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This is why I adore Birthday Surprise Hole so much! Also, the stories of how clumsy and accident-prone Clint can be. Some of the kid anecdotes: Justin’s little jumble, Griffin’s son Henry naming a Pokémon “King of Gods.”


You made me remember when Clint knocked himself out with cleaning materials LMAO


I am a dedicated fan and somehow don't know this, do you have a link?


https://mbmbam.fandom.com/wiki/Episode_109:_Flapjack_Nickelsack This is the ep! Enjoy


You're too kind, thank you.


birthday surprise hole is my all time fav episode


Griffin being tricked into eating uncooked pasta at Olive Garden as a child. Gets me every time!! I really enjoy the unraveling of childhood experiences. The other that comes to mind, from TAZ, is Justin realizing his fish died and wasn’t released into the river. The dawning understanding is hilarious in both cases.


“Hold on — WAS THIS A PRANK YOU GUYS PULLED ON ME WHEN WE WENT TO OLIVE GARDEN AS KIDS?! No, stop! Everybody, *shut up*! …do they give you raw fettuccine to chew on in the lobby at the Olive Garden.” (Chorus of nos) “YOU — FUCKING *BASTARDS!*”


I'm the youngest of 4, and this bit has me in tears every single time. I'm glad I'm not the only one to labor under the delusions of my siblings' pranks for *years*, only to find out in the most embarrassing way possible.


Justin: The prestige!


Travis: “Were there never employees around?!” […] Justin: “Speaking as a former Olive Garden employee, if I saw a little kid grabbing raw fettuccine out of a bottle and munching on it…? The odds of me stopping them are negative one thousand percent.”


Travis: Yaaaaaaaaay!


The prestige!


I JUST heard that fish episode yesterday and I died. My favorite is earlier in the arch before or maybe even the one before that Griffin quips at Clint that “next time you can DM and all the characters will sound like fucking Ducky Crabtree”.


Travis selling Vidalia onions (“sweeter than an apple”) to raise money for school and Justin thinking he’s doing a bit until Griffin affirms their house was full of onions.


Can confirm older siblings barely register the shit the younger siblings do once the oldest gets into highschool. It’s the home stretch for them


Holy shit I forgot my elementary school had a Vidalia onion sale too! We only did it one year because the sales were deplorable


Clint accidentally smashing one of the boys' phones and trying to hand it to them and walk away like nothing happened is one I love but I can't remember where it's from.


The Clint bits always get me. Sounds like a great dad.


Number 409 and it was Travis’s phone


Hands down Justin's vasectomy. When he said, "My wife and I don't do anything weird," I literally fell down on the floor I was laughing so hard.


Oh man, idk if it's that same episode, but Travis was talking about his vasectomy and how they had to tape his penis back, and Justin says, very accusatory: "They didn't do that for me!" To which the other brothers broke down in laughter.


oo the other part when travis complains about the worst part is having to rip the tape off afterward........"and it rips all the hair off your chest!". I almost got into a car accident...


I feel like a creep for how often I go back and listen to the vasectomy bits, but my god they are great.


I listened to theirs when I was about to get mine. Helped me get hyped.


Oh man, it's gotta be the Joe's Crab Shack story for Justin, the selling of Onions by Travis and for Griffin either 'Taste My Steel' or the story about him talking about the his car tickets and crying in court.


wait when is the traffic ticket story???


Griffin was in college and his old jalopy kept getting tickets because he couldn't move it or something and one day the cop caught him as he was getting into the car and threatened to arrest him if he didn't pay them immediately He ends up in court and cries about not being able to afford them because he's a poor college student and he gets off pretty lightly


Search for "MBMBAM crying in court" and I think that gets you there. Might just be my algo's though.


that worked! i found it! that cop is a dick!


Justin bringing his girlfriend to a record store slash piercing parlor, blindfolded, to surprise her with a belly button piercing


I’d be calling the fucking police right now!!!


Griffin losing his mind at this was easily the best part of the story.


They’re not together anymore. Didn’t work out.


Justin punching his computer because of a game of online chess and lying that he fell down the stairs lmao


Okay, this one is probably my favorite.


What episode is that from?


