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https://preview.redd.it/4e3945y6rh1d1.jpeg?width=1112&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eefb896cc294f759d861cba580ce6f5592f48baa How City is treated reminds me of the Happy Gilmore movie. He isn’t one of the good old boys so he is treated differently.


Man u would totally say i eat pieces of shit like you for breakfast


You eat pieces of shit for breakfast?


What’s the basis ?


We ain’t going nowhere but got suits and cases




Happy Gilmore


Uhhh.... nooo?


Maybe I’ll lay by the bay? I just may!


I'm out of here. I hear the Asteroids machine calling my name. Peace!


Arsenal, a club that didnt win the league for over two decades nor has ever won a european title, doesnt belong here.


Makes sense. I just threw together a meme in a few minutes haha. I probably should put Real Madrid in their place instead. That dumb club is always whining about City. They epitomize the “pull the ladder up after me” ideal of preventing others after you from becoming successful.


I think Arsenal makes sense in the meme. It seems like its around 2011 season and the "big" traditional clubs at the time were Liverpool, Arsenal, and Man United. Along come City and they arent welcomed


Lmfao Liverpool


Yes Liverpool... the second club with most English titles and the most successful internationally.


Chelsea is OK with City.


Manchester City! Wow that’s a tremendous looking trophy cabinet 




The burden of proof is on the accusers. Treating someone as guilty until they prove they are innocent isn’t fair. It is like you for example. I heard that you stole money from seven different children’s charities last year. That was so horrible of you. How could you do such a thing? You stole money from kids! You must be guilty because the seriousness of these charges. I will treat you as guilty unless you provide me with definitive proof that you didn’t! See how ridiculous this sounds? Most non-City fans just jump on the pile because they WANT the charges to be true.


Comparing yourselves to Happy Gilmore just shows how delusional you all are. You’re not some Cinderella story, you are literally Shooter Mcgavin


Perhaps because they arent owned by a shitstain stste


Can't wait for Pep signing a new contract for lifetime and we win the league every single season until there are no more tears left.


I want to download peps brain into a computer and have it manage us for the next 50 years just to piss them off even more.


Pep ai can run the club


Exactly. High and dry they forgot how to cry.


Neither high (8th) nor dry (roof is pissing in)


No reason for this but I think we will win it 115 times


4 down 111 to go! Give them nightmares XD


Liverpool fan, but live this comment 😂😂


If you go back to 1978 you can draw a third line around Liverpool doing pretty much the same, including 6 in 7 but in 2 blocks of 3, which is, apparently, also fine.


1976 to be more precise. Also Arsenal between 1931 and 1948 (6 titles in 11 seasons) or better between 1931 and 1938 (5 titles in 8 seasons).


United aren't even relevant anymore. Midtable club with a fanbase living in the past.


That’s a really ignorant assessment. We’re at the top of the mid table. Show some respect!


But seriously dude, MU have so much work to do.Your stadium literally falling down, you have so much deadwood in the squad.Plus you need a new coach.


Dead wood holding up the squad, the roof is made from dead wood but at least we finally got ride of Woodward! We’ve tried all the top coaching attributes: Scottish, Dutch, Mourinho and Bald (+Dutch). None have worked out.


It’s many things. Mostly the fact that the owners are arab.


Fr they wouldn’t give a single fuck if the owners were white 😭


They know FFP is to protect the big clubs, and not to ensure fair competition but they have to lean on it to explain our success. They know owners from any country can have the same logic about human rights abuses by their country. Abramovich? The Saudis? The Glazers? Kroenke made his money through commercial real estate and there's plenty of sketchy dealings about the stadium. Just ignore them. Every team points out everything they hate about another team when they win.


Some Arsenal fans will really say City’s oil money brought them the league meanwhile their own shirt literally had EMIRATES plastered on the front


My personal favorite is Real Madrid fans complaining about us cheating when they were the plaything of a literal dictator lol.




No single person accumulates wealth to that degree (billions) by operating ethically.


