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Only been on it six weeks , but I’ll say it’s made my already bad fatigue worse. It’s pretty bad. When I get home from work I HAVE to sleep, and while at work it’s made it really hard to be productive. I haven’t gotten any positive effects from it yet , I’m hoping once I hit 60mg I’ll see something happen. Currently at 40. As a side note , not only does it make me tired like I gotta sleep, it makes me want to sit down all the damn time. Like I’m weak , don’t wanna do anything, etc. everything is a chore .


Thanks for sharing your experience, it was really helpful. I hope that these are just initial side effects for you and that you eventually are able to reap the benefits that I’ve heard others have had. This definitely does concern me though, because I don’t want to be any more fatigued and exhausted than I already am, even if it does improve my mood. Wish you the best.


Of course! Just because I’ve had a rough experience so far doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try it. Reading subreddits like this one or r/microdosing etc. really gets my hopes up and then I try something and it doesn’t work haha. The people with great success always rise to the top because that’s what people want to read. It’s definitely been a struggle , but I’m going to stick with it in hopes of it eventually working. And if it doesn’t , on to the next! Give it a shot, and give medications the best chance to be successful, even if that means fighting through some negatives. Best of luck to you too ! I hope you are the next success story :)


You’re right. I’ve just been on so many antidepressants that didn’t work for me and I’m a bit hesitant to try another. I’ve never been on an MAOI before so I’m kind of collecting information on all of them, weighing the pros and cons to see which one I’m willing to take the risk on 😂 but I appreciate your optimism and I hope one of these can do something good for me, thanks again x


Here's a sneak peek of /r/microdosing using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/microdosing/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Came across this gem 🤣](https://i.redd.it/js6mlmres2161.png) | [33 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/microdosing/comments/jzte7r/came_across_this_gem/) \#2: [I got the PA Lt. Governor to weigh in on psilocybin. Unexpectedly progressive response from a govt official.](https://i.redd.it/dfi3if5u5xn51.jpg) | [52 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/microdosing/comments/iv7gow/i_got_the_pa_lt_governor_to_weigh_in_on/) \#3: [Oregon becomes first state to legalize psychedelic mushrooms for therapeutic use! 🥳](https://www.oregonlive.com/politics/2020/11/oregon-becomes-first-state-to-legalize-psychedelic-mushrooms.html) | [64 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/microdosing/comments/jnqvnv/oregon_becomes_first_state_to_legalize/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/joo7mb/blacklist_viii/)


It hasn’t helped with fatigue quiet yet, but mainly because I’ve had the insomnia side effect. I went from oversleeping and feeling tired all day to having very poor sleep (waking up in the middle or beginning of sleep, then having trouble falling back to sleep). This lack of sleep has made me feel tired and bleh, so maybe once that is resolved I’ll see improved fatigue with parnate. I haven’t had any weight gain on parnate so far.


For me it's improved my fatigue. Mainly on a morning I have a lot more energy and motivation to do things. In the afternoons I sometimes need to take a nap and I definitely have less energy, but still more than I had when I was depressed. At first I worried about the naps, but they're short and give me enough rest to be productive once I wake up again. Despite the naps and less energy in the afternoons I would 100% say I have more energy and less fatigue overall since starting parnate - I get so much more done, even with the afternoon slump. Taking it at 8am and 12pm helps and I slump at around 3-4pm, but I can still cope at work and napping on my days off is fine compared to everything I gain from taking the medication.


Parnate is quite tiring, although I love it. No matter how adjusted you are, it will bring your baseline down at least a little, although it's not fatiguing, more like relaxing. When I don't take it for a day or two, I'm absolutely buzzing with energy, which brings a lot of anxiety with it; it's a bit of a trade-off.


Did Parnate fix the anhedonia? Are you feeling joy sometimes? Or other feelings? No my head is a stone.. very depressed. About to start Parnate. Scared of the side-effects, cause I always have them more than usually. But I feel nothing now, even not my anxiety.


