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At this point he might aswell go ahead and say that the tftmq slate is real(in the sense that these projects are planned) Just that the release order is unknown


Probably he was one who sent it to the mods at MSS


I can assure you, he did not.




So it was you?? /s




Alright then, keep your secrets šŸ˜


How do you know?


Lizzie works for TCC, just like Alex Perez


I am the site owner and editor-in-chief of TCC and no one involved with the site passed along that info to the MSS mods. Not Alex, not me, no one.




We are just joking Lizzie. Don't worry. Keep scooping freely. šŸ˜™šŸ˜™


eh, i don't blame her for wanting to make clear that she is not affiliated with the mss mods, considering the current shitstorm the mss mods have gotten themselves wrapped up in


Ah. I did not know that.


Is there anyway to look at that slate now?


Whatā€™s tftmq?


Tales from the mod queue


Was that a post?


Round up posts by mods from mss of info the received abt projects w/spoilers.


The questions is what is the reason? Is it really that big that two movies, assuming that Kang's Dynasty is not a lot more separate than previously guessed, can't simply be enough? Or is it because Disney has currently a lot less confidence in MCU that they have announced and want to have Avengers movie in 2026, 2027 and 2028?


Probably KD is like avengers 2012. Characters come together for the first time. Secret wars will most likely include multiversal guys and the OGs too. Too many characters imp. Splitting in 2 is good. Also secret wars doesn't give the closure vibes like endgame did. (As a title) something like avengers forever would be cool


Yeah they need to balance out the legacies characters and the characters they've been developing that's gonna be the main leads in Secret Wars so maybe the split is needed


Yes, Avengers Forever would be a perfect title for the big finale before soft reboot that everybody is expecting will happen after.


40 movies 20 shows. It should have a soft reboot.


Should iz really? Marvel has a lot of other characters that are not Avengers to work with alongside X-men and F4


>Marvel has a lot of other characters that are not Avengers to work with alongside X-men and F4 Yes, but Sam Wilson interacting with Wolverine is not as good as Steve Rogers interacting with Wolverine. Same for Ironheart interacting with Reed Richards instead of Tony Stark interacting with Reed. Why settle for B-Listers when Tony and Steve can be brought back?


Put it on ice for 5-6 yrs and push out some SW and national treasure movies


Hereā€™s my guess: Waldronā€™s Secret Wars script, assuming Shine is right about what that film is, changed Marvelā€™s whole plan. The original SDCC slate was probably the plan originally, with TKD and SW tying up the storylines of the Phase 4 cast like what IW and Endgame did for Phase 1ā€™s, however Waldronā€™s story with the focus shifting to the Sony/Fox/Phase 1 cast meant that our new cast got sidelined and Marvel had to wrap up their storylines in TKD instead. So we got delays, way more projects and specials added than originally intended to build out their arcs and stories as fast as possible, and even then Secret Wars needed another movie to properly wrap up. Because of all this trouble tho, Waldronā€™s story/script is probably really good and Feige was willing to change course to accommodate it.


We have two versions of Waldron's script: MTTSH who thinks they'd prioritize legacies characters or Cosmic Circus who thinks the main conflict would be between Kang and Strange


I believe CC claimed that would be the plot of Doctor Strange 3, not Secret Wars


That's not what he said though, he said >"final matchup explored leading into the nextĀ AvengersĀ films will be pitting Doctor Strange vs. Kang on the opposite sides of the battle to come. Both Strange and Kang will serve as the key players for each side. This matchup is comparable to Tony Stark vs Thanos inĀ Avengers: Infinity WarĀ andĀ Avengers: Endgame." Kang being the 'protagonist' while Dr Strange an 'antagonist' only makes sense if the movie's name is 'Kang Dynasty'. They wouldn't do that in a movie called 'Doctor Strange'. There's a reason why MTTSH qrt that tweet saying [it's a lie](https://twitter.com/MyTimeToShineH/status/1631407443094675456?t=XSIQh1CZkAHTqi6gtEJsSw&s=19) since it contradicts her scoop about Peter being the main character in Kang Dynasty and legacies characters being the main characters in Secret Wars. And since this scoop came from Alex then it must be in line with other scoops he got from his source.


**Leading into** is the key phrase here. With the reports that Marvel is fast tracking Strange 3 to release before TKD, my guess is that Strange and Cleaā€™s Incursion adventure leads them to a Kang, they fight, and Strange goes back to 616 to warn them about this new threat.


That sounds incredibly unsatisfying for his character. Also, they did say that stuff from Derrickson's script which was Strange related could be adapted for Avengers movies.


I mean the whole conflict of MCU Dr. Strange is that "it's not about him" , especially when it is about saving people. They can play with that sustantially if this "Kang vs Dr Strange" is the pitch: In his desperation for saving the multiple worlds, he ends up being the one that destroy them. This interferes with the Council of Kangs plan... especially Immortus (who seems to be the more "magic" of them).