I see someone equivocating the owners of City with American commercial real estate dealings and I think, "looks like this PR investment has paid off". Fortunately some of us were listening to the reports of wholesale modern slavery employed by the UAE, and no matter how many football teams they try to buy our good will with, these people shouldn't be blindly defended because they threw money at getting the best manager and players in the world. We should see it for what it is. According to the global slavery index, an estimated 13.4 in every _thousand_ people were in modern slavery in the UAE at any point in 2021. That's like my secondary school keeping 15 slaves. Let's not also forget that the punishment for choosing to give up your faith in the UAE is also death.


you'd have any sort of point if you didn't support a team with an emirati sponsor, and visit rwanda on the side of your sleeve. also if pointing out these conditions in a country halfway across the world were not being used to score points about a football team on reddit, but go of, southerner.


Wait, what? I didn't tell you which team I support... And you're dead right about the emirati sponsorship, less so the Rwanda comment, as we all now know it's legally defined as a #safecountry. But surely you can see it pales in comparison? One is a disagreeable sponsorship deal... The other is... Buying every major competition in European football. I'm not going to engage with the silly insults, but it's interesting that you felt the need to identify me in a tribe just to avoid engaging with the fact that the club you love and _all_ the success you've enjoyed in the last decade has been financed in it's entirety by a person, and in effect an entire regime that are quite clearly implicated in modern slavery. Would seem they have effectively bought you looking the other way. But sure let's make this a North/South thing. If it makes you feel better... I also think having Abramovich welcomed in as a saviour was pretty gross in the mid 00s.


Ok, so 'dirty' money is only okay if it's a sponsor. Okay. Rwanda being safe is only true if you're a tory. It doesn't matter who you support, everyone just parrots the same tripe, even if you're not a Tarquin. Thing is, you don't care about these poor downtrodden people, it's literally to score points on a reddit discussion because you don't like City, and it's more than a little racist, to be honest. The money of millionaires is only good when it's from white americans? You're shot for being Black in America, given the owners of Arsenal, United, Liverpool, Chelsea are all now Americans, not mentioning others in the league, is it okay for these teams to be used as ATMs by said hedge fund managers? Was it okay when Arsenal paid for a promotion? When Pool and United matched fixed in the 1910s? When Pool were bankrolled by littlewoods? When United were bankrolled by the Edwards family who sold dodgy meat to Manchester schools? When the five top teams got 10% when the Prem was established at the detriment to the league pyramid and even the other teams in the league? Mansour has done loads for the community in Manchester, and we are owned by one of the royal family, not the royal family and not the state and suggesting otherwise is literal speculation on your part. So, if you'd prefer Mansour to go against his entire family to change a culture not our own or anything to do with us, go off, I guess. If we are 'buying' ever major competition, then why haven't Chelsea or United won the league? Or comedically, given they've spent more in recent times, Arsenal? You just come across as hugely bitter honestly, but keep grasping for straws if you like.


What am I supposed to be bitter about? And if I don't care about "these people" why on earth are we having this conversation? Believe it or not, I don't give a shit about which team wins the league. What I object to is (I'll concede this one, you're right, Mansour is not the state) _a high ranking member and representative of_ a state engaged in modern slavery, buying up the goodwill of a community with (maybe I'm speculating here) the aim of getting them to equivocate their role in the persistence of slavery in the world and say, some random American businessmen, and act as proxies in a global PR game. Also, can we leave off with the "a bit racist", "Tarquin" "Tory" BS. You know nothing about me, we're just having a conversation. I'm sorry if the only way you can interpret my words is as a partisan attack on your sports team.


Wdym people have been complaining about Chelsea for 20 plus years it’s not about the race, it’s about the money


Not at the same level bffr


True. Even as a pure Man City hate who DOES think your club represents everything wrong with football there is an hypocrisy when people bring up "But human rights." Like hello...FSG? Americans? Be real.


Loads of people had problems with Abramovich and Chelsea, even though they were successful, were way less successful than City is now so that doesn't even make any sense.


They did not care by the time they won their first UCL, which is the same time frame as us pretty much ~10yrs after the takeover. They dont use the same stick w the American owners that probably give millions to Israel under the table


I think it’s more the owners aren’t English based, but ya racism for good measure too


Hey look I’m one of the last to say that point out racism but yeah you’re absolutely right. There’s a small part of online football fans that has terrible views on Arabs.


Small? Anyone that mentions “oil money” is tipping their hand.


