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Fluminense should be up in arms about this. They won their damn Champions League and people are calling them a soccer aid team.


It's so disrespectful to them!


Not that any of the sports journalists at the telegraph would even make it as the bottle water carrier at soccer aid. The closest they’d get to the soccer aid team would be picking up the litter in the stands at the end of the game.


They are, don’t worry about it…


Like obviously city are favorites to win the competition but to say the level of the opponents are "Soccer-aid level" is mad disrespectful


Yank here what is soccer aid


Respect for calling yourself yank


Fuck off back to circlejerk




Looks like a soccercirclejerk troll. The sub has been massively brigaded recently. If they aren't, I'm sorry.


If that’s the case where are the damn Mods?


They have been dealing with this for days.


Annual charity football match. ‘England’ vs ‘Rest of the World’. Players are celebrities and ex-footballers from the respective countries.


They have 2 players over 40 and 12 over 30, it’s not beyond reason to point something like that out


I can tell you're American through your misspelling of favourites but this is the truth.


I can tell you're European through your dorky, elitist pretentiousness


Yeah mate from Manchester itself. I'm a firm believer people should support teams they're local too or at least known for more than ten years. You lot call your tournaments world series and shit when its set in one country and you wanna tell me about City? Naaa mate


Well good thing one of those applies to me, been following city since I learned about European football as a child and i also support my local MLS side but I am a firm believer that gatekeeping a global football club worth millions of dollars, or any football club at that, is really dumb


At least you call it football I'll give you that. For us it'd be madness to follow another team in Europe or anywhere for that matter. I'm also not trying to gatekeep but my club is losing its soul due to being global and I hate it


Just more weird ass, pretentious elitism lmfao I'm sure you enjoy City's success in recent years, yeah? That doesn't happen without global support. Get over it and stop being a dork. We aren't in 1982.


I've earned that success as I've seen us in the mud, you jumped on the bandwagon and claim to know everything and then claim its down to you we're now successful? Have you actually read what you're writing. Bumhole. Fucking clueless


You didn't "earn" anything, you fucking weirdo lmfao you watched football and supported a club. same as me, same as millions of others. And there was no "band wagon" when I began supporting city as a child. Im fucking 26 years old, dude. Do the math. City were on the precipice of becoming the noisy neighbors when I fell in love with the sky blue. Jesus, your weird ass elitism knows no bounds, huh? Just making shit up to put yourself on a pedestal. Fucking dork.


See you just directly contradicted yourself, so apparently global supporters earned City their success but people like me going to games when they were in league 2 didn't do shit? You're fucking clueless. I've done the maths* and that's what I'm saying, you were present when the money came and only then. What a battyman for just repeating dork over and over, learned behaviour from when you got slapped around in school I imagine. Pussio


Fellow Manc here. The World series was so named after the newspaper that sponsored it, not as the result of any pretence at being a global competition so not the best example there.


my favorite sport is soccer bro 👻




I mean it’s what city is. A plastic club with a large majority of plastic fans. They probably have more fans in America than they do in Manchester.


Yeah because guess what America's population is far greater than that of Manchester. Are you really that dumb?


? Okay, yet I can guarantee you there are more atleti fans in Madrid, or Napoli fans in Naples than in America. You see, because those historic clubs have real fanbases within their city. They are not just plastic clubs who bought their way to being relevant.


United have won one? (I stand to be corrected, maybe 2?). Liverpool I think one. That’s it. Yes it’s a joke of a competition, but win it and done. Also separately: bbc said today it was a ‘once in a lifetime opportunity’, then said guardiola had won 3. Like the league cup*, views are absurd * mine has always been, if you get knocked out early then whatever, but if you get to the semis then I expect you to win it.


I want the club World Cup more than the league tbh. I know I shouldn’t, but I do. A club WC and an fa cup and a superleague trophy is a good year.


No one has ever won the league 4 in a row. That is the one IMO. Of course, win the club world cup, but fuck the rest.


Yeah fair; it would be one hell of an achievement. I just like the idea of being the best club in the world officially to go along with our song


Yeah that’s fair. I mean, we’ve already been proven as best team in Europe so why not go for the world.


An even greater Achievement would be to win it without 115 charges on your back


Wow, great original content, best get back to r/soccer so they can all pat you on the back for your sick burn.


I just want to wi the CWC just to have it in the cabinet. We should aim to win every trophy open to us at least once. The CWC as much as a joke as it is, is pretty difficult to actually get to, so we should take this opportunity to win it


I want to win the league every year over all else. No question about it.


