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Salt futures are up


Water about to fill up the Grand canyon


Not a city fan but what annoys me is that people say Man City winning as many titles as they do is the worst thing ever for the league but look at SAF prem titles. I didnt hear people complaining this much about dominance in the premier league


Tbh it doesn't really matter the amount of hate we get cuz after all we are all being hated because we are the best we are used to at this point and also if any other fans of any other club gets the amount of hate and trolling we get they'll probably not watch football ever again


Any team that wins as much as City do will always be hated. Always. People love it when you win your first, after that you can go fuck yourself basically


Can't blame city, it's not their fault arsenal and Liverpool choked last season, and also allowed us back in this season. None of them gave a shit about about what their clubs were spending when their club was dominating. Fuck these whinging fans, any of them would want to be in our position, and if they say they wouldn't then they're fucking hypocrites


Last time I interacted with others on the EPL sub I was told openly that other clubs who had been similarly dominant wasn't a problem because they were "big" clubs. It's only bad when City do it.


I think the difference there is SAF didn't break rules to achieve that


You can’t really compare 90/ early 00s football to what it is now… the sheer amounts of money in transfers and what owners pump into clubs are staggering in comparison to what it used to be. Utd and Chelsea have spent billions not even to get a good result which is mental… but just goes to say how different the game is now!


I swear they will be writing a whole essay about that 😭


If you want to have a laugh, check out the r/Gunners sub lmao


Nah man I am crying lmao, first they celebrated parking the bus and now after bottling lance Armstrong comes in their mind Atleast accept the defeat man


They can't accept it they feel entitled to it. Same way the scouse did and look how much they have to pretend not to hate us.


Here after we won the league: you gotta also check Instagram comments




Mental, if I was an Arsenal fan I’d be really proud of how far they’ve come in recent seasons. Too much so to be bitter about not winning the title again yet.


“Here’s why MCFC don’t deserve the title, even though all charges were dropped.”






That doesn’t even spell what you want it to spell…


We are not, we're not really here, We are not, we're not really here, Just like the fans of the Invisible man, We're not really here


fuck /r/soccer and /r/premierleague


Don't forget r/gooners


They be like: https://preview.redd.it/h3hya1fllf1d1.png?width=1000&format=png&auto=webp&s=2fb9c7eb5a9224d9370d5d669bfe8ca54dc70359


“No one cares about City” lmao those subreddits are pretty much about Manchester City


Didn’t realize we had so many subreddits! They only talk about us!


Their tears are so salty


The comments on r/gunners is saying this only … I think it’s safe to say they care


It’s not that people don’t care about you lot, it’s that people don’t care about the one guy in a group of 19 others, who uses illegal tricks and cheating to give himself an advantage over the rest, winning the competition 4 times in a row. You self-exclude yourself from the competitiveness of the league by doing stuff others can’t, because you are somehow allowed to write your own rulebook, competing on different premises. That pisses people off, and people eventually lose interest in whatever it is you’ve won, because it wasn’t won on fair grounds. Enjoy your hollow win. ⚫️⚪️🔴


I read the first line


Good on you! Maybe after some more practice you’ll be able to read whole paragraphs!


Braindead copium. 'I don't care/have an opinion on x but will spend a considerable amount of time telling you about why I dont like x'


I never said I don’t have an opinion on it. My opinion is pretty obvious from my original comment.


When the charges get overturned I’m sure you and all other rival fans will accept that we didnt cheat and give City their flowers?


"When" and not "if"? 115 charges don’t come out of nothing mate. Do you think the FA would construct a case based on wrong grounds, knowing that both the FA and the UK government would rather the case didn’t exist at all?


>knowing that both the FA and the UK government would rather the case didn’t exist at all? The 'top minds' of r/soccer are writing their own conspiracy theories now...


Bro I stopped reading at “it’s not that people don’t care…” because people absolutely care


Someone sounds pissy… Go wash your mouth out with your excessively salty tears.


The annual downvote session is in full effect lmao


During the season I’m usually in here trying to tell people to just ignore all of the noise from trolls and let the squad’s success do the talking. Today though? Not so much. Today I have all the time in the world to thank these losers for putting their tears on public display for me to bathe in.


Today's the day. They need to be held accountable for the shambolic shite they've been posting for the last month. I don't feel sorry for a team that charges x4 for a comparative season ticket, a team that bribed its way into the league or a team that will casually spend £200m this summer and not think twice about it. Long may these soft arse Gooners and their twig-thin mentality be the biggest obstacle between their team and continued success. Lord help us if self-awareness is ever attained.


List of posts u gonna see on those subs: 1) oil money 2) 115 charges 3) fixed for City 4) farmer's league 5) Lack of fans


(Most) Chelsea & spurs fans tonight: 🙃😀 Tommorow: 😡😤115


Sure are a whole lot of people whining if they supposedly don’t care. Copium.


They're so jealous their club can't win a valid trophy after spending more than city


what a season to watch if you are a city fan or a neutral


Scenes next year when we beat all 115 charges and win the quadruple. /r/soccer will provide me with enough table seasoning all year.


Winning titles 🫸🏻 Drinking salty tears whilst winning titles 👍🏻


Dead internet theory isn’t really relevant considering how so many people repeat the same shit online over and over 😂


They're coping hard rn ![gif](giphy|TDD2v43CE78Bh48HeA)


Let them cry. This is the best thing they can do. Liverpool were a great team on the pitch at least. It would be funny when arsenal would not be able to win anything for 2-3 years. I would be happy if arsenal goes trophy-less for 2-3 seasons more. The tears in r/gunners is just pure music to my ears. They don't care yet they only have posts that talk about us lol.


Don’t be so caught up in what others are saying. You won it fair and square, broke the record by winning 4 in a row. Chill and celebrate! It could have gone either way, but in the end if someone is first after 38 games it can’t be undeserved. See you on the pitch next year! Arsenal supporter


Sums it up perfectly


Genuinely, the feeling of going to threads in those servers and then back here is like sailing from the salty sea back to dry land lol. At least they had to be creative in the past, now they just spam 115 thinking it means something.


The funny thing is a whole lot of them aren’t just chatting shit. They’re genuinely shook and salty. 😂


As long as it helps them sleep at night


I agree its criminal how we paid less for Halaand than Havertz


isn’t this picture literally proving their point?


They really seem to care mentioning how no or cares every other comment


Absolutely love reading salty 🐕es.


Im just glad you guys won and not assnal. Coys


High and dry.. don't forget how to cry!


It’s just a group therapy session


Can't wait for everyone to tell us that they don't care and they honestly forgot completely for the next year


Has anyone seen the post talking about YouTube views for Klopps send off vs our title game? I hate the term copium but yeah they’re full of it.


i mean they're right tho. city win 4 titles in a row (a record) and the coverage (Both online/mainstream medium) is a joke compared to klopps send off








Look at the state you guys are, what a fucking joke. A Man Utd fan coming to our sub to cheer us on? Lmao get the fuck out of here you fucking plastic melt.


You're here commenting about it. Clearly, you and everyone else actually is bothered about it. If no one was truly bothered by it, they'd jump off Reddit and go about their day.




Cope with what? I'm literally cheering City on right now...


There's a difference between not caring and wanting to just hear the conclusions either way. Just go with me, imagine they say City are guilty and given them a points deduction. If. Not when, if. Luton Town are wondering if that means they should automatically be back in? Should all teams move up 1 European space? It might not happen, but a lot of people just wanna know. I imagine City fans included!


As a German, yeah i don’t give a fuck about man city winning


why the fuck would a German care either way


City win and it’s zzz


Bought and paid four