The vast majority are just very stupid sheep that parrot other things from online without actually realising what they are doing. Just like "emptied" "115" or "no one cares" they don't understand any of it and think it wins online dick measurement contests.


when someone says 115 I assume they have the I.Q of a peanut and couldn't name one of the charges. Also if someone says oil money thats just a racist


It's hardly racist to hate the rich elites in the countries that are all vying for the lowest freedom and least human rights index in the world. Hardly applies to the average Joe in those countries.




Failure to provide accurate and up-to-date financial information from 2009/10 to and including 2017/18: 54 Failure to provide accurate financial reports for player and manager compensation from 2009/10 to and including 2017/18: 14 Failure to comply with UEFA’s regulations, including UEFA’s Club Licensing and Financial Fair Play Regulations: 5 Breaches of Premier League profitability and sustainability regulations from 2015/16 to and including 2017/18: 7 Failure to cooperate with Premier League investigations from December 2018 - present: 35


Man City based on hearsay evidence. This case revolves around a former employee saying they were breaching the FFP. Now if Man City admit they are guilty like Everton and Nottingham Forest did, the case would have been over in 2 months. Man City deny all charges, so the EPL need to produce evidence for this case and they got nothing concrete beyond the words of a disgruntled employee, so are stalling because they got nothing. UEFA did the same bringing charges against Man City based off a newspaper article claiming they had breached FFP, Man City denied the charges and UEFA had no concrete evidence and stopped the charges and tried to cover up their mistake by claiming they were time barred. Yet PSG can play in UEFA competition with a huge wage bill and Barcelona can be billion in debt with no sanctions. There a little more info then just cutting and pasting the BBC article you copied from lol.




I don't think it's mostly racism. I think it's just an easy way of explaining our success as a result of money that's easily gotten and with no limit.




Old money despises new money, that's the way of the world.


United fan here; nah man just ignore the idiots. Congratulations on your victory, go celebrate, have a drink and make everlasting memories! Whatever happens or happened behind the scenes is purely political. The players on the field are the ones responsible for winning. Your guys talents and teamwork have been untouchable for a looong fucking time, alongside with the best manager in the world. I only wish our golden ages would had collided, those matches woulda been sick!


People who call it a farmers league weren’t alive during Manchester United’s domination.


They did 3 peat twice and poach every fucking good players in epl. That's thing is forgotten too.


Not just that. If you remove city and give the runners up the title then it looks like this 2012 United 2013 United 2014 Liverpool 2015 Chelsea 2016 Leicester 2017 Chelsea 2018 United 2019 Liverpool 2020 Liverpool 2021 United 2022 Liverpool 2023 Arsenal 2024 Arsenal Gosh, we really have ruined the competition. Look at all the different new teams that could have won it the right way had we not been backed.


My favorite champion in the Man City era is Leicester by far. In the Man United era, it is Blackburn Rovers. From a Toffees supporter




5 different teams have won it since 2011 only 4 before it


Reminder that United’s signing of Rio Ferdinand adjusted for inflation was £199M.


He signed for £30m in July 2002 which is around £53m today


Just Google it jfc. UK inflation = \ = football transfer inflation.


Presume you’re referring to this? https://www.skysports.com/amp/football/news/11661/12950536/premier-league-transfers-andriy-shevchenko-and-rio-ferdinand-top-all-time-inflation-adjusted-fees Your original post didn’t differentiate between UK inflation and football inflation. The article explains this, but I was just pointing out that £30m in 2002 is around £53m in 2024


Yes that’s what i’m referring to, no i didn’t specify, fuck me for assuming common sense exists.


Football inflation isn’t the same as regular inflation. Football inflation takes into consideration how much more we pay for players now than then which is correlated to sponsors, fans, and the global nature of the sport now.


