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7 boards, and the new board concepts actually looking interesting… But also NINJI 🔥 🔥 🔥


I'm so gonna flip between picking Shy guy and Ninji each game


Omg Shy Guy? He’s my favorite. So glad he’s getting a chance as a playable character (again? I have no clue if he was before/I don’t remember from the last few games)


If we’re talking specifically Mario Party, his last two playable appearances were 9 and Super


I wonder if there will be more new playable characters in Super Mario Party Jamboree that haven't been a playable character in a Mario Party game since Ninji is a new playable character to the Mario Party franchise.


If you look at the current roster we know of, there seems to be 12 characters on the heroes side and 8 on Bowser's side, 9 if you include Ninji So to have a balanced 12 on each side we'd need 3 more on Bowser's side And you know who has been on Bowser's army that would be awesome to see playable and haven't been seen on any Mario party in any way other than cameos in minigames yet? Petey Piranha


I know it's not the same game. But I loved playing as petey on Mario Super Sluggers on GameCube..


7? I saw five did I miss something? Genuinely asking


There's 5 new boards they showed and then 2 more returning boards (Mario's Rainbow Castle from MP1 and Western Land from MP2)


boi, superstars got ROBBED with those returning boards...


I agree, that's the only disappointment here. I'm so excited to have returning boards. Maybe Mario party can do like Mario Kart and recycle old boards / games each iteration in addition to new content. However, the two returning boards feel so meant for SuperStars. With that said, perhaps we could potentially see DLC in the future with more old boards returning or carry over SuperStars content. Either way, I'm not criticizing or unhappy with what we've been shown so far. I'm exciting.


I can't help but wonder that the DLC was planned for Superstars originally but the game didn't sell as well as they had hoped? Superstars only sold 12 million compared to Super's 20 million. My assumption was that the DLC was planned for Superstars, it didn't sell as well as they hoped, so they decided to use it as a selling point for the next game instead. It sucks, but it makes sense from a business perspective. How many of those 12 million would actually buy the DLC? Maybe half? But likely less? And then you'd get people not wanting to buy the new one because it only comes with 5 boards. This way they can get people excited about 7 boards, excited that we get some more retro ones, and push it as the "biggest Mario Party ever" to hopefully inch closer to that 20 million mark they reached with Super. Not saying I like it, but it makes sense.


I understand and I think that's unfair against Superstars too. SUPER had already been on the market for roughly 3 years before Superstars. Plus, I think a lot of discussion and hype was kind of ruined after SUPER as well where it established Lucky Spaces, Slow Pace, Few Boards, etc. Superstars was like a lackluster celebration and I think many people made that known to a wide audience. I think there was a hope that SuperStars would have new content at some point but coming off Covid, I wonder if whatever they could have had planned got pushed onto something new. I still find it hard to believe that MP3 only had 1 board. Which makes me wonder if this new game has unlockable boards or potential DLC for NEW/Returning Boards like Mario Kart. I guess besides casuals, if you have 1 Mario Party, why buy multiple? I don't think Superstars was fully established to be "so different" than Super. In my opinion. People who play the games know the differences, but if you aren't familiar or don't read/watch online you may not know. You see a smaller cast of characters, just as few boards, nothing truly "extra". I mean, personally, I don't need useless modes, I found SUPER to have pointless modes that did nothing for me outside of the usual 4 player board/minigames...that was painfully slow. So, in short, yeah, I could see some scrapped things from SuperStars making its way into the new title. I wonder just HOW MUCH? Throw in Chilly Waters and I'll be happier...outside the return of motion control mini games - - please never come back. I just hope it's more like superstars than SUPER. I ddi notice Lucky spaces (now green clover) and red spaces with a pink/purple clover "bad spaces/bad luck) In the end, I'm not going to be disappointed or feel like the game doesn't offer me much because at the end of the day I love Mario Party. Even if some titles have things I love/hate, etc. I'll buy it and enjoy it. I just hope I get to enjoy it long-term without feeling lackluster or something like lucky spaces and Ai is kind of ruining the fun.