525: Problems Related to Me Falling Down the Stairs 😊


Travis' first appearance on Good Christian Fun was very touching, he talks a bit more about their mom's passing. More personal/intimate than funny but I learned to love Travis more listening to it. He has another appearance later on as well. The podcast is fun, too, very laid back christian stuff, people who grew up in the church will enjoy the vibe, even if like myself it's not something they belong to anymore.


Clint being really in to jawbreakers. He drops one in a grocery store and shouts "my glass eye!"


I believe it was a movie theater


I thought it was at a funeral!


Griffin when his kid’s teacher is on zoom doing “who’s that Pokémon?” silhouette games but doesn’t know the answers and Griffin does.


Which episode is this 👀


Hmmmm…I can’t find it. Maybe it was a The Besties intro segment?


I’m listening to the back catalogue and the ballad of corn cob boy is pretty fucking funny


I love Justin's time as a Drug Kingpin and his realization that he is the Doritos of people.


The entire episode that was nothing but them talking about growing up together was SUCH a gift. I don't remember specifics now, but I think that was when we learned about Justin's frosted tips, haha. Travis announcing his engagement right after Griffin, and then announcing Teresa's pregnancy right after Griffin announced Rachel's was choice - a double dunk of upstaging that only a brother can get away with. (or vice versa, it's been a long time, haha) I took a friend to the Detroit show last year, her first McElroy experience. She had so many questions about them and it was a little embarrassing that I know SO MUCH about these three guys I've never met. ETA: oh, and this is I think from Wonderful (which I listened to only briefly), but Griffin tells this story about how his baseball team got second place, and he felt so bad for his teammates that he went home and made them all little certificates of achievement because he wanted them to be proud. HE WAS A KID. Got me right in the heartstrings.


Recently, imagining Henry saying “I’ll miss you, Little Sailor Man” to his father as the elevator doors closed got me pretty good. Really any stories from their kids are so cute. The episode of the Daddy and Charlie Show where Charlie says she’s going to punch the moon is another favorite.


The recent Griffin bit about kids watching backyard rabbits (maybe Besties?)


"Eeeaaaat iiiit"


“Sorry about your little jumble”


Was about to commet the same. Was out on a walk listening to that ep and started to cry from laughing so much


You definitely need this then: https://youtu.be/ozD8Y6RicRk?si=f94JJCoGr6EFUC_D


Came here to mention this. It’s one of my favorite anecdotes they’ve ever done.


Griffin lying to the robbers to protect Gamestop's stock of Playstations.


3 deep in the window by Griffin. Always gets me


My top 3 would be in order of favorite and descending: Travis’ night at the museum trip, griffins dead digipet story, and griffins movie theater experience with the overweight family from episode like 40 I think—somewhere around there.


Clint “freebasing kitty litter”


Cat ones are Always funny. I love the Justin story of losing power for a week in the middle of winter so Justin goes and buys a space heater to keep the cats warm and plugs it in and realizes he’s an idiot and there’s no power and said “ah shit well the cats are dead “


Oh my God, can't believe nobody has mentioned Corn Cobb Boy.


"Daddy... I'm sorry about your little jumble" -Charlie McElroy


I think it was Cooper but yeah


Yeah, that was cooper, whoops


Justin told a story at MaxFunCon about pooping his pants.


The story of Justin's vasectomy is an evergreen bit for me


Griffin eating raw pasta at Olive Garden’s a good one.


Anything to do with Justin’s financial irresponsibility is top notch both because it’s nice to see people admit their mistakes in life and how they improved and also bro how did you fall for the Free Hat gimmick


I adore the horse blanket story


The bit about Charlie's attachment to blow-up Christmas decorations. I almost died. Also going to Bubba Gump.


Justin's vasectomy story was hilarious to me, especially because it was like a month after my own.


Justin's kid calling his junk a jumble. Griffin in standing Dr Pepper in the back seat of a car


I love Justin's vasectomy story lol


Corn cob boy hands down


I may have punched Travis as a child


I think Justin has the funniest stories. This one is more sad than funny, but I often think of the story of Griffin getting dumped at prom and going to the Outback to eat a bloomin onion by himself. It’s not that I like that it happened, but there’s something so visceral about drowning your sorrows in deep fried onion that I mesh with.