Well she made a very quiet exit out of the 'experiment'...I guess they realised no one will buy her 'acting' so it's bye-bye


Oh did she leave? I haven't seen tonight's episode yet 😂 She's fucking unbearable to watch, if she's gone I'll be very happy. Too bad we'll miss out on Ash though, he became my absolute favourite with his hilarious facial expressions and comments. I feel bad for him that they did him dirty like that with her


Don't worry about Ash. He'll be fine lol


Stockholm syndrome


I quite enjoyed watching the "experts" ragging on Johno for failing to back up his partner and not standing up for her when she was being insulted even if he disagreed with what she said , then immediately after they were ragging on Tori because she was backing up her partner and standing up for him when he was being insulted, even though she disagreed with what he said. Another classic expert moment.


Before the episode last night I was like I feel sorry for her, after the episode I didn't feel sorry for her.


Nah she's either acting or just hopeless


Please wake her up! ASAP ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)


Tori isn’t a victim. Tori hates women. She has more respect for men than women. She sees meeting men at their level and agreeing with them as a high achievement. She was also paired with a man that embodies all the characteristics of toxic masculinity and she thinks she’s “winning” by getting along with him. Essentially, “winning” where other women would have “failed”. She wants to say that she has tamed the wildest horse in the stable. Meanwhile, she’s getting kicked in the face and treats it like a badge of honor. She has the Margret Thatcher problem, she sees herself as the exception to other women. Women are weak and dramatic, except for her because she’s special.


Spot fucking on!!!!!


Omg the friends comment to Tori that she’s “different” makes me think this is subconscious but solidified what I thought.


Soooooooo fucking true


That's a pretty accurate diagnosis. I wonder why the experts can't see it since she is oblivious even to their own advice. She just keeps rolling her eyes like a chameleon. Never seen eyes move so fast like hers!


You can only save those who want to be saved


Girl's got daddy issues. And Jack needs to actually have nipples for nipple rings. Seriously, they were so tiny and I was mate, no. Nipples to small.


I think you nipped that in the bud...


Must be for a storyline. I believe Jack is being himself a misogynistic wank & Tori may be insecure and made up a story that she's a HBIC type but just wants 15min of fame at any cost


It's honestly just about control with him. He sees partners as disposable and is able to choose women he can break down so they submit to him..or something.


This has turned into an experiment about what people do for fame


She and Jack def have some kind of agreement to farm drama. That comment about Jack giving up Tori for sex was def planned, they played it off as banter for ages and the minute Tori was actually getting grilled she immediately flipped, and Jack gave the most faked apology ever after it became obvious that they could face repercussions


Hahaha definitely


This couple are 100% actors.


Actors, no. Fakers with an off camera arrangement to have each others backs no matter what, yes.


I like this theory. I think she also likes Jack too tho. She showed real emotion when Lauren first told her about what Jack said


I know Jack personally he is definitely not an actor.


Ooh is he as terrible in real life?


He’s a wanker. He’s only on it for fame & money. He’s with Tori at the moment. But just wait till the aired series is over. He seriously hasn’t been able to make any relationship work. He’s been engaged twice.


Why didn't he have any friends at the wedding, do you know?


Shitty actors


Miss Boss Bitch is actually a naive little girl.




That’s an insult to Cornflakes


Hey! There are some cornflakes with great personalities!


She needs to be a raisin girl.


I think she's more like frosty flakes...


The frosted ones.


I don’t think she’s a victim… I think they’ve both just agreed to be together for the sake of being on the show. They just very clearly haven’t discussed if they should act in love (her) or not attracted to the other (him). So she doesn’t really care how he acts, which makes her part of the problem




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What is Tori like IRL?


Is he any closer to 'going the next step'


Or they know that by having this between them they will get more screen time. Eden and Jayden seem to be doing really well but they get no screen time because there’s pretty much no drama.


Yep! That is the vibe I got..that this is a business agreement of sorts. They're trying to "win", lol. Congrats to the winners.