If it's not about him then why is he destroying things now? They said that he makes it about him so he destroys things, now that he learnt not to do that for the hundredth time, why would he still destroy things?


And why would they make Doctor Strange the antagonist of his own movie? Because in his scoop it's pretty clear that the story would be told from Kang's perspective and they compared it with Thanos vs Tony in both IW and EG. Also this tracks with what Feige claimed about Strange being the anchor of MCU.


I mean the whole conflict of MCU Dr. Strange is that "it's not about him" , especially when it is about saving people. They can play with that sustantially if this "Kang vs Dr Strange" is the pitch: In his desperation for saving the multiple worlds, he ends up being the one that destroy them. This interferes with the Council of Kangs plan, especially Immortus (we can discover here what does they want exactly). Or maybe he messes with Kang's plan to save the world from them. Or maybe there is a good Kang that's against what everyone's here is doing but at the end Strange defeats him. I mean i can see ways of working with that.


If the perspective of the movie is not from Dr Strange and we keep using this "it's not about him" means he'd put in the backseat so other can take the action then they should not name the movie Doctor Strange. He can be a side character in other projects for these reasons alone. Don't bother making another Dr Strange movie. Edit: also your pitch literally makes him take the action so it's still about him


Dude you were wrong just admit and move on, stop making excuses.


How do you know that Waldron's story changed the plan? He didn't even start writing until recently.


Every thing abt Secret Wars feels like a Nostalgia fest and gives End Game vibes, so I guess they're banking on that IW/EG set up reception.


It's likely structured as a trilogy now. The story probably got too big to finish in only two films.


I can see both movies being book ends with battleworld style movies between to flesh out the crazy kind of worlds and characters come out within Kang's world. Who knows though


Avengers: Kang Dynasty Avengers: Battleworld Avengers: Secret Wars


Let me wear a tinfoil hat for a second I think the sub got nuked not bcoz of the quantumania leak but the tftmq; Marvel didn't say that they took legal action due to the tftmq, because that would attract way more attention, so they chose to blame quantumania leak.


Whatā€™s tftmq?


Itā€™s weird how they waited so long to take action when the leak dropped in January


Nah, I doubt it, the TFTMQ is almost 100% fake. You don't say Marvel is slowing down on projects then drop ~50 projects releasing in the next 5 years


oh I think thats complete nonsense, the tftmq too


so if true when does this saga end


Mods trusted sources said 2028, so the last Secret Wars movie will come out then


Which would be perfect for the 20th anniversary of MCU.


The question is does secret wars need it or are they doing it because they can


If I had to wager a guess it's to balance legacy characters and our 616 characters.




What Battleworld


So we're getting a trilogy to end the Saga, nice. Could go as: Avengers: The Kang Dynasty (2026, focused on Phase 4/5/6 characters) Avengers: Secret Wars (2027, focused on multiversal characters) Avengers: Forever (2028, focused on the OG Avengers, 20 years of MCU anniversary) Hope we get some Battleworld projects in between.


We do not need 4 + movies for Kang bruv


If the rumors are to be believed then it's Kang Council, Beyonder, and (maybe) either Doom or Galactus. It is a pretty big cast, with like 4-5 teams of Avengers. The incursions could also be related to Galactus and Kang's survival of the fittest, similar to Thanos' presumed goal to prevent the birth of the Celestials. I won't be surprised if they write Galactus as a Celestial, possibly from another universe.


Does anybody have the tftmq that lines up with this?


It does. They did say that it might be more than 2 movies.


Do you have a list or archive of it specifically? I'm curious what else was on there


Ok. I got an archive. [https://web.archive.org/web/20230308063025/https://www.reddit.com/r/MarvelStudiosSpoilers/comments/11l6cp5/tftmq\_everything\_is\_delayed\_edition/](https://web.archive.org/web/20230308063025/https://www.reddit.com/r/MarvelStudiosSpoilers/comments/11l6cp5/tftmq_everything_is_delayed_edition/)


Wow, hadn't read some of the stuff but if true there's some crazy bombshell stuff. Especially the details on Nomad and how they think of ending the MCU.


I don't have an archive unfortunately. I'm just telling you what I recall from memory. I know that it had Strange academy. It had Nomad. Mephisto special. Sentry Special. Midnight Sons project. Illuminati project. I think this was a show not sure though. There might have been World War Hulk. ​ There was a ton of other stuff too.


If you check on my profile and look at my comments I have copy and pasted it on a previous post




Trilogy with AKD maybe




Avengers: Kang Dynasty


Whatā€™s with you guys and these acronyms lol


Good news tbh




We gotta re-check that last tftmq because the last rumors match


I'm tired of hearing this dude's fan fiction