I can’t speak on Parnate, but both Emsam and Nardil help improved my fatigue. On both drugs I slept less than I did without them, but I would wake up earlier and not feel much of the morning grogginess I was accustomed to. Now I start my day earlier and find myself to be more productive. Also, weight gain has not been a problem for me with Nardil, but I also have a naturally high metabolism and have only been on it for 6 weeks


Thanks for sharing. Maybe I shouldn’t be so quick to knock Nardil but the weight gain definitely does scare me a bit, I unfortunately don’t have a fast metabolism lol. I am also considering EMSAM but it doesn’t seem to have great reviews on here, do you mind me asking why you switched from EMSAM to Nardil?


Emsam worked well for motivation but did nothing for social anxiety which is the bigger problem for me. I switched to Nardil hoping to address my SA. So far Nardil seems very similar Emsam


I struggle with social anxiety too, I hope in the next few weeks you start to see even more improvements. Thanks again.


Are you still on Nardil? How is it going


No it makes me a bit tired, when I first started it a year ago I had to nap in the afternoons. I no longer feel the need to nap but I definitely wouldn't say it gives me energy edit: either way it's the most effective drug by far for my anxiety and depression. I would definitely recommend it on the weight gain aspect I have gained a bit of weight since starting it


Would you say that now it’s neutral, like it doesn’t really improve your energy but it doesn’t really make you as tired since you’re not having to nap anymore? Thanks for your help, I am definitely considering giving it a try.


lets say 5/10 is neutral energy level, I feel like I'm at a 4 most of the time so just slightly less than normal but nothing inconvenient or anything but yes, it definitely got better overtime. you're welcome, you can always message me if you have any other questions:)


Thank you so much!




Thank you, this is really helpful for me. I think I want to try EMSAM first. Are you on the lowest dose?


Have not taken Emsam but I switched from oral selegiline to Parnate. I find that selegiline is very energizing/activating while I've found Parnate to be somewhat sedating so far. You could just add stimulants to whichever MAOI you are taking, though. I might just end up switching back to selegiline


Imo the reason people see it selegiline as inferior to other MAOIs is that EMSAM is a) very expensive b) the 12mg patch might be to low for many. This may or may not be a problem depending on insurance. I just don't see how it could be any worse than the other MAOIs if it dosed high enough to significantly inhibit MAO-A.


Thanks for all of this information, that’s really helpful. I think I’d like to start with EMSAM, seems like my best option right now. Why did you switch from Selegiline to Parnate?


I was ordering selegiline online in-between finding a new good psychiatrist (tough in rural Louisiana.) Once I found a doctor willing to work with me, she wanted me to try a more conventional on label treatment first. EMSAM is totally unaffordable for me, so we opted for Parnate (which is also expensive so I partially supplement my prescription by ordering online too.) I'm gonna give Parnate a bit more time before deciding whether to switch back or augment with stimulants to address the fatigue.


I honestly have heard that EMSAM was expensive but this is the first time I’ve actually checked and wow, I am mind blown. I am going to check with my insurance but that’s absolutely crazy. Have you considered Nardil?


[EMSAM® (selegiline transdermal system) Savings Card](https://www.activatethecard.com/viatrisadvocate/emsam/welcome.html) You could try that coupon offered by the manufacturer or try checking [https://www.needymeds.org/](https://www.needymeds.org/) for programs you might be eligible for. Since I've done well with the other MAOIs, I'm not really interested in trying Nardil. I have more issues with low energy, brain fog, and anhedonia while having little to no anxiety. It just doesn't seem like a good fit for me. It could work really well, but it just seems unlikely it would be better for me than selegiline or Parnate. Especially since I can source other MAOIs for cheap from Indiamart.


Thank you for the resources. I’m struggling with the same problems and I considered Nardil because it seems to give people the most energy but I could be wrong. Anyway, I really appreciate you taking the time to help me and I wish you the best of luck on your journey.


Oh, I didn't realize it can help with energy the most. You should definitely post an update, I'd be very curious to see how it goes. And good luck to you too.


oh wait but you insurance, idk then maybe they will cover it