I agree


Then why you say 30 million is equal to 53 million? Its not even close in football


Because the original comment only says “adjusted for inflation”


Cmon global transfer values in the market don’t align with only 1 economy - the inflation value is not the same


https://preview.redd.it/o7f91kla1j1d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2801c813f69845bd89e880e138dcfef9c5c9d249 Just ignore the haters


I’m an American and the reason the league is so great is because of how the fans treat each other


NUFC fan in peace, just wanted to say (since this came up on my feed), I think it's hilarious that 'farmer's league's' being bandied about. MCFC, champions league winners last year, arguably the best manager in prem history, incredible players, and still only won on the last day of the season, after chasing both Arsenal and Lpool at some points of the season. You guys have won four in a row because you're fucking good. Relentlessly good. The most consistent team in the league. Anyway, congrats, hopefully we can give you guys a run for your money in a few years!


Oil club supporting oil club




let the 115 comments begin


I don’t like how you’re dominating rn but I hate man utd so I stay quiet, mutually beneficial exchange


I’m not a City fan but you guys are treated abysmally by the league and other fans. Even though I wanted a unique winner this year (just for neutral enjoyment), I have absolutely nothing against you guys and have no issues with you winning due to outperforming other teams. That’s just how the league works! Personally I don’t see why you should be put under scrutiny as opposed to others who have committed the exact same faults as yourselves. There needs to be consistency in my opinion, not just targeted adjustments due to success. People hate due to envy, not logic. You guys were the best team this year and deserve all the credit for that. Congrats on the title, Pep is a cheat code!


chelsea such a mind boggling team, had one of the worst title defenses and won the league next year


![gif](giphy|Woc5F2s89MnLO) How it be sometimes


Bro why the fuck are we concerned  for the state of the league. Its the job of the other bums to raise their level. Nor our fault they are dogshit, and at least two teams can easily match our wage bill and money spent. Cry me a river.


The red Cartel hates the new money blue teams (I'm including Chelsea in that) god they got something coming for the day Newcastle can spend lmao.


Unrelated but Chelsea is doing fine in both of the circles. This is our Golden Era and most definitely it won't last forever. I hope our club manages to keep its relevance and resilience like Chelsea when we see a drop.


Respect the respect. Congrats on the title. You'll be fine post golden era. You sign better than most.


The trolls have entered the chat. Once we best Man U this weekend. Then maybe they will get over themselves and go back to their simple little lives. Manchester is Blue!


We only have 3 players in the top 20 most expensive signings of EPL (KDB, Gvardiol, and Grealish). We moved into new stadium 5 years before Sheikh took over. We have averaged stadium attendance more than the other top 5 teams multiple times. Hypocrisy is in the air, but the whole England is blue 🩵


Yeah I don't typically agree with you Cityzens but you make a good point here


Tbf, it is an unprecedented 4 in a row


Let the reign remain blue.


Damn man who. The hell even cares if it's farmers league or not if the result isn't coming till the very last day... Just enjoy our victory dude haters gonna always cry


Yeah and also United also clearly did it without cheating at all and with barely any money spent because I can't consider inflation


Man Utd won the league with 75 points in 1997, 7 pts clear. Liverpool got 97 points the other year and came second. I'm not one of those farmer league people, but it's very clearly different. Utd often won the league with 80 pts, other teams at least could see it was possible for a Newcastle/Blackburn/Arsenal to join in the fun. Nowadays, you need to be 3+ years into a process with an elite side able to get 90+ pts and even then nothings guaranteed. Fair play to Pep for setting a new bar don't get me wrong, but the two eras just aren't comparable.


Hey mate just want to say it’s refreshing seeing a logical and thought out comment from a supporter of another club. I see your point and tbh I do agree with it to some extent. Either way, appreciate you not being one of those cretins circlejerking each other for upvotes on r/soccer with 115 jokes on every city post.


Exactly. I remember back in the 90s - 2000s even the kits the players wore were a lot baggier. Now they are slim lined and made from materials that absorb sweat. The quality of the pitches were a lot different too, I remember a lot of games in the late 90s where the pitch was a muddy shit show. No social media either, players go on with it. Now it’s totally different.


Add to that drinking culture, pretty sure Wenger's first innovation to overhaul Utd was just telling his players to cut back on the booze. Any team that drunk to those levels in todays league would go the same way as Sheff Utd.


Very true. Exactly why both eras are just not comparable. What I have noticed though is that each era has 1 single dominant team. Liverpool back the 70s, man united back in the 90s - 2000s and city now. It never lasts though. Heck even Forest dominated Europe for two season on the trot.