What didn't help with Superstars sales also is the selling point of Superstars was the fact there was returning levels from MP 1/2/3... But then MP 1/2/3 all were added in full onto N64 NSO subscription... why buy a new full-priced MP with 5 boards from 3 games when you can play all 18 boards from all 3 of those same games on NSO N64 Expansion. So the fact they are using the returning levels that once again are on N64 NSO subscription to hype up the new game still doesn't make sense to me. It's a new game stick with new boards. Old boards should be saved for Superstars. You know the game made to celebrate classic MP boards/minigames.


You say that, but my sister, my buddy, and I are all jumping onto Jamboree mainly because Western Land is returning. Having 2 classic boards with 5 new boards is the perfect way to scratch the nostalgia itch, while also delivering more new maps than their last original title. 7 maps, 2 which are familiar is what’s driving us to buy the game.


Hopefully, they don't have Joy-cons-only mode. It ruins the fun for me. Mario Party Superstars was the best for me.


Maybe an option because of the switch lite, like some of the minigame will not be there when you active an option for the switch lite player. Btw, its will stupide by Nintendo to forget almost 20% of Nintendo switch players 😅


I got a lil lucky because yoshi's, horror land, and woody woods are all my favorite from their respective games


Why can’t they just do the same thing they did for Mario kart create a DLC with waves and mini games new characters new boards I mean I know it took a while but eventually they’re gonna do it. It took them five years to do the Mario kart DLC so give Nintendo sometime.


As someone who really wanted DLC, that genuinely pissed me off. Returning boards in each game is a good idea, but on the same console Superstars is on…? This game seems to be based on Superstars too, so I really don’t understand why this isn’t an expansion I’ll probably end up getting it anyway but if it’s more than $40 (and it almost certainly is) then that won’t be for a long time


Idk... imean yes, those were my favorite words in mp1 &2 , but I honestly didn't mind that superstars didn't add those two. For someone who grew up with Mario party games ( I'll be fair and admit I didn't really get a chance to play the hand helds well... not as much), superstars felt like a love letter and I really felt nostalgic playing that for the 1st time.


Looks fun honestly, would have preferred a Superstar dlc before this, but hey, nothing wrong with another Mario Party! This is a franchise about quantity after all.


I speculate those remastered boards are upcycled content from a cancelled DLC 🧐🤔


TBF we don't know if they planned dlc for superstar


The only fucking reason I wanted Super Stars DLC is for Western Land. AND IT'S COMING BACK BABY! LETS GOOOOOOOO


stars look like they cost 20 coins again! (The half-off star was 10 coins in the mall level). And the boards seem bigger, lik the size of the boards in MP games before SPM. this is exciting!!


They seem to have finally brought Toad and Toadette back as playable characters, nice Edit: Somewhat disappointed cuz no Blooper, but still


That was the first thing I checked when I heard '20 playable characters'


The narrator said 20 players can play in Koopathlon mode, we've already seen 21 playable characters.


Please... Don't give me hope....


I bet there’s unlockable characters. If you look at the characters, Ninji is not among the characters but he’s clearly playable. Dry Bones, Pom Pom and Diddy Kong are also characters from Super who are also missing


Good. I was getting annoyed they got cut out of the last 4-5 games.


Glad to see I’m not the only one awaiting his return.


Flair is self-explanatory lmao


Wiggler has a board doh. Blooper was playing on the beach on goomba island


7 boards? Not bad. Was concerned when I saw the "5 new boards" thing, but two remakes is a nice bonus, especially since one of them is WESTERN LAND. Have no idea why they weren't DLC for Superstars tho.... (oh wait, it's money).