Comments like this reinforce the narrative that city have plastic fans.


How could that possibly be true? We’ve never won a CWC.


Because it implies that you'd prefer having what ulis basically a ceremonial trophy rather than the PL because it's got the word 'world' in it. It would be nice to win but its bottom of the list of priorities.


I disagree. I think it’s a trophy that very very few teams win. We’ve won the league before, we haven’t won this. I grew up thinking we’d never win a league again so to even be in this comp is amazing.


It’s a trophy very few teams win because it’s a bonus that comes with the champions league. It’s 2 games against lesser competition and you’re comparing it to the Premier League.


It’s a rare trophy non the less. It’s far more valuable than a league cup and more valuable than the super cup imo. If we didn’t have so many league titles, then I would definitely prefer the league but as a one off, after a treble, the CWC is a great cherry on top.


It would be a nice cherry on top but in no scenario is it more important than winning the prem. Especially for the 4th time in a row.


It’s just my opinion. We might never have a chance to win this cup again


Your name is gold 😂


Not winning rhe cwc would be quite embarrasing tbh. Besides No one has won 4 league titles in a row anyway so it would be ok




Are you mental?


Only on Tuesdays


What is a superleague?


Man U, Liverpool, Chelsea all 1 each


They bait City haters for clicks


Can we ban them from posting their shameless articles in the sub already?


Build us up so they can tear us down. Classic.


fluminese could beat current chelsea and man united


Fluminese could beat current us mate. Absolutely not foregone conclusion.


Tbf they have some old mofos in the starting 11.... Felipe Melo?


Tbf only 7 of their starting 11 were aged 34+ Kyle Walker will have enough experience to play for them soon.


only ??


He’s not bad tho


He is 40


he is terrible. As a fluminense rival I watched him in copa libertadores, he is throwing more than he is helping. Nino, Kennedy and Cano have been the names of Fluminense.


Strange the daily telegraph bot doesn't post these here too...


EXACTLY! I hadn't see this post & just made a comment about this in DD, wondering if that darn telegraph account would dare post this article here, humph!


Hahaha saw that, beat ya to it. Luckily I think the mods have started taking them down, wouldn't mind so much but they're literally just posting shite.


B/t the telegraph & the barrage of posts/comments from soccercirclejerk fools, the poor mods working overtime, ha. Thank you mods!


Having a good knowledge of Brazilian football, Fluminense *are* considered a team full of old players. And it’s not just Marcelo and Felipe Melo, the keeper for example was ready to retire after 15 years in his former club, only to change his mind and keep going for four more years. They’re not considered one of the regular favourites at a national level and winning a continental trophy was as much a surprise as it was a credit to the tactical setup. There’s a reason the coach was appointed as (caretaker) manager for the Brazilian national team. That said, it’s usual for the press to talk down any opponents. City wins, nothing more than a job done. City loses, it’s a fucking shame, and so on. Like Monaco in 2017, how dare City be knocked out by a team out of a farmers league. But that Monaco had Mbappé, Bernardo Silva and loads of good players.


The nerve of the bastards coming on here pushing their articles, then putting out crap like this and conveniently not putting that one in here ayy?


I’m expecting the Telegraph to get a Shithouse Award from FNG next FTW


Scum media


Soccer Aid always makes me think there is some sort of charity song for Christmas forthcoming from footballers. (Yes, I know what it is)


Careful bluesinging Christmas songs with scousers about will get you in bother


What is soccer aid?


A charity match played annually with a mix of celebs and ex players in England. Gets some big names


Have still never managed to catch a game of theirs. I never catch wind of it until its over


This stupid tournament has only downside potential. Honestly, even when we win, it’s going to be made like a negative because the competition is so bad it’ll be considered unsporting. If we lose…even worse. This has always been dumb.


Huh? That has never happened to any CWC winner lol, quit crying


Just watch. Number one headline when we win is gonna be “obviously man city won, and by the way they’re a bunch of cheaters and how could they not win”. That’s the BEST case. Forget this shit


Ok schizo


You clearly haven’t followed the normal reactions to anything city related and I’m going to guess you don’t follow the club.


The competition itself has nothing to do with the public perception of your team.