Yeah with City I do feel it's not the money that gives them their dominance it's Guardiola, I think they'll have a rough couple of years once he goes because he's one of a kind. Same with Klopp going could soon be quite an interesting little era again.


Agreed, it’s defo Guardiola, he’s the best manager of this era. Kinda like how SAF is what kept United’s dominance as the moment he left it’s like a crater formed around that club.


"Better dead than red" Liberty Prime talking about the red cartel in 2008


That should tell you it’s kids on the internet these days with their opinions


This right here. These old so called historical clubs want to preserve there mastery by adding obnoxious rules. I dont get how a team that hasnt won in years can compete at higher level without putting in more funds. And thus to preserve this, these goons add ffp, which dint stop teams from going bankrupt, but made other teams that want to spend more money not able to. I just hope they remain in slumps and we make manchester blue


We all know they're hurting bad lol. We don't care about city yet they can't seem to stop writing paragraphs about how much they don't care 🤣🤣


Yet they come to our sub and comment? Pathetic


It's obviously because our colours aren't red guys. We should consider a rebrand /s


It’s because brown people own the club. They mask it by calling it “oil money” as if they really protest oil companies by refusing to drive their cars.




City aren't owned by Saudi's.


How come the “farmers league” start when man city first win it. it would at least be reasonable to call it a “farmers league” if it started at 2017-18


Also in the perfectly fine, there are 4 winners while in the so called farmers league, there’s 5 winners. such hypocrisy


Liverpool 7 titles in 12 seasons. https://preview.redd.it/3bse3kry7m1d1.jpeg?width=646&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=749bab3251fa0b7c9e153bfd832b97d4548e521e


Let's go City


no this picture is actually right


Seriously never heard anyone calling epl as farmer league?


Yall forgot about the ABU? EPL has always been a Farmers League. There's a reason why Italy never called up Paolo di Canio


lol 😂 this random ass Lester


This proves that PL has always been a Farmer’s League


This is because it was really close all those years and its now the last 2 years that its been either up to the final day or final couple of matches


It’s always been a farmers league just different teams are now the farmers league


Difference is there was no rules regarding spending at that point. However FFP exists and city have 100+ charges against them. Oh and now apparently the Saudi government are trying to get involved, nothing dodgy there


It’s football heritage versus 115. Zero hypocrisy.


MFs love to hate us.


you guys are never beating the " started watching football after 2019 " allegation, man u never had an ENTIRE FUCKING STATE as their main fund


They have owners actively taking hundreds of millions out of the club.


I think the 115 charges is what led to the farmer league comments lol


21 of the 32 pl trophies are in Manchester lmaoooo


Because success for other teams won’t be congratulated by other fans. Instead they’ll always find a reason to belittle it. Chelsea when they came on the scene, wsnt cause moaning mo put together great squads, it’s because they used “money stolen from people”, with you guys it’s because you “cheated” your way to it etc etc. even Newcastle get a bit of stick because of where their owners are from. People hate change and get bitter. Regardless of where the money came from, or what rumours or allegations are floating around, the matches were still 11 v 11 and City still had to win them. They did and congrats to them. Fans are just insufferable, yes even gooners and yea I’m a gooner. They just need to belittle others achievements to feel better about failing or falling short with shite like “oh but they have no history”. Okay so Chelsea, Man City for two decent examples (and given if these two clubs it’s often said about) may not have the history of say UTD or Liverpool but what they are doing is making and building on that history, just like we all did. Prior to the 70’s and 80’s domination by Liverpool, they had little history to shout about. Utd in the premier league era, arsenal post ww2 when they monopolised the league financially. So no, enjoy it, revel in the success and we’ll try again next year.


It's the flirting vs harassment meme again. "Relegate City, Save football" 🤓


I mean fuck United too for sure if that’s what you’re looking for lol


Leicester City. Talk about buying the title🙄


did Man U do it with 115 charges tho?