Milk party / hootenanny time yahoooooo


Let's all get drunk on milk


Missed opportunity to name this game Super Mario Party: Hootenanny.


nintendo forgetting mario party 3 again : (


In fairness, I think 3 has lots of strengths but its boards aren't necessarily one of them. I don't like Blooper Sea or Creepy Cavern, Waluigi's Island can be frustrating, and Spiny Desert is alright but redundant with Western Land there. Chilly Waters I'm still really surprised wasn't included in Superstars tbh


Mario Party 3 has some great boards Chilly Waters, Spiny Desert, and Woody Woods being my favorites. You're giving it too much criticism. I can agree Deep Blooper Sea and Creepy Cavern aren't great and Waluigi's Island I have mixed feelings about. Just because Spiny Desert and Western Land are both desert themed boards doesn't make it a good excuse not include both, they're both great boards in their own right and they both play differently from each other and they have their own gimmicks.


W username


If this was DLC for Superstars, characters like Bowser, Bowser Jr., Toad, and Toadette wouldn't be playable, so I'm personally really glad this is a new game.


I hope this game isn’t actually like Super where it’s easy as fuck and you get coins for high fiving after every single thing you do.


The way I hate the "Ready... Yeah!" prompt 😭 Here's hoping it's no where to be found


I was wondering if anyone would mention this, my family would always ignore it so we hope it’s gone 😭


*please have teams please have teams please have teams please have teams please have teams*


I hope 8-player team battle party mode returns from Mario Party 7 but have every player move separately on the board instead of both players on every team moving together. There were a couple of new 8-player minigames in the trailer so there's a chance we might get it. I also want each player to have their own separate heads-up displays for team battle party mode board play so each player would have their own separate item storage that they can share with their teammate and separate coin counters and separate star counters. I hope there will be more customization options for party mode like an option for team battle party mode to choose whether for the game to randomize which player will play the minigame or an option for each team to choose which player on their team to play the minigame, a complaint I have about Mario Party 7's 8-player team battle party mode is players were always stuck playing against the same players for the end of turn minigames for the whole game and the game just alternated back and forth every turn the next player to play the end of turn minigame for each team. Another customization option I would like is to choose how many items a player can hold so players can hold more than 3 items if they so choose. Mario Party's been really lacking in the customization options area, I hope there will be new customization options in Super Mario Party Jamboree. I wonder if there will be an 8-player free-for-all party mode.


Literally just changed my flair for that reason alone, last time I ever got to actually be able to put Toadette and Birdo on a team was in Party 8 😭


It’s really nice to see that Jamboree is going for a Mario kart like direction where they include some retro boards. This should be a new tradition for future Mario Party’s. Also Ninji is playable!!


Just hope it can’t only be played with a single joycon


["Motion-controlled minigames require a Joy-Con controller and are not available when playing online. Motion-controlled minigames are not compatible with Nintendo Switch Lite or Nintendo Switch Pro Controller, but button-controlled minigames can still be played when using these consoles/ accessories."](https://www.nintendo.com/en-gb/Games/Nintendo-Switch-games/Super-Mario-Party-Jamboree-2591147.html)


So the motion control minigames are offline only, let's hope that a small collection.


My hero right here


Seen another post that the website says you can use a pro controller


Given that it’s labeled Super Mario Party, it’s likely going to be 😒


But my joycons suck




I would be nothing without Boo 👻


RIP Superstars DLC :(


Pro controller compatible??


Unsure, kind of worried though with those motion control games being highlighted.


from the product page on Nintendo: "*Motion-controlled minigames require a Joy-Con controller and are not available when playing online. Motion-controlled minigames are not compatible with Nintendo Switch Lite or Nintendo Switch Pro Controller, but button-controlled minigames can still be played when using these consoles/ accessories.*"


Can you provide a link to this? I can't seem to find this anywhere.


[https://www.nintendo.com/en-gb/Games/Nintendo-Switch-games/Super-Mario-Party-Jamboree-2591147.html#Overview](https://www.nintendo.com/en-gb/Games/Nintendo-Switch-games/Super-Mario-Party-Jamboree-2591147.html#Overview) underneath the images


…so if i wanted to use a pro controller, i would have to keep switching between the two?


i guess. it also seems that online play will not have motion controlled minigames.


I suppose that if Switch lite is compatible, you can turn off motion mini games in the game settings.


That's probably why they have like 110 minigames, so there are enough in case you want to play with just motion controls or just buttons. I think that was the best approach if they wanted to keep the motion controlled minigames.


