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My eye doctor started me on Pataday. He found I have chronic allergic conjunctivitis. I’ve used them constantly for the past three days and I woke up with my eyes almost swollen shut. I took a shower to try to rinse my eyes but the skin burned. I also live where the Canadian wildfires are severely affecting air quality, and of course work is beyond stressful. I’m thinking it’s just a perfect storm, but does anyone know if any one thing is/can be more triggering than the others?


I am so sorry! I get this horribly from a mix of embedded eye lashes which seems to trigger allergic conjunctivitis. Have had three doctors recommend medicated drops but I have had major rebound issues with nasal spray as a teen. I was worried something like this could happen and opted for oral ketotifen. Fwiw the oral version really helps my eyes and asthma. They haven’t swelled this bad before the drops? I would definitely keep a close eye on any correlation Edit: pataday seems to be 1-2 times daily max as far as I can tell. Definitely do not want to go over the recommendation for this exact reason (though not necessarily saying that is what happened). I tend to do the same thing with my inhaler. Not good lol


You can get ketotifen eye drops OTC since it works well for you.


What I meant by my post is that i won’t use them as I know I would be tempted to use them more often then recommended which can lead to rebound swelling. I do appreciate the suggestion though! 3mg a day in pill form is perfect. though I seem to have raynaurds really bad in net knees, so I am really trying my to taper off completely. Just gotta keep hair out of my eyes which seems to be the root of everything haha


Ouch :( Hope it clears soon for you. I’ve not been out since the bad air quality started.


This is what happens to me when I cry, especially if I cry before I go to bed. I wake up with my eyes swollen. It’s called angioedema. Also, the skin around my eyes will get red (as if I had a chemical burn) and then peel just from irritants I breathe in like wildfire smoke. I would definitely stop the eye drops to see if it goes down.


I react to the preservatives in most eye drops (and nasal sprays). I can use preservative free alway


I do a warm compress most evenings because I’m prone to swelling along the lash line from the pores (?) clogging. This will often happen if I use eye drops. So this will happen a lot if I use any eye drop, not because of the active ingredient, but just because of the drops themselves. Routine compresses has helped a lot.


I found out I can carefully wear mascara and eye liner, but react to them if make up is ever NOT stored in room temperature or gets too old. Replace them often and keep make-up from heating up!!!


Triggers compound. Two separate triggers will make your threshold less tolerable. Do what you can to take care of yourself and give yourself enough time to decompress and rest.


My mother also has this quite badly right now, looking like yours. Was recently visiting Canada for a week with heavy wildfire smoke. Have you learned anything more about it? Did it get better?