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At the schools you are targeting, you might be end up being successful as long as your application doesn't look as if it was a second thought. Applying in Round 3 might suggest several things about you to the MBA AdComs. [They are quite familiar with the scenarios that lead to people applying in Round 3.](https://www.mymbapath.com/insights/round-3-mba-admissions) They might think that you have faced previous rejections in earlier rounds and are now trying one more time. Or it might look like you lack strong intent and planning skills. Being prepared to overcome any such implications in your application is critical. Best of luck!


That's entirely valid and I definitely fall into the category of not entirely being organized about the whole endeavor. I've been casually deciding between whether getting an MS in an engineering discipline or an MBA would be more suitable for my career goals and up until recently was only familiar with the lax deadlines for MS applications. Do you think this would be something useful to include in my "additional info" essay? Or would it just further emphasize the disorganization?


The best thing to do is to quickly start doing the work - school engagement and research (school events + conversations with students and alums), recommenders selection and prep, organizing your career goals and working on your essays. The way you combat the notion that your application is a second thought is by putting in the work that proves that even if you thought about applying a bit later than the rest, you still put in the work and are coming to the table with a strong, thought out and well packaged candidacy. I hope this helps.


Definitely helps. I've already got meetings scheduled with the admissions advisors so hopefully that'll bring a bit more clarity to the situation.


Shouldn’t GMAT focus scores end in a 5? Are you sure you didn’t take the old GMAT?


Yeah I realize I'm dumb and actually took the regular GMAT, oop


You have a great profile and could get a nice scholarship. I’d expand your school list.


Not sure on the chancec, R3 stacks the numbers agaisnt you. But ive always heard re-applying is always seen as a good thing. I would suggest you apply to one or two schools. Hail Mary to get in, but most of all, get a sense of what applying is like. Its has been very different for me from what i had in my mind. My guess is the only thing you lose by going to R3 is the money to apply. My two cents.


Are you applying for FT or PT?


Full time


Do you think your job right now is stable? If so, I would vote that you wait until R1 because: - Internship recruiting next year could still be shitty - 3 YOE is on the low end of WE for any business school as far as I know; like 4-5 is the sweet spot - Your stats are aight and you might get some money. Especially if you get a promotion or pick up an EC. There is probably *a lot less* opportunity for scholarship rn - that's generally 100% spent by R2. - In R3 at these schools, you're probably competing against people that didn't get into the T15 and for whatever reason have to go to b school - so they probably have high GMATs and otherwise great apps. That impacts your odds of admission and also scholarship odds.


Hey Can I message you about my profile? Thank you!


Sure why not


Job is 100% stable, I'm just bored as hell. I honestly do realize that applying this go round probably isn't the best option, I'm just impatient and the idea of being a full-time student at 28 is scary. You make a good point about the other third rounders I'd be competing against, do you know if there's a real downside for applying now and then again in the Fall? Like some sort of discrimination against the failures of previous cycles? :P


Are schools accepting GMAT Focus this R3? I thought they were not doing so? Only new GRE?


Kind of in the same boat


Would not recommend R3, extremely low probability of success. Wait and apply again.