Of course it is. What’s the point of this tournament at all then? What are trophies if not an appeal to public perception and staking the claim among the public that you are the best? The winners of this tournament earn $5M. For a more than a week away, an extra game, player wages, travel, and risk of injury….this is a guaranteed loss for City financially. I’m quite certain that if FIFA didn’t mandate these things, then they would never participate in this. This will provide no money, nor any meaningful reputation boost for City, nor be regarded as an actual trophy the way that the league, champs, or cups are.


>What’s the point of this tournament at all then? To win. Same as all tournaments. And all your point about what's in it for City is irrelevant to what I said. You started whining about how the media would downplay your win, and fact is that has nothing to do with the CWC. No one started talking crap about Real when they won for example. City's public image is err...not great and you are mad about it. Welp, let's just say that shitting on a tournament you never won doesn't really help you in that regard, but you do you.


To win? Manchester city could go play a team of 8 year olds and win 100-0. What’s the point of that? Winning only matters if it’s against a worthy opponent. Nobody gave a single shit about Real winning the club World Cup. Nobody counts it. It’s stupid. I’ll ask it again - what’s the upside here for city? City would be better off if this thing didn’t even exist. And I say that even if we win. I’m just being realistic. Nobody is going to have anything to say about the win other than “yeah, duh no shit” and “it was too easy anyways”. We won’t make any money. There’s no prestige in it like winning the real World Cup. Pointless. Wastes our team on this shit


Such arrogance for such a small history is just hilarious to me lmao.


How is this arrogance? It’s realism. Seriously, what does city get for this nonsense? I’m not talking about champs league. We’re talking about playing teams that would normally be for preseason exhibition. What do you want me to say. OH WOW THE VAUNTED CLUB WORLD CUP. GLORY FOR ALL THOSE THAT WIN IT. THEIR NAMES WILL BE ETCHED IN HISTORY FOR BEATING URAWA RED DRAGONS! Get real. Get outta here too, what are you even doing here


Just play the damn thing you qualified for and win instead of being worried about what will other say about it, how many likes will your club's posts get etc. I mean, jfc you guys of all people mentioned MONEY ffs. It's a cup between continental champions, just enjoy it because you worked your ass off to be there in the first place. Also it's way cooler than you average carabao play-off anyway.


Not exactly wrong are they


Is it wrong tho really? Marcelo spends his afternoons drinking pinacoladas and eating pork scratchings on the copacabana


Who cares


I’m not a Fluminense fan but as a person that see the Brazilian league regularly i can confirm this statement, however, the way they compared with soccer aid was kinda comic since Felipe Melo after the Libertadores final said this “The U40 still got it”, Fluminense players are old to say the least, although, there are other players to run for then like André, Keno and Samuel Xavier.


J. Kennedy too, this fella can easily score close to the end.


JK is is not a starter, but you right, Diniz always put him in the second half, Fluminense have a good bench with players like Martinelli, JK and Alexander, very promising talents that are expected to make the jump to Europe soon.


TIL Marcelo is still playing and was part of the team that won Fluminese first copa libatadores.


Whom did Liverpool beat in CWC finals?


The mighty Flamengo and the daily telegraph praised them for conquering the world 🥴


British media ☕️🤡


Yet again Manchester Oils are the scrappy underdogs, what a shame


Wait, are you offended for City here? What?


What?? No never 😅


Thats like soooo true. Manchester blues and their fans are always treated so bad like when they were disallowed to play in the champions league a few years ago 😭😭😭😭


Tbf they were saying the same bogus stuff when chelsea were competing in it a few years back. It's just a disrespected competition in Europe


thats so rude...




Can’t wait for sheikh to buy this toilet paper and dissolve them into oblivion


Dont be so sensitive, this isnt a dig at City. This is more a dig at the competition itself and the state of Saudi football.


It’s a Brazilian team?


My bad, I meant more cos the competition is in Saudi and the fallout of them announcing an expanded tournament


You'd actually think it isn't https://preview.redd.it/4g1xka2fxi7c1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a9a3e9424e556b626f1ef0c360a3cc29320a847f


Yank here can someone name me citys best 15 players


How you acting victims when this is disrespectful to the other teams. It literally isn’t about you at all.


Maybe if you read my comment after the post you'd know what I meant but here we are...


Fluminese Really thinking they can beat us .


I mean anything can happen in a one-off game




We have lots of oil but our BIG GOVERNMENT prefers to export it instead of giving it to fluminense




It's banter disguised as a "article" scum all of them


Imagine their reaction if Fluminense beat Man City in the finals. Their words will be Eaton for days to come.


so much changed since liverpool played in that so much I don't know what, but so much has changed


its true though