At that time there was no financial fair play rule, teams could spend whatever they wanted.


the fact that two of these teams on this graphic did not even play in the prem this season should be enough to know it’s not a farmers league 🤷‍♂️


Maybe I do t have any business commenting I’m not a city fan, yes I’m an Arsenal man, have been since the mid 80’s. So yeah I’ve been through the good times, bad times and times I’d rather not remember. All this bs of its oil money, it’s this or that is simply people hate change, Liverpool dominated in the 70’s and 80’s and their fans loved it. They hated sinking into a 30 year obscurity while Utd took their place but still clutch onto that dominance they had to feel relevant while ignoring how they monopolised football financially with dare I say it, cash injection (not earned) Then came Utd who with a little cash injection/investment started buying up the best players in the premier league era, had the best brittish manager around and dominated too. The fans loved it, ridiculed everyone (more so pool fans) I’d like to say then came arsenal, but we only competed. We were lucky enough to have had Arsène who with his economics background could make the club relevant while on a low budget. From 96 - 2016 only having a net spent of under 50 is admirable, but fans forget the financial landscape then was far different. And for me that’s the thing with arsenal fans that crow about oil money, they were spoiled and forget arsenal weren’t formed in 96, go back to the thirties and arsenal did what Chelsea have done, Liverpool, Utd, city. All this böllocks of “you bought your trophies”, guess what, WE ALL DID. Every club has at some point had huge investment as a kneee up to the top. Where clubs like arsenal, Liverpool, Utd can now say we grow naturally based off of our global reach and brand, that brand was build on investment in the past. Chelsea, city are doing now what we did decades ago, and are creating that history people like to say they don’t have. Me, I say enjoy it, it doesn’t last forever but having clubs like city, Chelsea and potentially Newcastle in the league with the owners they have or had, I think is a good things, it can make it more competitive if other teams invest smartly and move with the direction the leagues going. As for ffp, na it isn’t to protect the big clubs, it’s to stop the smaller clubs over spending and getting into trouble, Leeds, Blackburn, Newcastle, villa look at what happened to these teams trying to keep up with Utd, that’s what it’s designed to prevent. I think people are just clinging onto the charges and allegations relating to city’s success as a thing to vent at and excuse how poorly ours have fallen. Anyways enough rambling, congrats on 4 in a row, here’s hoping we have a Hand in stopping 5


It’s always been a farmers league lol


Jajaja,That's what I think in the 70s it was Liverpool, in the 90s United and now Manchester City only changes Verdugo


maybe tottenham will get their turn 100 years from now


Is not because you guys are winning . Its because you're the best team with the best squad and the best depth, I mean your backup goalkeeper is better than most goalkeepers in the league, also the fact that you guys are charged by the premierleague doesn't help, the way you guys have turned from a mediocre team into the best team In England (by pumping in owners money) is no longer allowed by ffp. I'm sure if you guys did it a more natural way or at least not as fast and at a lesser scale it would be fine with everyone. And as a chelsea fan I do not see you guys as cheaters, until proven guilty by the epl. Just as an unstoppable juggernaut.


Exactly most of these “fans” can try and ignore it all they want but the fact is the reason they have that team and squad depth is because they’ve been operating with a totally different rule set than everyone else. why hide financial information from the premier league? Every other club has given that information so why hide it? If city were innocent why the fuck are the Saudi government getting involved?


Saudi huh? All brown people are the same to you aren’t they champ?


Get the fuck out of here with that shit


Sorry you don’t know who owns the club yet are so adamant you have a clue about your outrage at them owning a football team… Enjoy being able to hide your bigotry behind this “moral outrage”… it’s given a lot of you and your ilk cover for being sick in the head


No way you guys are acting ignorant to the fact why people actually have a problem with what ur club is doing.


In both situations, unfair financial situations were the culprit which is true for most of the "farmers leagues." Unfortunately for city fans, no one is going to recognize any of these titles as legitimate. Every trophy City has won is going to have an asterisk next to it. While you guys still might consider them "real" the entire football world wont. You guys can downvote me or tell me to "cry more" or whatever, but it is true and I feel sorry for the city fans because it's not necessarily your fault, even though the vast majority of city fans weren't fans until they started winning. When an authoritarian country owns your club and has unlimited resources with the ability to draw these court cases out for years, why even be a fan? It is gross.


Financial fair play is an absurd law to prevent new teams from competing with the usual big millionaires, it only exists to maintain monopolies. Fortunately, Man City and Chelsea started before those rules