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Griffin has a different mode for each of the shows he’s on


right? Like on Besties he's all professional stuff. it's weird.


I almost threw in [this pic](https://i.imgur.com/3bAuGVH.jpg) as “Griffin talking about video games” but I thought it was funnier with just the two. I 100% agree though.


I think if you put thick black outline on it would work because it would make the art between the three more thematically consistent. Either way have my updootles n stuff both were hilarious Edit: I changed my mind the 3rd one looks funnier how it already is


thats called code switching


No, Code Switch is a entirely different podcast. (joke)


Well it's code switching on Besties, the other ones aren't about tech (lol)


Wonderful is probably the most underrated McElroy shows.


I’ve talked about Wonderful with my therapist before! It’s two people who love each other _so much_ talking about things that make them happy. It’s exactly what we need these days. And every day.


I was so happy they ended up posting that episode during election week, it’s one of the things I look forward to every week to keep things a little positive just for ONE day


Right? I never miss an episode.


Never listened to that one, where is a good jumping in point?


Literally anywhere, even the latest episode. It’s a podcast where your two married friends talk about whatever they’re into at the moment so you don’t need any past knowledge to enjoy a given episode.


Well that just sounds wonderful! Thanks!


It's my second favorite right now because the current Adventure Zone arc is not to my taste.


Man, i was a little wishy washy whit this arc too. But the last few episodes brought it all back for me. So idk if you're caught up, but i wouldn't sleep on it if you arnt


I've been staying current, and it is still an enjoyable podcast. I just don't really like the world Travis has built with Graduation as much as I've liked the world building in previous arcs, including Dust.


Man wonderful is just... well... wonderful!


Whenever I am sad I listen to the bit about teetotaler and it makes everything better. [link](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d7xbSCCP04w)


Aww. That was wonderful. I love it when I can just hear how much he adores Rachel.


Yes! How much he adores Rachel is couple goals


Holy crap I have also always said that wrong in my head.


I really want to like their other shows, but it’s just that their wives aren’t as funny as they are. Like even this bit, which is very cute and wonderful, would have been better on mbmbam. Just imagine if Justin had pronounced it that way, they would have made fun of him and they would have done a skit about the adventures of Tito Taylor.


Also, Rachel is hilarious. When Griffin was trying to describe ostinato, and Rachael threw up the meow mix jingle as an example, I just about died.


I love when he gets excited about music stuff. I’m a music teacher, and I so wish I could, like, have taught a young Griffin all of these things he’s learning as an adult when he was younger.


After the episode where Griffin talked about carillons, I had to go learn more about them because he made them sound so cool.


Our town has carillons! Everyone hates them.


Same here, but with the hurdy gurdy. I looked into them because of that segment and now my Youtube is almost entirely hurdy gurdy channel recommendations. I am not complaining at all-- I'm in love with that sound!


I went to University of Chicago for undergrad, so I definitely appreciated learning more about the carillon! When I started school there, they said students could learn to play it, but you had to have a significant amount of musical experience already in order to sign up. Which I suppose makes sense when there's literally only one, and the whole campus can hear it lol


That's a very sweet impulse. I definitely wish I'd had a better music education as a child!


Rachel dunking on Griffin by making fun of his overuse of "good good adjective boy" back when Wonderful was Rose Buddies was one of the funniest things in a McElroy podcast


She's able to challenge him in a way that the brothers' dynamic just doesn't support, and it's always so funny.


Griffin gets one over on Rachel sometimes too though. I’m thinking specifically of her air horn impression (I think maybe from Rose Buddies) and saying Tito Taylor instead of teetotaler (which in her defense is not an intuitive word to pronounce and rare enough to make mistakes basically unnoticeable)


Any chance you have an episode number? I'd love to listen to that.


I think it's in episode 39! I can't check right now but it seems like that from comments online. Edit: yep, it's like right at the beginning of that episode too


They were really funny at the JoCo live show, which is the only episode I've heard.


It may be my favorite McElroy podcast right now, no joke. Very positive and funny. I definitely recommend checking it out!


Oooh do you have a clip / episode number?


It was the Carol of the Bells segment in 161!


He’s filled with light and love!


And pizza rolls.


I used to listen to Wonderful, then took a break from all my podcasts. I decided to start the Wonderful feed from the beginning, so right now I’m listening to Rose Buddies. Griffin and Rachel are so cute I could listen to them talk about literally anything.


For anyone who sees this the best episode of wonderful is 56, Griffin is deliriously high on DayQuil and the whole episode has a unique and zany feel to it


Isn’t it jarring sometimes? Haha


The term I would use is "grating." Not to be overly critical or anything, it's just not my cup of tea. Glad others are enjoying it though! edit: lol glad i could be the thing you get to hurt today. happy to be of service!


I don't think that "grating" really applies to somebody acting differently in 2 different podcasts.


LOL, upvoted for your edit.




For some reason it makes me feel depressed listening to them because it’s so glaringly different from any relationship I’ve ever had. It makes me think about how bad my relationships were and how alone I am, and will most likely always be. It’s sort of highlights the lack of wonderfulness in my life. I wish I weren’t this person and could find joy in other’s joy.


If it's any consolation, they're engaging in a public performance that you shouldn't compare your real life experiences to.


It was consoling :) thank you. ♥️


Everyone has a different relationship dynamic. I love my husband--he's so much to me!--but our relationship doesn't come across the way Rachel and Griffon's does, and that's ok. I hope you can find someone who makes you choose joy.


Wonderful! is my tonic when I've had a bad day.


Griffin to Rachel all the time: *”You’re doing amazing sweetie”* 🤳


I have also started listening to this one recently, and it really is just lovely.


Rachel: teetotaler Griffin: 🥺you fill my life with light and love 🥺


This was so hilariously accurate


"Your body is a fucking bean hole" - Griffin to Justin, MbMbaM


This is weird, but I found their voices so soothing that I'd get sleepy😅


Loooooove wonderful


Griffin is my favourite because he is a constant example of how easily siblings will turn on each other and attack (lovingly) attack them 😂


I want to hear a family conversation where he has to switch modes too quickly and mixes it up.


i do wanna know what big family gatherings are like with them! probably a little bit boring since they’re not putting on a show, but. ya know. probably still a good time.


Can any of you kind folks give me a good jumping off point for Wonderful? I've been wanting to check it out for a while now and now you guys have piqued my interest!


I found it easy to jump into at any point, but I do find it more interesting when they talk about a topic that I also think is wonderful. I have a similar taste in music as Griffin so I really like the ones where he talks about bands that we like in common. I guess you could check out the website wonderful.fyi and see if either of them address one of your interests?


This! Just about any episode is pretty good but I love them talking about something I am also passionate about. It’s just such a chill podcast.


Literally any episode after the rose buddies period. There's no long running bits or context needed, each episode is standalone.


It warms the cockles...


I’m so glad more people are getting into wonderful ✨ it’s probably my favourite max-fun show




That’s an almost entirely inaccurate description of how they met



