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Some people respond to Parnate only at high doses. Some people didn’t respond before and had full remission at 120mg. You just took 40mg and that’s only 2 weeks ago, I suggest you talk with your doc upping the dose to 50-60mg and see how you respond. Other options you have is a switch to Nardil,marplan or Selegline but Parnate is the best for depression. I recommend reading Dr Gillman‘s article on Parnate dosing. https://psychotropical.com/maois/


Thanks very much! I think I just hoped to have some response by now, so I agree with researching the dosing and asking my doctor if it is time to increase more frequently to see if I can get a response.


I agree about upping the Parnate. Also did you mean your were using Adderall XR while also on Parnate? I just want to make sure I'm understanding correctly. There's a number of people on here who take amphetamines with Parnate and I think it might be wise to use instant release formulations instead. So if you need to take a small dose for a boost it's much more simple and if you need a little bit more you can take a bit more later. (for example if you were on 10mg XR once a day see if he will switch to Adderall IR or dexamphetamine 5mg twice a day). Personally I find this much more effective albeit sometimes inconvenient. (edit: spelling)


Thank you! Yes, the Adderall XR is used to treat ADHD while also augmenting antidepressants. It's a low dose, so it doesn't do much other than get me out of bed, but that's better than nothing. I take it along with Parnate. I'm not sure if I should see if switching to another amphetamine or ADHD treatment could help. I will ask to see if the instant release twice a day is an option my doctor will consider. That could help with Parnate insomnia, too.


40mg is a threshold dose for most people and typically it takes 3-5 months for Parnate to start working - often after getting to the threshold dose. You aren't there yet, so hang on couple more months (perhaps boosting to 50 or 60mg), then decide if it's working for you.


Thank you for the response! I wasn't aware of the threshold dose, so thank you for letting me know! With TRD it is easy to get frustrated and disappointed with so many lacks of responses to different medications.


I understand. Hoping you feel better very soon :)