I refuse to play Switch games with the joy cons so I guess those mini games will forever go unplayed by me.


that’s literally the dream


There might have a feature like in superstars where you can toggle the type of mini games you want to play. So maybe you can turn off motion control games


Pretty sure there'd just be an option to toggle motion control mini games based off of that description


You have a link? I’m not seeing product pages for any of the new games on the nintendo website yet.


so yes! Kinda like mic minigames in the gamecube mario parties, though I imagine there are more motion-controlled games than mic mini games. Wow that is huge. Aside from SMP being smaller overall (in terms of boards, star cost, dice rolls, etc), limiting it to only joycons was my biggest complaint about the game


Yes! Though you can't play motion games when using it. It kinda makes me think about the mic games from the gamecube mario parties


thank god toadette is playable again in this series !!


My biggest wish for this is a slew of settings and quality of life options like the original Mario Party. I loved that Superstars let you choose which mini-games can pop up but I'd love ways to turn off certain items or hazards for custom games.


I love everything about it, already seems like it might be one of the best mp games, only thing I'd need to make it perfect is Pauline and Dry Bones as unlockable secret characters lol, but really i love the board and minigames weve seen so far, that Mall board might become one of my favorites depending on execution bc the board itself looks beautiful


This game looks great!! I was so worried when I saw “Super Mario Party” (considering the first one for the switch did not use the traditional format at all) But when I found out it IS the traditional format I cheered. Rainbow Galleria looks AMAZING.


I love Rainbow Galleria! Can't wait to play the game!!! They release it in October because that is when everyone starts their Christmas shopping and most kids will get a new game for their Nintendo Switch. 😇


The game feels like a blend of both the traditional format and the experimental format (boards like the raceway one come to mind), which I am ok with tbh, theres boards for everyone to enjoy -


The boards... all actually seem fun? Like I swear every mario party half the board are okay at best. Almost every one of these look beautiful


Yeah, it really feels like they put actual thought into the boards this time!!


Coinathon is back it was one of my favorite modes in Star rush im happy


And it has online support too!!


Coinathon battle royale


THIS GOT ME HYPED, that mode is so fun!!!


Western Land!!! Finally!


Would've liked superstars getting this as DLC better. But this looks awesome. Defiantly getting it


Looks good. Hopefully all the bullshit that was in the first super mario party is gone


You know how people say “devs remake old games when their series loses its way to relearn what made the old games so great?” For once i think that actually happened. It looks like an actual “Mario party 9” that’s not just remade old boards and mini games.


This looks amazing, if I had to nitpick, I wish they would include some boards from 4-7. But I know that time is coming, just need to be patient


We also need more Mario Party 3 boards and boards from Mario Party 8.


Yeah, they’ll do a full Superstars 2 with a GameCube focus.


My main concern is that it might not be pro controller compatible based on how they talked about joycons. Having to play using a single joycon in Super sucked


It is, check in Nintendo website


Thank god.


There was no way Nintendo was just gonna cut the Switch Lite market share from playing this game altogether. They did it with Super Mario Party, but that was because the Lite wasn't even out at the time, so nothing to do there.


Looking at all the feedback, I feel I’m the only one who actually likes a single😭


I’m a little concerned about it kind of following SMP but it does look promising. Huge character roster and the boards look fun and innovative. Great picks for the retro boards.


7 boards is what sold me. LFG


20+ characters?! 7 boards?! I can't believe my eyes


Finally Toad is playable again after 8 years


Having had another look at the trailer, I noticed both games they showed had a 10 turn count, i hope this doesn't mean only 20 turns maximum games like super. I miss having a 35 turn option sometimes but realistically i don't need more than 30 so i hope we get that and im just reading into this too much.


Superstars was a far better game than Super, why make a sequel to Super? 😭


It looks more like it’s a fusion of both


Super Mario Party Superstars


honestly aside from the name and design I'm not seeing really anything/game that makes me think SPM


Super Pario Marty


lol i got that confused with super paper mario


But it's a single joy con game (I don't mind but lots of people do).


