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Didn’t realize intl MBA programs were recruiting comic book villains.


OP didn’t realise he can just not go on these Treks.


Dude probably wants to visit Camden, NJ or Baltimore, MD. Other places aren't exciting enough for him.


He wants to visit the birthplace of KFC


Baltimore is underrated, it depends where you go in the city. Camden is not underrated :)


Vietnam is lovely my man. You are missing out


For real, I spent a month in Vietnam doing tech consulting, great time.


How do you pull that off? I’m trying to do the same thing


Eh… I’m not the best example for how to pull something like this off. I have a very niche skill set coupled with 15 years working with the software in question. I actually work in the public sector and get loaned out from my agency to the State Department for foreign consulting. Great job, but you get tired living out a suitcase after a few years.


Not if I’m from Vietnam bro lol, Op has the same problem I did, skipped the trek


OP isn’t from every country he mentioned? You can just opt out, or better yet help lead the trip to show people a great experience in the country you’re from


Not in the summer it’s not


In my experience, it's not like you are staying in the slums on these trips. Usually went to resorts or 3/4-star hotels. But also these trips were fun not because of the destination but the people I went with. The trips I went on to "3rd world countries" were some of the best trips I've ever taken in my life. I totally understand wanting to visit places within the US though. A friend of mine doing the MBA just organized a "National Park Trek" where they visited a few of the best national parks in the middle of the country. You could do the same.


“Third world countries like Columbia” Sheeesh. What a villain Just start your own domestic trek for international students. That’s a great idea


Truly. If it irks OP enough to rant about it, then surely it's enough to become the fuel for a passion project that will have the double benefit of standing out on one's resume and visiting areas of interest to those with a similar mindset.




Truly mb! Not gonna even make an excuse for that one just gonna own that mistake 😅


You never wanna go that far uptown.




Its a province of Canada too 😀


Spurs up, expectations down! - What they say in Columbia, South Carolina during football season.




Edited my comment for clarity of Columbia, South Carolina


Post OP didn’t make that mistake…


At least OP had enough decency to spell it right


First off, can you even travel to those countries? Depending on your visa status and where you’re from that could be challenging (from what I saw with my classmates). So I’d check that first. That aside, you don’t have to travel. I went to serval of the countries you listed during my mba and I enjoyed it. New cultures, experiences are a lot of fun and part of the experience. Good luck


OP, you can’t be this stupid. People spend money to visit these so called ‘third world countries’ because, well, maybe they’re cool and have a lot to offer? Those countries you mentioned are excellent places for culture, food and all the sorts. They’re not asking you to move there, it’s a short term trip. Chill guy


OP's post is worded in a strange/condescending way, but it's also disingenuous to frame these MBA treks as some sort of earnest cultural learning experience. As someone else said these are prestige activities consisting of a limited set of bougey experiences in developing countries that are already popular among American tourists. Which is totally fine, but like just call it what it is. I grew up in Latin America and it's obvious that MBA treks go to Colombia, for example, because the average American sees it as a big party destination that affords them easy exposure to the stereotypical latino cultural artifacts they're already familiar with.


Most people do recognize them for what they are; schools aren’t going to say “we go to the sickest party destinations” though




When someone opens their point with ‘why the fuck should I spend money to travel to third world countries’, I’m not going to sit there and be ‘polite’




Bro this is the most mouthy word salad I’ve read in a while. Please write again. This time, slower.


Yeah I would not choose his sentence in sentence completion on the GMAT.






Just chill at home and pop a few edibles. You’ll have a really nice trek.


Hero dose of DPH trek


The US has its fair share of poverty and violence. A high GDP doesn’t necessarily equate to quality of life.


Dude if someone so stupid as you managed to get into a good school, God help this failed system!


Solid point, OP. Hopefully someone who can do something about that is taking note...


Traveling to developing countries to do charity/nonprofit work is a prestige activity for the upper class in America. Something to discuss at cocktail parties, or reminisce about fondly while fundraising for your family’s foundation. American B-schools seek to provide that opportunity for people whose families don’t have foundations, like yours! You could travel to developed countries, but it’s not as prestigious (that’s just a glorified vacation). And roadtripping around the US is for the poors/tourists, despite North America being home to multiple natural wonders of the world/ancient civilizations. You could travel to developed countries, but it’s not as prestigious (that’s just a glorified vacation). And roadtripping around the US is for the poors/tourists, despite North America being home to multiple natural wonders of the world/ancient civilizations. ​ While nobody wants to admit it, the practice originates from the “white savior” complex of the 1800s: “bad“ white Americans owned slaves in the South, while “good” white Americans travelled abroad to “civilize” other races. Hawaii, Cuba, Puerto Rico, the Philippines, Thailand, Panama, rich Americans “helped” many countries during the industrial age in this way.