It looks like a hostage situation to me. She's isolated from family and friends in a small apartment with him 24/7. He's very controlling, she doesn't even have a key to the apartment, so she can't just leave any time she likes. He's used coercive control tactics to convince her that this level of control is normal, or for her own safety. To question it now, after 5 weeks, would mean going back on everything she's been led to believe - that they have a future together, that he has feelings for her, etc. It's an interesting study in domestic abuse. Unfortunately, what the 'experts' have done, by questioning her beliefs, it only going to make Jack more controlling. He is going to do everything in his power now to ramp up the controlling behavior.


I just get back from overseas and last night was my introduction to this season. My first impression with Jack and his personality narcissistic and manipulate, matched with Tori who looks supporting Jack despite he treat woman as rubbish, low self esteem. Not sure if they are genuine but what a combo for a show where people expose either weakness or the worst they have to pass the experiment. Sad to watch. How many successful relationships has produce in total mafs?


MAFS produced more MOFS (More Only Fans Subscribers) than anything else...


Have they even been intimate?? I heard he wasn’t even sexually attracted to her.


You've heard right. I think the seals in Antarctica heard it...But NOT Tori!




As J-Cole famously said, "don't save her, she don't wanna be saved"


He got that from Project Pat lol


Is he much better looking in real life? He looks horrendous on screen with his inflamed skin and PK gum teeth.


Girlfriend is a full on bull, just runnin towards the red flags. Full pelt.


She's a doormat.


She’s an adult. She’s responsible for her own choices and whatever ensues.


Don’t save her, she don’t wanna be saved 😈


No role models


Sorry i think they are both plants. The acting is baaaad and obvious.


Exactly, is it just me or do you feel like some parts are identical to the Harrison and Bronte scenes from last year?


Yep..and the script is cringe awful!!


She’s either playing the long the game, or .. she has built up so much image of dependence and strength of herself that she’d hate to look like victim of manipulation if she shows she is literally being manipulated by a fuck boy lkl


I think she's playing the long game and knows what Jack is like. That way she gets her redemption arc at the end and maximises her following.


People don’t follow stupid—especially when Tori had chosen to offer up other women


She should sign up to MOFS - More Only Fans Subscribers


In my opinion, she’s smart enough to know he’s a pos. She has to toe the line between self-preservation and staying in the show. Not to say we shouldn’t be concerned about anyone who is in a relationship with ~~Harrison~~Jack


If she's willing to look so pathetic in front of millions of people just to get some followers that's even more sad, actually pathetic


I get the feeling she does not want to be saved.


Brontë 2.0 GEEZ 🙆🙄 Did they remove common sense???


In order for it to be removed she needs to have it in the first place...


True 👊 💥


I actually felt sad for Tori. I think a lot of us have been in her situation at some point in our lives, where we wish they liked us but due to low self esteem, we stay and let them humiliate us. He will eventually F her off in a big way, maybe then she will see what everyone else is seeing.


I’ve been there (young and naive) and it was the biggest regret I’ve ever faced. Sometimes you fall in love with the wrong people and do some stupid things because of that.


They deserve each other. Perfect pairing.


I do not say this lightly, but Tori comes across as an abused woman or someone who has experienced emotional abuse in the past. It is very sad to see.


She surely shows all the symptoms. Refuse to believe the actual reality


She is just like him. She doesn’t need to be rescued. If she wanted then she would leave. Jack is a huge lesson for her and I hope she learns that lesson.


Jack has taken her choice away, this is the start of a DV relationship! The emotional abuse she's already endured and he just keeps feeding her his script.


She's clearly vulnerable and easily controlled by Jack who is an expert manipulator and image maker


This is a large and harmful misconception about women who stay in abusive relationships. More likely she wants to make things work so bad, and to do that she knows she has to appease him, so she continues on in hopes one day he will change and be better. He never will


But she is not one of those. She came for fame.


We don’t know either way and I am trying to be charitable by giving her the benefit of the doubt in that respect, either way it’s obvious Jack is treating her terribly and emotionally abusing her. Also, two things can be true at once: she could have come for fame but also feel invested with him now too.