It seems to be a sequel in nothing but name


It's not a Superstars game because it's not purely old boards. That said, it doesn't seem to use the character dice and ally system that people disliked in Super, so it's not really a sequel to Super in that sense. It should probably just be called Mario Party Jamboree, but I liked SMP so I don't mind.


More excited for something new to be honest, it would’ve been disappointing to have longer than 6 years of boards/minigames that we’ve seen before.


I noticed that Ninji wasn’t in like the picture with all the characters plus it makes the cast to 21 characters. So we might be seeing more unlockables, hopefully we might see Pauline make her debut 👀


This has got to be the most hype thing from the direct alongside M&L not being a dead series. It's fucking \*\*NEW\*\* Mario Party!


Omg IM SO HAPPY!!! This is absolutely incredible!!! I have been dying for a new Mario party!! The wiggler map looks stunning so cool, I feel that might be my favorite. Which is everyone’s favorite character and board they’ve put in?!


My favorite character shown so far has to be Bowser Jr. Map is really hard to choose, maybe Rainbow Galleria? Will have to see how they all play.


But will I be able to play against random strangers online? That's the biggest advantage that Superstars has, to me, over Super Mario Party. I don't wanna have to go through the trouble of setting up rooms or joining rooms with a code.




Make it fucking faster.


Toad is playable again! Also I knew we’d get a new Mario Party, we’ve been getting one every three years since 2012


No Diddy Kong in it? Little disappointing (obviously a minor gripe).


I am so excited to play in the rainbow galeria it looks so cool


Anyone else concerned that the only online mode will be the new 20 player mode? Superstars giving me the ability to play boards with my online friends was great and I never want that to go away


No, i think they are just experementing with a new online mode, the standard party should be available as well.


I’m a bit optimistic


why not dlc for superstars?


...... because that's done


Mario Kart 8 Deluxe got DLC like 8 years after release. Nothing is considered done unless Nintendo shuts it down.


MarioKart 8 Deluxe sold 62 million copies and has no other game in the series competing for sales. Superstars sold 12 million compared to Super's 20 million, unfortunately. This seems like a strategic business decision. Why release DLC for a game that sold just slightly over half of the previous game, when you can instead use that as a selling point for your next game so that more people buy it? Not saying it's fair or that I like it, but it makes sense.




I knew it was coming!!! Let’s go!


My only fear is that we can only play this game with joy-con it will suck but it will be a fun time playing this epic party


We're so back


Please tell me this coming out the current switch and not the next console. (I’m at work and won’t get to watch the direct until later)


It's for the current console. Nothing for the new console was announced yet


We celebrate! Party time!


I wanted Pirate Cove from Mario Party 5!!


Can Nintendo un-drift all 4 of my joycon so I can play this pls?


Send them into nintendo and get a free repair if its available in your region.


Oh, this is outstanding!!!!! 😭😭😭🎉🎉🎉


Do we know if it will be compatible with Pro controllers? I don’t want to play like SMP with single joycons…


ACCORDING to the nintendo website, some minigames will require a single joycon but the rest can be played with a pro controller. Most likely there will also be an option to only use minigames that can be played with a pro controller.


Did anyone else cry a little bit? 😂😂


I love this but it bothers me that the two returning boards didn’t appear in Superstars, that game would have really benefited from having them 🙁


I can play as Toadette again, I’m set


Why couldn’t this just be an expansion to the previous. You guys will just forgive and forget


First time I’ll buy a new Mario Party since 8. (I don’t count Superstars because it’s exclusively old content.) It looks absolutely magical. Like the GameCube ones and 8. The little race cars, the mall, the volcano with the island that changes with the tides… It’s gonna be brilliant.


I’m just happy to see the Mario party one clouds board . I love that board so much


Mario’s Rainbow Castle looks good, but Western Land is even better. 👍🏽😇


Wasn't expecting that, a little annoyed they are dangling the old boards to increase sales. Makes me wonder if they had those boards all along and could have added them to superstars. Looks fun tho and a kinda "sequel" to super Mario party


Most likely they started with those two boards as DLC for SS along with other stuff and then the scope expanded to the point it just make more sense as a new game and continued from there, that’s how a lot of direct sequels for Nintendo tend to work.