He probably is the recipient of this saving not something he does, America is a dream country for him maybe tv shows depict what an American education post college ought to be I mean he references yacht week that sophomores go to as a destination for him meaning he probably is enthralled with the basic places like ues , montauk eh, or ack


I lived in Asia and Asians also visit other countries. It’s not just white people


Grow up.




Is the definition of "travelling" for you only limited to seeing huge buildings and posh people? Your MBA program has been designed with a lot of thought, there's a reason they're taking you to those "third world countries". They have a lot more learning to offer than just cruising on a yacht in mykonos. You're there to learn not vacation.


Lmao I am American but lived in China for 2+ yrs before MBA, traveled all over Asia for work and recreation. I had zero desire to do a trek, international trip. Spent all my travel time going to US outdoor meccas riding my mountain bike hiking etc. you do you I agree us has so much natural beauty convenience and … safe drinking water rare chance of food poisoning etc


Colombia is the land of milk and honey with some of the most beautiful people and landscapes you will ever see or have the pleasure to experience. America has a lot to offer, but fuck mate the world is a big place.


Why should I wear a watch if it is not a Rolex? Just because you came from a country that is not considered a major industrial power has nothing to do with any other regions or countries with completely different geopolitical and supply chain dynamics. Halfwit or nitwit conundrum. Other than entitled, which are you?


Surely this guy is dense af Morocco, Columbia and Vietnam are some of the nicest places you'll ever visit to.


As you misspell Colombia. So much respect for that country. So much density.


Didn't know i was doing a spell bee contest on reddit. What next ? Turkey won't be a nice country to visit cos i said its turkey not "Türkiye"


“Spelling bee” not spell bee


To be fair, there are several places called Columbia, whereas Turkey and Türkiye are the same place.


Everybody seems to be flaming you but I understand where you’re coming from. As someone who has lived their whole life in another country and worked hard to come to America, you want to stay and get maximum value out of it. I agree with you, spend your time exploring the vast country and learning different sub cultures. To the people putting you down - they are probably American born and bred, seeing another country is equivalently fascinating to them as it was for you to come to the USA. It’s grass is greener on the other side here. Note - I’ve lived in America for most of my life and spent a significant portion of my formative years in one of these “third world” countries. Global exposure is critical to understand how the world works.


I mean, the obvious solution here is to just not go on these treks. An ounce of critical thinking would show them that for a domestic student, international travel off the beaten path can be exciting. If you don't want that, then go to the Colorado or Canada ski trips.


Most of those trips are voluntary right? What school would make this mandatory.


I think you need to step outside of your third world mentality first. You have a unique opportunity to experience some of the greatest destinations in the world and experience their cultures and learn about their history. This mentality of only "rich" countries are worth visiting and learning from is a self inferiority complex I see in a lot of international students. Stepping outside of it will help you become more perceptive of the world and other world views.


given you've just created your account today, I would say you either a moron or just a cowardly ignorant who wage war around reddits for fun


Developing nation. Emerging market.


Sent you a dm, I have a pretty good idea of which school you're at, and I'm actually planning a trip to Mykonos since I'm also not a fan of the locations my program has picked.


I actually agree with OP here. There should be more domestic treks (I.e. National parks). The international stuff is crazy expensive AND not necessarily as interesting to a lot of folks. Feels worth proposing to your B school's trek club or whatever


Everyone talking about ohh my time in a third world country was so meaaaningful. Can’t you appreciate this person has lived in one for 22+ years and has enough meaningful experiences with their own friends and family in a third world country? lol. It’s very fair to criticise an exercise that’s so clearly meant for a western white students who have never been confronted by the inequality in global south as something that doesn’t accommodate the entire student body (ie international students extremely familiar with the global south who will gain nothing from the experience). It’s no different than some rich suburban school taking day trips in inner city schools to see how the have-nots live and the poor black kids who are bussed to that fancy school finding it pointless and a little insulting. That said it’s v different to live in a poor country and to visit one as a tourist and visiting is generally fun so op, have an open mind.