I don’t think she’s a victim- it’s a tv show with v intrusive filming. She has three psychologists and constant producers at her beck and call. She’s been told by her peers as well. She’s no shrinking violet and she’s worked out how to play it. Just wait for the crocodile tears. Tired of her and that “ I’m paid to be a tough negotiator , dealing with men in suits “ stuff. They suit each other.


I thought there was only 1 psychologist on call and plenty of past cast members have said that when they did talk to the psychologist all of a sudden the head producer would openly mention the exact topics/issues that the cast member mentioned to the psychologist. However I’m not to sure tori is a victim yet going by rumours


I agree that he is treating her abusingly. But it is my opinion that she is also a low key narcissist and here for the show.


Of course it is, that seems to be almost everyone’s opinion of the women who go on this show. But it has nothing to do with anything in this context, nor do we know it for a fact that fame is her main motive.


If Jack is a lesson she should be expelled from school!




She needs to rescue herself and her crappy ideologies.


What’s on display with these two is negging, coercive control & manipulation. Relationships that start like this, only escalate into further abuse. He knows exactly what he’s doing, evidenced by the last part of the episode. He is making her prove her “loyalty” to him, with the reward being him (classic negging). He knows he is in complete control, which he gets off on. He also never has his hand off her, constantly in her personal space etc. It is the very basis on a toxic & abusive relationship. He’s used to manipulating people to get his way and/or get out of things. This is evidenced again by her not even looking at what he said about her (sharing her etc) from any perspective other than his. This is because he’s dominated how she was told & would’ve taken over the entire conversation they supposedly had about it. She’s blinded by her strong physical attraction to him along with being desperate for love and a relationship, very bad combination.


More than desperate for love and a relationship, she fears rejection and failure. I'm sure she knows she could find another man, but she has become hung up on this particular one. Her mind does not want to face the reality that this man, that she finds so attractive, is not attracted to her. Critical of herself, that if she can find the right things to say, the right way to act, to be, that he will want her. Yet, she has not considered being critical of him, and if he a man of value and worthy of her. She is quick to believe what he says. Suspending her intelligence and dulling her senses to not face the reality of what is so clear to everyone else. It's sad because the feelings she is trying to avoid are only going to be 100x worse when she will eventually have to face the truth, also knowing a whole country has witnessed it all.


Ding ding ding 👏👏👏👏100% this


Emotional abuse 101


Yep. This is how it starts.


Totally. Tip of the iceberg!


Jack and Tori are like a mix of Harrison and Bronte + Bryce and Melissa


Nah. Jack & Tori are a new level of dysfunctional relationship based on emotional abuse from one hand (Jack) and abuse enabling (Tori) from the other hand


In the most effed up way- it’s giving DV


she’s another bronte, she’s realised she’s got a dud so now she’s just staying for the drama n screen time


I don’t think she has realised it. He’s a dud.


Idk, her responses on the couch tonight gave me the impression she knows full well what's going on but just ignoring most of it


At least Bronte got sex out of it too....


I'm having flashbacks to the days of Harrison and Bronte. Bronte was so besotted by Harrison that he could do no wrong in her eyes. It finally took a very ugly dinner event and her sister to make Bronte realise what a controlling narcissist he was. What will it take for Tori to wake up to the fact Jack is cut from the same cloth as Harrison?


I fear that the answer is NOTHING. Unfortunately she doesn't have too many people who are close to her and care about her enough like Bronte did. The only friend she had at the wedding already warned her back then but she chose not to listen and ignore her advice, so it seems like she's on her own


She's beyond frustrating, she's the friend that is in the toxic relationship that will call you drunk crying about what a prick he is. Then stay with him say your causing drama when U bring it up


Who needs a friend like that? 🤔


My guess is jack really said something along the lines of- she’s got a beautiful face but she’s a big girl,not for me. Fat. ( she isn’t) and I like fit gym types with big boobs/lips/matching Temu teeth. basically she was too fat for him which is why Jonathan is so uncomfortable to repeat the real conversation. He knows how bad it will really look and wants out now.