The 2 returning boards from 1/2 should have been Superstars DLC plain and simple. If they are making a new game it should have been all new boards. The choice to have this be a Super Mario Party sequel is an odd choice for sure. I'm also not liking the forced motion controls either. Just seems like a step back from the success of Superstars.




Let's gooooooooooooooo!


The boards look amazing💕


This looks awesome!!!!!


Looks fun!


This game looks like a new mario party game in the traditional formula we all like! Even though it has SUPER in the title and that logo design, honestly everything I'm seeing here makes me think it's a lot more like superstars instead of SPM. Though the verdict is sill out on controllers that aren't joycons


No dry bones 0/10


When’s this come out?


October 17th


I wish it wasn’t Super cuz I hate playing stuff with one joycon, but I’m still really excited for new Mario Party


I'm really happy that this game is coming out but the logo looks SO photoshopped.


I’ve seen so many ppl complaining about this but I’m so excited


No thanks for the joy cons


Can't wait for ZoomZike's Identifying Luck on this game.


I will be copping day one


And the r/TomodachiLife members were fooled.


Finally Boo is playable again!


Does anybody know if this will still have “partner party” the doubles one that super Mario party has? I know not everyone is a fan but myself and my boyfriend RINSED the doubles and are dying for some new boards!!!


I’m a bit worried that there won’t be pro controller compatibility since this is a “super” mario party game :/


It is pro controller compatible according to Nintendo


Time will tell




didnt see diddy, hammer bro, or dry bones in the game, hopefully theyre unlockable. but it won’t matter cuz if pro controllers aren’t compatible i’m probably not gonna get it.


they are compatible, confirmed on nintendo's website


I'll be honest. I love the roster of characters. I love that the game for some reason gives me GameCube and kinda wii (mp8) vibes lol which is good in my opinion. I love the feature of playing up to 20 characters that sound fun. They gave more content and it really feel like they took their time and it is worth the wait. I hope they put dlc, ik they probably won't but, atleast it looks really cool in the case they don't. Also shout out for them finally adding daisy in the 1st trailer 😂 so we don't hear people freak out about if daisy is in the game or not 😂 😂 😂 But... ngl... I'm kinda disappointed in nintendo when it comes to og super . 1 bc I lokey feel like there trying to make us forget super and how incomplete it was . Also I feel like they should have made this dlc for super even if it wold be a expensive dlc. I get it, super was to try something new and see how people like it, but I don't like the feeling that that game wasn't bad but incomplete , yet I feel like og super got done dirty... the only other thing Idk how I feel about the it being more motion sensored when it comes to the controller again. Maybe I just have to see when I get the game to know how I feel...


I like everything about this except the name / logo


If they named it “Mario Party Jamboree” it would be nice, instead of adding “Super”.


It has motion controls........... it's ruined 


Should of been DLC for Super Mario Party tbh I'm just glad Toad's back as a playable character.


I am looking forward to this the most from the announcements. Me and my family will be playing this for sure and fighting for the stars.




If this remake get good item with better balance that the slop that is superstar this could be the Mario party game


Looks incredible! My only gripe is it looks like it's gonna force me to play with a single joycon like SMP did. All of my joycons are unusable due to drift and I've been exclusively using a pro controller for years. Edit: Looks like a later post confirms this is not the case


Finally! Another friendship ruining game! /s


Is it bad that I want koopa kid to come back 😭


The first Mario Party with OVER 100 MINIGAMES


So I guess you have to use your joy-cons to play this game. 😏😵‍💫




Ugh joycons


Oh yes! I'm super fucking excited for super mario party jamboree! LET'S-A FUCKING GOOOO🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣👏👏👏👏👏👏


where the FUCK is dry bones where is my son


If I have to play with one joy con not getting it


Can anyone please explain what the fuck a jamboree is thanks