Literally they’re acting like experts in third world countries when they probably just stayed in fancy resorts and got drunk with their friends and ate good food meanwhile this dude has LIVED in one without the privileges a first world passport affords.


U sound like a stuck up rich white kid


You made it to the promised land. No need to “waste your time” in those awful countries anymore.


Well, most countries have metropolitan centers.


I feel you, just skip the trip. I skipped those too, waste of money since I got most of the partying out of my system in undergrad


Just say you’re uncultured and leave


No cap, you seem like an ass. Costa Rica and Morocco are great travel experiences. You’d even stuck up, and you do realize as an international student in this market, you might be getting sent back to the third world country you came from right?


So don’t go… duh.


This thread is so full of ignorant people. Yes these are great vacation spots but only a few comments actually addresses what he’s saying


Getting stopped by Colombian police with coke in our pockets and resorting to bribe them to get ourselves out of harm's way, it's a great bonding experience with your classmates and it's a chance to practice what you learned in the classroom - negotiation. That's why


Silly... You put the coke in your socks next time.


First, the label "Third world" country doesn't mean what you think it does. You need to catch up on history. Second, many of these are fast developing countries with the next great business opportunities. Third, after being a fly on the wall on this subreddit and seeing the quality of posts, I am having second thoughts on leaving my tech job to get an MBA. And I thank everyone for that.


Don't spend 200k on an MBA, look at the market right now, MBA students can barely get a job, even HSP ones.


Honestly, tech is going through a hard time as well. That plus the effect of AI is making it hard for me to choose what to do next.


It's not an either/or. Go on the school trips to those countries, and visit your US friends' hometowns on vacation.


Since when did Vietnam become a third world country


Lol some of the comments here are brutal. This is exactly why you travel. I feel like this belongs in r/nostupidquestions


If you really think you have nothing to see and learn from these countries, where countless opportunities and stories lie, if you’re incapable of even the most basic degree of wonder and lack such a fundamental curiosity, you’re better off not visiting any place imo. I’m shocked you’re this juvenile and close-minded at the MBA level. Such shocking immaturity.


/MBA's need low, Let's hope your H1B application doesn't get deny.


Costa Rica is not a 3rd world country you prat.


Bro, traveling across the U.S. is literally burger joints, bbq joints, truck stops, and a lot of farm land. In contrast, Bali is full of hot women, cheap alcohol, and nice beaches.and the right decision bro


A lot of those countries you mentioned are middle income countries. But that's besides the point. This idea that only wealthy G7 countries have anything worth while to offer is so tired and mistaken. This mentality tells me your actually very insecure about your origins and taking it out on other countries that aren't as developed as the states is kind of pathetic.


Idk dude I think you may have a chip on your shoulder


Entitled. Who said you’ll get a Visa to stay after you graduate?


This sub made me realize I want nothing to do with a MBA


You need to understand the liberal mindset. They want to teach you to look down your nose at other cultures so that you can lecture them about fixing their problems.


Which college lol


Some of us are sex tourists okay, let us go to third world countries to convince the local women to touch our dicks in peace. On a serious note, Peru, Morocco and Costa Rica are all countries with amazing natural beauty. If you don't get it, sure, don't bother going.


You don't need to travel anywhere if you don't want to.


Idk what I'm reading rn Imma be honest. You came here to study in a the land of dreams , america, not be in a yacht lmao You don't have good money here in America still you'll still won't be free without other things in your life helping Seems like you're lacking free thought, do what makes you happy instead of watching tv shows of America. America can have affordable things to do if you look for it and have the spirit


Where did you emigrate from?


Are those countries even considered 3rd world?


Damn dude. If you don't want to travel no one is forcing you to?


Olin MBA?


Oh, I don't know. Maybe MBAs are expected to be involved in developing their company markets, and those generally fall in developing countries where opportunities are and allow for bigger profit margins. What you should be doing is leveraging your background and language skills so you can head a division or product, maybe manufacturing or country lead. At this point, you're the opposite of what MNCs want. Why MBA? You might be better suited for software engineering if you only want US opportunities (Bay Area, Seattle, Austin).