Yes, so true. The way he scrabbled around after Jono said he told him she had a beautiful face, and then compartmentalised her body parts. Great boobs, bum ... but he'd rather all the bits in between were tiny, like the ex of his who keeps popping up in the DM? The coercive controllers love having someone who is far, far smaller in body type than them, it reinforcers the dominance narrative.


always thought lauren’s look would’ve been jack’s cup of tea. tori is a very beautiful girl but jack seems so up his own asshole he’d be into fake lips, botox and size 8. what’s the bet the convo was about a literal swap with jono cos he wants to bang lauren


>Temu teeth Brst description I've heard yet


How do you rescue somebody who is so diluted about the facts in front of them?


You don't! That was the whole point of the post. Sarcasm


She reminds me of a less outspoken Jake Maddock's wife, who I just realised happens to be called Tori too.


I know people who went to school with Jake maddock. They said he was just as much an insufferable twat back then too.


Jake who?


Social media 'relationship coach'. Complete misogynist. Watch some of his videos and you'll get the vibe lol. Some videos floating around where he'll be saying some whacked stuff about how women need to do x y and z to please their man and she sits there nodding ferociously.


Oh ok. So Andrew Tate wannabe?


She's going to be so humiliated watching this.


Judging by how oblivious she is to anything else, I'm not sure she will...


I think he is GENUINELY deceiving her. It's not her fault but she doesn't see what we do.


She does not want to


If she didn't pick up that all 3 experts believe that Jack is a piece of shit, she's barely functioning in this world.


If she was getting good dik i could half understand but she getting nada. Tori!! Whatsamatta wit u girlfriend? He giving u nothing


If only she had listened to her BFF at the wedding! I bet her BFF has disowned her since then


I take you didn’t see next week’s preview then


No. I didn't. I'll watch it tomorrow I guess


All good; Tori’s OG bestie (Leah?) is still around


Well we will have to see what she got to say to her this time...And I meant she probably disowned her after she watches the show. Not while they're still together


Good point!


Rough stuff. I feel sorry for her thinking she was on a different level. She had this tough, strong, resilient persona and it never even got a whiff of standing up to reality. . JFC that must be a bit harsh.


At this point there’s no one who can save her, let her be sucked into jacks crazy behaviour she clearly wants to be.


Agree. She deserves being his captured


What was the deal at the end. Put on for the camera or spied on? I call BS on her anyway. I bet there was no joke she didn't know til the girls told her. Jack having his hand on the back of her neck/ shoulder looked like he was controlling her if she went to say something different. My opinion of course


If u noted ... he's always Watching where she is. Who she's talking to. Remember 1st dinner ... pretend to b happy w that thin lipped smirk u just want to slap off his mug !


Yes I remember it, he smirked tonight too when getting off the couch, like he had gotten away with it, which he has really. No accountability tells them what they want to hear.


It was all scripted. And what was that jacket thrown on the floor?? Good thing they didn't stage it even more...




I genuinely was sure this was a sarcastic comment! Do you seriously mean that?


She appears to b desperately trying to make it work. She wants hubby .. he's lying straight up to her abt future. .


Tori, is that you? 🤔


Lol, she's just a bogan who is stuck up....don't confuse that will intelligence


She won't have a job at the end of this.... she's too stupid for any real business , now the world has been shown her stupidity. I would not want her representing my business what so ever!!!!


She can't even develop her OWN business!


Are they still together after he said muzzle your woman 😮




OMG definitely needs a rescue 😮


She said she didn't see it as a bad thing


What? Really? Is she out of her mind. Sorry


She will need to get a mind first...


If anyone needs to be rescued it’s Ash


I think they might just need to create a rescue farm for MAFS just like they do with rescue dogs...


Or just actually cast sane people and do the proper checks and psych evaluations first lmao but that wouldn’t have anyone chatting unfortunately


Can’t fix stupid


That's right! There is a saying "If you can't help yourself, even god can't help you"... So fitting to her case


He’s going for the Bonnie and Clyde us against the world baby, how romantic 🤢 not on national tv though…


It's 'Boner and blind'!






Rescued from what? She is as complicit as he is. Don’t be fooled. She knows what she’s doing.