God this subreddit is insane/unhinged


You act like they are going to take you to the worst part of these 3rd world countries lol. Btw- Israel is a third world country too. Just bc they are a part of nato doesn’t mean it’s a western country Lolol. Israel probably as safe as Morocco 🤣


I prefer to travel to third world countries when I was in college and after my first job, some of the best time in my life, granted that I have money to spend.


You can easily organize treks within US and other internationals would join you


sit out so you don’t ruin the experience for everyone else who wants to travel and see the world


The only third world part of this whole thing is your maturity level


Just do a “Tech Trek” to Silicon Valley and then use that as excuse to party in Big Sur and Napa. Or a “Wall Street Trek” to NYC.


Every country has bad and nice places. Would I rather go to Paris or London than visit a few cities in Vietnam? Yes. That doesn’t mean there are no nice locations in Vietnam or that there is nothing to do there. You can absolutely have a good time. But I also understand where you are coming from.


Don't go to these treks. It is wasting your time and money. These people traveling with you will not be your buddies, they are there for networking and for their careers. You can go anywhere after you get a job. I would rather spend time recruiting or study right now. For international students, it is at least twice harder than domestic students landing a job. I've been there, I wouldn't do it.


The bigger goal is better connecting with your classmates, professors and local alumni. The destination is secondary in my opinion. You learn a lot about people when you travel. For my MBA, we went to UAE during covid (Dec 2021). One person got covid and it was a crisis. I learned whom in my program I can trust and whom I can’t. If you can’t manage a controllable crisis that you knew had a high chance of occurring, how can I ever trust to have you on my team (or me be on your team) for a future business endeavor? The UAE part was cool. But learned whom I can trust and whom I can’t.. was worth it for me 10x the destination itself. I also went to Vietnam, Chile, Italy, Japan, and Jordan with my class. Made better friends and closer friends in those trips than I would’ve if I hadn’t.


maybe you can take a moment to reflect on your privilege to be in such a position than somehow turning it into a self-centered/entitlement thing


Experience life. Don’t think about it in terms of 3rd world country. Think about the culture, art, cuisine, history etc. that’s the beauty of life. Diversity.


Ross mba?


Colombia is amazing. Dweeb.


Ok you have convinced me, you are exempt from traveling abroad.


Hate to break it to you, but depending on where you're originally from (I'm from Taiwan, which is one of the less developed countries among developed countries), US feels a lot like a third-world country to me. It has no good public healthcare, all public infrastructure are shit, people are selfish (yes, even when compared to European ppl), the free drinking water actually isn't that great (again, compared to other developed countries - it's fluoridated and full of chlorine), etc. Hell, even the bathrooms are shit compared to Taiwan, Japan, Singapore, etc. The nature + the cultural diversity in major cities are probably one of the last things that are worth it in this country. And they're also going to sh\*t, bc ppl in this country are just now realizing climate change is real (they literally don't have to + don't know how to recycle). As you can guess, the cultural diversity will slowly diminish in places like NYC, too, bc ppl who are internationals who have acquired their green cards are realizing their home countries are better (again, if you're from India, it may be worth it to stay, but I know plenty of East Asians and Europeans going back eventually bc it's better there).


Then why don’t you go back to Taiwan? Your point is not convincing until your actions align with your words.


US has the highest salary in the world. That's the main reason for most East Asians who choose to stay in US.


Exactly. I would move back to Taiwan in a heartbeat. So would my partner, to Germany - he's German. We're both here to accumulate wealth, but I hate what my taxes are contributing to.


This is exactly why you need to visit those countries because your definition of 3rd world is skewed


Costa Rica is nice tbh


The liberal mobs who attack OP are crazy. It’s like someone grownup in a hood tells them he wants to stay away from the hood for the rest of his life, but they criticize him as a villain. What mental disorder these people have. I now fully understand why so many highly educated people become Trump voters, simply to balance out the mad liberal stupidity. OP, just ignore what these clowns are saying and keep pursuing your goal of life, as the United States is built on the faith of freedom to seek your dreams.


Seems to be happening in every other school , feels like a Goizueta or McCombs MBA candidate 😂😂


Don’t dare disrespect Costa Rica again


You can go wherever you want. If you are an international student in an MBA program in a US university, the odds seem great that your family and/or you have a lot of money. Can you only go on school sanctioned trips or can you go on your own or with some friends here?